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Summary In the astronomical treatise ryabhatya of ryabhata several verses are interpolated, namely all those verses in which either Brahman was mentioned or extremely large periods were introduced. The interpolator was known to AlBrn as ryabhata of Kusumapura, who belongs to the school of the elder ryabhata. The aim of the interpolator was to bring the teaching of the elder ryabhata into accordance with the revelation of Svayambh. Svayambh is another name for Brahm.  相似文献   

Physiologically in the brain, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TN) are released by the immune system and can modulate neurological responses. Conversely, the central nervous system (CNS) is also able to modulate cytokine production. In the case of CNS disorders, cytokine release may be modified. Cerebral malaria (CM) is a complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection in humans and is characterized by a reversible encephalopathy with seizures and loss of consciousness. Central clinical signs are partly due to sequestration of parasitized red blood cells in the brain microvasculature due to interactions between parasite proteins and adhesion molecules. TNF is produced and released by host cells following exposure to various malarial antigens. The increase of TNF release is responsible for the overexpression of adhesion molecules. This article reviews the involvement of TNF in cerebral malaria and the relation with all the processes involved in this pathology. It shows that (i) TNF levels are increased in plasma and brain but with no clear correlation between TNF levels and occurrence and severity of CM; (ii) TNF is responsible for intercellular adhesion molecule-1 upregulation in CM, the relation being less clear for other adhesion molecules; (iii) TNF receptors are upregulated in CM, with TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) showing a higher upregulation than TNFR1 in vivo; (iv) in murine CM, low doses of TNF seem to protect from CM, whereas excess TNF induces CM and anti-TNF therapies (antibodies, pentoxifylline) did not show any efficiency in protection from CM. Moreover, the involvement of lymphotoxin a, which shares with TNF the same receptors with similar affinity, appears to be an interesting target for further investigation.Received 4 December 2002; received after revision 7 February 2003; accepted 14 February 2003  相似文献   

Summary In the host-symbiont-cycle ofEuscelis plebejus and its bacterial symbionts each of both symbionts (a and t) appears in an infection form during the intraovarial transmission (adult female) as well as during the entrance into the mycetocytes (embryo) and in a vegetative form during the remaining time of the cycle.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to ProfessorK. Sander, whom I thank for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Summary 5-Cholest-7-en-3, 14-diol and 5-cholest-7-en-14-ol-3-one have been found to be potent inhibitors of the synthesis of digitonin-precipitable sterols in L cells in culture and to reduce the levels of HMG-CoA reductase activity in these cells.This research was supported in part by a grant (HL-15376) from the National Institutes of Health, a grant (CA-02758) from the National Cancer Institute and by a predoctoral fellowship to R.A.P. from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Conclusion Geminus account of lunar motion in chapter 18 of hisIntroductio astronomiae is, in our view, an important contribution to Greco-Latin astronomy because, in attempting to reconstruct arithmetically (the parameters of) the Moon's motion in longitude, he undermines the task astronomers had hitherto set for themselves. This undermining of a commonly acknowledged view of the purpose of astronomy is articulated in a whole new set of questions concerning the nature and place of both observation and mathematical reasoning in the science of the heavens. Yet, one must not overlook the fact thatGeminus reconstruction also indicates resources for addressing these questions. Of these resources, the most powerful proved to be the idea that irregular motion could be quantified as a systematic departure from a mean motion, and the idea that observational data could be organized and structured by means of genetic arithmetical reconstructions.But, since we limit our attention to extant treatises and decline to speculate about works or parts of works that have not survived, we must say that it would takePtolemy to discern the new direction for astronomy thatGeminus opened up and to pursue it. In part, this involved straightening out the conflated conception of mean motion in chapter 18 — the qua arithmetic mean daily displacement can only be anapparent lunar motion in longitude and not one the Moonreally makes, but the same need not be true of the qua periodic mean daily displacement — and determining its proper relation to real and apparent planetary motion. Indeed,Ptolemy's genius lay, we think, in seeing that even though, in assimilating Babylonian astronomy, earlier and contemporary Greco-Latin writers betrayed a confused, inconsistent, and unsophisticated grasp of the proper role of arithmetic, geometry, and observation in astronomical argument [seeBowen 1994], the solution lay in a mathematical reconstruction of the observed celestial motions, in which mean motion played an essential role.  相似文献   

In this essay, I examine the metaphysical and metalogical ramifications of Gottlob Frege's controversy with David Hilbert and Alwin Korselt, over Hilbert's Grundlagen der Geometrie. These ramifications include(1) Korselt's original appeals to general metatheoretic Deutungen (interpretations);(2) Hilbert's puzzling belief that whatever is consistent in some sense exists; and(3) Frege's semantic monist conviction that theoretical sense and reference (mathematical and other) must be eindeutig lösbar (uniquely solvable).My principal conclusions are(4) that Frege's position in (3) represented a pervasively dogmatic presumption that his newly discovered quantification theory must have a propositional metatheory (the True; the False); and(5) that this needless assumption adversely affected not only his polemic against the moderate semantic relativism of Hilbert and Korselt, but also his reception of type-theoretic ideas, and greatly facilitated his vulnerability to the sort of self-referential inconsistency Russell discovered in Grundgesetz V.These conclusions also seem to me to provide a conceptual framework for several of Frege's other arguments and reactions which might seem more particular and disparate. These include(6) his arbitrary restrictions on the range of second-order quantification, which undercut his own tentative attempts to give accounts of independence and semantic consequence;(7) his uncharacteristic hesitation, even dismay, at the prospect that such accounts might eventuate in a genuinely quantificational metamathematics, whose Gegenstände (objects) might themselves be Gedanken (thoughts); and, perhaps most revealingly(8) his otherwise quite enigmatic, quasi-stoic doctrine that genuine formal deduction must be from premises that are true.A deep reluctance to pluralize or iterate the transition from theory to meta-theory would also be consonant, of course, with Frege's vigorous insistence that there can be only one level each of linguistic Begriffe (concepts) and Gegenstände (objects). With hindsight, such an assumption may seem more gratuitous in the philosophy of language (where it contributed, I would argue, to Wittgenstein's famous transition to the mystical in 6.45 and 6.522 of the Tractatus); but its more implausible implications in this wider context seemed to emerge more slowly.In the mathematical test-case discussed here, however, such strains were immediately and painfully apparent; the first models of hyperbolic geometry were described some thirty years before Frege drafted his polemic against Hilbert's pioneering exposition. It is my hope that a careful study of Frege's lines of argument in this relatively straightforward mathematical controversy may suggest other, parallel approaches to the richer and more ambiguous problems of his philosophy of language.Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen. Man kann nicht der Wahrheit dienen und der Unwahrheit. Wenn die euklidische Geometrie wahr ist, so ist die nichteuklidische Geometrie falsch, und wenn die nichteuklidische wahr ist, so ist die euklidische Geometrie falsch.No one can serve two masters. One cannot serve truth and untruth. If Euclidean geometry is true, non-Euclidean geometry is false, and if non-Euclidean [geometry] is true, Euclidean geometry is false. Über Euklidische Geometrie [Frege 1969], p. 183.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori hanno studiato l'inibizione dellal-glutamina-d-fruttosio-6-fosfato amidotransferasa per 5-nucleotidi in estratti crudi di cartilagine di pollo. L'inibizione per 5-adenilato e altri 5-nucleotidi segue una cinetica competitiva. Il 2- e 3-adenilato, così come il ribosio 5-fosfato non sono inibitori. Gli autori prospettano una possibile participazione nelle regolazione della sintesi degli aminozuccheri.  相似文献   

-Spermophilus brunneus . , 13 18 ,S. brunneus S. townsendii mollis (2n=38) , , ; ;S. brunneus . S. brunneus , Spermophilus.

Supported by National Science Foundation Grants No. GB32114X and No. GB 29131X, and the Sprague Foundation. We thankD. Pozin for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake ofd-glucose anomers by isolated rat retina was studied. After 3 min incubation at 37°C in the presence of or anomer (750 g/ml), a significantly greater uptake (1.32 mg/g wet tissue) of -anomer was observed compared with that of -d-glucose (1.11 mg/g wet tissue). This result and other data suggest that the carrier ford-glucose transport in the retina prefers the -anomer stereospecifically.Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to Mr S. Suzuki for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

- . Ovis musimon (2n=54) O. orientalis (2n=54) - - -O. canadensis mexicana (2n=54) O. musimon x O. canadensis 12 - . 2 27 . - .

Supported by National Science Foundation Grant no. GB 32114X and the Sprague Foundation. We thank Dr. T. C. Hsu for assistance in making the chromosome preparations and for advice and encouragement. The Trustees of the Rachelwood Wildlife Research Preserve generously allowed the biopsy of specimens of their custody. Mr.Arthur Popham kindly provided the specimens from Iran while Dr.R. M. Robinson obtained biopsies from the desert sheep.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiating males of the incompatible crossC. pipiens Hamburg ×C. pipiens Paris with X-ray doses between 1 kR and 40 kR, it could be shown that in this cross the sperm has only the function of activating the egg. All the hybrid embryos develop from the haploid female pronucleus.Herrn Professor Dr.H. Laven danke ich für Unterstützung und wertvolle Diskussionen.  相似文献   

Summary In this note we claim that the two words and , which were used in Greece to indicate the geometrical point, had both been introduced in the scientific language in the first half of the IVth century B.C., and that they became popular independently of each other in two different cultural circles, those of philosophy and of mathematics, respectively.We propose therefore, in contrast to a conjecture by Heiberg, a new explanation for the predominance of during the golden age of Greek mathematics and for the resurgence of during the period of decadence.

Memoria presentata da A. Seidenberg  相似文献   

Citellus (s. str.) relictus, C. dauricus C. pygmaeus (2=36, NF=72). . (Colobotis) erythrogenys . fulvus -. . (Urocitellus) undulatus (2n=32, NF=64) . columbianus. Citellus, , Citellus, . , .  相似文献   

Summary Formulae are fitted to the different sets of values, given by the translators, for the equation of centre for the motion of the moon according to the Romaka Siddhnta, as found in the Pañcasiddhntik of Varha Mihira.  相似文献   

rII T2L , rII T4B. rII T2L rII T4B. T2L rII T4B.  相似文献   

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