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基于欧拉多相流模型,建立了球团竖炉气固流动与焙烧过程耦合的三维数理模型,其中气相采用标准k-e湍流模型,固相采用颗粒动理学模型,化学反应采用氧化动力学模型.对不同工况下的焙烧过程进行三维数值模拟计算,探讨了不同操作参数对竖炉炉温和焙烧产物Fe2O3产率的影响规律.结果表明,竖炉炉温和焙烧产物Fe2O3的产率对入炉烟温、入炉烟气量和冷却风量均存在最大需求值,分别为1 400 K,65.6 t/h,7.8×104 m3/h.达到最大需求值前,炉温和Fe2O3的产率均随入炉烟温、入炉烟气量和冷却风量的增加而增加.超过最大需求值后,竖炉炉温随入炉烟温、冷却风量的增加而降低,随入炉烟气量的增加变化不大;Fe2O3的产率随入炉烟温、入炉烟气量的增加而降低,随冷却风量的增加而增加.  相似文献   

以铁合金生产车间为研究对象,利用Fluent软件对车间内矿热炉生产过程中塌料事故的烟尘扩散规律进行非稳态的数值模拟.对连续相和离散相,分别采用标准k~ε模型和DPM模型,分析不同风速和风向的烟尘扩散规律.研究结果表明:当风速在2 m/s以下时,南风能更有效地排除烟尘,并且风速越大,清洁作用越明显;当塌料事故结束时,不论何种风速或风向,车间内烟尘污染面积达到最大;在300 s且无风时最大烟尘质量浓度是风速为4 m/s时的36.6倍;车间内的死角是烟尘最难排出的地方,北风风速为0.2 m/s的最大停留时间长达4 800 s.  相似文献   

One of the methods forming the shell is to appropriately design the cooling staves and hearth without overheating during the campaign life of the furnace. The three-dimensional steady mathematical models for calculating the temperature distribution in the coolers and two-dimensional unsteady mathematical models with phase-change latent heat for calculating the temperature dis-tribution of the hearth bottom were established. The calculation results show that the formation of the slag-metal protection shell can be achieved by optimizing the design parameters of the coolers. Increasing the heat conductivity of the carbon brick can move the isothermal line of 1150℃ upward outside the hearth bottom.  相似文献   

Pore structure is an important factor influencing coke strength, while the property of coke is essential to maintaining gas and liquid permeability in a blast furnace. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the pore structure evolution during the graphitization process can reveal the coke size degradation behavior during its descent in a blast furnace. Coke graphitization was simulated at different heating temperatures from 1100 to 1600℃ at intervals of 100℃. The quantitative evaluation of the coke pore structure with different graphitization degree was determined by vacuum drainage method and nitrogen adsorption method. Results show that the adsorption and desorption curves of graphitized coke have intersection points, and the two curves did not coincide, instead forming a "hysteresis loop." Based on the hysteresis loop analysis, the porous structure of the graphitized coke mostly appeared in the shape of a "hair follicle." Furthermore, with an increase in heating temperature, the apparent porosity, specific surface area, total pore volume, and amount of micropores showed good correlation and can divided into three stages: 1100–1200, 1200–1400, and 1400–1600℃. When the temperature was less than 1400℃, ash migration from the inner part mainly led to changes in the coke pore structure. When the temperature was greater than 1400℃, the pore structure evolution was mainly affected by the coke graphitization degree. The results of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometry, and ash content analyses also confirmed that the migration of the internal ash to the surface of the matrix during the graphitization process up to 1400℃ contributed to these changes.  相似文献   

步进式加热炉内流动与传热过程的数值模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了步进式加热炉内流动、燃烧和传热的数学模型.湍流模型采用κ-ε双方程模型,辐射换热计算采用六通量法,气相燃烧采用修正EBU模型,流场计算采用Simpler算法.采用上述模型与算法得到了炉内详细合理的温度、速度和浓度分布.  相似文献   

为研究不同氧气高炉操作流程及操作参数对高炉内部过程产生的影响,预测氧气高炉流程各参数的变化规律,基于多流体理论、冶金传输原理、冶金反应动力学与热力学理论以及计算流体力学建立了普通高炉多流体模型,并在此基础上修改边界条件及内部相关参数,建立氧气高炉多流体数学模型。通过建立的模型分别对普通高炉和气化炉氧气高炉(GF-FOBF)流程中的氧气高炉进行了模拟计算,得到两种工艺流程下高炉内温度场、浓度场和速度场等典型参数的分布情况。通过对计算结果的对比,分析了氧气高炉操作条件下炉内状态的主要特征和相对于普通高炉发生的变化,发现氧气高炉内部速度场、温度场均发生变化,特别是气相组分的均匀分布问题明显。本模型可为氧气高炉流程试验及流程开发提供参考。  相似文献   

热管式生物质气化炉反应过程的理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将高温热管技术应用于生物质气化过程,发明了一种新型气化装置--热管式生物质固定床气化炉HPBGF(Heat Pipe Biomass Gasification Furnace),以实现无空气生物质高温热解气化工艺.用化学计量关系研究以水蒸气为气化剂的生物质(秸秆)气化反应机理,根据气化产物推导出气化过程中理论上的总反应方程式.通过C-H-O物系平衡分析,确定温度在气化过程的重要性,得出高温热管的引入对气化产物组成的影响,为进一步研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

针对水泥分解炉内煤粉燃烧、生料颗粒分解过程共存的特点,提出了相应的计算模型与方法,以CFX4为基础。采用用户软件,二次开发出模拟该现象的工程计算软件,并以工业化中实际使用的5500t/d的喷旋管道分解炉为对象,计算分析了炉内的煤粉燃烧、生料分解率在空间上的变化规律。探讨了炉内的湍流速度场及高温火焰燃烧区域、空气组分、颗粒体积浓度等的空间分布特征,指出了进一步优化的方向。  相似文献   

A mathematical model was established to describe the direct reduction of pellets in a rotary hearth furnace (RHF). In the model, heat transfer, mass transfer, and gas-solid chemical reactions were taken into account. The behaviors of iron metallization and dezincification were analyzed by the numerical method, which was validated by experimental data of the direct reduction of pellets in a Si-Mo furnace. The simulation results show that if the production targets of iron metallization and dezincification are up to 80% and 90%, respectively, the furnace temperature for high-temperature sections must be set higher than 1300℃. Moreover, an undersupply of secondary air by 20% will lead to a decline in iron metallization rate of discharged pellets by 10% and a decrease in dezincing rate by 13%. In addition, if the residence time of pellets in the furnace is over 20 min, its further extension will hardly lead to an obvious increase in production indexes under the same furnace temperature curve.  相似文献   

在了解氧化铝矿浆干燥、烧成工艺及设备的基础上,针对中国铝业股份有限公司中州分公司开发的一种新的氧化铝矿浆干燥和烧成炉,建立了矿浆干燥、烧成炉内气固两相流的流动传热以及烧成过程的数学模型,就干燥、烧成炉运行参数及各几何参数进行优化计算,得出了炉内气固两相流动的速度场、温度场、压力场以及颗粒干燥和烧成反应时间,并分析讨论了喷口位置、喷口速度、颗粒雾化粒径等参数对氧化铝矿浆干燥、烧成工艺的影响.  相似文献   

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