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The research aims to provide an alternative to austempering treatment of ductile cast iron with a simple and cost-effective heat-treatment process. This goal was accomplished by applying a simple one-step spheroidization heat treatment to the as-cast ductile iron, which would normally possess a coarse pearlitic microstructure to a significant extent. Spheroidization experiments involving isothermal holding below the lower critical temperature (A1) were conducted followed by standard mechanical testing and microstructural characterization for an experimental ductile iron. After improving the spheroidization holding time at a given temperature, the work shows that the ductility and toughness of an as-cast ductile iron can be improved by 90% and 40%, respectively, at the cost of reducing the tensile strength by 8%. Controlled discretization of the continuous cementite network in pearlitic matrix of the ductile iron is deemed responsible for the improved properties. The work also shows that prolonged holding time during spheroidization heat treatment leads to degradation of mechanical properties due to the inhomogenous microstructure formation caused by heterogeneous decomposition and cementite clustering in the material. The main outcome of this work is the demonstration of ductile cast iron’s necking behavior due to spheroidization heat treatment.  相似文献   

采用压痕法及扫描电镜观察,研究了抗磨贝氏体球铁中裂纹的形核与扩展。实验结果表明,裂纹主要在石墨─基体界面形成,其次在碳化物─基体界面形核。裂纹在石墨─基体界面和碳化物─基体界面的形成机制不同,裂纹优先沿界面扩展。并从热力学的角度对其进行了分析。  相似文献   

The dry impact wear behavior of bainite ductile cast iron was evaluated under three different impact loads for 30000 cycles. The strain-hardening effects beneath the contact surfaces were analyzed according to the surfaces’ micro-hardness profiles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to observe the worn surfaces. The results indicated that the material with the highest hardness was the one continuously cooled at 20°C, which exhibited the lowest wear rate under each set of test conditions. The hardness of the worn surface and the thickness of the hardened layer increased with the increases in impact load and in the number of test cycles. The better wear performance of the sample cooled at 20°C is attributed to its finer microstructure and superior mechanical properties. All the samples underwent the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) phenomenon after impact wear, as revealed by the fact that small amounts of retained austenite were detected by XRD.  相似文献   

用电阻法测量球墨铸铁的疲劳损伤   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据损伤力学原理,用双臂电桥测量电阻的方法,研究了珠光体球墨铸铁的疲劳损伤演变规律。结果表明:球墨铸铁的疲劳损伤变量随疲劳周数呈指数规律变化;根据这个规律,可以计算出临界损伤变量为0.45;电阻变化对球墨铸铁的疲劳损伤比较敏感;疲劳的开始阶段,电阻的变化是由基体组织中点缺陷产生与聚合引起的,这并不反映材料的真实损伤。  相似文献   

In high-temperature applications, like exhaust manifolds, cast irons with a ferritic matrix are mostly used. However, the increasing demand for higher-temperature applications has led manufacturers to use additional expensive materials such as stainless steels and Ni-resist austenitic ductile cast irons. Thus, in order to meet the demand while using low-cost materials, new alloys with improved high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance must be developed. In this study, thermodynamic calculations with Thermo-Calc software were applied to study a novel ductile cast iron with a composition of 3.5 wt% C, 4 wt% Si, 1 wt% Nb, 0-4 wt% Al. The designed compositions were cast, and thermal analysis and microstructural characterization were performed to validate the calculations. The lowest critical temperature of austenite to pearlite eutectoid transformation, i.e., A1, was calculated, and the solidification sequence was determined. Both calculations and experimental data revealed the importance of aluminum addition, as the A1 increased by increasing the aluminum content in the alloys, indicating the possibility of utilizing the alloys at higher temperature. The experimental data validated the transformation temperature during solidification and at the solid state and confirmed the equilibrium phases at room temperature as ferrite, graphite, and MC-type carbides.  相似文献   

线接触副球墨铸铁表面激光织构对摩擦学特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究线接触情况下激光表面织构对球墨铸铁摩擦学特性的影响,采用调Q半导体泵浦YAG激光器,利用单脉冲同点间隔多次激光加工工艺,对球墨铸铁试样端面进行表面织构化处理.制备出4种不同深度、不同面积占有率的环形阵列分布微凹腔,并在滚滑复合运动的圆柱销与圆盘端面线接触式摩擦磨损试验机上,进行摩擦学试验.结果表明:在相同试验条件下,与光滑试样进行对比,微凹腔试样表面具有较好的减摩效果;对不同深度及面积占有率的微凹腔试样进行摩擦性能试验,结果显示:均存在优化设计值使得织构化表面的摩擦因数最小,并表现出良好的抗擦伤性能.  相似文献   

根据损伤力学的基本原理,利用测量电阻的方法,研究了拉伸受力状态下,铁素体球墨铸铁的损伤力学特性。得出了损伤变量随应力和应变而变化的演变规律。认为球墨铸铁存在损伤阈值,其大小随球化率提高而呈直线增大,但损伤阈值皆小于屈服强度;临界损伤变量与球化率的关系不大,在本试验条件下,约为0.060~0.068。研究结果表明,当应力大于一定程度时,损伤发生,且随应力增加而逐渐增大。  相似文献   

This work evaluated the isothermal transformation of austenite in unalloyed pearlitic ductile iron and drew the isothermal phase diagram of austenitization in the ductile iron. Austenite forms at grain boundaries and then grows up to graphite regions during austenitization. The formation kinetics of austenite complies with the Avrami equation, in which the parameter (n) ranges from 4.71 to 4.99. The start time and finish time of transformation can be calculated at each temperature using the Avrami equation.  相似文献   

The fast cooling rate of thin ductile iron castings requires special consideration to produce carbide-free castings. Extraordinary care was taken to select the charge to produce castings of 100-mm long round bars with 16-mm diameter. The castings show the presence of carbides in the bars. Seven melts were made with different temperatures and with different compositions to get rid of carbides. After chemical analyses,it was found that the extra purity of the charge with less than 0.008wt% sulfur in the castings was the cause of carbides. To remove the carbides from the castings,sulfur should be added to the charge.  相似文献   

为了延长铸铁工件的使用寿命,采用熔剂法将墨铸铁热浸镀铝,对镀层截面进行了形貌观察(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)和衍射分析(XRD),测试了镀层的抗氧化性.结果表明,镀层由表面富铝层及扩散层构成,富铝层包含降温形成的针状FeAl3相,扩散层由FeAl3,Fe2Al5 物相组成,其形态呈舌状,并嵌入基体;氧化时镀层全部转变为扩散层,并能保持非常缓慢的退化速度,使球墨铸铁的抗氧化性显著提高.  相似文献   

铸铁热浸镀铝工艺不尽成熟,将球墨铸铁热浸镀铝工艺的镀前处理及浸镀参数选择作为研究重点.分析了热浸镀铝层厚度的控制方法和热浸镀铝层的结构.实验表明,获得高质量球墨铸铁热浸镀铝层的关键是预处理工序、酸碱液配方和助镀剂.球墨铸铁热浸镀铝工艺中,合金层影响最大的因素是浸镀时间和浸镀温度.时间的延长和温度的提高,都会使合金层厚度增加.球墨铸铁与Q235钢相比,球墨铸铁镀层的合金层较薄,且合金层针齿更加连续、致密.  相似文献   

利用本地丰富的钇基重稀土合金处理铁水,探讨高温条件下灰铸铁、蠕墨铸铁和球墨铸铁的石墨组织和力学性能,同时用数理统计的方法推导出它们的线性膨胀系数回归方程.结果表明:高温下三种铸铁的断裂破坏特性分别为解理断裂、准解理断裂和韧窝断裂.同时证实了球墨铸铁具有比灰铸铁和蠕墨铸铁高得多的高温抗拉强度;蠕墨铸铁具有较优良的综合高温耐热性能,尤其是伸长百分率和耐热疲劳性要大大优于灰铸铁;球墨铸铁和蠕墨铸铁相变前的线性膨胀系数比灰铸铁低而且保持相对稳定.同时它们具有比灰铸铁低得多的相变收缩率.  相似文献   

考察了不同的孕育剂对可锻铸铁低温石墨化的影响 .通过研究发现可锻铸铁所用的孕育剂中有Si Fe存在 ,在 750℃~ 730℃左右、保温时间少于 2 7小时退火时 ,就能得到全铁素体基体的可锻铸铁 .在一般的砂型铸造过程中 ,以Si Fe Bi Al复合孕育效果最好 .扫描电镜分析表明 ,加Si Fe孕育后 ,由于Si分布的不均匀使得可锻铸铁的低温石墨化过程易于实现 .  相似文献   

The wear resistances of austempered ductile iron (ADI) were improved through introduction of a new phase (carbide) into the matrix by addition of chromium. In the present investigation, low-carbon-equivalent ductile iron (LCEDI) (CE=3.06%, and CE represents carbon-equivalent) with 2.42% chromium was selected. LCEDI was austenitized at two different temperatures (900 and 975℃) and soaked for 1 h and then quenched in a salt bath at 325℃ for 0 to 10 h. Samples were analyzed using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Wear tests were carried out on a pin-on-disk-type machine. The effect of austenization temperature on the wear resistance, impact strength, and the microstructure was evaluated. A structure–property correlation based on the observations is established.  相似文献   

为强化热浸镀铝层的耐磨性能,将球墨铸铁经780℃热浸镀铝后进行氩弧重熔处理,分析重熔工艺参数对重熔层性能的影响,利用扫描电镜对热浸镀铝层和氩弧重熔层组织进行了观察。结果表明:热浸镀铝层经氩弧重熔处理后,组织改善,由原来富铝层和扩散层转变为重熔层和过渡层。氩弧重熔工艺参数对重熔组织裂纹率、熔深、表面硬度影响较大,重熔电流增大或电弧扫描速度减小时,重熔层裂纹率下降,熔深增加,硬度升高。在重熔电流为70~120 A时,重熔层和过渡层硬度最高可达8.430和8.820 GPa。氩弧重熔处理能明显提高热浸镀铝层的显微硬度。  相似文献   

分别用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、X-ray衍射仪和微机控制电液伺服万能试验机等研究了钼含量的变化对高铬铸铁中碳化物的形态和分布以及力学性能的影响。结果表明:适量的钼可以细化组织和改变碳化物形貌及分布,碳化物由长条状转变为球状,对基体的割裂程度减小明显。在高铬铸铁中加入合金元素钼可在不牺牲其韧性的情况下有效地提高其硬度及耐磨性,其中一部分钼固溶于奥氏体中提高了高铬铸铁淬透性,一部分与碳形成新的化合物Mo2C,从而提高了高铬铸铁的耐磨性。当钼的总加入量为0.9%时,高铬铸铁的综合力学性能达到最佳。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜观察五组不同化学成分铸锭的显微组织,并对铸锭试样在不同温度下抗拉强度进行测定,研究碳元素和合金元素对铸铁抗拉强度的影响。结果表明,在碳含量适宜的情况下,添加适量合金元素Ni、Mo能提高铸铁的高温强度;w(C)为3.72%、w(Si)为2.45%、w(Mn)为0.661%、w(Cr)为0.90%、w(Ni)为0.66%、w(Mo)为0.12%、w(Cu)为0.159%的合金蠕墨铸铁在600℃高温下的抗拉强度仍能达到358MPa。  相似文献   

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