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Résumé Contribution à l'étude du polymorphism chromosomique chez le rat noirRattus rattus L.

We are grateful to Prof.M. R. Rajasekarasetty for helpful suggestions and one of us (KLSP) to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India, for awarding a Research scholarship.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei einem Männchen vonRattus rattus diardii aus Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) wurden 41 Chromosomen (normal 2n = 42) gefunden, was mit der Robertson'schen Translokation in Zusammenhang stehen dürfte, welche die Fusion 2 einarmiger Autosomen in ein grosses, zweiarmiges Chromosom vollzieht.  相似文献   

Riassunto In una popolazione italiana diRattus rattus L. è stato messo in evidenza un cariotipo a 38 cromosomi; la differenza nel numero diploide rispetto a quanto noto per altre popolazioni della stessa specie è dovuta a due fusioni centriche in condizione omozigote. Il confronto con i cariotipi forniti da altri autori per la specieRattus rattus ci fa proporre anche per questa specie di Roditori la presenza di un fenomeno di polimorfismo cromosomico.  相似文献   

Resumen Muestras de ratas negras (Rattus rattus) de siete islas del Archipiélago de Galápagos fueron examinadas para estudios de chromosomas. El número diploide de todos los animales es 38 y los cariotipos son idénticos a los de las poblaciones europeas, americanas, y australianas. La conclusión general es que la falta de variabilidad cariotípica de las poblaciones introducidas se explica por la capacidad de ratas de establecerse por medio de cambios fenotípicos.  相似文献   

Résumé Dix rats (Rattus rattus) d'une colonie californienne ont été examinés. Cinq sont de type océanique. Les cinq autres ont 1 paire M2 hétéromorphe, formée d'un métacentrique et d'un sub-métacentrique, ce qui implique une inversion péricentrique. Les transferrines sont du type océanique.  相似文献   

Resumen En dos poblaciones deRattus rattus, una de Mehuin (Valdivia, Chile) y otra de Capripe (Monagas, Venezuela), se encontró un cariotipo de 2n=38 cromosomas en todos los individuos estudiados. Este cariotipo corresponde al que presentan en forma monomórfica otras poblaciones de la rata negra de América del Sur y de Italia, y diffiere del cariotipo normal de la especie, que es de 42 cromosomas. Se postula que las distintas poblaciones sudamericans deRattus rattus deben haber invadido el Continente, acompañando al hombre, en distintas irrupciones, a partir de una forma de 38 cromosomas de origen mediterráneo.  相似文献   

Female hand-raised blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) held in constant conditions (except for simulated seasonal changes in photoperiod) showed significantly more, and significantly longer, autumnal migratory activity as well as significantly later initiation of spring migratory activity than males from the same population (including siblings) held under identical conditions.This research was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Terrill) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Berthold).  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni parasite of the human intestinal bilharziasis is frequently transmitted in Africa by the Snail Biomphalaria pfeifferi and in America by Biomphalaria glabrata. The comparison between four African strains of cercariae obtained from Biomphalaria pfeifferi and five American strains from Biomphalaria glabrata points out variations in the number and arrangement of the sensory receptors.  相似文献   

The chaetotaxy of the cercariae of human or simian strains of Schistosoma mansoni, a fluke producing the intestinal bilharziasis displays a characteristic difference from that of cercariae of the same parasite adapted to Mouse or wild Rat. Taking into account this differential characteristic, makes it possible to determine the human or murine origin of cercariae released from naturally infected snails during epidemiologic investigations.  相似文献   

Summary Three different tests on houseflies (Musca domestica L.) revealed that both pheromone-free pseudoflies and male partner flies exhibit in the presence of mixtures of long-chain (Z)-9-alkenes or pure (Z)-9-tricosene enhanced releasing effects for two optical cues, which stimulate male houseflies to mating strikes and houseflies of both sexes to aggregation.  相似文献   

Three different tests on houseflies (Musca domestica L.) revealed that both pheromone-free pseudoflies and male partner flies exhibit in the presence of mixtures of long-chain (Z)-9-alkenes or pure (Z)-9-tricosene enhanced releasing effects for two optical cues, which stimulate male houseflies to mating strikes and houseflies of both sexes to aggregation.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical method has demonstrated a hypophyseal cell surface fixation of molecules exhibiting immunological properties of insulin. This fixation occurs massively on GH-cells and on a minority of ACTH cells of the human antehypophysis.  相似文献   

H Kuhn 《Experientia》1980,36(7):863-865
This autoradiographic study revealed after an i.,v. injection an accumulation of 3H-flunitrazepam in melanin granules of the pigment epithelium and of the choroid cells. It seems that after a short period, a large proportion of the strongly bound drug is released.  相似文献   

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