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This paper sidesteps the usual starting points for debate about complexity and the philosophy of science, which tend to assume that science is primarily about observation. Instead, the starting point is intervention, defined as purposeful action by an agent to create change. While some authors suggest that intervention and observation are opposites, it is argued here that observation (as undertaken in science) should be viewed as just one type of intervention. We should therefore welcome scientific techniques of observation into a pluralistic set of intervention methods, alongside methods for exploring values, reflecting on subjective understandings, planning future activities, etc. However, there is a need to explicitly counter a possible pernicious interpretation of this argument: intervention could (erroneously) be viewed as flawlessly preplanned change based on accurate predictions of the consequences of action. This is the mechanistic worldview that systems thinking and complexity science seek to challenge. Therefore, having redefined scientific observation as intervention, the paper revisits insights from systems thinking and complexity to propose a methodology of systemic intervention. Some brief reflections are then provided on the wider social implications of this methodology.  相似文献   

Dealing with a Differentiated Whole: The Philosophy of the WSR Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks to explore a philosophical ground for the formulation and practice of an Oriental systems methodology, the wuli–shili–renli approach (WSR). Drawing insights from ancient Chinese thought, WSR contends that, in sociotechnical systems design/management, we should investigate and follow wuli, shili, and renli, which constitute a differentiable, dynamic whole. Wuli, shili, and renli condition and determine the fate of our projects, meaning different methods are needed to deal with each differentiable aspect. It also points out that, to deal with wuli, shili, and renli properly, we need to engage in encounters with the "dark side" of Confucianism and with the contemporary tendency of scientism.  相似文献   

This paper describes a form of management epistemology, and suggests that it be called Decision Research, since it is primarily based on what can be learned from how managers make decisions in practice. The paper proposes that Decision Research be founded on generic cognitive structures that show a high degree of stability from east to west, old to new. These are described by Nomology, the science of the laws of the mind, and so have a positivist flavor. The paper develops, through an understanding of settled practice, how these structures are used in different cultures and fields of management. The richness of diversity it reveals encourages an interpretivist approach. Its value to Systemic Practice comes from the way that it provides frameworks and maps to elucidate issues and resolve situations in management.  相似文献   

This short paper introduces a special issue of Systemic Practice and Action Research on new developments in Chinese systems practice. It focuses on the recent history of systems thinking in China, describing a paradigm shift that is currently taking place from an "objectivist" to a more pluralistic stance. Details are provided of the Hull–Beijing research program, which has contributed to this paradigm shift. In one way or another, all the papers in this special issue can be seen as having a connection with this research program.  相似文献   

In a previous paper the author introduced a concept called qualifying function as a conceptual tool for modeling and design. The concept was incorporated into the modeling phase of soft systems methodology (SSM), with the purpose of addressing some of the criticism directed toward the methodology, such as its tendency to result in regulatory, rather than radical, agendas for change. It was argued that the concept had the potential to help people in a particular problem situation to view the situation from new and different perspectives and that it could enrich the conceptual models by giving the transformation process a direction. The aim of this paper is to apply the concept, embedded in SSM, to a case study involving two projects, focused on creating new work opportunities, to explore the practical applicability and usefulness of the concept, both in general and as a part of the modeling phase of SSM.  相似文献   

This paper asks what engineering systems thinking is and seeks to determine what distinguishes it from systems thinking. The purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics of engineers who are able to think in the manner we call engineering systems thinking. The study seeks to define the term engineering systems thinking on a theoretical level and then to move from the theoretical level to the operational level. A thorough understanding of engineering systems thinking on both the theoretical and operational levels will prove useful in the design of curricula to improve and develop thinking of this sort. Our study was based on 28 interviews, 14 lectures, and 2 observation sites. This paper treats only the material that pertains directly to engineering systems thinking.  相似文献   

复杂性研究针对以牛顿力学为代表的近代科学思维模式的简单化、绝对化、忽视时间作用等弊病,为思维模式的转变提供了一种新的思路和方向,本文从概念的多元化、质的多样性、视角多样性、层次多样性、时间的作用、信息的作用等6个方面切入,认识和理解复杂性。并以经济学为例,阐述了复杂性在实际工作中的运用。  相似文献   

Systemic Practice and Action Research - The presentation of a Systems Approach made by Churchman in 1968 starts from a close link between a systems approach and tackling world problems. The link is...  相似文献   

Total systems intervention: A practical face to critical systems thinking   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first exposition of a new methodology (or perhaps meta-methodology) for systems practice known as Total Systems Intervention (TSI). Designed to overcome the weaknesses of hard, cybernetic, and soft systems approaches and build on their strengths, TSI represents a practical face of critical systems thinking. It advocates combining three building blocks-systems metaphors, system of systems methodologies, and individual systems methodologies—in an interactive manner which is deemed to be particularly powerful and fruitful. In this paper the philosophy, principles, and phases of the TSI methodology are set out and two very different examples of its use are provided.  相似文献   

This paper compares some key concepts from Buddhism with ideas from different traditions of systems thinking. There appear to be many similarities, suggesting that there is significant potential for dialogue and mutual learning. The similarities also indicate that it may be possible to develop a Buddhist systems methodology to help guide exploration and change within Buddhist organisations.
Chao Ying ShenEmail:

As a management information systems (MIS) project manager and an action researcher, the author examined, over time, the influence on information system development (ISD) of the informal sociopolitical organizational actions. The paper reports two cases of action research findings concerning the effect on ISD project implementation processes of power-based arbitrary decisional actions in bureaucratic environments. The research focused on the relationship of such unilateral actions to the interconnected subprocesses of deliberate and conscious attempts by the ISD project members to define and resolve system implementation issues. A suggested conceptual framework for the issue-resolution processes (IRP's) and obstacle-coping processes (OCP's) is based on the author's IRP/OCP-related behavioral constructs and theoretical models dealing with soft-systems issues, especially appreciative system theory and soft-systems methodology, and innovative flexible, "complementarist" (Sinn, 1998) or pluralist problem-solving approaches.  相似文献   

Two careers, in industry and in university teaching at postgraduate level, have led to the development of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) in a 30-year program of action research. The most cogent comments on SSM come from reflective practitioners, and in this symposium I have asked eight such users of SSM to reflect on their experience and to address the question of what it is that happens when the approach is used in real-world problem situations. Their responses reflect their different backgrounds, experience, and ways of working, but a broad general picture emerges. This suggests that SSM (whose process does not necessarily have to be made explicit to participants in a study) can engender a process of on-going (cyclic) coherent structured learning which feels natural, and which can surface previously unexamined assumptions, thus creating an arena in which accommodations can emerge which enable and motivate "action to improve" to be taken.  相似文献   

IfSystems Practice is to serve the cause of socially rational decision making, its understanding of systems approach must open itself up to the communicative dimension of rational practice uncovered by contemporary practical philosophy. This programmatic paper argues that building the bridge between the two traditions of systems thinking and practical philosophy is a key challenge to be faced by the systems community. A three-level framework of rational systems practice is suggested as a point of departure for a program of research.  相似文献   

The Need for a Systemic Approach to Change Management—A Case Study   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Change is now a constant feature of organizational life, but the effectiveness of change management initiatives is often open to question. By reflecting on a case of change management involving a Higher Education Institution (HEI), this paper argues that, to be more effective, organizational change must be managed systemically. The paper first provides a systemic conceptual underpinning to change management, and then examines the case by comparing what had really happened with what might have happened if organizational change had been managed systemically. The analysis helps build an improved understanding of change management, and provides implications for future change management practice.  相似文献   

Healthcare is indeed a complex service system, one requiring the technobiology approach of systems engineering to underpin its development as an integrated and adaptive system. In general, healthcare services are carried out with knowledge-intensive agents or components which work together as providers and consumers to create or co-produce value. Indeed, the engineering design of a healthcare system must recognize the fact that it is actually a complex integration of human-centered activities that is increasingly dependent on information technology and knowledge. Like any service system, healthcare can be considered to be a combination or recombination of three essential components — people (characterized by behaviors, values, knowledge, etc.), processes (characterized by collaboration, customization, etc.) and products (characterized by software, hardware, infrastructures, etc.). Thus, a healthcare system is an integrated and adaptive set of people, processes and products. It is, in essence, a system of systems which objectives are to enhance its efficiency (leading to greater interdependency) and effectiveness (leading to improved health). Integration occurs over the physical, temporal, organizational and functional dimensions, while adaptation occurs over the monitoring, feedback, cybernetic and learning dimensions. In sum, such service systems as healthcare are indeed complex, especially due to the uncertainties associated with the human-centered aspects of these systems. Moreover, the system complexities can only be dealt with methods that enhance system integration and adaptation.  相似文献   

主要介绍一种多专家判断信息二次合成方法的原理。该方法分两层次对权重向量进行综合 :首先以各单个指标为基础从各专家判断矩阵中提取判断信息 ,并对差异较大的信息剔除后加以合成 ;然后再对以单指标为基础的判断信息加以综合 ,从而得到多专家多指标综合判断权重向量。该方法有效、可靠、易理解。最后 ,以一个算例来说明该方法的实施过程 ,并与其它方法作了简单比较。  相似文献   

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