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文中从以下5个方面讨论上都在元代科技活动中的地位,1.在上都设有回回司天蓝和回回司天台;2.在上都收藏一批“回回书籍”,为回回天文学等研究之用;3上都有各种医工或治疗机构,4.上都的建筑集中着蒙汉和阿拉伯等技术;5.上都又是学者的重要活动场所。  相似文献   

文中从以下5个方面讨论上都在元代科技活动中的地位:1.在上都设有回回司天监和回回司天台;2.在上都收藏一批“回回书籍”,为回回天文学等研究之用;3.上都有各种医药或治疗机构;4.上都的建筑集中着蒙、汉和阿拉伯等技术;5.上都又是学者的重要活动场所  相似文献   

在分析<元秘书监志>规定的司天台考试制度和考试内容的基础上,讨论元代中国天文学与回回天文学交流中存在的问题,认为当时存在两方面相互交流的大好时机,但是管理者没有组织起有效的交流活动,致使"汉儿司天台"和"回回司天台"的工作人员各自独立工作,没有展开应有的交流.  相似文献   

根据已知的中国古代观象台方位,对金代司天台位置进行初次探讨.认为:第一,按照东汉灵台的位王推测,应住于金皇宫的南面即南郊;第二,按金中都皇城宫城复原示困中拜天台的方位推断应在皇城东南方向;第三,按元明清观星台的位置类推金司天台方位应在现在的丰台区右安门外东南一带.另外,从明朝建的天坛是位于皇城的东南方向;明朝建的日坛是位于宫城偏东南方向.  相似文献   

元朝郭守敬为制定《授时历》,使用圭表测影推定冬至时刻。《元史·历志》载有1277至1280年间共98天的圭表影长数据,郭守敬用这些数据推定了1277至1279三年的冬至时刻。分析表明,影长数据可分成前后两组:后一组数据的观测地点与太史院司天台的位置吻合;前一组数据的观测地点比元太史院司天台所在位置地理纬度偏南2.5'左右(约3.4公里),根据历史地图考证推测其为金朝金中都司天台。因此郭守敬为制定《授时历》而做的圭表测影,是先后在金元两朝天文台进行的。  相似文献   

回回天文历法在元代已开始使用.但未留下详细的文字资料.论述了明清时南京回回天文工作概况:明初由回回天文学家马沙亦黑、马合麻等在南京将回回历法译为汉文;明代成立了回回天文研究机构,在南京雨花台建回回观星台;清初梅文鼎在南京的朋友马德称是马合麻的后人.他存有《四省表影立成》等回回天文历法著作.  相似文献   

回回理学是明清之际我国的一批“经儒兼通”的回族知识分子在伊斯兰哲学的基础上,在儒家理学的全面影响下创立的一个理学体系,它是回汉文化长期而深入交流的产物,亦是回回穆斯林深深地融入我国社会的重要标志,它的创立意义重大。在继本文第一部分概述了回回理学体系的名称由来、基本内吝后,着重就其特征和意义做一论述。  相似文献   

,MkP!~---、---rr--*xAI二。、凸回回向】b回回叱回回干纤过r仓‘【入权帅*y广H\尺牟已轩卜.L呜退卿隐饲州【].限什”-叩L什…几》人WWetyAi,机遇 中国要紧紧抓住  相似文献   

浙江省丽水市强力硅酸盐厂1赐色__撼回回丽水市强力硅酸盐厂是丽千万,利税超百万。被列入省级科研项目、市级星火项吨夜呈圆圆一水地区重点乡镇企业,全国分目的4A型分子筛替代了进口产品,产品质量符合HG/回回回篇自多回回回子筛协作组、无机硅化物成员T2524一93标准,填补了省内空白,产品质量处于国家回回了及*回回回厂。该厂创建于1989年,现有领先水平。目前试制生产的无公害冰箱、空调等专用分回口回回回回回回回回中产设备68耷,十产流水线三子筛3GZ——1、3GZ一2新产品,经全国分子筛测试中心条,拥有先进的检测、化验设备,年生产硅酸…  相似文献   

高斯积分方法通过空间坐标变换和双线性变换,可解决物理量在面元上无法实现解析积分的难题。本文详细介绍了高斯积分方法的实施流程,并将其应用于脉动源格林函数在面元上的数值积分,提高了脉动源格林函数振荡项的积分效率,分析了脉动频率以及场点和源点的相对距离对积分精度的影响,该方法适合于浮体在波浪中运动与载荷的数值计算。  相似文献   

海光缆远程供电系统可靠性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Xu  HuiPing  Zhang  YanWei  Xu  ChangWei  Li  JianRu  Liu  Ding  Qin  RuFu  Luo  ShenQian  Fan  DaiDu 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(26):2839-2845
The seafloor observation system is becoming an important infrastructure for marine research because it is transforming oceanic research from temporal investigation to long term observation.The East China Sea coastal seafloor observatory,located between 30°31′44″N,122°15′12″E and 30°31′34″N,122°14′40″E,is constructed near the Xiaoqushan Island outside the Hangzhou Bay on the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea.The observatory is connected by a submarine optical fiber composite power cable that is more than one kilometer long and consists of a special junction box that transmits power and communication signals to different instruments.The special junction box has a variety of waterproof plugs and connects to three different instruments installed in a trawl preventer.The submarine optical fiber composite power cable is landed on the platform by The East China Sea Branch,State Oceanic Administration and the power is continuously supplied by the solar panels and solar battery on the top of the platform.The real time data are directly sent through the cable to the platform and are transmitted by CDMA wireless to the receiver at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology of Tongji University.Measurements at the observatory have been taken since April 20,2009 after installation and the results have been interpreted.The characteristics of the near bottom boundary are constrained by a sediment suspension model using portion of the observed data.In particular,discussion is provided on the sea surface height anomaly at Xiaoqushan Island influenced by the tsunami driven by the 2010 Earthquake in Chile.The successful establishment of the coastal seafloor observatory is the first step toward future development of seafloor observation systems in China.It not only accumulates experiences in technology and engineering,but also paves the way for performing important oceanic research using the long term continuous observation platform.  相似文献   

红外天文观测技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了红外天文观测的意义及观测技术的发展过程,以PtSi-IRCCD和HgCDTe-IRFPA为例说明了红外焦平面阵列的工作原理,分析了研制红外探测器的技术难点,最后阐述了中国红外天文观测技术发展前景.  相似文献   

Zhang  YanWei  Fan  DaiDu  Xu  HuiPing 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(27):2957-2965
Sea-level variation can be induced by periodic tides, stochastic wind, air pressure, and swell. Larger sea-level variation has the potential to cause coastal disasters. In this paper, real-time continuous data obtained by the Xiaoqushan seafloor observatory in the East China Sea were analyzed employing frequency power spectral and tidal harmonic methods to extract the major components and periodicities of sea-level change. The sea-level anomaly (sla) was calculated by subtracting the tidal components from the observed sea level data. In the study period, the correlation between sla and the local north-south wind speed was high with a correlation coefficient of 0.65 at the 95% confidence level. The local wind-induced sea-level anomaly (sla wind ) was therefore computed through linear fitting. Although sla wind is one of the main components of sla, the residual sea-level anomaly (sla residual ) obtained by subtracting sla wind from sla is not zero, suggesting that there are other factors besides wind. Detailed analysis of the sea-level data at the time of the 8.8-magnitude Chilean earthquake on February 27, 2010 showed a peak sla residual value of 0.48 m at around 15:00 on February 28, which was highly coincident with the tsunami arrival time forecast by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The peak sla residual event is therefore linked with the tsunami induced by the 2010 Chilean earthquake. This is the first time that a tsunami has been detected using real-time continuous data recorded by a seafloor observatory in the sea off China. Such observations are expected to improve tsunami forecast models and promote the development of a tsunami warning system and a seafloor observatory network in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

从天文学的发展出发,阐述了天文研究和教育的特点.海量开放型的天文数据和互联网络的技术发展,使虚拟天文台的建设必然而现实.重点讨论了虚拟天文台建设的重要性,以及如何利用虚拟天文台这一平台进行天文教育和研究的设想.  相似文献   

系统地介绍了大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜(LAMOST)观测控制系统,着重讨论了LAMOST-0级系统的定义、功能和实现方法.  相似文献   

天文台址直接影响望远镜运转效率与探测能力。因此,优秀天文台址是发展天文学这一最宽阔、最受关注的基础学科之关键。文章主要介绍了西藏天文台选址的研究内容、一个优良台址要具备的条件、研究方案及预期的目标等。  相似文献   

针对LAMOST系统的复杂性,其观测控制命令将分为三个层次实现.根据编译理论,结合LAMOST望远镜的特点和其观测运行模式,采用物理解析与语法解析相结合的方法,深入探讨了各层命令集之间的解析方法.  相似文献   

CCD测光观测积分时间研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CCD测光观测中积分时间的选取,对测光结果的误差大小有很大影响。我们用云南天文台1.02米望远镜对BLLac天体MRK501进行了不同积分时间的观测研究,获得了R波段和I波段测光的星等误差值与积分时间的关系。结果表明,当I波段积分时间长于R波段积分时间时,测量结果的误差有最小值。  相似文献   

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