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Zhu X Luke A Cooper RS Quertermous T Hanis C Mosley T Gu CC Tang H Rao DC Risch N Weder A 《Nature genetics》2005,37(2):177-181
Identification of genetic variants that contribute to risk of hypertension is challenging. As a complement to linkage and candidate gene association studies, we carried out admixture mapping using genome-scan microsatellite markers among the African American participants in the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Family Blood Pressure Program. This population was assumed to have experienced recent admixture from ancestral groups originating in Africa and Europe. We used a set of unrelated individuals from Nigeria to represent the African ancestral population and used the European Americans in the Family Blood Pressure Program to provide estimates of allele frequencies for the European ancestors. We genotyped a common set of 269 microsatellite markers in the three groups at the same laboratory. The distribution of marker location-specific African ancestry, based on multipoint analysis, was shifted upward in hypertensive cases versus normotensive controls, consistent with linkage to genes conferring susceptibility. This shift was largely due to a small number of loci, including five adjacent markers on chromosome 6q and two on chromosome 21q. These results suggest that chromosome 6q24 and 21q21 may contain genes influencing risk of hypertension in African Americans. 相似文献
High-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci in outbred mice 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
Screening the whole genome of a cross between two inbred animal strains has proved to be a powerful method for detecting genetic loci underlying quantitative behavioural traits, but the level of resolution offered by quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping is still too coarse to permit molecular cloning of the genetic determinants. To achieve high-resolution mapping, we used an outbred stock of mice for which the entire genealogy is known. The heterogeneous stock (HS) was established 30 years ago from an eight-way cross of C57BL/6, BALB/c, RIII, AKR, DBA/2, I, A/J and C3H inbred mouse strains. At the time of the experiment reported here, the HS mice were at generation 58, theoretically offering at least a 30-fold increase in resolution for QTL mapping compared with a backcross or an F2 intercross. Using the HS mice we have mapped a QTL influencing a psychological trait in mice to a 0.8-cM interval on chromosome 1. This method allows simultaneous fine mapping of multiple QTLs, as shown by our report of a second QTL on chromosome 12. The high resolution possible with this approach makes QTLs accessible to positional cloning. 相似文献
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are valuable genetic markers of human disease. They also comprise the highest potential density marker set available for mapping experimentally derived mutations in model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans. To facilitate the positional cloning of mutations we have identified polymorphisms in CB4856, an isolate from a Hawaiian island that shows a uniformly high density of polymorphisms compared with the reference Bristol N2 strain. Based on 5.4 Mbp of aligned sequences, we predicted 6,222 polymorphisms. Furthermore, 3,457 of these markers modify restriction enzyme recognition sites ('snip-SNPs') and are therefore easily detected as RFLPs. Of these, 493 were experimentally confirmed by restriction digest to produce a snip-SNP map of the worm genome. A mapping strategy using snip-SNPs and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) is outlined. CB4856 is crossed into a mutant strain, and exclusion of CB4856 alleles of a subset of snip-SNPs in mutant progeny is assessed with BSA. The proximity of a linked marker to the mutation is estimated by the relative proportion of each form of the biallelic marker in populations of wildtype and mutant genomes. The usefulness of this approach is illustrated by the rapid mapping of the dyf-5 gene. 相似文献
Module networks: identifying regulatory modules and their condition-specific regulators from gene expression data 总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40
Segal E Shapira M Regev A Pe'er D Botstein D Koller D Friedman N 《Nature genetics》2003,34(2):166-176
Much of a cell's activity is organized as a network of interacting modules: sets of genes coregulated to respond to different conditions. We present a probabilistic method for identifying regulatory modules from gene expression data. Our procedure identifies modules of coregulated genes, their regulators and the conditions under which regulation occurs, generating testable hypotheses in the form 'regulator X regulates module Y under conditions W'. We applied the method to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression data set, showing its ability to identify functionally coherent modules and their correct regulators. We present microarray experiments supporting three novel predictions, suggesting regulatory roles for previously uncharacterized proteins. 相似文献
Cancer cells frequently have disease-specific chromosome rearrangements. It is poorly understood why translocations between chromosomes recur at specific breakpoints in the genome. Here we provide evidence that higher-order spatial genome organization is a contributing factor in the formation of recurrent translocations. We show that MYC, BCL and immunoglobulin loci, which are recurrently translocated in various B-cell lymphomas, are preferentially positioned in close spatial proximity relative to each other in normal B cells. Loci in spatial proximity are non-randomly positioned towards the nuclear interior in normal B cells. This locus proximity is the consequence of higher-order genome structure rather than a property of individual genes. Our results suggest that the formation of specific translocations in human lymphomas, and perhaps other tissues, is determined in part by higher-order spatial organization of the genome. 相似文献
Francino MP 《Nature genetics》2005,37(6):573-577
Current models for the evolution of new gene functions after gene duplication presume that the duplication events themselves have no effect on fitness. But those duplications that result in new gene functions are likely to be positively selected from their inception. The evolution of new function may start with the amplification of an existing gene with some level of preadaptation for that function, followed by a period of competitive evolution among the gene copies, resulting in the preservation of the most effective variant and the 'pseudogenization' and eventual loss of the rest. 相似文献
The mouse mutation fidget arose spontaneously in a heterogeneous albino stock. This mutant mouse is characterized by a side-to-side head-shaking and circling behaviour, due to reduced or absent semicircular canals. Fidget mice also have small eyes, associated with cell-cycle delay and insufficient growth of the retinal neural epithelium, and lower penetrance skeletal abnormalities, including pelvic girdle dysgenesis, skull bone fusions and polydactyly. By positional cloning, we found the gene mutated in fidget mice, fidgetin (Fign), which encodes a new member of the 'meiotic' or subfamily-7 (SF7; ref. 7) group of ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA proteins). We also discovered two closely related mammalian genes. AAA proteins are molecular chaperones that facilitate a variety of functions, including membrane fusion, proteolysis, peroxisome biogenesis, endosome sorting and meiotic spindle formation, but functions for the SF7 AAA proteins are largely unknown. Fidgetin is the first mutant AAA protein found in a mammalian developmental mutant, thus defining a new role for these proteins in embryonic development. 相似文献
Population genomics of human gene expression 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Stranger BE Nica AC Forrest MS Dimas A Bird CP Beazley C Ingle CE Dunning M Flicek P Koller D Montgomery S Tavaré S Deloukas P Dermitzakis ET 《Nature genetics》2007,39(10):1217-1224
Genetic variation influences gene expression, and this variation in gene expression can be efficiently mapped to specific genomic regions and variants. Here we have used gene expression profiling of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines of all 270 individuals genotyped in the HapMap Consortium to elucidate the detailed features of genetic variation underlying gene expression variation. We find that gene expression is heritable and that differentiation between populations is in agreement with earlier small-scale studies. A detailed association analysis of over 2.2 million common SNPs per population (5% frequency in HapMap) with gene expression identified at least 1,348 genes with association signals in cis and at least 180 in trans. Replication in at least one independent population was achieved for 37% of cis signals and 15% of trans signals, respectively. Our results strongly support an abundance of cis-regulatory variation in the human genome. Detection of trans effects is limited but suggests that regulatory variation may be the key primary effect contributing to phenotypic variation in humans. We also explore several methodologies that improve the current state of analysis of gene expression variation. 相似文献
It has recently been shown that RNA interference can be induced in cultured mammalian cells by delivery of short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Here we describe a method for efficient in vivo delivery of siRNAs to organs of postnatal mice and demonstrate effective and specific inhibition of transgene expression in a variety of organs. 相似文献
Sun J Zheng SL Wiklund F Isaacs SD Purcell LD Gao Z Hsu FC Kim ST Liu W Zhu Y Stattin P Adami HO Wiley KE Dimitrov L Sun J Li T Turner AR Adams TS Adolfsson J Johansson JE Lowey J Trock BJ Partin AW Walsh PC Trent JM Duggan D Carpten J Chang BL Grönberg H Isaacs WB Xu J 《Nature genetics》2008,40(10):1153-1155
We carried out a fine-mapping study in the HNF1B gene at 17q12 in two study populations and identified a second locus associated with prostate cancer risk, approximately 26 kb centromeric to the first known locus (rs4430796); these loci are separated by a recombination hot spot. We confirmed the association with a SNP in the second locus (rs11649743) in five additional populations, with P = 1.7 x 10(-9) for an allelic test of the seven studies combined. The association at each SNP remained significant after adjustment for the other SNP. 相似文献
Efficient generation and mapping of recessive developmental mutations using ENU mutagenesis 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Herron BJ Lu W Rao C Liu S Peters H Bronson RT Justice MJ McDonald JD Beier DR 《Nature genetics》2002,30(2):185-189
Treatment with N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) efficiently generates single-nucleotide mutations in mice. Along with the renewed interest in this approach, much attention has been given recently to large screens with broad aims; however, more finely focused studies have proven very productive as well. Here we show how mutagenesis together with genetic mapping can facilitate the rapid characterization of recessive loci required for normal embryonic development. We screened third-generation progeny of mutagenized mice at embryonic day (E) 18.5 for abnormalities of organogenesis. We ascertained 15 monogenic mutations in the 54 families that were comprehensively analyzed. We carried out the experiment as an outcross, which facilitated the genetic mapping of the mutations by haplotype analysis. We mapped seven of the mutations and identified the affected locus in two lines. Using a hierarchical approach, it is possible to maximize the efficiency of this analysis so that it can be carried out easily with modest infrastructure and resources. 相似文献
Association analysis of NOTCH4 loci in schizophrenia using family and population-based controls 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sklar P Schwab SG Williams NM Daly M Schaffner S Maier W Albus M Trixler M Eichhammer P Lerer B Hallmayer J Norton N Williams H Zammit S Cardno AG Jones S McCarthy G Milanova V Kirov G O'Donovan MC Lander ES Owen MJ Wildenauer DB 《Nature genetics》2001,28(2):126-128
A genetic association between NOTCH4 and schizophrenia has previously been proposed. Unsing all markers previously shown to be associated, we found no evidence for such in three independent family-based samples (n=519 parent-offspring trios), and a case-control sample derived from the same ethnic background as the original observation. These data strongly suggest that NOTCH4 is not a significant susceptibility allele for schizophrenia. 相似文献
A literature network of human genes for high-throughput analysis of gene expression 总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27
We have carried out automated extraction of explicit and implicit biomedical knowledge from publicly available gene and text databases to create a gene-to-gene co-citation network for 13,712 named human genes by automated analysis of titles and abstracts in over 10 million MEDLINE records. The associations between genes have been annotated by linking genes to terms from the medical subject heading (MeSH) index and terms from the gene ontology (GO) database. The extracted database and accompanying web tools for gene-expression analysis have collectively been named 'PubGene'. We validated the extracted networks by three large-scale experiments showing that co-occurrence reflects biologically meaningful relationships, thus providing an approach to extract and structure known biology. We validated the applicability of the tools by analyzing two publicly available microarray data sets. 相似文献
A broad understanding of the relationship between gene activation, pattern formation and morphogenesis will require adequate tools for three-dimensional and, perhaps four-dimensional, representation and analysis of molecular developmental processes. We present a novel, computer-based method for the 3D visualization of embryonic gene expression and morphological structures from serial sections. The information from these automatically aligned 3D reconstructions exceeds that from single-section and whole-mount visualizations of in situ hybridizations. In addition, these 3D models of gene-expression patterns can become a central component of a future developmental database designed for the collection and presentation of digitized, morphological and gene-expression data. This work is accompanied by a web site (http://www.univie.ac.at/GeneEMAC). 相似文献