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It is shown that one can calculate the Hubert-Arabie adjusted Rand index by first forming the fourfold contingency table counting the number of pairs of objects that were placed in the same cluster in both partitions, in the same cluster in one partition but in different clusters in the other partition, and in different clusters in both, and then computing Cohen’s κ on this fourfold table. The author thanks Willem Heiser, Mark de Rooij, Marian Hickendorff and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions of this article. Published online xx, xx, xxxx.  相似文献   

Kiste.  J 《自然科学史研究》1997,16(2):133-146
该文题为《南天星空的发现--对欧洲和中国三份最早的南天星表的研究》。从15世纪末开始,以哥伦布发现美洲大陆为标志,欧洲进入伟大的地理新发现时代。欧洲航海家们越过赤道,到达了南半球,从而南天极附近的星空开始成为欧洲人能够看到的星空。  相似文献   

Honorable Council members of the DHS, Chairs of Delegations, Distinguished Guests, Lances and Gentlemen : On behalf of the Chinese host, I sincerely and warmly welcome you to Beijing and the 22^nd International Congress of the History of Science. To my knowledge, in the 76 years of its history, this is only the second time that the Congress is being held in the Far East, and is also the second time the Congress is meeting in a developing country.  相似文献   

The thoughts that Michel Puech formulates on wisdom, technology and the art of living are timely at a moment when social, ecological and economic problems are pressing upon our societies and the speed of technological development seems to overwhelm our ability to integrate and adapt new technologies in our lives and societies. However, he restricts his concept of wisdom too much to a personal endeavor and overestimates the relevance of non-confrontation. I argue that his project can only be of value when it is embedded in a broader societal and political strategy for change.  相似文献   

王立达[1]说,"癌"是日本人创造的汉字.王说曾为一些学者所继承,如胡新化[2]等.然而,据黄金贵[3]、何华珍[4]考证,"癌"字最早见于宋东轩居士<卫济宝书>(1170年).<卫济宝书>是一本外科专著.其中卷七有"痈疽五发"之说:"一曰癌"、"二曰瘭"、"三曰疽"、"四曰痼"、"五曰痈",且附有图示.  相似文献   

A meeting of historians of science in 21^St century Beijing provokes reflections of an unusual kind, some of which I should like to share with you now. Those reflections centre on the implications of the life and work of one of the past centuries most unusual intellectual figures Joseph Needham (1900-1995).  相似文献   

HonorableCouncilmembersoftheDHS,ChairsofDelegations,DistinguishedGuests,Ladies andGentlemen:OnbehalfoftheChinesehost,IsincerelyandwarmlywelcomeyoutoBeijingandthe22nd InternationalCongressoftheHistoryofScience.Tomyknowledge,inthe76yearsofitshisto ry,thisis…  相似文献   

2006年5月20日,世界上规模最大的混凝土大坝——三峡大坝耗时3080天,终于全部建成了。国内的英文报刊和英文图书几乎都将“三峡大坝”英译为the Three Gorges Dam,初看似乎还可以,但仔细推敲起来就显得有些不足。三峡大坝应归类为地名,地名通常由专名和通名组成。“三峡”是专名,“大坝”是通名,值得探讨的是通名“大坝”。[第一段]  相似文献   

Shahn Majids philosophy of physics is critically presented. In his view the postulate that the universe should be self-explaining implies that no fundamental theory of physics is complete unless it is self-dual. Majid shows that bicrossproduct Hopf algebras have this property. His philosophy is compared with other approaches to the ultimate explanation and briefly analyzed.  相似文献   

The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology (known as China Historical Materials of Science and Technology from 1980 to 2004) is the official publication of the Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology and the Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science. It is foremost vehicle for the scholarship of professional historians of science in China, published quarterly by China Science and Technology Press.  相似文献   

1Biologyforthe21stCentury InarecentarticleintheNewYorkTimes(3/23/05),reportingonyetanotherupsetto receivedviewsofthewaysinwhichcellsmakeuseoftheirDNA,aprominentgeneticistisquo tedasremarking,“biologistshavegottenusedtotheunexpected.Indeed,theyhave,asin d…  相似文献   

前些年,生产大型溴化锂吸收式冷水机组的江苏双良公司率先打出了"中央空调"广告,后来长沙的远大公司接过了这一旗帜,"远大中央空调"的广告词在电视屏幕上轮番"轰炸".  相似文献   

最早将西医中“神经”的概念介绍到中国的人是英国传教士兼医生合信(Benjamin Hobson,1816~1873).1857年,合信在《西医略论》一书中多次提到神经,只是他不用“神经”来指称,他用了“气筋”和“脑气筋”这两……  相似文献   

ItisagreathonortobeinvitedtogivethistalkonAlbertEinsteininthecityofUlmwherehewasbornonehundredandtwentyfiveyearsago.IwishIcouldgivethistalkinGerman,but IrealizeifItry,itwouldlead,probablytomymisuseofGermanwords,andcertainlytogreatstrainsonyourauditorynerv…  相似文献   

TheChineseJournalfortheHistoryofScienceandTechnology(knownasChinaHistoricalMaterialsofSci enceandTechnologyfrom1980to2004)istheofficialpublicationoftheChineseSocietyfortheHistoryofSci enceandTechnologyandtheInstitutefortheHistoryofNaturalScience,ChineseAc…  相似文献   

Plasma一词目前译作"等离子体".根据<物理学词典>(等离子体物理分册)(1985年,科学出版社)所述:"一般来说,等离子体概念可作如下定义:它是由大量的接近于自由运动的带电粒子所组成的体系,在整体上是准中性的,粒子的运动主要由粒子间电磁相互作用所决定,由于这是长程的相互作用,因而使它显示出集体行为(例如各种振荡与波、不稳定性等)".  相似文献   

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