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Paramyosin muscle in the notochord of Amphioxus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P R Flood  D M Guthrie  J R Banks 《Nature》1969,222(5188):87-88

在首次建立兔疥螨人工感染增殖以及分离纯化方法的基础上,参考Gene Bank中登录的红狐疥螨副肌球蛋白基因序列(AF462195)以及人疥螨副肌球蛋白部分基因序列(AF317670)所设计的特异性引物,首次用RT-PCR方法直接扩增出了兔疥螨副肌球蛋白部分基因(登录号为DQ131648).序列分析表明:兔疥螨与红狐疥螨及人疥螨副肌球蛋白的序列相似性分别为99.3%和99.4%,推导氨基酸序列的相似性分别为99.5%和100%.进化树分析可知,3者在亲缘关系上极为相近,而兔疥螨与人疥螨则更为接近.  相似文献   

Epsilon-N-dimethyllysine in amoeba actin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R R Weihing  E D Korn 《Nature》1970,227(5264):1263-1264

Interaction of actin and myosin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S V Perry  J Cotterill 《Nature》1965,206(980):161-163

K Hirayama  S Matsushita  I Kikuchi  M Iuchi  N Ohta  T Sasazuki 《Nature》1987,327(6121):426-430
Antigens that produce an antibody response in some members of a species may fail to do so in others. The response to an antigen is controlled by a gene termed the immune response (Ir) gene, which is transmitted as a single dominant trait. We have provided evidence for similar immune suppression (Is) genes which control non-responsiveness through the antigen specific suppressor T cell. The non-responsiveness is also dominantly inherited and the Is genes are linked to the histocompatibility (HLA) antigen system. Here we report that the HLA-DR2 molecule from a non-responder haplotype (HLA-Dw12-DR2-DQwl) is required for the proliferative T cell response to schistosoma japonicum (Sj) antigen, as a restriction element, indicating that the HLA-DR2 is the product of the Ir gene, and that the HLA-DQwl molecule of the non-responder haplotype is important in the antigen-specific suppression of the response to this antigen, suggesting that it is the product of the Is gene. We therefore conclude that the HLA-DR and DQ molecules, which are controlled by the distinct genes in the MHC multigene family, regulate immune response and immune suppression and that the gene for HLA-DQ is epistatic to that for HLA-DR in controlling the immune response to schistosomal antigen in humans.  相似文献   

Actin is a protein abundant in cells. Recently, it has been proved to be universally existent in the nuclei of many cell types. Actin and actin-binding proteins, as well as aetin-related proteins, are necessary for the mediation of the conformation and function of nuclear actin, including the transformation of actin between unpolymerized and polymerized, chromatin remodeling, regulation of gene expression and RNA processing as well as RNA transportation. In this paper, we summarized the progresses in the research of nuclear actin.  相似文献   

A Wegner 《Nature》1985,313(5998):97-98

The organization of myosin and actin in vertebrate smooth muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J Lowy  J V Small 《Nature》1970,227(5253):46-51

M Geisow 《Nature》1979,278(5704):507-508

STRAUB FB  FEUER G  LAJOS I 《Nature》1948,162(4110):217

Alteration in crossbridge kinetics caused by mutations in actin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D R Drummond  M Peckham  J C Sparrow  D C White 《Nature》1990,348(6300):440-442
The generation of force during muscle contraction results from the interaction of myosin and actin. The kinetics of this force generation vary between different muscle types and within the same muscle type in different species. Most attention has focused on the role of myosin isoforms in determining these differences. The role of actin isoforms has received little attention, largely because of the lack of a suitable cell type in which the myosin isoform remains constant yet the actin isoforms vary. An alternative approach would be to examine the effect of actin mutations, however, most of these cause such gross disruption of muscle structure that mechanical measurements are impossible. We have now identified two actin mutations which, despite involving conserved amino acids, can assemble into virtually normal myofibrils. These amino-acid changes in actin significantly affect the kinetics of force generation by muscle fibres. One of the mutations is not in the putative myosin-binding site, demonstrating the importance of long-range effects of amino acids on actin function.  相似文献   

Organization of actin in a mammalian smooth muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G F Elliott  J Lowy 《Nature》1968,219(5150):156-157

S Okabe  N Hirokawa 《Nature》1990,343(6257):479-482
The cytoskeleton has an important role in the generation and maintenance of the structure of the axon. Microtubules, neurofilaments and actin, together with various kinds of associated proteins, form highly organized dynamic cytoskeletal structures. Because tubulin and actin molecules are essential cytoskeletal components and are transported down the axon, it is important to understand their dynamic behaviour within the axon. Although previous pulse-labelling studies have indicated that the axonal cytoskeleton is a static complex travelling down the axon, this view has been challenged by the results of several recent experiments. We have now addressed this question by analysing the recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching fluorescent analogues of tubulin and actin in the axons of cultured neurons. We did not observe movement or spreading of bleached zones along the axon, both in neurons injected with fluorescein-labelled tubulin and actin. All bleached zones recovered their fluorescence gradually, however, indicating that microtubules and actin filaments are not static polymers moving forward within the axon, but are dynamic structures that continue to assemble along the length of the axon.  相似文献   

Requirement of yeast fimbrin for actin organization and morphogenesis in vivo   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
A E Adams  D Botstein  D G Drubin 《Nature》1991,354(6352):404-408
The SAC6 gene was found by suppression of a yeast actin mutation. Its protein product, Sac6p (previously referred to as ABP67), was independently isolated by actin-filament affinity chromatography and colocalizes with actin in vivo. Thus Sac6p binds to actin in vitro, and functionally associates with actin structures involved in the development and maintenance of cell polarity in vivo. We report here that Sac6p is an actin-filament bundling protein 43% identical in amino-acid sequence to the vertebrate bundling protein fimbrin. This yeast fimbrin homologue contains two putative actin-binding regions homologous to domains of dystrophin, beta-spectrin, filamin, actin-gelation protein and alpha-actinin. Mutants lacking Sac6p do not form normal actin structures and are defective in morphogenesis. These findings demonstrate an in vivo role for the well-documented biochemical interaction between fimbrin and actin.  相似文献   

Atomic model of the actin filament   总被引:86,自引:0,他引:86  
K C Holmes  D Popp  W Gebhard  W Kabsch 《Nature》1990,347(6288):44-49
The F-actin filament has been constructed from the atomic structure of the actin monomer to fit the observed X-ray fibre diagram from oriented gels of F-actin. A unique orientation of the monomer with respect to the actin helix has been found. The main interactions are along the two-start helix with a contribution from a loop extending across the filament axis provided by the molecule in the adjacent strand. There are also contacts along the left-handed genetic helix.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri O  Parekh SH  Fletcher DA 《Nature》2007,445(7125):295-298
The mechanical properties of cells play an essential role in numerous physiological processes. Organized networks of semiflexible actin filaments determine cell stiffness and transmit force during mechanotransduction, cytokinesis, cell motility and other cellular shape changes. Although numerous actin-binding proteins have been identified that organize networks, the mechanical properties of actin networks with physiological architectures and concentrations have been difficult to measure quantitatively. Studies of mechanical properties in vitro have found that crosslinked networks of actin filaments formed in solution exhibit stress stiffening arising from the entropic elasticity of individual filaments or crosslinkers resisting extension. Here we report reversible stress-softening behaviour in actin networks reconstituted in vitro that suggests a critical role for filaments resisting compression. Using a modified atomic force microscope to probe dendritic actin networks (like those formed in the lamellipodia of motile cells), we observe stress stiffening followed by a regime of reversible stress softening at higher loads. This softening behaviour can be explained by elastic buckling of individual filaments under compression that avoids catastrophic fracture of the network. The observation of both stress stiffening and softening suggests a complex interplay between entropic and enthalpic elasticity in determining the mechanical properties of actin networks.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum Schw. are reacted with rabbit anti-actin antibody, and detected with FITC-conjugated sheep anti-rabbit IgG antibody. The results of indirect immunofluorescence show that actin exists in the mitochondria. Western blot analysis confirms the existence of actin in the protein preparation of the mitochondria. The indirect immunoelectron microscopic observation using the same antibodies verifies further that actin is the constituents of mitochondria, and it is dispersively distributed in the mitochondria of P. polycephalum.  相似文献   

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