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New taxa include: Cryptantha cinerea (Torr.) Cronq. var. arenicola Higgins & Welsh; Physaria chambersii Rollins var. sobolifera Welsh (Cruciferae); Phacelia demissa Gray var. minor N. D. Atwood (Hydrophyllaceae); Iris pariensis Welsh (Iridaceae); Astragalus preussii var. cutleri Barneby and Pediomelum aromaticum (Payson) Welsh var. tuhyi Welsh (Leguminosae); Abronia nana Wats. var. harrisii Welsh (Nyctaginaceae); Camissonia atwoodii Cronq. (Onagraceae); Habenaria zothecina Higgins & Welsh (Orchidaceae); Aqiiilegia formosa Fisch. in DC. var. fosteri Welsh (Ranunculaceae). New nomenclatural combinations include: Rhus aromatica Ait. var. simplicifolia (Greene) Cronq. (Anacardiaceae); Lomatium kingii (Wats.) Cronq., L. kingii var. alpinum (Wats.) Cronq. (Apiaceae); Cryptantha cinerea (Torr.) Cronq. var. laxa (Macbr.) Higgins; Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. var. nivalis (Wats.) Higgins (Boraginaceae); Opuntia erinacea Engelm. var. aurea (Baxter) Welsh (Cactaceae); Arenaria fendleri Gray var. aculeata (Wats.) Welsh, A. fendleri var. eastwoodiae (Rydb.) Welsh, Lychnis apetala L. var. kingii (Wats.) Welsh, Stellaria longipes Goldie var. monantha (Hulten) Welsh (Caryophyllaceae); Draba densifolia Nutt. ex T. & G. var. apiculata (C. L. Hitchc.) Welsh, D. oligosperma Hook. var. juniperina (Dorn) Welsh, Physaria acutifolia Rydb. var. stylosa (Rollins) Welsh, Thelypodiopsis sagittata (Nutt.) Schulz var. ovalifolia (Rydb.) Welsh (Cruciferae); Lotus plebeius (T. Brandg.) Barneby, Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in Edwards var. ammophilus (Greene) Barneby, L polyphyllus var. humicola (A. Nels.) Barneby, L. argenteus Pursh var. fulvomaculatus (Payson) Barneby, L. argenteus var. palmeri (Wats.) Barneby, Pediomelum aromaticum (Payson) Welsh, P. epipsilum (Barneby) Welsh, Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydb. var. stenophyllum (Rydb.) Welsh, and P. lanceolatum var. stenostachys (Rydb.) Welsh (Leguminosae); Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Hiemerl var. decipiens (Standl.) Welsh (Nyctaginaceae); Camissonia boothii var. condensata (Munz) Cronq., C. boothii var. villosa (Wats.) Cronq., C. clavaeformis (Torr. & Frem.) Raven var. purpurascens (Wats.) Cronq., C. scapoidea (T. & G.) var. utahensis (Raven) Welsh, Oenothera caespitosa var. macroglottis (Rydb.) Cronq., Oe. caespitosa var. navajoensis (Wagner, Stockhouse, & Klein) Cronq., Oe. flava (A. Nels.) Garrett var. acutissima (W. L. Wagner) Welsh, and Oe. primiveris Gray var. bufonis (Jones) Cronq. (Onagraceae); Papaver radicatum Rottb. var. pygmaeum (Rydb.) Welsh (Papaveraceae); Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. var. zionense (Eastw.) Welsh (Primulaceae); Aquilegia flavescens Wats. var. rubicunda (Tidestr.) Welsh, Delphinium andersonii Gray var. scaposum (Greene) Welsh, D. occidentalis (Wats.) Wats. var. barbeyi (Huth) Welsh, and Ranunculus andersonii Gray var. juniperinus (Jones) Welsh (Ranunculaceae); Purshia mexicana (D. Don) Welsh and P. mexicana var. stansburyi (Torr.) Welsh (Rosaceae); Galium mexicanum H.B.K. var. asperrimum (Gray) Higgins & Welsh (Rubiaceae); Castilleja parvula Rydb. var. revealii (N. Holmgren) N. D. Atwood and C. rhexifolia Rydb. var. sulphurea (Rydb.) N. D. Atwood (Scrophulariaceae).  相似文献   

New taxa include Lomatium packardiae Cronq. (Apiaceae), Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Muell. Arg. var. utahensis Cronq. (Euphorbiaceae). Other nomenclatural innovations include: Cymopterus longipes var. ibapensis (M. E. Jones) Cronq., Lomatium roseanum Cronq. (Apiaceae); Camissonia boothii (Douglas) Raven var. decorticans (Hook. & Arn.) Cronq., Camissonia boothii (Douglas) Raven var. desertorum (Munz) Cronq., Camissonia clavaeformis (Torr. & Frém.) Raven var. aurantiaca (Munz) Cronq., Camissonia clavaeformis (Torr. & Frém.) Raven var. cruciformis (Kellogg) Cronq., Camissonia clavaeformis (Torr. & Frém.) Raven var. funerea (Raven) Cronq., Camissonia clavaeformis (Torr. & Frém.) Raven var. lancifolia (A. A. Heller) Cronq., Camissonia heterochroma (S. Wats.) Raven var. monoensis (Munz) Cronq., Camissonia kernensis (Munz) Raven var. gilmanii (Munz) Cronq., Camissonia scapoidea (Torr. & Gray) Raven var. macrocarpa (Raven) Cronq., Oenothera biennis L. var. strigosa (Rydb.) Cronq., Oenothera pallida Lindl. var. runcinata (Engelm.) Cronq. (Onagraceae).  相似文献   

A two-year study of the rare vascular plants of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory generated new data on the abundance, distribution, and habitat features of eight taxa presently under review at either the federal or state level, or recently proposed for such review. Astragalus ceramicus Sheld. var. apus Barneby is common on the INEL and adjacent areas and will be recommended for removal from further consideration at the federal level and placed on Idaho's Federal Watch List. Coryphanta missouriensis (Sweet) Britt. & Rose is common throughout east central Idaho, but will be recommended for retainment on the State Watch List. Gymnosteris nudicaulis (H. & A.) Greene and Oxytheca dendroidea Nutt. are also recommended for retention on the State Watch List. Four taxa not previously known to occur in Idaho or not known from the southeastern part of the state ( Astragalus gilviflorus Sheld., Astragalus kentrophyta Gray var. jessiae (Peck) Barneby, Gilia polycladon Torr., and Lesquerella kingii S. Wats. var. cobrensis Roll. & Shaw) were encountered and evaluated with reference to current or potential threats, and are recommended for placement on Idaho's State Watch List.      相似文献   

Specimens of Oxytropis in the herbaria of The Natural History Museum and Royal Botanic Garden were examined to interpret their role in nomenclature. This is the first attempt at a systematic overview of specimens so important in understanding the genus as it occurs in North America. The review of specimens at BM and K during the present research has resulted in realignment of names of some of the taxa. Oxytropis campestris var. gracils (A. Nelson) Barneby is recognized herein as being predated by O. campestris var. spicata Hook., O. sericea var. spicata (Hook.) Barneby is replaced by O. sericea var. speciosa (Torr. & A. Gray) Welsh comb. nov., and O. campestris var. terrae-novae (Fern.) Barneby is superseded by O. campestris var. minor (Hook.) Welsh comb. nov. One new taxon is proposed: Oxytropis deflexa (Pall.) DC. var. pulcherrima Welsh & A. Huber, var. nov. Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Astragalus retroflexus Pall. Oxytropis artica R. Br., O. artica var. α subumbellata Hook., O. arctica var. β uniflora Hook. O. campestris var. β sepciosa Torr & A. Gray, O. campestris var. ξ melanocephala Hook., O. campestris var. δ spincata Hook., O. multiceps var. minor A. Gray, O. splendens Douglas ex Hook., O. splendens β richardsonii Hook., O. uralensis β subsucculenta Hook., and O. uralensis γ minor Hook.  相似文献   

This paper is the third in a series dealing with a revision of the flora of Utah. Treated herein are 9 genera and 23 species, including both commonly cultivated, escaped, and indigenous representatives. Proposed new taxa include Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia (H. and A.) Rydb. var. moorei Welsh, Sphaeralcea leptophylla (Gray) Rydb. var. janeae Welsh, and Sphaeralcea psoraloides Welsh.    相似文献   

New taxa include Penstemon angustifolius Pursh var. dulcis Neese, P. leonardii Rydb. var. higginsii Neese, P. scariosus Pennel var. cyanomontanus Neese, and P. thompsoniae (Gray) Rydb. var. desperatus Neese. New nomenclatural combinations include: Penstemon acaulis L. O. Williams var. yampaensis (Penl.) Neese, P. duchesnensis (N. Holmgren) Neese, P. leonardii Rydb. var. patricus (N. Holmgren) Neese, and P. pachyphyllus Gray ex Rydb. var. mucronatus (N. Holmgren) Neese.  相似文献   

Named are the following: Astragalus limnocharis Barneby var. tabulaeus Welsh var. nov., from the pass between Boulder Mountain and the Table Cliff Plateau, Garfield County, Utah; A. eremiticus Sheldon var. ampularioides Welsh var. nov. from Washington County, Utah; Lupinus argenteus Pursh var. moabensis Welsh var. nov., from southeastern Utah, validated by inclusion of a Latin diagnosis; Erigeron zothecinus Welsh sp. nov. described from moist alcoves along Lake Powell, eastern Kane County, Utah; Cleomella palmerana Jones var. goodrichii Welsh var. nov. described from Uintah County, Utah; Arabis vivariensis Welsh sp. nov. named from northeastern Uintah County, Utah; Draba kassii Welsh sp. nov. described from material taken in the Deep Creek Mountains, western Tooele County, Utah.  相似文献   

The discovery of Draba pennellii Rollins and D. pedicellata (Rollins & R.A. Price) Windham var. pedicellata, both previously known only from Nevada, is reported here from the Deep Creek Mountains of western Utah. The documentation of significant populations of D. pennellii and D. pedicellata var. pedicellata in Utah is important for accurate botanical inventories and floristic studies in both Utah and Nevada. New distribution records for D. kassii S.L. Welsh, D. novolympica Payson & St. John, and Hackelia ibapensis L.M. Shultz & J.S. Shultz are described, and the significance of these range extensions and new populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Presented is a current evaluation of the status and distribution of Utah's rare plant species, including those officially listed as endangered or threatened, those under review for listing, those recommended by the Utah Native Plant Society, and those which recently have been removed from consideration. Taxa are discussed alphabetically. Information on status, distribution, habitat, elevation, and specimens deposited at Brigham Young University are included in the discussion of each species. Maps showing the state distribution of each listed or candidate plant are also provided. New combinations include Dalea flavescens (Wats.) Welsh var. epica (Welsh) Welsh & Chatterley and Schoenerambe suffrutescens (Rollins) Welsh & Chatterley.     相似文献   

The status of the name Oxytropis borealis DC. is reviewed as it applies to North American plants. A summary of the infraspecific taxa is presented, and several nomenclatural combinations are proposed: Oxytropis borealis DC. var. hudsonica (Greene) Welsh; O. borealis var. sulphurea (Pors.) Welsh; O. borealis DC. var. viscid (Nutt.) Welsh. One new taxon, Oxytropis borealis DC. var. australis Welsh, is described from Utah and Nevada, USA.  相似文献   

  Described are several new taxa of the genus Cirsium that occur in the state of Utah: C. eatonii (Gray) Robins, var. harrisonii Welsh; C. eatonii var. murdockii Welsh; C. ownbeyi Welsh; C. scariosum Nutt. var. thorneae ; and C. virginensis Welsh.  相似文献   

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