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一种基于全局和局部光照估计的Retinex图像增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具有色彩还原特性的Retinex算法,可以实现图像对比度、亮度提高及色彩还原;但是增强后的图像色彩饱和度下降严重,色彩失真,其关键在于光照分量的估计失真。针对上述问题,提出了基于全局光照和局部光照细分的Retinex增强算法,实现了图像光照分量的精确计算;并通过实验证明增强后的图像在提高亮度突出细节的同时,最大程度保持了原来的真实色彩。  相似文献   

针对全局光照尤其是多光源的全局光照的复杂性使其一直局限于离线应用的问题.对能量大的能代表多个光源的主光源,采用立即辐射度的方法,跟踪其光线产生虚拟点光源(VPLs:Virtual Point Lights),这些VPLs再照亮场景实现实时的一次反射的间接光照.对场景中其他非主光源采用预计算光照图的方式计算其直接光照,动...  相似文献   

With the rapid development of manufacturing technology, the traditional simulation of machining can not meet the people‘s need. Research on virtual machining environment is one of the key parts of virtual manufacturing technology. According to the features of virtual turning, this paper proposes a simplified Whitted lighting model based on analysis of Phong and other local illumination model. This model takes the material and roughness of workpiece into account to calculate the roughness coefficient D, geom...  相似文献   

热表面张力驱动的对流是微重力下浮区法晶体生长中熔体最重要的物质与热输运方式。采用单松弛双分布函数格子Boltzmann模型,自主开发了相应的格子Boltzmann方法的串行和MPI并行程序包,并应用该程序包对开口方腔内流体的二维热表面张力对流进行了数值模拟研究。其中串行程序合并碰撞迁移过程和引入临时数组以连续读入分布函数,相比分开碰撞迁移过程,计算性能提高了二倍;在此基础上,采用单向计算区域分区和非阻塞通信模式,实现了MPI版格子Boltzmann并行程序包开发。对比基于传统有限体积法CFD程序计算结果表明,串行和MPI并行版格子Boltzmann程序包计算结果精确可靠;并行程序具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM)是一种近年来发展的一种数值方法。它具有并行效率高,边界处理简单的特点。本文采用一种能对曲线边界进行较好处理的方法,用LBM对Re=100圆柱绕流进行了计算,计算结果和经典结果一致。进一步,对柱群间复杂流场做了模拟,结果表明,此方法在处理复杂边界是有效的,并且具有较好的并行效率。  相似文献   

Lignocellulose biomass has been recognized as one of the most promising sources of low-cost and renewable biofuels, and its conversion into alternative fuels and valuable platform molecules has attracted widespread attention. The porous solid residue from lignocellulose biomass, which was pretreated by steam-stripping, is catalyzed by dilute sulfuric acid to form levulinic acid (LA). The process includes porous media diffusion, multicomponent reactive transport, liquid-solid interface reaction, and cellulose dissolution. Understanding the interactions between these complex physicochemical processes is the basis for optimizing the performance of the hydrolysis reaction. In this study, a porous reaction transport model based on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was established to simulate the conversion of cellulose to LA which was catalyzed by dilute acid. The simulation results were compared with the existing experimental results to verify the accuracy of the model. The simulation results showed that temperature has a significant effect on hydrolysis and the highest carbon yield was obtained at 180 °C. Without considering the lignin reaction, the higher the sulfuric acid concentration, the better is the hydrolysis efficiency in the range of 4% – 8%. The influence of cellulose content and steam-stripping the residue porosity on the dissolution rate of cellulose was also evaluated. The average dissolution rate of cellulose is the highest within 75 min, when the porosity is 0.7 and the cellulose content is 50%.  相似文献   

变倾角倾斜面上太阳辐射总量的气候学计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以水平面上的太阳辐射日总量的气候学计算公式为基础,导出了不同方位变倾角倾斜面上的太阳辐射日总量的气候学计算公式,并根据广西的太阳辐射数据,选定南宁地区为实例,计算了南宁地区斜面倾角在0°~90°之间变化,方位角分别为0、π/2、π、-π/2等情况下,斜面上的太阳辐射收入的旬平均日总量,作出了Ht-d-s三维图及它们的等值图。  相似文献   

采用晶格Boltzmann方法,通过计算机数值模拟,研究激发介质中时空混沌的产生与控制。结果发现激发介质螺旋波的失稳属于多普勒失稳;螺旋波破碎成时空混沌前出现波头螺旋式运动;处于时空混沌态的系统各个位置具有相同的振幅谱;适当频率的正弦振荡信号可有效地控制时空混沌态。  相似文献   

运用9 Bit的格子Boltzamnn方法对二维直角管道中高Reynolds流动进行数值模拟, 得到了在不同雷诺数下不可压缩流动涡的涡心的位置分布及其演化斑图.  相似文献   

应用并行格子Boltzmann算法分别对二维管道中方柱、 圆柱和NACA0012机翼绕流问题进行计算, 得到了在不同雷诺数、 不同时间步的流动结果. 计算结果表明, 并行算法的使用可增加流场的计算区域.  相似文献   

应用格子Boltzmann方法模拟了黏性泥沙三维分形絮团在明渠水流中的沉降、破裂过程,揭示了絮团在水流剪切作用下的破裂机理.结果表明,水流流速较小时,絮团将不发生破裂而沉积到海床;在水流流速较大的情况下,强度较小的絮团将在水流剪切作用下发生破裂,破裂后的单个泥沙颗粒或小絮团随水流一起运动,不会沉降到床面,而强度较大的絮团在经受近底剪切变形后仍可沉降到床面.絮团沉降破裂过程的格子Boltzmann模拟结果与已有的直观认识一致.  相似文献   

二维对流扩散方程的格子BGK模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用D2Q4模型给出二维对流扩散方程的带修正项的BGK型格子Boltzmann方法.数值模拟与理论结果相吻合.  相似文献   

本文运用Kaniel和Shinbrot[1]以及Illner和Shinbrot[2]文章思想,构造无外力型两粒子Boltzmann方程组分离系统,从而证明了两粒子Boltzmann方程组小初值情况下整体解的存在唯一性.  相似文献   

The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), a mesoscopic method between the molecular dynamics method and the conventional numerical methods, has been developed into a very efficient numerical alternative in the past two decades. Unlike conventional numerical methods, the kinetic theory based LBM simulates fluid flows by tracking the evolution of the particle distribution function, and then accumulates the distribution to obtain macroscopic averaged properties. In this article we review some work on LBM applications in engineering thermophysics: (1) brief introduction to the development of the LBM; (2) fundamental theory of LBM including the Boltzmann equation, Maxwell distribution function, Boltzmann-BGK equation, and the lattice Boltzmann-BGK equation; (3) lattice Boltzmann models for compressible flows and non-equilibrium gas flows, bounce back-specular-reflection boundary scheme for microscale gaseous flows, the mass modified outlet boundary scheme for fully developed flows, and an implicit-explicit finite-difference-based LBM; and (4) applications of the LBM to oscillating flow, compressible flow, porous media flow, non-equilibrium flow, and gas resonant oscillating flow.  相似文献   

介绍了消防照明应急中存在的问题,提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

数值模拟放置附属圆柱的主圆柱绕流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用格子Boltzmann方法, 对主圆柱尾流区域内放置附属圆柱的绕流进行数值模拟. 结果表明: 放置单个附属圆柱时, 主圆柱所受阻力减小, 阻力
系数发生周期性改变; 放置两个附属圆柱的减阻效果更好.  相似文献   

格子Boltzmann方法在非牛顿流体研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了用于非牛顿流体的格子Boltzmann方法,通过Chapman-Enskog展开和多尺度技术,并选择特定的平衡态分布函数的形式,可以得到非牛顿流体流动 的宏观Navier-Stokes方程,并且流体满足宾汉模式的本构关系。  相似文献   

利用格子Boltzmann方法对微通道内甲醇水蒸汽重整制氢反应过程进行模拟,建立了双速率动力学平行反应机理的格子演化模型。分析了边界温度和进口流速的变化对甲醇转化率,氢气和一氧化碳的出口含量以及通道中的最大温差的影响。当边界温度和进口速度一定时,分析了整个反应过程中各组分的变化情况。结果表明,在水醇比,边界温度以及进口速度分别为1.3、523 K、0.1 m/s的情况下:甲醇出口转化率最高达94.36%;氢气的含量为0.0989;CO的含量为0.0095%。发现随边界温度升高,进口流速的减小,CO的含量会进一步增加。  相似文献   

It is attractive and meaningful to apply the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to electrohydrodynamic (EHD) problems. As an important and fundamental problem in EHD, the behavior of freely-suspended liquid drops subjected to electrostatic fields was simulated with a 2-D LBM by means of the permittiv- ity-density relation proposed by the authors and Peng’s multiphase LBM which can obtain high liquid-to-vapor density ratio and low liquid-phase compressibility. The phenomena and laws of deformation, especially the instable behavior of the liquid drops were well simulated. And two important critical parameters, i.e. the critical permittivity ratio and the critical electric-field strength were obtained. These results agree with the corresponding theories and experiments. The simulations show the particular advantages and potential of the LBM in studying multiphase electrohydrodynamic problems.  相似文献   

A new lattice Boltzmann model is proposed for the coupling of multi-physics in natural convection by introducing another distri-bution function to represent the scalar transport of mass and an additional source term on the right hand side of the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) based on the TD2G9 model. According to the Boussinesq assumption and considering the coupled diffusive effect, the governing equations for the coupling of multi-physics in natural convection is proposed based on the non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory. Combined with the algorithm for the reconstruction of a porous medium, this model is used to investigate the coupled heat and mass transfer under multi-physics of natural convection inside a porous medium at the pore scale. The characteristic of profiles of dimensionless velocity, temperature and concentration are shown graphically for different values of Rayleigh number (Ra) and porosity. Furthermore, the influence of the temperature gradient on the mass transfer inside a porous medium has been examined numerically. Thus, the mechanism of the coupled heat and mass transfer inside a porous medium is investigated numerically at the pore scale innovatively.  相似文献   

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