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Recent distribution maps show raccoon as occupying only the extreme eastern - northeastern portion of Wyoming. However, there is substantial evidence that raccoon are common throughout Wyoming and currently inhabit all the major and many of the minor drainages throughout Wyoming.  相似文献   

Helminth parasites of the Wyoming ground squirrel, Spermophilus elegans Kennicott, 1863, were surveyed from two environmentally different habitats within Wyoming. A total of four helminth species were identified. Three helminth species were found in 419 hosts collected in a mesic habitat including one species of adult cestode, Hymenolepis citelli, and two species of nematodes, Citellinema bifurcatum and Syphacia citelli. Only larval cestodes ( Taenia taxidiensis ) were found infecting 335 Wyoming ground squirrels collected from a xeric habitat.  相似文献   

Five species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. beecheyi [prevalence = 17.9%], E. callospermophili-morainensis [28.6%], E. larimerensis [16.1%], and E. bilamellata [3.6%]) were recovered from 56, 13-lined ground squirrels ( Spermophilus tridicemlineatus ) collected from two sites in eastern Wyoming. Two squirrels from one site were also passing an unidentified polysporocystic coccidian. Infected squirrels were found to harbor from one to three species simultaneously. Previously these same eimerian species were found infecting sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels. ( Spermophilus elegans ) and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leacurus ) at one of the sites; it is suggested that the exchange of these generalist parasite species among co-occurring sciurid hosts contributes to the consistent prevalence levels reported in Wyoming ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Collections of crayfish by Wyoming Game and Fish Department biologists and University of Wyoming staff in 1985-1987 included five species: Pacifastacus gambelii , the only species found in the Snake River and Bear River drainages of western Wyoming; Orconectes neglectus neglectus , collected from one reservoir in the South Platte River drainage in southeastern Wyoming (its first reported occurrence in the state); O. immunis and O. virilis ,widespread east of the Continental Divide and in the Green River drainage of southwestern Wyoming; and Cambarus Diogenes Diogenes , collected from a tributary of the North Platte River in eastern Wyoming.  相似文献   

Six species of the coccidian genus Eimeria ( E. larimerensis [prevalence = 17%], E. bilamellata [12%] E. beecheyi [34%], E. morainensis [43%], E. callospermophili [21%], and E. spermophili [5%]) were recovered from Wyoming ground squirrels ( Spermophilus elegans elegans ) collected during 1983, 1984, 1985, and 1986. Infected ground squirrels were found to harbor from one to five species simultaneously. The 1007 hosts examined were collected from two different habitats: (1) a xeric desert shrub-steppe and (2) an irrigated alfalfa-brome field. All species of Eimeria occurred at each study site during all years, although the prevalence of each species varied between years. This is the first report of these congeries of species infecting this host. In a second study of sympatric populations of Wyoming ground squirrels and white-tailed prairie dogs ( Cynomys leucurus ), found three species of Eimeria present in both host populations ( E. beecheyi [white-tailed prairie dog prevalence = 83%, Wyoming ground squirrel = 52%], E. morainensis [22%, 52%], and E. bilamellata [17%, 10%]). This is the first report of these three species infecting white-tailed prairie dogs. Eimeria larimerensis was found in Wyoming ground squirrels but not in prairie dogs.  相似文献   

Natural gas extraction and field development are pervasive throughout the sagebrush steppe of Wyoming. We conducted this study to determine how roads associated with natural gas extraction affect the distribution of breeding songbirds in sagebrush steppe habitat. The study encompassed dirt and paved roads in the Jonah Field II and Pinedale Anticline Project Area in Sublette County, Wyoming. Sites are dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ), and common passerines include sagebrush obligates: Brewer's Sparrows ( Spizella breweri ), Sage Sparrows ( Amphispiza belli ), and Sage Thrashers ( Oreoscoptes montanus ); and non-obligates: Horned Larks ( Eremophila alpestris ) and Vesper Sparrows ( Pooecetes gramineus ). Species relative density was measured using 50-m-radius point counts during spring 1999 and 2000. Four roads with low traffic volumes (700-10 vehicles per day) were surveyed and point counts were centered at variable distances from the road surface such that relative densities were measured 0-600 m from the road's edge. Density of sagebrush obligates, particularly Brewer's and Sage Sparrow, was reduced by 39%-60% within a 100-m buffer around dirt roads with low traffic volumes (700-10 vehicles per day). While a 39%-60% reduction in sagebrush obligates within 100 m of a single road may not be biologically significant, the density of roads created during natural gas development and extraction compounds the effect, and the area of impact can be substantial. Traffic volume alone may not sufficiently explain observed declines adjacent to roads, and sagebrush obligates may also be responding to edge effects, habitat fragmentation, and increases in other passerine species along road corridors. Therefore, declines may persist after traffic associated with extraction subsides and perhaps until roads are fully reclaimed.  相似文献   

Eight species previously unreported for Wyoming are listed. A range extension is noted for Erigeron humilis, and Cymopterus bipinnatus is verified as occurring in Wyoming.  相似文献   

Populations of Greater Sage-Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) have been declining throughout their range since the 1960s. Productivity, which includes production and survival of young, is often cited as a factor in these declines. We monitored radio-equipped Greater Sage-Grouse at 3 sites in western Wyoming to assess early brood-rearing habitat use (through 14 days post-hatch) and productivity. Logistic and linear regression analyses with Akaike's Information Criterion were used to evaluate early brooding habitat use and to examine relationships between productivity and vegetation, insect size and abundance, and weather parameters. Females with broods were found in areas with greater sagebrush canopy and grass cover, and fewer invertebrates compared to random areas. The number of juveniles per female (estimated from wing barrel collections during fall harvest) was positively related to the abundance of medium-length Hymenoptera and grass cover, and the proportion of females with confirmed chicks 14 days post-hatch was positively related to abundance of medium-length Coleoptera and total herbaceous cover. Although the specific parameters varied slightly, Greater Sage-Grouse productivity in Wyoming appeared to be associated with a combination of insect and herbaceous cover elements. Managing for abundant and diverse insect communities within dense protective sagebrush stands should help ensure high-quality early brood-rearing habitat and increased Greater Sage-Grouse productivity.  相似文献   

Observations are presented on 117 bird species seen in a 250-km 2 area of northwestern Colorado adjacent to Utah and Wyoming. Three previously unreported species and seven status changes are listed for the Rangely, Colorado, latilong block.  相似文献   

Plant macrofossil analyses of 16 radiocarbon-dated woodrat middens spanning the past 4000 years from the Wind River Canyon region in central Wyoming provide information concerning late Holocene development of juniper woodlands. The study sites are currently dominated by Juniperus osteosperma , with J. scopulorum present locally. Woodlands in the region were dominated by J. scopulorum from ca 4000 yr BP until at least 2800 yr BP. Juniperus osteosperma invaded and expanded before 2000 yr BP. This expansion fits a regional pattern of J. osteosperma colonization and expansion in north central Wyoming during a relatively dry period between 2800 and 1000 yr BP. At the time the Wind River Canyon region was colonized by J. osteosperma , the species had populations 50-100 km to both the north and south. Long-distance seed dispersal was required for establishment in the study area. Genetic studies are necessary to identify source populations and regions.  相似文献   

The Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming are an insular mountain range completely surrounded by the Great Plains. The stonefly (Plecoptera) fauna of the Black Hills was surveyed and zoogeographic affinities examined. Twenty-seven species representing 22 genera and 6 families were found. Fifteen new state records for South Dakota and 2 for Wyoming are presented. Two species are removed from the South Dakota list. An analysis of the North American distribution of each species showed a strong relationship between the Black Hills and the Rocky Mountains, with much weaker relationships between the Black Hills and eastern and northern regions. Results of a logistic regression analysis comparing factors contributing to long-distance dispersal ability against presence/absence in the Black Hills were inconclusive. However, other evidence suggests that the Black Hills fauna is a result of expansion and subsequent vicariance of stonefly populations during Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

An unusual wear pattern in the cheek teeth of elk-wapiti, in which the third premolars and first molars of the upper jaw wear excessively into corresponding teeth in the lower jaw, was found in a Glacier National Park, Montana, elk skull. This unusual wear pattern was previously reported from elk of the Yellowstone-Jackson, Wyoming, herd.  相似文献   

Five species of Ciconiiforms breed in Wyoming: the American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus ), Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias ), Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula ), Black-crowned Night-Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ), and White-faced Ibis ( Plegadis chihi ). Field surveys conducted from 1984 through 1986 indicate that at least 151 Great Blue Heron colony sites exist in Wyoming, making it the most abundant and widespread Ciconiiform in the state. Only small breeding populations have been discovered for the remaining species. Except for the Snowy Egret, where numbers of active nests have remained relatively stable, population trends are unknown for the other species. We believe most colonies have been found in Wyoming, but additional inventories may result in the discovery of other nesting areas, especially for the Great Blue Heron.  相似文献   

Totals of 101 native Yellowstone cutthroat ( Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri ), 27 introduced lake trout ( Salvelinus namaycush ), and 40 introduced longnose sucker ( Catostomus catostomus ) from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA, were examined for eye flukes. Metacercariae of the trematode fluke Diplostomum were in vitreous humor and/or lens of 94% of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, 92% of lake trout, and 78% of longnose sucker. Longnose sucker had 7% prevalence of infection in both lens and vitreous humor of metacercariae, while Yellowstone cutthroat trout had 3% and lake trout 8%. Diplostomum spathaceum was in lens tissue of 5% of infected Yellowstone cutthroat trout and 93% of longnose sucker; Diplostomum baeri was in vitreous humor of 92% each of infected Yellowstone cutthroat trout and lake trout. Morphological characteristics indicate that a single species infected the lens of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and longnose sucker, while another species infected lake trout. Impacts of the parasite interchange between native and introduced fishes of Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, are unknown but should be monitored each year.  相似文献   

To aid the conservation and management of Mountain Plovers ( Charadrius montanus ), we developed a spatially explicit model of breeding habitat for the shrub-steppe of western Wyoming. Points of Mountain Plover presence and absence were determined by field surveys conducted May through June 1999. At each point we measured topographic slope and a cover type suitability index related to vegetation height and density. Logistic regression revealed a strong negative relationship between presence and slope, and a weaker and positive relationship between presence and cover index. A multiple logistic regression model using slope and cover index to predict presence successfully classified 87% of the points in an independent data set covering much of western Wyoming. The spatial expression of this model will help managers target future surveys and identify currently unsuitable habitat that could be improved via vegetation management. Patches of suitable breeding habitat of the Mountain Plover in western Wyoming are probably functions of poor soil, low precipitation, and wind scour, and thus are likely rather persistent in space and time. Combined with the relatively large proportion of publicly owned land here, this may make conservation and recovery of the Mountain Plover easier in western Wyoming than in the more dynamic and privately controlled Great Plains.  相似文献   

Habitat-use patterns of mule deer, elk, and moose were determined on two winter range near Kemmerer, Wyoming. Mule deer used areas with the least snow depth and dominated by sagebrush. Elk were located more often than expected on wind-swept hills but used sagebrush communities more frequently as snow depths increased. Moose were generally found associated with broad, riparian zones. All three species occasionally used the same area but differed in their use of specific vegetation types and topography.  相似文献   

Henry Rogers Durkee collected 74 egg sets of 27 avian species in 1870 at Gilmer, Uinta County, in southwestern Wyoming. Despite the paucity of documented breeding evidence from this region during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, his material at the Smithsonian Institution was generally overlooked and has never been critically examined. Durkee's egg sets included 5 species (Sandhill Crane, Grus candensis ; Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidoteryx serripennis ; Grasshopper Sparrow, Ammodramus savannarum ; Fox Sparrow, Passerella iliaca ; Cassin's Finch, Carpodacus cassinii ) whose breeding distribution was then poorly known, 25 to more than 70 years before nests and eggs were otherwise documented in Wyoming. Durkee also collected complete egg sets of Lark Bunting ( Calamospiza melanocorys ) over 70 years before breeding was confirmed at other peripheral locations in Wyoming. In addition, Durkee's incomplete egg sets of Grasshopper Sparrow were the 1st western subspecies ( A. s. perpallidus ); his complete egg set and nest of the Fox Sparrow collected at Gilmer constituted the 2nd locality for the species or species group ( P. i. schistacea ). Although the number of egg sets Durkee collected is modest, he made a meaningful contribution to the early history of avifaunal exploration in Wyoming.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of Elymus simplex to evaluate the current taxonomy and cytology. The study included herbarium specimens from Wyoming and Colorado and population samples from the type location in Wyoming. The most important taxonomic characters noted are: numbers of spikelets per node, lemma awn length, and habitat. The chromosome number of E. simplex is reported as 2 n =28. E. simplex is a distinct species and should not be confused with E. salina, from which it differs morphologically.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop a multivariate statistical model related to plant succession, to classify by seral stage, and to monitor succession in Wyoming big sagebrush shrubsteppe habitat ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis / Agropyron smithii–Bouteloua gracilis ) in Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming. This model can be used by range and wildlife managers to evaluate management alternatives by assessing changes in plant species cover and composition within and between seral stages. Four ecological seral stages that represent early to late succession were quantitatively identified with an estimated 92% accuracy. Three key plant species provided the necessary information to define seral stages and monitor trends. Percent canopy cover and percent frequency (used to calculate index values: % canopy cover × % frequency of occurrence) of Wyoming big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis ), western wheatgrass ( Agropyron smithii ), and blue grama ( Bouteloua gracilis ) are the only field measurements required for this model.  相似文献   

Bluehead sucker ( Catostomus discobolus ) and flannelmouth sucker ( Catostomus latipinnis ) populations are declining throughout these species’ native ranges in the Upper Colorado River Basin. In order to conserve these populations, an understanding of population dynamics is needed. Using age estimates from pectoral fin rays, we describe age and growth of these 2 species in 3 Wyoming stream systems: Muddy Creek, the Little Sandy River, and the Big Sandy River. Within all 3 stream systems, flannelmouth suckers were longer-lived than bluehead suckers, with maximum estimated ages of 16 years in Muddy Creek, 18 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 26 years in the Big Sandy River. Bluehead suckers had maximum estimated ages of 8 years in Muddy Creek, 10 years in Little Sandy Creek, and 18 years in the Big Sandy River. These maximum estimated ages were substantially greater than in other systems where scales have been used to estimate ages. Mean lengths at estimated ages were greater for flannelmouth suckers than for bluehead suckers in all 3 streams and generally less than values published from other systems where scales were used to estimate ages. Our observations of long life spans and slow growth rates among bluehead suckers and flannelmouth suckers were probably associated with our use of fin rays to estimate ages as well as the populations being in headwater tributaries near the northern edges of these species’ ranges.  相似文献   

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