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植物硅酸体,又称植硅石(phytolith),是指高等植物细胞中发育的硅质颗粒,易鉴定且较易被保存在考古地层和遗物中。许多栽培植物能够产生具属种一级鉴定特征的植物硅酸体。通过考古土壤等样品的硅酸体分析,能够较好地恢复史前农耕面貌与特点。目前,已有一些栽培植物的硅酸体形态得到了较好的研究,当代考古植物学家也有一些成功的研究范例。植物硅酸体分析,将在农业考古研究中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

禾本科植物叶片中硅酸体的基本类型与分类系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察了禾本科78属131种植物叶片中硅酸体形态和排列方式,本科植物叶片中硅酸体主要有竹节形、鞍形、棒形、哑铃形、双哑铃形、圆形和椭圆形等。沿叶脉呈横列。丛列和混列。据形态结构和排列方式将禾本科植物硅酸体划分为竹型、稻型、画眉草型、针茅型、针柔型、早熟禾型和黍型6个类型,分别与本科的竹亚科、稻亚科、画眉草亚科、针茅亚科、早熟禾亚科和黍亚科植物相吻合,指出芦竹亚科的硅酸体分属画眉草型和黍型。并初步  相似文献   

环境考古学发展回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪60年代考古学出现了新考古学派,导致包括环境考古学在内的许多考古学分支学科的出现。环境考古学的发展经历了线形模式阶段、系统模式前阶段和系统模式后阶段3个时期,并逐渐形成4个主要的研究领域:地学考古、植物考古、动物考古和分子生物考古,其中地学考古涉及到地貌学、沉积学、土壤学和地质年代学。环境考古在考古学理论方法框架中主要应用于遗存堆积前、堆积及堆积后理论中的部分或全部内容。中国环境考古学研究现阶段最需要的是工作方式与研究方法的改进。  相似文献   

在末次冰期到全新世的过渡时期,全球气候发生了巨大的变化。几乎与此同时,人类社会也从旧石器时代向新石器时代过渡。因此,这一时期气候变化与人类活动的关系是考古学研究的热点。云南省是我国旧石器时代考古遗址最为丰富的地区,但这里的新石器时代遗址数量相对较少,对云南省旧石器-新石器时代过渡期的旧气候研究也很少。植硅体是一种可长期保存的植物微体化石,是研究考古遗址古气候的重要手段。本研究以旧石器时代向新石器时代过渡时期的娜咪囡遗址为研究对象,利用植硅体重建了各考古地层的气候,并探讨可能的古人类活动。结果表明,娜咪囡遗址经历了一个升温、冷却再变暖的过程,这与云南其他地区的古气候研究是一致的。  相似文献   

对phytolith汉译名的商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对phytolith一词内涵和使用沿革的回顾,笔者主张将其译为植结石,可以与动结石(zoolith)匹对,不主张将其译为“植物硅酸体”、“植物硅石”、“植物硅体细胞”和“植物石”。同样,一门新兴的边缘学科──phytolithics可译为植结石学。  相似文献   

正为了加强地理学者和考古学者之间的交流,加深环境考古学和动植物考古学之间的联系,鼓励和支持青年环境考古学者的研究,促进中国环境考古学的发展,2019年5月5日,以"动植物考古与环境考古"为主题的"环境考古"主题研讨沙龙(第4期)在北京联合大学举办.来自北京大学、中国科学院大学、复旦大学、中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、中国科学院青藏高原研究所、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、中国科学院植物研究所、兰州大  相似文献   

环境考古旨在研究古代人类社会和其所处自然环境的相互关系,进而探讨由这种相互作用决定的人类生态系统。其认识论和方法论具有经验主义和实证主义相结合的特色,并以历史唯物主义为哲学基础。全新世以来持续多变的全球气候环境,人类进入新石器时代以后日趋复杂的人地关系,使全新世环境考古一开始就是环境考古重要的组成部分,并于近年来发展成为考古学、地球科学特别是地貌与第四纪环境和全球变化研究的主要方向。本文从科学引文检索结果分析入手,回顾了近年来全球各大洲全新世环境考古研究的主要内容及特色,以及地学考古、分子生物考古及多指标综合集成研究方法和技术手段方面的重要进展。未来全新世环境考古必须加强交叉尺度的综合集成研究和长周期模型的开发应用,深入开展农业起源与传播、史前及历史时期土地利用与资源开发等专题研究,注重在人地关系动态阐释中人文科学与自然科学理论的结合,藉以发挥全新世环境考古研究成果的科学指导作用。  相似文献   

正为了加强地理学者和考古学者之间的对话和交流,鼓励和支持青年环境考古学者的研究,促进中国环境考古学的发展,2017年4月16日,以"环境·农业·考古"为主题的"环境考古"主题研讨沙龙(第二期)在北京联合大学应用文理学院举办.来自北京大学、华盛顿大学、中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、中国科学院植物研究所、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古  相似文献   

福建珍珠茅属叶表皮特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察研究了产于福建的7种珍珠茅属植物 的叶表皮特征,描述了叶片表皮角质层纹饰、气孔器表面蜡质纹饰、表皮毛等有关叶表皮特征,统计并测量了气孔大小、气孔密度、气孔指数等。结果表明:珍珠茅属植物叶表皮特征属于典型的单子叶植物叶的特征,表皮细胞形状、垂周壁式样、表面角质层纹饰、气孔器表面蜡质纹饰、 硅酸体等特征在属内各种间十分相近,而气孔密度、 气孔指数、气 孔大小、气孔器分布和表皮毛等特征种间差异较大,可作为种间区别的重要依据。  相似文献   

栽培稻的起源与分化研究,需要从生物学的角度,利用自然科学的研究方法和手段,对考古发现的古栽培稻遗存进行科学检测与分析研究.考古发现的古栽培稻遗存可分为遗物和遗迹两大类型,对其研究方法先后出现过芒的分析法、传统粒型分析法、孢粉分析法、灰像法、硅酸体分析法、DNA分析法、双峰乳突判别函数鉴定法、粒型判别函数法、双峰乳突印痕鉴定法、小穗轴分析法和小穗基盘分析法等.这些方法并不是古栽培稻遗存研究的终极方法",其本身也有不同程度的局限性;但研究方法的改良与创新,开阔了学术视野,提出了新的问题,促使学术界对既有认识和研究结论进行重新审视,并进一步寻求新的方法,以期对栽培稻起源与分化问题有更为全面的认识.  相似文献   

Measuring the response of terrestrial ecosystems to elevated CO2 concentrations is very important for understanding the effects of global change. In this study, OTC (open top chambers) were used to simulate elevated CO2 concentrations in the Songnen Grassland. As well, phytoliths in Leymus chinensis were extracted to study the relationships between phytoliths and CO2 concentration. The results show the rondel is abundant in Leymus chinensis, while the trapeziform polylobate is rare. When phytolith production is increased, the rondel phytoliths grow bigger and the proportions of the different phytolith types changes under high CO2 con-centration. These types include elongate hollow, acicular hair cell, square and laminate and are only observed in samples grown under high CO2 concentrations. All this evidence demonstrates that phytoliths in Leymus chinensis are sensitive to CO2 concentration, and indicate that phytolith analysis may have potential use in the study of global change, identifying different ecotypes of Leymus chinensis and for the reconstruction of paleoatmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

1 Survey The Changjiang Delta Region is one of the cradles of the national culture. 300 cultural sites of Neolithic, which separately belong to 4 archaeology cultural styles, includ-ing Majiabang culture (7—6 kaBP), Songze culture (6—5 kaBP), Liangzhu culture (5—4 kaBP) and Maqiao culture (4—3 kaBP), were excavated and represent the develop-ing steps of continuous ancient culture[1]. After 1949 the archaeologists in Shanghai have been doing a great deal of excavation to ancient rel…  相似文献   

Shanghai Museum has got great achievements in re-excavating Guangfulin relics.It is the first time that the cultural remains of Wangyoufang type is found above the Liangzhu cultural remains which comes from East Henan Province,providing previous materials for researching culture evolution around Taihu Lake.Samples were taken from the immature soil layer and cultural layers of Guangfulin relics for phytolith analysis.According to the systemic research for the archaeological remains and phytolith fossil,the phytoliths in Guangfulin relics can be divided into four xones.The development of rice agriculture and living condition of Guangfulin ancestors was discussed based on the existing rice fan-shaped phytolith,rice shell phytolith.diatom fossil and archaeology,evidence in the same layer.The Guangfulin relics has gradually developed since a high sea level 5000 years ago,and the broad rice agriculture has simultaneously developed.The newly re-excavated relics provides valuable materials for the research of ancestors and ancient culture in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Phytoliths are noncrystalline minerals that form inside cells and cell walls of different parts of plants. Organic carbon in living cells can be occluded in phytoliths during plant growth. It has been documented that the occluded carbon within phytoliths is an important long-term terrestrial carbon reservoir that has a major role in the global carbon cycle. Common millet and foxtail millet have become typical dry-farming crops in China since the Neolithic Age. The study of carbon conservation within phytoliths in these crops could provide insights into anthropogenic influences on the carbon cycle. In this study, we analyzed the carbon content in phytoliths of common millet and foxtail millet. The results indicated that (1) common millet and foxtail millet contained 0.136% ± 0.070% and 0.129% ± 0.085% phytolith-occluded carbon (PhytOC) on a dry mass basis, respectively; (2) based on the mean annual production of common millet and foxtail millet in the last 10 years, the phytolith occluded carbon accumulation rate of common millet and foxtail millet was approximately 0.023 ± 0.015 and 0.020 ± 0.010 t CO 2 ha 1 a 1 , respectively; (3) assuming a similar phytolith occluded carbon accumulation rate as for common millet (the highest accumulation rate was 0.038 t CO 2 ha 1 a 1 ), this could result in the sequestration of 2.37 × 10 6 t CO 2 per year for the 62.4 × 10 6 ha dry-farming crops in China. Although there was a decline in the annual production rate and planting area of foxtail millet during 1949 to 2008, the total phytolith carbon sequestration rate was 7×10 6 t CO 2 within the 60-year period. However, phytolith occluded carbon has not yet been fully considered as a global carbon sink. Also, this carbon fraction is probably one of the best candidates for the missing carbon sink.  相似文献   

通过对巢湖AC2钻孔植硅体化石的系统研究,划分出3个植硅体组合带.并根据各植硅体组合带主要成分所反映的气候特征,结合主成分分析法(PCA),重构了该区近300 a来的气候与环境变化.巢湖流域近300 a来气候划分为2个相对温暖时期(1710 s—1780 s;1890 s—1970 s)、1个相对寒冷时期(1780 s—1890 s)和1个增温阶段(1970 s—2003).与前人利用合肥地区的历史文献和长江中下游地区气象站的器测资料得出该区的气候变化进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

对取自贾湖新石器时代遗址的9块考古样品进行植硅石分析,结合孢粉分析资料,恢复了该遗址的古生态环境,进而解释了为什么栖息于淮河流域的贾湖先民较早开始稻耕农业的生态学原因.  相似文献   

To identify and study the Neolithic rice paddy in Shandong, eastern China, is not only an important issue in the development of Chinese rice agriculture, but also a key part of the study on rice spread in East Asia. Due to the limitation of archaeological materials and the research methods, there have been no discoveries about the Neolithic rice paddy in Shandong Province for a long time. Based on the identification of possible rice paddy by archaeological excavation, phytolith analysis of soil samples from this "paddy" has been systematically carried out and the results have shown a 4600—4300 years old rice paddy preserved at the Zhaojiazhuang site. This is the first examination and study of the rice paddy in North China by systematic phytolith analysis, which is very important for the Neolithic archaeological research and the study of the eastward spread of rice agricultural techniques in East Asia.  相似文献   

Conclusions The macro-environment of the region and the site agriculture interpreted from the phytolith assemblages at Yingyang site are as follows: i)In the mid-late period of Yangshao Culture five thousand years ago, the regional climate of Dengfeng County is warm and wet; ii)In the mid-late period of Yangshao Culture, rice farming may have been practised in the region.  相似文献   

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