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Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anaemia syndrome (TRMA; MIM 249270) is an autosomal recessive disorder with features that include megaloblastic anaemia, mild thrombocytopenia and leucopenia, sensorineural deafness and diabetes mellitus. Treatment with pharmacologic doses of thiamine ameliorates the megaloblastic anaemia and diabetes mellitus. A defect in the plasma membrane transport of thiamine has been demonstrated in erythrocytes and cultured skin fibroblasts from TRMA patients. The gene causing TRMA was assigned to 1q23.2-q23.3 by linkage analysis. Here we report the cloning of a new gene, SLC19A2, identified from high-through-put genomic sequences due to homology with SLC19A1, encoding reduced folate carrier 1 (refs 8-10). We cloned the entire coding region by screening a human fetal brain cDNA library. SLC19A2 encodes a protein (of 497 aa) predicted to have 12 transmembrane domains. We identified 2 frameshift mutations in exon 2. a 1-bp insertion and a 2-bp deletion, among four Iranian families with TRMA. The sequence homology and predicted structure of SLC19A2, as well as its role in TRMA, suggest that its gene product is a thiamine carrier, the first to be identified in complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Hartnup disorder, an autosomal recessive defect named after an English family described in 1956 (ref. 1), results from impaired transport of neutral amino acids across epithelial cells in renal proximal tubules and intestinal mucosa. Symptoms include transient manifestations of pellagra (rashes), cerebellar ataxia and psychosis. Using homozygosity mapping in the original family in whom Hartnup disorder was discovered, we confirmed that the critical region for one causative gene was located on chromosome 5p15 (ref. 3). This region is homologous to the area of mouse chromosome 13 that encodes the sodium-dependent amino acid transporter B(0)AT1 (ref. 4). We isolated the human homolog of B(0)AT1, called SLC6A19, and determined its size and molecular organization. We then identified mutations in SLC6A19 in members of the original family in whom Hartnup disorder was discovered and of three Japanese families. The protein product of SLC6A19, the Hartnup transporter, is expressed primarily in intestine and renal proximal tubule and functions as a neutral amino acid transporter.  相似文献   

Megaloblastic anaemia 1 (MGA1, OMIM 261100) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by juvenile megaloblastic anaemia, as well as neurological symptoms that may be the only manifestations. At the cellular level, MGA1 is characterized by selective intestinal vitamin B12 (B12, cobalamin) malabsorption. MGA1 occurs worldwide, but its prevalence is higher in several Middle Eastern countries and Norway, and highest in Finland (0.8/100,000). We previously mapped the MGA1 locus by linkage analysis in Finnish and Norwegian families to a 6-cM region on chromosome 10p12.1 (ref. 8). A functional candidate gene encoding the intrinsic factor (IF)-B12 receptor, cubilin, was recently cloned; the human homologue, CUBN, was mapped to the same region. We have now refined the MGA1 region by linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping, fine-mapped CUBN and identified two independent disease-specific CUBN mutations in 17 Finnish MGA1 families. Our genetic and molecular data indicate that mutations in CUBN cause MGA1.  相似文献   

Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy (CHED) is a heritable, bilateral corneal dystrophy characterized by corneal opacification and nystagmus. We describe seven different mutations in the SLC4A11 gene in ten families with autosomal recessive CHED. Mutations in SLC4A11, which encodes a membrane-bound sodium-borate cotransporter, cause loss of function of the protein either by blocking its membrane targeting or nonsense-mediated decay.  相似文献   

Griscelli syndrome (GS, MIM 214450), a rare, autosomal recessive disorder, results in pigmentary dilution of the skin and the hair, the presence of large clumps of pigment in hair shafts and an accumulation of melanosomes in melanocytes. Most patients also develop an uncontrolled T-lymphocyte and macrophage activation syndrome (known as haemophagocytic syndrome, HS), leading to death in the absence of bone-marrow transplantation. In contrast, early in life some GS patients show a severe neurological impairment without apparent immune abnormalities. We previously mapped the GS locus to chromosome 15q21 and found a mutation in a gene (MYO5A) encoding a molecular motor in two patients. Further linkage analysis suggested a second gene associated with GS was in the same chromosomal region. Homozygosity mapping in additional families narrowed the candidate region to a 3.1-cM interval between D15S1003 and D15S962. We detected mutations in RAB27A, which lies within this interval, in 16 patients with GS. Unlike MYO5A, the GTP-binding protein RAB27A appears to be involved in the control of the immune system, as all patients with RAB27A mutations, but none with the MYO5A mutation, developed HS. In addition, RAB27A-deficient T cells exhibited reduced cytotoxicity and cytolytic granule exocytosis, whereas MYO5A-defective T cells did not. RAB27A appears to be a key effector of cytotoxic granule exocytosis, a pathway essential for immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a rare disorder in which the kidney is insensitive to the antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin. It has been proposed that the kidney-specific V2 vasopressin receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor, is defective in this disorder as both the disease and the receptor map to Xq28. We report six unique mutations in the V2 receptor gene of five unrelated NDI patients, with one patient having two mutations. The most severely affected patient has a nonsense mutation which would terminate the protein in transmembrane domain III. Other mutations include three missense mutations, a frameshift and one small in-frame deletion. These results represent one of the first examples of recessive mutations affecting a G protein-coupled receptor.  相似文献   

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DIR) is an X-linked disorder characterized by insensitivity of the distal nephron for the pituitary hormone, vasopressin. The genetic map location of the DIR gene on chromosome Xq28 coincides with the physical map location of the functional vasopressin renal V2-type receptor. Recently, the human and rat cDNAs for the vasopressin V2 receptor (AVPR2) have been identified. We show here that the structural AVPR2 gene is localized between DXS52 and G6PD, which is within the genetic map location of DIR. We also tested eight X-linked DIR probands and their families for mutations in one of the most conserved extracellular regions of AVPR2: in three of them, we have identified point mutations resulting in non-conservative amino acid substitutions which cosegregated with DIR in all families.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic disorders of children and adults. Several reports have suggested an increased incidence of maternal transmission in some forms of DM. Therefore, we tested a pedigree with maternally transmitted DM and deafness for mitochondrial DNA mutations and discovered a 10.4 kilobase (kb) mtDNA deletion. This deletion is unique because it is maternally inherited, removes the light strand origin (OL) of mtDNA replication, inhibits mitochondrial protein synthesis, and is not associated with the hallmarks of mtDNA deletion syndromes. This discovery demonstrates that DM can be caused by mtDNA mutations and suggests that some of the heterogeneity of this disease results from the novel features of mtDNA genetics.  相似文献   

Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (IBGC) is a genetic condition with a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric symptoms, including parkinsonism and dementia. Here, we identified mutations in SLC20A2, encoding the type III sodium-dependent phosphate transporter 2 (PiT2), in IBGC-affected families of varied ancestry, and we observed significantly impaired phosphate transport activity for all assayed PiT2 mutants in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Our results implicate altered phosphate homeostasis in the etiology of IBGC.  相似文献   

We carried out a multistage genome-wide association study of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese individuals, with a total of 1,612 cases and 1,424 controls and 100,000 SNPs. The most significant association was obtained with SNPs in KCNQ1, and dense mapping within the gene revealed that rs2237892 in intron 15 showed the lowest Pvalue (6.7 x 10(-13), odds ratio (OR) = 1.49). The association of KCNQ1 with type 2 diabetes was replicated in populations of Korean, Chinese and European ancestry as well as in two independent Japanese populations, and meta-analysis with a total of 19,930 individuals (9,569 cases and 10,361 controls) yielded a P value of 1.7 x 10(-42) (OR = 1.40; 95% CI = 1.34-1.47) for rs2237892. Among control subjects, the risk allele of this polymorphism was associated with impairment of insulin secretion according to the homeostasis model assessment of beta-cell function or the corrected insulin response. Our data thus implicate KCNQ1 as a diabetes susceptibility gene in groups of different ancestries.  相似文献   

Mutations in NR4A2 associated with familial Parkinson disease   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

A mutation in SLC11A3 is associated with autosomal dominant hemochromatosis.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a very common disorder characterized by iron overload and multi-organ damage. Several genes involved in iron metabolism have been implicated in the pathology of HH (refs. 1-4). We report that a mutation in the gene encoding Solute Carrier family 11, member A3 (SLC11A3), also known as ferroportin, is associated with autosomal dominant hemochromatosis.  相似文献   

Type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is the most common form of diabetes worldwide, affecting approximately 4% of the world's adult population. It is multifactorial in origin with both genetic and environmental factors contributing to its development. A genome-wide screen for type 2 diabetes genes carried out in Mexican Americans localized a susceptibility gene, designated NIDDM1, to chromosome 2. Here we describe the positional cloning of a gene located in the NIDDM1 region that shows association with type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans and a Northern European population from the Botnia region of Finland. This putative diabetes-susceptibility gene encodes a ubiquitously expressed member of the calpain-like cysteine protease family, calpain-10 (CAPN10). This finding suggests a novel pathway that may contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is an autosomal recessive disorder predominantly characterized by obesity, retinal dystrophy, polydactyly, learning difficulties, hypogenitalism and renal malformations, with secondary features that include diabetes mellitus, endocrinological dysfunction and behavioural abnormalities. Despite an initial expectation of genetic homogeneity due to relative clinical uniformity, five BBS loci have been reported, with evidence for additional loci in the human genome; however, no genes for BBS have yet been identified. We performed a genome screen with BBS families from Newfoundland that were excluded from BBS1-5 and identified linkage with D20S189. Fine-mapping reduced the critical interval to 1.9 cM between D20S851 and D20S189, encompassing a chaperonin-like gene. Mutations in this gene were recently reported to be associated with McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (MKKS; ref. 8). Given both the mapping position and clinical similarities of these two syndromes, we screened MKKS and identified mutations in five Newfoundland and two European-American BBS pedigrees. Most are frameshift alleles that are likely to result in a non-functional protein. Our data suggest that a complete loss of function of the MKKS product, and thus an inability to fold a range of target proteins, is responsible for the clinical manifestations of BBS.  相似文献   

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