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The field of Instructional Systems Design (ISD) provides models from which instructional changes can be designed and implemented. In ISD programs, students develop skills in the application of this process and apply these skills in a variety of settings. Although our models also provide a framework from which program change can proceed, few examples exist of the application of ISD to the design of an educational system (Squire, 1999). In this paper we describe the application of Opportunity Initiated Systems Design, apractitioner-based ISD model, in light of our own formative evaluation and program revision of the Instructional Design and Technology program at the University of Iowa. In this case study, we found that the communication of shared definitions was critical and that the probabilistic nature of the model was not a limitation but rather a prompt for further opportunities.  相似文献   

The author critically examines educational systems design (ESD) through the lens of pragmatism. Examining ESD through a lens of pragmatism draws to the foreground issues related to Banathy's (1991, 1996, 2001) idealized systems design for social and societal systems. The author addresses the complex and dynamic nature of systems design, focusing on the systemic processes in which user-designers are continually challenged to inquire, communicate, and consider choices, and make design decisions concerning the nature of the system being designed. The power of social systems design (SSD) lies in the ability to consider the ideal image of a social and/or societal system, critically and pragmatically in relation to creating a new system that will contribute to the evolutionary betterment of society and a sustainable future for humankind. Following an introduction, the author examines pragmatism. Then the author applies a lens of pragmatism, critically, to examine educational systems design in relation to generating change and creating the ideal educational system. The author then argues the pragmatics of educational systems design, concluding the paper with final reflections on ESD as a process.  相似文献   

城市污水管网系统设计的系统工程方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一套适于城市污水管网系统设计的系统工程方法,它包括:污水厂群选址和排水域划分的方法、污水管网系统布局的确定方法、污水管道参数的选择方法.该套方法用于江苏省无锡市污水管网系统的设计中,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

林棋 《系统仿真学报》1996,8(2):41-47,53
本文提出的快速寻优设计法可应用在变频变速的大系统。快速寻优设计和计算机仿真应用的研究。通过上机实践表明本方法能大幅度缩短优化设计的时间。本文还对六阶变频调速系统进行优化设计和仿真,系统动态实验表明,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

为实现复杂机电系统的设计与仿真中多学科应用的集成以及信息的交流与共享,提出了一种复杂机电系统多学科设计与仿真集成框架,并给出了集成框架的参考模型.该集成框架采用了有利于实现设计与仿真应用程序"即插即用"的组件结构,并建立了机电系统设计与仿真公共信息模型和标准应用组件接口.复杂机电系统多学科设计与仿真集成框架以多学科综合设计与仿真为核心,以公共信息模型为基础,通过标准化应用组件接口实现不同工程领域的设计与仿真工具的集成以及设计和仿真信息交流与共享,从而支持多学科团队间的协同工作.  相似文献   

In this paper, the essence of design thinking and systems thinking is reviewed, analyzed, and synthesized. Although there are many valuable schools of systems thinking, I focus on both Banathy's and Senge's since there are design spirit embedded in their systems thinking. I attempt to grasp the spirit of Banathy's systems models and the essence of Senge's systems thinking, incorporating them into my design inquiry. I propose adopting an enlightened, transformative design approach in order to enhance the revolution of the public's inner and outer systems through collaborative design engagement. It is expected that by utilizing the transformative design approach, the public or user–designers could gain the necessary skills to envision their own learning, assume responsibility for designing their own learning environments, and systematically reflect upon their habitual thinking and actions. Ultimately, the user-designers would be able to transform their model-driven or theory-driven approaches to systems application into a cultural approach to the cultivation of systems thinking and design thinking. Indeed, design thinking, as well as contemporary systems thinking are two powerful wings to make us fly in the capacious learning world of the 21st century.  相似文献   

A Model for Design of Human Activity Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A background is given to the common failures of management information systems and the authors' view of the causes behind these failures. There seems to be a lack of effective methods for analyzing information requirements. Different scientific methods are discussed as to their propensity for analyzing the information requirements. The importance of the systems design approach instead of the system improvement approach is emphasized. The concept of Human Activity Systems is discussed and an analysis of the interdependence of the soft and hard parts of these systems indicates that an integrated view is necessary. A methodology based on a systemic and systematic analysis of the information requirements in an organization is proposed. This methodology focuses the settings of the decisions on all levels in organizations and also indicates organizational discrepancies and information imbalances. The methodology can be regarded as a dynamic, learning system.  相似文献   

本文采用解释结构模型(ISM)方法分析煤矿建设项目安全系统结构层次,描述安全要素的影响路径关系,把安全系统划分为现场作业层、安全保障层、决策管理层和监督规范层四个结构层次,界定安全事故涉及的行为主体。采用系统思考观点,讨论造成煤矿建设项目安全系统结构功能失效的原因,有助于深化认识安全事故的致因机理。  相似文献   

介绍了本课题组完成的基于小波分析的控制系统分析和设计平台WaveLab。该平台基于Windows操作系统,具有丰富的控制系统仿真、分析计算和设计功能。平台建立了开放性的结构,具有高度可扩展性,可以把新的数据类型和小波分析算法扩充进来。WaveLab初步实现了基于小波分析进行控制系统分析和设计的目标。  相似文献   

In ancient Athens, the Agora was a place for collective decision making about personal and community issues. New Agoras, most recently Internet-enabled ones, now propose to enliven participatory democracy and establish systems by which our institutions can serve us and we can govern ourselves (B. H. Banathy, Guided Evolution of Society: A Systems View, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, New York, 2000). Effective participation in such activity will require a language and consciousness not currently in evidence, and learning beyond current parameters. In this article, high school students from Stephanie Williams' Child Development classes at McDowell High School, Millcreek Township School District, demonstrate use of a new paradigm. This model of Personal Resource Systems Management provides systems language for Agora discourse enabling effective participatory democracy.  相似文献   

遗传算法在模糊系统优化设计中的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在模糊系统的变节点自适应模糊神经网络实现的基础上,提出一种混合GA优化算法。该算法采用混合编码策略,利用GA对模糊规则和隶属函数同时优化,而对结论参数则用最小二乘法估计。算法综合了GA强大空间搜索能力和传统优化方法的快速收敛和高精度的优点,在保证全局优化能力的条件下,综合考虑了模糊控制器的复杂程度、训练速度和控制精度。仿真结果及应用表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

国外系统科学界对系统科学理论体系的阐述大致可划分为三类:一是互补论,强调系统科学与经典科学的相互补充,代表人物Klir、Flood和切克兰德;二是集合论,把系统科学看作相关学科或研究领域的集合,代表人物Troncale、M’pherson、Warfield等;三是数学方法论,把系统科学看做某种数学系统理论,代表人物贝塔朗菲。  相似文献   

以系统科学的视角,重新认识马克思重建个人所有制的理论内涵。阐释重建个人所有制思想,是由生产资料全社会共同占有和私人所有等要素构成的系统科学理论体系。确认以坚持和完善社会主义初级阶段为主的四条路径内在联系的有机统一,是有利于重建个人所有制系统整体功能发挥的最优选择。提出对重建个人所有制系统来说,处理好与其他系统即环境之间的关系,最终达到重建个人所有制整体功能大于其各部分功能之和的功效,即实现真正意义上的重建个人所有制。  相似文献   

面向对象系统设计方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先对面向对象系统设计方法的使用背景进行了分析,提出了此背景下面向对象系统设计的方法,并简单给出了实例。整个设计包括静态结构模型的设计和动态行为模型的设计,静态结构模型是通过一系列类和类层次的设计表示系统的静态组成结构,动态行为模型则是用类的实例化对象描述系统的行为过程。设计结果用一系列图形表示。整个设计过程是相互交替、补充的。此方法充分利用了面向对象的机制,如继承、封装等,体现了面向对象技术的特性,如扩充性、重用性等  相似文献   

基于HLA的电子信息作战训练仿真系统分析与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用工程化的过程、方法和工具进行分析与设计是仿真系统开发的基础环节。参照建模与仿真领域和软件工程领域中的模型开发与运行过程模型,将基于HLA的电子信息作战训练仿真系统的分析和设计过程划分为一系列相互关联的阶段,每个阶段形成不同应用目的的模型,其中,系统结构和行为模型的创建基于联邦成员软件框架代码自动生成工具KD-FedWizard。示例表明,分阶段的分析与设计过程具有较好的工程可实现性;联邦成员软件框架代码自动生成工具的运用提高了电子信息作战训练仿真系统分析和设计的效率。  相似文献   

This paper describes in short a new approach to the solution of a practical design problem. The procedures for the approach are based on the use of a systems methodology. The main topics present the development of a project from the external assignment through detailed algorithms of systems modeling to the identification of the solution system.  相似文献   

国内系统科学界对系统科学理论体系的阐述大致可划分为三类:一是静态集合论,把系统科学看做各论的静态集合;二是动态集合论,从历史演化的视角整合系统科学各论;三是重建论,把系统科学看作一门新学科,在已有系统科学各论基础上,重构系统科学理论体系。  相似文献   

应用软件系统人机界面的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在应用软件系统的开发中,人们日益认识到应当重新评价人在人—机系统中的地位。程序设计的基本框架从告诉计算机“如何去做”;告诉计算机“应该做些什么”;发展为人与计算机“共同来做”。与此同时,人机界面的概念也发生了显著的变化。新的人机界面结构体系和设计原则成了近几年有关学术讨论会议和文章的热门话题之一。  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in integrating decision support systems (DSS) and expert systems (ES) to provide decision makers a more accessible, productive and domain-independent information and computing environment. This paper is aimed at designing a multiple expert systems integrated decision support system (MESIDSS) to enhance decision makers' ability in more complex cases. The basic framework, management system of multiple ESs, and functions of MESIDSS are presented. The applications of MESIDSS in large-scale decision making processes are discussed from the following aspects of problem decomposing, dynamic combination of multiple ESs, link of multiple bases and decision coordinating. Finally, a summary and some ideas for the future are presented.  相似文献   

在给出社会实践管理系统组织化的主要内容,即系统结构和运行设计的基础上,提出了相应的设计原则;同时,按照“为什么做——做什么——如何做”的问题解决思路,将社会实践管理组织化过程分为情景分析、任务设计、功能设计、结构和运行设计、实施设计以及设计评价六个阶段,从而形成了一种较为系统化的社会实践管理系统组织化体系。  相似文献   

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