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克隆放射型根瘤菌ddsA基因,用于构建red重组的打靶片段,通过同源重组替换大肠杆菌基因组上的ispB基因,使合成辅酶Q8的大肠杆菌具备合成辅酶Q10的能力.通过强化辅酶Q合成过程中的ddsA、ubiA、ispA、idi等关键酶基因,可使大肠杆菌辅酶Q10的合成能力提高126.9%.综合分析表明,ddsA与ubiA为辅酶Q10合成的关键基因,ispA与idi为辅酶Q10合成的次关键基因.  相似文献   

PAR3 is a cofactor for PAR4 activation by thrombin   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Identification of the mechanisms by which the coagulation protease thrombin activates platelets is critical for understanding haemostasis and thrombosis. Thrombin activates cells at least in part by cleaving protease-activated G-protein-coupled receptors (PARs). PAR3 and PAR4 are thrombin receptors expressed in mouse platelets. Inhibition of thrombin binding to mPAR3 (ref. 4) and knockout of the mPAR3 gene inhibited mouse platelet activation at low but not high concentrations of thrombin. Thus PAR3 is important for thrombin signalling in mouse platelets. Expression of human PAR3 in heterologous expression systems reliably resulted in responsiveness to thrombin. Curiously, despite its importance for the activation of mouse platelets by thrombin, mouse PAR3 (mPAR3) did not lead to thrombin signalling even when overexpressed. We now report that mPAR3 and mPAR4 interact in a novel way: mPAR3 does not itself mediate transmembrane signalling but instead functions as a cofactor for the cleavage and activation of mPAR4 by thrombin. This establishes a paradigm for cofactor-assisted PAR activation and for a G-protein-coupled receptor's acting as an accessory molecule to present ligand to another receptor.  相似文献   

The LDL-receptor-related protein, LRP, is an apolipoprotein E-binding protein   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
U Beisiegel  W Weber  G Ihrke  J Herz  K K Stanley 《Nature》1989,341(6238):162-164
The low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) receptor is a cell-surface protein that plays an important part in the metabolism of cholesterol by mediating the uptake of LDL from plasma into cells. Although LDL particles bind to the LDL receptor through their apolipoprotein B (apo B) and apolipoprotein E (apo E) moieties, other apo E-containing particles, like chylomicron remnants, are not dependent on the LDL receptor for uptake into cells. Chylomicrons formed in the intestinal mucosa during the absorption of the products of digestion, are processed by the peripheral circulation by lipoprotein lipase, which catalyses the breakdown of triglycerides in chylomicrons to free fatty acids and glycerol. The resulting chylomicron remnants, which are cholesterol-rich lipoproteins, are subsequently taken up in the liver. A second distinct protein that binds to apo E-containing lipoproteins, but not to LDL, has been proposed to be the receptor mediating the clearance of chylomicron remnants from the plasma. This protein has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 56,000 (56K). More recent studies have failed, however, to establish whether this protein is a cell-surface receptor. Here we describe crosslinking experiments in which apo E liposomes were found to bind specifically to the cell surface of hepG2 cells and to human liver membranes. The size and immunological cross-reactivity of the protein to which the liposomes bound was indistinguishable from that of the recently cloned and sequenced LDL-receptor-related protein, LRP. We therefore conclude that the LRP might function as an apo E receptor.  相似文献   

J D'hondt  N Van Meirvenne  L Moens  M Kondo 《Nature》1979,282(5739):613-615
Normal human serum has been known to exert a cytotoxic effect on Trypanosoma brucei subspecies for nearly 80 yr. But in spite of many attempts, no trypanocidal factor was found in human or baboon serum, until Rifkin demostrated a high density lipoprotein (HDL) in normal human serum with trypanocidal activity. The conclusion that this was the trypanocidal factor was supported by the report that serum from patients with Tangier disease, characterised by a severe deficiency of HDL, lacked trypanocidal activity. We report here that Ca2+ is an essential cofactor for the trypanocidal activity of normal human serum, in which alpha2 macroglobulin (alpha 2) might function as a Ca2+-carrier. We further show that D-glucose, D-fructose and D-mannose can suppress the trypanocidal action of normal human serum, whereas glycerol has the opposite effect.  相似文献   

Zheng X  Pontes O  Zhu J  Miki D  Zhang F  Li WX  Iida K  Kapoor A  Pikaard CS  Zhu JK 《Nature》2008,455(7217):1259-1262

The F-box protein TIR1 is an auxin receptor   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Dharmasiri N  Dharmasiri S  Estelle M 《Nature》2005,435(7041):441-445

The RNA-binding protein FCA is an abscisic acid receptor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Razem FA  El-Kereamy A  Abrams SR  Hill RD 《Nature》2006,439(7074):290-294
The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates various physiological processes in plants. The molecular mechanisms by which this is achieved are not fully understood. Genetic approaches have characterized several downstream components of ABA signalling, but a receptor for ABA has remained elusive. Although studies indicate that several ABA response genes encode RNA-binding or RNA-processing proteins, none has been found to be functional in binding ABA. Here we show that FCA, an RNA-binding protein involved in flowering, binds ABA with high affinity in an interaction that is stereospecific and follows receptor kinetics. The interaction between FCA and ABA has molecular effects on downstream events in the autonomous floral pathway and, consequently, on the ability of the plant to undergo transition to flowering. We further show that ABA binding exerts a direct control on the FCA-mediated processing of precursor messenger RNA. Our results indicate that FCA is an ABA receptor involved in RNA metabolism and in controlling flowering time.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is an essential regulator of heart function   总被引:131,自引:0,他引:131  
Cardiovascular diseases are predicted to be the most common cause of death worldwide by 2020. Here we show that angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ace2) maps to a defined quantitative trait locus (QTL) on the X chromosome in three different rat models of hypertension. In all hypertensive rat strains, ACE2 messenger RNA and protein expression were markedly reduced, suggesting that ace2 is a candidate gene for this QTL. Targeted disruption of ACE2 in mice results in a severe cardiac contractility defect, increased angiotensin II levels, and upregulation of hypoxia-induced genes in the heart. Genetic ablation of ACE on an ACE2 mutant background completely rescues the cardiac phenotype. But disruption of ACER, a Drosophila ACE2 homologue, results in a severe defect of heart morphogenesis. These genetic data for ACE2 show that it is an essential regulator of heart function in vivo.  相似文献   

Extracellular elastic fibres provide mechanical elasticity to tissues and contribute towards the processes of organ remodelling by affecting cell-cell signalling. The formation of elastic fibres requires the assembly and crosslinking of tropoelastin monomers, and organization of the resulting insoluble elastin matrix into functional fibres. The molecules and mechanisms involved in this process are unknown. Fibulin-5 (also known as EVEC/DANCE) is an extracellular matrix protein abundantly expressed in great vessels and cardiac valves during embryogenesis, and in many adult tissues including the aorta, lung, uterus and skin, all of which contain abundant elastic fibres. Here we show that fibulin-5 is a calcium-dependent, elastin-binding protein that localizes to the surface of elastic fibres in vivo. fibulin-5-/- mice develop marked elastinopathy owing to the disorganization of elastic fibres, with resulting loose skin, vascular abnormalities and emphysematous lung. This phenotype, which resembles the cutis laxa syndrome in humans, reveals a critical function for fibulin-5 as a scaffold protein that organizes and links elastic fibres to cells. This function may be mediated by the RGD motif in fibulin-5, which binds to cell surface integrins, and the Ca2+-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats, which bind elastin.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis F-box protein TIR1 is an auxin receptor   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kepinski S  Leyser O 《Nature》2005,435(7041):446-451

Immunoglobulin of T lymphoma cells is an integral membrane protein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D Haustein  J J Marchalonis  M J Crumpton 《Nature》1974,252(5484):602-604

G J Pielak  A G Mauk  M Smith 《Nature》1985,313(5998):152-154
Phenylalanine 87 of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (Phe 82 in horse heart and bonito) is phylogenetically conserved and occurs near the surface of the protein. It has been suggested that this residue is directly involved in electron transfer between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) and may also control the polarity of the haem environment. Because Phe residues are not susceptible to chemical modification, no direct means of studying the functional role of Phe 87 has been available, so we have chosen Phe 87 as our initial target here to test the feasibility of using site-directed mutagenesis as a means of studying structure-function relationships in cytochrome c. We have changed the codon for Phe 87 to that of either a Ser, a Tyr or a Gly. The mutated genes have been introduced into a yeast strain lacking both isozymes of cytochrome c. Unlike the recipient strain, transformants grow on a non-fermentable carbon source, indicating that the mutant proteins can reduce cytochrome oxidase. The purified mutant proteins are similar to wild type with respect to their visible spectra, 20-70% as active as wild-type protein in the CCP assay, and their reduction potentials are lowered by as much as 50 mV. Thus Phe 87 is not essential for cytochrome c to transfer electrons but is involved in determining the reduction potential.  相似文献   

Zheng Y  Mellem JE  Brockie PJ  Madsen DM  Maricq AV 《Nature》2004,427(6973):451-457
Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) mediate most excitatory synaptic signalling between neurons. Binding of the neurotransmitter glutamate causes a conformational change in these receptors that gates open a transmembrane pore through which ions can pass. The gating of iGluRs is crucially dependent on a conserved amino acid that was first identified in the 'lurcher' ataxic mouse. Through a screen for modifiers of iGluR function in a transgenic strain of Caenorhabditis elegans expressing a GLR-1 subunit containing the lurcher mutation, we identify suppressor of lurcher (sol-1). This gene encodes a transmembrane protein that is predicted to contain four extracellular beta-barrel-forming domains known as CUB domains. SOL-1 and GLR-1 are colocalized at the cell surface and can be co-immunoprecipitated. By recording from neurons expressing GLR-1, we show that SOL-1 is an accessory protein that is selectively required for glutamate-gated currents. We propose that SOL-1 participates in the gating of non-NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) iGluRs, thereby providing a previously unknown mechanism of regulation for this important class of neurotransmitter receptor.  相似文献   

J H Hartwig  M Thelen  A Rosen  P A Janmey  A C Nairn  A Aderem 《Nature》1992,356(6370):618-622
AGONISTS that stimulate protein kinase C (PKC) induce profound changes in cell morphology correlating with the reorganization of submembranous actin, but no direct connection between PKC and actin assembly has been identified. The myristoylated, alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) binds calmodulin and is a predominant, specific substrate of PKC which is phosphorylated during macrophage and neutrophil activation , growth factor-dependent mitogenesis and neurosecretion; it is redistributed from plasma membrane to cytoplasm when phosphorylated and is involved in leukocyte motility. Here we report that MARCKS is a filamentous (F) actin crosslinking protein, with activity that is inhibited by PKC-mediated phosphorylation and by binding to calcium-calmodulin. MARCKS may be a regulated crossbridge between actin and the plasma membrane, and modulation of the actin crosslinking activity of the MARCKS protein by calmodulin and phosphorylation represents a potential convergence of the calcium-calmodulin and PKC signal transduction pathways in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Malaria infection starts when mosquitoes inject sporozoites into the skin. The parasites enter the blood stream and make their way to the liver where they develop into the exo-erythrocytic forms (EEFs). Immunization with irradiated sporozoites (IrSp) leads to robust protection against malaria infection in rodents, monkeys and humans by eliciting antibodies to circumsporozoite protein (CS) that inhibit sporozoite infectivity, and T cells that destroy the EEFs. To study the role of non-CS antigens in protection, we produced CS transgenic mice that were tolerant to CS T-cell epitopes. Here we show that in the absence of T-cell-dependent immune responses to CS, protection induced by immunization with two doses of IrSp was greatly reduced. Thus, although hundreds of other Plasmodium genes are expressed in sporozoites and EEFs, CS is a dominant protective antigen. Nevertheless, sterile immunity could be obtained by immunization of CS transgenics with three doses of IrSp.  相似文献   

At3g23140是拟南芥中仅含有一个C2H2锌指结构的转录因子,主要含有N端的C2H2锌指结构和C端的类似EAR两个结构域.将〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗At3g23140〖WTBZ〗〖STB3〗中仅含C2H2锌指结构区域不同长度的两个基因片段〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗A1〖WTBZ〗〖STB3〗(240 bp),〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗A2〖STB3〗〖WTBZ〗(410 bp)克隆到植物表达载体pMON530 35S启动子的下游,并转化野生型拟南芥.经过筛选得到稳定遗传的T3代纯合转化子.对转基因植株研究表明, 35S::〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗A2〖STB3〗〖WTBZ〗转基因植株的内源乙烯释放量明显低于野生型,这与〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗At3g23140〖STB3〗〖WTBZ〗插入失活突变体〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗cs16966〖STB3〗〖WTBZ〗的表型是一致的,而35S::〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗A1〖WTBZ〗〖STB3〗转基因植株的内源乙烯释放量与野生型没有明显区别.表明A2片段的过量表达产生了显性抑制的作用,这种显性抑制效应很可能是由于 A2蛋白片段与〖WTBX〗〖STBX〗At3g23140〖STB3〗〖WTBZ〗表达产物所调控的核酸序列竞争结合所导致.而A2片段C端所含有的非锌指结构域是At3g23140蛋白与靶基因序列结合所必需的.  相似文献   

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