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含铁低品位氧化锌矿石浸出研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对含铁低品位氧化锌矿石,进行了碱性浸出与硫酸浸出研究.其中碱性浸出主要考察了采用不同浸出剂时浸出时间以及采用氨水——氯化铵作浸出剂时浸出温度对锌、铁浸出率的影响;硫酸浸出主要考察了硫酸初始浓度、矿浆液固比以及不同硫酸初始浓度时浸出温度和不同浸出温度时浸出时间对锌、铁浸出率的影响.研究结果表明,碱性浸出时锌浸出率不到5...  相似文献   

通过可视化高温实验装置观察了七种不同类型常用进口铁矿粉试样的熔化流动过程.在所测定的熔融曲线上定义了T30、T55、TR以及SR等表征其熔融特性的评价指标,并以此考察了不同类型铁矿粉的烧结熔融特性.研究结果表明:澳大利亚褐铁矿最容易产生液相,但其液相形成过程中温度区间窄,温控性差,安全性低;澳大利亚半褐铁矿在低温烧结条件下有效液相量不足,而温控性则略好于澳大利亚褐铁矿;澳大利亚、南非以及巴西南部的赤铁矿熔融特性较为适宜,但前者易形成液相而后两者温控性和安全性更好;巴西的南部精粉、北部赤铁矿在低温烧结下很难生成液相.通过对各种铁矿粉熔融特性的研究,提出了基于铁矿粉熔融特性的烧结优化配矿原则.  相似文献   

建立了折流式移动流化床内粉铁矿预还原的二维气固反应流CFD模型.模型的数值求解采用PHOENICS和FLUENT的联合求解与之前的实验结果相比,在冷态条件下单床层平均压降和气固相流动行为的数值模拟结果与其基本一致,得出所提出的数学模型是可靠的.在此模型基础上,对采用COREX输出煤气对铁矿粉预还原的工艺过程进行热态模拟.在模拟的工况条件下,还原气温度的整体降幅700 K,气相CO和H2还原势的利用率分别达到38%和26%,矿粉的还原分数达到75%,即反应器内有良好的气固换热而且对COREX煤气还原势的利用率较高,实现了对还原气热能和还原势的梯度利用.  相似文献   

The high-temperature performance of iron ore fines is an important factor in optimizing ore blending in sintering. However, the application of linear regression analysis and the linear combination method in most other studies always leads to a large deviation from the desired results. In this study, the fuzzy membership functions of the assimilation ability temperature and the liquid fluidity were proposed based on the fuzzy mathematics theory to construct a model for predicting the high-temperature performance of mixed iron ore. Comparisons of the prediction model and experimental results were presented. The results illustrate that the prediction model is more accurate and effective than previously developed models. In addition, fuzzy constraints for the high-temperature performance of iron ore in this research make the results of ore blending more comparable. A solution for the quantitative calculation as well as the programming of fuzzy constraints is also introduced.  相似文献   

采用热态可视流化床装置研究了973~1173 K不同气氛条件对流态化还原铁矿粉黏结失流的影响.研究发现,一定表观气速条件下温度和还原气氛组成对失流时铁矿粉的金属化率影响不大,而失流时颗粒微观形态受还原气种类和温度的影响较显著,但还原气体积分数对形态的影响较小.此外,流化时间随着还原气体积分数的增大而逐渐缩矩,并通过线性拟合得到了不同温度时二者间的数学关系式.  相似文献   

Iron ore microfines and concentrate have very limited uses in sintering processes. They are used in pelletization; however, this process is cost intensive. Furthermore, the microfines of non-coking coal and other carbon-bearing materials, e.g., blast-furnace flue dust (BFD) and coke fines, are not used extensively in the metallurgical industry because of operational difficulties and handling problems. In the present work, to utilize these microfines, coal composite iron oxide micropellets (2-6 mm in size) were produced through an innovative technique in which lime and molasses were used as binding materials in the micropellets. The micropellets were subsequently treated with CO2 or the industrial waste gas to induce the chemical bond formation. The results show that, at a very high carbon level of 22wt% (38wt% coal), the cold crushing strength and abrasion index of the micropellets are 2.5-3 kg/cm2 and 5wt%-9wt%, respectively; these values indicate that the pellets are suitable for cold handling. The developed micropellets have strong potential as a heat source in smelting reduction in iron making and sintering to reduce coke breeze. The micropellets produced with BFD and coke fines (8wt%-12wt%) were used in iron ore sintering and were observed to reduce the coke breeze consumption by 3%-4%. The quality of the produced sinter was at par with that of the conventional blast-furnace sinter.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of drying and preheating processes in a traveling grate was presented based on the laws of mass, momentum, heat transfer, and drying semiempirical relations. A field test was systematically carried out in a traveling grate. The effects of pellet diameter, moisture, grate velocity, and inlet gas temperature on the pellet bed temperature were studied. The average relative error between actual measurements and simulations is less than 7.97%, indicating the validity of the model.  相似文献   

The technology of direct reduction by adding sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and magnetic separation was developed to treat Western Australian high phosphorus iron ore. The iron ore and reduced product were investigated by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. It is found that phosphorus exists within limonite in the form of solid solution, which cannot be removed through traditional ways. During reduction roasting, Na2CO3 reacts with gangue minerals (SiO2 and Al2O3), forming aluminum silicate-containing phosphorus and damaging the ore structure, which promotes the separation between iron and phosphorus during magnetic separation. Meanwhile, Na2CO3 also improves the growth of iron grains, increasing the iron grade and iron recovery. The iron concentrate, assaying 94.12wt% Fe and 0.07wt% P at the iron recovery of 96.83% and the dephosphorization rate of 74.08%, is obtained under the optimum conditions. The final product (metal iron powder) after briquetting can be used as the burden for steelmaking by an electric arc furnace to replace scrap steel.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated that Na2SO4 can significantly inhibit the reduction of iron oxide in the selective reduction process of laterite nickel ore. FeS generated in the process plays an important role in selective reduction, but the generation process of FeS and its inhibition mechanism on iron reduction are not clear. To figure this out, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analyses were conducted to study the roasted ore. The results show that when Na2SO4 is added in the roasting, the FeO content in the roasted ore increases accompanied by the emergence of FeS phase. Further analysis indicates that Na2S formed by the reaction of Na2SO4 with CO reacts with SiO2 at the FeO surface to generate FeS and Na2Si2O5. As a result, a thin film forms on the surface of FeO, hindering the contact between reducing gas and FeO. Therefore, the reduction of iron is depressed, and the FeO content in the roasted ore increases.  相似文献   

为了降低太阳直接辐射、散射辐射、下垫面反射辐射等对现有气象站中温度传感器的影响,本文设计了一种多导管式球形防辐射罩。首先对防辐射罩外形结构进行设计;然后通过计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD)方法对风速、太阳辐射强度、太阳高度角等不同环境参数下传感器的辐射误差进行量化;接着,采用支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)算法训练预测模型;最后,利用外场辐射误差实验平台对其辐射屏蔽效果及算法预测精度进行验证。实验结果表明,辐射误差精度可降至0.05 ℃量级。可见,此防辐射罩降低辐射效果显著。  相似文献   

Sterilization of rodent and other pests using a synthetic oestrogen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

对某低品位铁矿直接还原过程中金属铁颗粒的生长和解离特性进行了研究,重点讨论了还原剂用量和还原时间对铁颗粒长大的影响.X射线衍射和扫描电镜分析结果表明:减少还原剂用量能减弱还原气氛,减少结晶中心的生成,有利于铁颗粒的聚集长大,但因为部分铁损失于脉石中,所以限制了铁晶核的进一步长大;延长还原时间能有效地促进铁颗粒的聚集长大,并降低铁产品的活性,防止再氧化;还原矿中非晶态物质的生成以及金属铁和脉石的硬度差异,有利于金属铁颗粒的粗磨单体解离.  相似文献   

This study investigates the reactions of Na_2SO_4 and its effects on iron and nickel reduction in the roasting of a high-iron and low-nickel laterite ore through gas composition, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope analyses. Results showed that a reduction reaction of Na_2SO_4 to SO_2 was performed with roasting up to 600℃. However, no clear influence on iron and nickel reductions appeared, because only a small amount of Na_2SO_4 reacted to produce SO_2. Na_2SO_4 reacted completely at 1000℃, mainly producing troilite and nepheline, which remarkably improves selective reduction of nickel. Furthermore, the production of low-melting-point minerals, including troilite and nepheline, accelerated nickel reduction and delayed iron reduction, which is attributed to the concurrent production of magnesium magnetite, whose structure is more stable than the structure of magnetite. Reduction reactions of Na_2SO_4 resulted in weakening of the reduction atmosphere, and the main product of Na_2SO_4 changed and delayed the reduction of iron. Eventually, iron metallization was effectively controlled during laterite ore reduction roasting, leading to iron mainly being found in wustite and high iron-containing olivine.  相似文献   

A water cooling treatment was applied in the coal-based reduction of high-chromium vanadium and titanium (V–Ti–Cr) iron ore from the Hongge region of Panzhihua, China. Its effects on the metallization ratio (η), S removal ratio (RS), and P removal ratio (RP) were studied and analyzed on the basis of chemical composition determined via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. The metallic iron particle size and the element distribution of Fe, V, Cr, and Ti in a reduced briquette after water cooling treatment at 1350°C were determined and observed via scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the water cooling treatment improved the η, RS, and RP in the coal-based reduction of V–Ti–Cr iron ore compared to those obtained with a furnace cooling treatment. Meanwhile, the particle size of metallic iron obtained via the water cooling treatment was smaller than that of metallic iron obtained via the furnace cooling treatment; however, the particle size reached 70 μm at 1350°C, which is substantially larger than the minimum particle size required (20 μm) for magnetic separation. Therefore, the water cooling treatment described in this work is a good method for improving the quality of metallic iron in coal-based reduction and it could be applied in the coal-based reduction of V–Ti–Cr iron ore followed by magnetic separation.  相似文献   

A new method for determination of trace sillicon in high purity lanthanum oxide by using electrothermal vaporization (ETV)-ICP-AES with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) slurry as a fluorinating reagent has been proposed. Under the optimized experimental conditions, the fluorination reactions of analyte (Si) and matrix(La) with PTFE in the graphite furnace took place at high temperature, and the fractional volatilily between Si and La was observed. Based on this principle the matrix interference could be eliminated. The detection limit of Si was 4.0μg·L−1, and the RSD was 3.4%(C=0.2mg·L−1,n=10). The procedure proposed has been applied successfully to determine trace Si in La2O3 without any chemical pre-treatment. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Qin Yongchao: born in Dec. 1953, ph. D., Assciate Professor  相似文献   

Coated Electrodes with small amounts of nickel were developed for welding ductile iron (DI) and conversion of the same into austempered ductile iron (ADI) after austempering. Among six electrodes, Trials 3 and 4 were selected for establishing crack-free weld deposits via preheating and post-weld heat treatment. Austenitization was performed at 900℃ for 2 h and austempering at 300 or 350℃ for three different holding times to observe the results of austempering with respect to the microstructure, hardness, and austempering kinetics of the samples. The microstructures of the weld deposits showed needle-like bainitic ferrite with small amounts of retained austenite when treated at 300℃ and feathery bainitic ferrite with large amounts of retainedaustenite when treated at 350℃. The electrode labeled with Trial 3 revealed greater austenite contents than that labeled with Trial 4 when treated with a 2 h holding time regardless of the austempering temperature applied. The transformation rate of the bainitic ferrite of Trial 3 was relatively higher than that of Trial 4 and showed a lower rate constant, leading to a higher diffusion rate of carbon in austenite.  相似文献   

以聚偏氟乙烯三氟氯乙烯(poly(vinylidene-fluoride-chlorotrifluoroethylene),即P(VDF-CTFE))为引发剂,采用原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP),在其主链上接枝液晶6-((4-cyano-4-biphenyl)oxy)hexyl methacrylate(CBHM),合成一种新型的接枝聚合物P(VDF-CTFE)-g-PCBHM。用质子核磁共振(1H-NMR)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)表征接枝是否成功。并用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和广角X线衍射考察了接枝链段对聚合物结晶行为的影响。研究结果表明:在接枝链段参与下,聚合物出现了有利于改善材料电致伸缩性的极性β相;这种合成方式也为其他含CTFE的氟聚合物的修饰改性提供了一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

采用低温电炉法对传统高温膨胀制备膨胀石墨的方法进行优化,并对其在染料废水处理中的应用进行了研究。考察了氧化剂、插层剂和氧化次数对膨胀体积的影响,并使用SEM、XRD、FT-IR对样品进行外观形貌和结构表征。研究结果表明:使用高锰酸钾-磷酸-硝酸氧化插层体系一次氧化下并使用低温电炉法进行膨化的效果最好,制备出的膨胀石墨样品膨胀体积为390 m L/g,比表面积252 m2/g。在对活性黄模拟染料废水处理的实验中,考察了膨胀石墨用量、活性黄浓度和温度3个因素对于活性黄模拟染料废水吸附效果的影响,结果表明:对于质量浓度为250 mg/L的活性黄废水,膨胀石墨的最大吸附量可达到180 mg/g;当膨胀石墨添加量为2.0 g/L时处理效果最佳,去除率达到65%;而温度对于吸附过程影响较小。  相似文献   

非煤矿山在生产建设过程中,其尾矿的排放与堆积使地面植被土壤损失严重,且堆积尾砂松散体固结力差,水蚀、重力侵蚀急剧增加。针对非煤矿山的特点,以建龙老金厂铁矿年产6万 t 矿石项目为例,制定水土保持监测设计的范围、监测点布设方案、项目监测内容及监测方法等,确定水土保持监测的重点。  相似文献   

The impact energy prediction model of low carbon steel was investigated based on industrial data. A three-layer neural network, extreme learning machine, and deep neural network were compared with different activation functions, structure parameters, and training functions. Bayesian optimization was used to determine the optimal hyper-parameters of the deep neural network. The model with the best performance was applied to investigate the importance of process parameter variables on the impact energy of low carbon steel. The results show that the deep neural network obtains better prediction results than those of a shallow neural network because of the multiple hidden layers improving the learning ability of the model. Among the models, the Bayesian optimization deep neural network achieves the highest correlation coefficient of 0.9536, the lowest mean absolute relative error of 0.0843, and the lowest root mean square error of 17.34 J for predicting the impact energy of low carbon steel. Among the variables, the main factors affecting the impact energy of low carbon steel with a final thickness of7.5 mm are the thickness of the original slab, the thickness of intermediate slab, and the rough rolling exit temperature from the specific hot rolling production line.  相似文献   

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