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S K Beckner  S Hattori  T Y Shih 《Nature》1985,317(6032):71-72
Harvey (Ha-MSV) and Kirsten (Ki-MSV) murine sarcoma viruses induce tumours in animals and transform various cells in culture because of the expression of the ras oncogene product, p21 (ref. 1). Proto-oncogenes homologous with these genes are highly conserved evolutionarily and activated ras oncogenes have been detected in many human cancers. Whether c-ras oncogenes are directly responsible for human carcinogenesis is uncertain; however, it is clear that p21 mediates virus-induced transformation, although by an unknown mechanism. Epithelial and fibroblast cell lines transformed with Ha-MSV and Ki-MSV express p21 (ref. 8) and exhibit reduced adenylate cyclase activity. Like the guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins, Ns and Ni, which mediate stimulation and inhibition, respectively, of adenylate cyclase, p21 is a membrane-associated GTP binding protein, which exhibits GTPase activity. These similarities suggest that p21 and the adenylate cyclase regulatory proteins are related in cellular function, and that p21 depresses adenylate cyclase by inhibiting the activity of Ns or acting as Ni. We have therefore now examined the structural and functional similarities between p21 and Ns and Ni and find no evidence that p21 regulates adenylate cyclase activity by acting as one of these regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Stimulation of p21ras upon T-cell activation   总被引:114,自引:0,他引:114  
J Downward  J D Graves  P H Warne  S Rayter  D A Cantrell 《Nature》1990,346(6286):719-723
External signals that control the activity of proteins encoded by the ras proto-oncogenes have not previously been characterized. It is now shown that stimulation of the antigen receptor of T lymphocytes causes a rapid activation of p21ras. The mechanism seems to involve a decrease in the activity of GAP, the GTPase-activating protein, on stimulation of protein kinase C. In lymphocytes, p21ras may therefore be an important mediator of the action of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

M Whitman  D A Melton 《Nature》1992,357(6375):252-254
During early vertebrate embryogenesis, mesoderm is specified by a signal emanating from prospective endoderm. This signal can respecify Xenopus prospective ectoderm as mesoderm, and can be mimicked by members of the fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor-beta families. In other systems, the p21c-ras proto-oncogene product has been implicated in signal transduction for various polypeptide growth factors. We report here that a dominant inhibitory ras mutant blocks the mesoderm-inducing activity of fibroblast growth factor and activin, as well as the endogenous inducing activity of prospective endoderm. A constitutively active ras mutant partially mimics these activities. These results indicate that p21ras may have a central role in the transduction of the mesoderm inductive signal. Basic fibroblast growth factor and activin have emerged as candidates for endogenous mesoderm-inducing molecules. The character of the mesoderm induced by these two factors is overlapping but distinct when assessed both by histological and molecular criteria. The signal transduction pathways used during induction by these factors are unknown. We used messenger RNA microinjection of Xenopus eggs to express a dominant inhibitory mutant ras, p21(Asn 17)Ha-ras, in cells competent to respond to inducing factors to examine the role of p21ras in this response. This mutant, which has a reduced affinity for GTP relative to GDP, blocks a variety of mitogenic signals in 3T3 fibroblasts as well as the differentiation of pheochromocytoma cells in response to nerve growth factor.  相似文献   

Cloning of bovine GAP and its interaction with oncogenic ras p21   总被引:122,自引:0,他引:122  
The plasma membrane-bound mammalian ras proteins of relative molecular mass 21,000 (ras p21) share biochemical and structural properties with other guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G-proteins). Oncogenic ras p21 variants result from amino acid substitutions at specific positions that cause p21 to occur predominantly complexed to GTP in vivo. Recently, a GTPase activating protein (GAP) with cytosolic activity has been discovered that stimulates the GTPase activity of normal but not of oncogenic ras p21. GAP might be either a negative regulatory agent which acts further upstream in the regulatory pathway or the downstream target of ras p21. We have identified a protein from bovine brain with apparent relative molecular mass 125,000 that has GAP activity. Here, using pure GAP in a kinetic competition assay, we show that GAP interacts preferentially with the active GTP complexes of both normal and oncogenic Harvey (Ha) ras p21 compared with the inactive GDP complexes. We also report the cloning and sequencing of the complementary DNA for bovine GAP. Regions of GAP share amino acid similarity with the noncatalytic domain of adenylate cyclase from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and with regions conserved between phospholipase C-148, the crk oncogene product and the nonreceptor tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

J P McGrath  D J Capon  D V Goeddel  A D Levinson 《Nature》1984,310(5979):644-649
Human Ha-ras1 cDNAs encoding normal and activated p21 polypeptides have been efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli and the biochemical activities associated with each polypeptide compared. In addition to the guanine nucleotide binding activity, normal p21 displays a GTPase activity which is selectively impaired by a mutation which activates its oncogenic potential.  相似文献   

L F Parada  H Land  R A Weinberg  D Wolf  V Rotter 《Nature》1984,312(5995):649-651
The protein p53 is highly expressed in a large variety of transformed cell types originating from diverse species. These include cells transformed by Simian virus 40 (SV40), adenovirus and Abelson virus, as well as a variety of chemically transformed cells. Substantial amounts of p53 are also present in certain non-transformed cells, for example, some embryonic tissues. The protein may be localized in different cellular compartments in normal and transformed cells. The strong correlation between tumorigenicity and high levels of p53 suggests an important role of p53 in tumorigenesis. We report here experiments in which we have co-transfected the murine cellular gene encoding for p53 with a ras gene into primary rat embryo fibroblasts. Our results indicate that the p53-encoding gene can play a causal role in the conversion of normal fibroblasts into tumorigenic cells.  相似文献   

p63 is a p53 homologue required for limb and epidermal morphogenesis   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
Mills AA  Zheng B  Wang XJ  Vogel H  Roop DR  Bradley A 《Nature》1999,398(6729):708-713

The natural transformation of Escherichia coli is a novel and recently developed system that has significance for genetic studies and the biological safety of genetic engineering. However, the mechanisms of transformation, including development of competence and DNA uptake, are not thoroughly understood. In this study, we demonstrated the effect of the general stress response regulator RpoS, which has been associated with E. coli transformation, on natural transformation performed in an “open system”. We find that RpoS is required for natural transformation but not to artificial transformation and RpoS mainly affect transformation in the liquid culture prior to plating. In the liquid culture, RpoS over-expression promotes natural transformation in early exponential phase and static incubation accumulates RpoS and promotes transformation to a limited extent. These findings provide detailed understanding of RpoS function on natural transformation.  相似文献   

The natural transformation of Escherichia coli is a novel and recently developed system that has signifi- cance for genetic studies and the biological safety of genetic engineering. However, the mechanisms of transformation, including development of competence and DNA uptake, are not thoroughly understood. In this study, we demonstrated the effect of the general stress response regulator RpoS, which has been associated with E. coli transformation, on natural transformation performed in an "open system". We find that RpoS is required for natural transformation but not to artificial transformation and RpoS mainly affect trans- formation in the liquid culture prior to plating. In the liquid culture, RpoS over-expression promotes natural transfor- mation in early exponential phase and static incubation accumulates RpoS and promotes transformation to a limited extent. These findings provide detailed understanding of RpoS function on natural transformation.  相似文献   

Many growth factors upon stimulation of their receptors induce the activity of extracellular signal-regulated kinases, ERKs, also known as MAP kinases. Several of these growth factors also activate the ras proto-oncogene product, p21ras (Ras), by stimulating the conversion of the inactive GDP-bound form of Ras to the active GTP-bound form. We have shown that direct introduction of p21ras oncoprotein into cells in the absence of growth factors activates ERKs within five minutes, which indicates that normal p21ras may be involved in the activation of ERKs by growth factors. Here we use a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing an interfering mutant of p21ras, RasAsn17, to investigate this question. In NIH3T3 cells that overexpress the insulin receptor, this recombinant virus inhibits insulin-induced activation of ERK2 completely, but there is no inhibition of insulin-induced activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase. In rat-1 cells the recombinant virus inhibited ERK2 activity induced by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) but not by phorbol ester. We conclude that p21ras mediates insulin- and PDGF-induced activation of ERK2.  相似文献   

P R Yew  A J Berk 《Nature》1992,357(6373):82-85

Inoue M  Chang L  Hwang J  Chiang SH  Saltiel AR 《Nature》2003,422(6932):629-633
Insulin stimulates glucose transport by promoting exocytosis of the glucose transporter Glut4 (refs 1, 2). The dynamic processes involved in the trafficking of Glut4-containing vesicles, and in their targeting, docking and fusion at the plasma membrane, as well as the signalling processes that govern these events, are not well understood. We recently described tyrosine-phosphorylation events restricted to subdomains of the plasma membrane that result in activation of the G protein TC10 (refs 3, 4). Here we show that TC10 interacts with one of the components of the exocyst complex, Exo70. Exo70 translocates to the plasma membrane in response to insulin through the activation of TC10, where it assembles a multiprotein complex that includes Sec6 and Sec8. Overexpression of an Exo70 mutant blocked insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, but not the trafficking of Glut4 to the plasma membrane. However, this mutant did block the extracellular exposure of the Glut4 protein. So, the exocyst might have a crucial role in the targeting of the Glut4 vesicle to the plasma membrane, perhaps directing the vesicle to the precise site of fusion.  相似文献   

J R Feramisco  R Clark  G Wong  N Arnheim  R Milley  F McCormick 《Nature》1985,314(6012):639-642
The proteins encoded by the ras oncogene are thought to trigger expression of the transformed phenotype in some types of cancer cells. In human cells, the ras protein family consists of several members including normal (proto-oncogene) and mutant (oncogene) forms. In general, the proto-oncogene forms are thought to be involved in the normal growth control of cells, while the mutant forms (which apparently result from somatic mutation of the normal ras genes) appear to be responsible, in part, for the loss of normal growth control. On microinjection into living normal cells, the purified ras oncogene protein (p21) induces a characteristic loss of growth control in cells within several hours. The mutant forms of the different ras proteins typically contain a single amino-acid change, usually at position 12 or less frequently at position 61. Here we report that microinjection of antibodies specific for amino acid 12 of the oncogenic v-Ki-ras protein into cells transformed by this protein causes a transient reversion of the cells to a normal phenotype. The fact that this antibody inhibits binding of GTP to the v-Ki-ras protein supports the notion that GTP binding is essential to the transforming function of this oncogene product.  相似文献   

N Hagag  S Halegoua  M Viola 《Nature》1986,319(6055):680-682
The protein products (p21) of the ras cellular proto-oncogenes are thought to transduce membrane signals necessary for the induction of cell division. However, there is uncertainty as to the precise role of ras p21 in mediating ligand-membrane receptor signals leading to cell differentiation. Treatment of rat phaeochromocytoma cells (PC12) with nerve growth factor (NGF) results in the induction of a number of phenotypic characteristics of sympathetic neurones, including cessation of cell division and outgrowth of neuronal processes (neurites). Here we report that microinjection of antibody to ras p21 into PC12 cells inhibited neurite formation and resulted in temporary regression of partially extended neurites, an effect which was observed up to 36 h after initiation of NGF treatment. Neurite formation induced by cyclic AMP was unaffected by injection of anti-p21 antibody. These results indicate that p21 is involved in the initiation phase of NGF-induced neurite formation in PC12 cells and has a role in hormone-mediated cellular responses distinct from cell proliferation.  相似文献   

A Kuhn  W Wickner  G Kreil 《Nature》1986,322(6077):335-339
The M13 coat protein spans the Escherichia coli plasma membrane with its amino-terminus facing the periplasm. It is made as a precursor--the procoat--with a typical leader peptide. Mutations which destroy the basic character of the carboxy-terminal domain of procoat, a domain which is oriented towards the cytoplasm, block membrane assembly, while insertion of three lysyl residues near the carboxy terminus partially restores assembly. Thus the information specifying membrane insertion of M13 procoat protein is found in its mature region as well as the leader and is not simply decoded in an amino to carboxy direction.  相似文献   

K Str?sser  E Hurt 《Nature》2001,413(6856):648-652
The yeast nuclear protein Yra1p is an essential export factor for mRNA. Yra1p interacts directly with the mRNA transport factor Mex67p/Mtr2p, which is associated with the nuclear pore. Here, we report a genetic interaction between YRA1 and SUB2, the gene for a DEAD box helicase involved in splicing. Mutation of SUB2 as well as its overexpression leads to a defect in mRNA export. Moreover, Yra1p and Sub2p bind directly to each other both in vivo and in vitro. Significantly, Sub2p and Mex67p/Mtr2p bind to the same domains of Yra1p, and the proteins compete for binding to Yra1p. Together, these data indicate that the spliceosomal component Sub2p is also important in mRNA export and may function to recruit Yra1p to the mRNA. Sub2p may then be displaced from Yra1p by the binding of Mex67p/Mtr2p, which participates in the export of mRNA through the nuclear pores.  相似文献   

The glyoxylate cycle is required for fungal virulence.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
M C Lorenz  G R Fink 《Nature》2001,412(6842):83-86
Candida albicans, a normal component of the mammalian gastrointestinal flora, is responsible for most fungal infections in immunosuppressed patients. Candida is normally phagocytosed by macrophages and neutrophils, which secrete cytokines and induce hyphal development in this fungus. Neutropenic patients, deficient in these immune cells, are particularly susceptible to systemic candidiasis. Here we use genome-wide expression profiles of the related yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to obtain a signature of the events that take place in the fungus on ingestion by a mammalian macrophage. Live S. cerevisiae cells isolated from the phagolysosome are induced for genes of the glyoxylate cycle, a metabolic pathway that permits the use of two-carbon compounds as carbon sources. In C. albicans, phagocytosis also upregulates the principal enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, isocitrate lyase (ICL1) and malate synthase (MLS1). Candida albicans mutants lacking ICL1 are markedly less virulent in mice than the wild type. These findings in fungi, in conjunction with reports that isocitrate lyase is both upregulated and required for the virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, demonstrate the wide-ranging significance of the glyoxylate cycle in microbial pathogenesis.  相似文献   

为了探讨丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染与肝细胞癌(HCC)的关系以及HCV可能的致癌机理,采用免疫组织化学方法及巢式PCR法检测了136例肝细胞癌等肝病组织中的HCVNS3抗原、HCVRNA及P21、P53蛋白。结果表明,肝细胞癌及癌周肝组织中有HCVNS3抗原及HCVRNA检出,支持HCV与HCC的关联。P21在HCC、肝炎后肝硬化、慢性肝炎、体质性黄疸各组中的检出率随病变的加重而逐渐增高,在HCC的癌及癌周组织中P21呈致密的过量表达,提示ras癌基因的激活在HCC的发生过程中起一定作用。P53的阳性率较P21低,但p53的突变似乎也是肝癌发生的协同因素之一。组织中P21的过量表达与HCVNS3抗原阳性检出呈正相关,HCVNS3抗原与P21的这种关联提示,HCV感染作为HCC的密切相关因素之一,可能通过激活某些癌基因或使某些抑癌基因突变而致肝细胞癌变  相似文献   

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