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The compressive strength of MgO-fluxed pellets was investigated before and after they were reduced. The porosity and pore size of green pellets, product pellets, and reduced pellets were analyzed to clarify how MgO affects the strength of the pellets. Experimental results show that when the MgO-bearing flux content in the pellets increases from 0.0wt% to 2.0wt%, the compressive strength of the pellets at ambient temperature decreases, but the compressive strength of the pellets after reduction increases. Therefore, the compressive strength of the pellets after reduction exhibits no certain positive correlation with that before reduction. The porosity and pore size of all the pellets (with different MgO contents) increase when the pellets are reduced. However, the increase in porosity of the MgO-fluxed pellets is relatively smaller than that of the traditional non-MgO-fluxed pellets, and the pore size range of the MgO-fluxed pellets is relatively narrower. The reduction swelling index (RSI) is a key factor for governing the compressive strength of the reduced pellets. An approximately reversed linear relation can be concluded that the lower the RSI, the greater the compressive strength of the reduced pellets is.  相似文献   

The effect of diboron trioxide (B2O3) on the crushing strength and smelting mechanism of high-chromium vanadium-titanium magnetite pellets was investigated in this work. The main characterization methods were X-ray fluorescence, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, mercury injection porosimetry, X-ray diffraction, metallographic microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that the crushing strength increased greatly with increasing B2O3 content and that the increase in crushing strength was strongly correlated with a decrease in porosity, the formation of liquid phases, and the growth and recrystallization consolidation of hematite crystalline grains. The smelting properties were measured under simulated blast furnace conditions; the results showed that the smelting properties within a certain B2O3 content range were improved and optimized except in the softening stage. The valuable element B was easily transformed to the slag, and this phenomenon became increasingly evident with increasing B2O3 content. The formation of Ti(C,N) was mostly avoided, and the slag and melted iron were separated well during smelting with the addition of B2O3. The size increase of the melted iron was consistent with the gradual optimization of the dripping characteristics with increasing B2O3 content.  相似文献   

CaO-containing carbon pellets (CCCP) were successfully prepared from well-mixed coking coal (CC) and calcium oxide (CaO) and roasted at different pyrolysis temperatures. The effects of temperature, pore distribution, and carbon structure on the compressive strength of CCCP was investigated in a pyrolysis furnace (350–750°C). The results showed that as the roasting temperature increased, the compressive strength also increased and furthermore, structural defects and imperfections in the carbon crystallites were gradually eliminated to form more organized char structures, thus forming high-ordered CC. Notably, the CCCP preheated at 750°C exhibited the highest compressive strength. A positive relationship between the compressive strength and pore-size homogeneity was established. A linear relationship between the compressive strength of the CCCP and the average stack height of CC was observed. Additionally, a four-stage caking mechanism was developed.  相似文献   

段晖  赵军  李政文  张凯祥 《河南科学》2004,22(6):809-811
通过试验,对掺加不同掺量聚乙酸乙烯酯(PVAC)的聚合物改性水泥混凝土的抗压强度进行了研究。试验结果表明,相对于普通混凝土,PVAC聚合物混凝土的抗压强度有较大提高,聚合物乳液存在一个最佳的掺量范围,此数值大致在10%左右。同时,还研究了养护龄期对聚合物混凝土抗压强度的影响。  相似文献   

微结构分维与孔隙率及抗压强度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以交河故城崖体土为研究对象,借助扫描电镜(SEM)手段和分形几何方法,研究了土的微结构分形(包括平面分形和粒度分形).研究表明:崖体土的平面分形维数为1.592~1.793,平均值为1.731;粒度分形维数为1.915~2.655,平均值为2.340.根据最小二乘法,研究了分形维数与土的孔隙率及抗压强度之间的关系.结果表明:交河崖体土的平面分彤维数与其孔隙率及抗压强度呈线性相关,而粒度分形维数与孔隙率及抗压强度旱幂指数关系.该研究成果为通过微结构分形表征土的孔隙性及抗压强度提供了依据.  相似文献   

短纤维预制件强度对铝基复合材料组织的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用GF砂型抗压强度测试仪测量了短纤维预制件压溃时的抗压强度,研究了氧化铝短纤维体积分数和黏结剂质量分数对预制件抗压强度的影响,使用金相显微镜观察了预制件强度对金属基复合材料组织的影响,试验结果表明,氧化铝短纤维预制件的抗压强度随着纤维体积分数的升高而升高,随着黏结剂质量分数的提高而升高,黏结剂浓度过低的预制件强度较低,在压力渗流过程中可能发生变形,导致复合材料组织不均匀;预制件黏结剂质量分数过高,复合材料中可能出现网状组织,甚至空洞。  相似文献   

针对褐煤资源难以有效利用的现状,采用水热处理法进行褐煤改质成型实验,分析水热处理对褐煤性质及型煤抗压强度的影响。结果表明,经过水热处理后的褐煤,酚羟基和羧基含量明显降低,饱和烷烃有所增加;随着水热处理温度升高,煤中内在水分、挥发分降低,型煤的抗压强度提高。该研究为褐煤的进一步加工利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以NaOH和KOH为激发剂,研究苛性碱掺量不同时,碱矿渣水泥砂浆(ASM)3、 7、 28、 90 d的抗压强度和抗折强度.采用压汞仪测试其净浆试件的孔结构;采用场发射扫描电子显微镜观察其砂浆试件的微观形貌.研究表明, ASM的抗压强度和抗折强度随着苛性碱掺量的增大,呈先上升后下降的变化规律.水胶比为0.4时, NaOH的最佳掺量(以Na_2O质量计)为矿渣质量的6%;KOH的最佳掺量(以K_2O质量计)为矿渣质量的4%.当激发剂掺量均为最佳掺量时, KOH作为激发剂的ASM的90 d龄期抗压强度和抗折强度分别比NaOH作为激发剂的ASM的90 d抗压强度和抗折强度高16.48%和12.65%.与采用NaOH作为激发剂的ASM相比,采用KOH作为激发剂的ASM的成本更低,性价比更高.  相似文献   

Ceramic parts usually experience dynamic load in armor applications. Therefore, studying the dynamic behaviors of ceramics is important. Limited data are available on the dynamic behaviors of ceramics;thus, it is helpful to predict the dynamic strength of ceramics on the basis of their mechanical properties. In this paper, the addition of SrCO3 into zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) was demonstrated to improve the fracture toughness of ZTA due to the formation of the SrAl12O19 (SA6) phase. The porosity of ZTA was found to be increased by the addition of SrCO3. These newly formed pores served as the nucleation sites of cracks under dynamic load;these cracks eventually coalesced to form damaged zones in the samples. Although the KIC values of the samples were improved, the dynamic strength was not en-hanced because of the increase in porosity;in fact, the dynamic strength of ZTA ceramics decreased with the addition of SrCO3.  相似文献   

早期受冻温度对负温混凝土微观结构与强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低负温给混凝土结构带来的内部损伤,采用压汞法测孔、扫描电镜微观形貌观察等实验手段,研究在不同温度早期受冻混凝土的孔径分布和微观结构及其抗压强度随龄期发展变化情况,探讨不同冻结温度下负温混凝土微观结构与宏观力学性能的关系。结果表明:早期养护温度越低,水泥石初始结构越疏松,<20 nm的凝胶孔含量明显降低,混凝土抗压强度较低;转入标准养护后,负温混凝土孔径趋于细化,抗压强度得以迅速增长,-5℃受冻的混凝土,转标准养护28 d后>200 nm孔含量几乎与标准养护28 d混凝土相当,抗压强度亦接近。但-10℃和-15℃受冻的两组混凝土中大孔含量仍略高于标准养护混凝土,抗压强度相对略低。  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of artificial magnetite pellets was investigated through measurements of the oxidation degree and mineralogical analysis. The results show that artificial magnetite pellets are much easier to oxidize than natural magnetite. The oxidation is controlled through two different reaction mechanisms. The oxidation of artificial magnetite is dominated by internal diffusion, with an activation energy of 8.40 kJ/mol, at temperatures less than 800℃, whereas it is controlled by chemical reaction, with a reaction activation energy of 67.79 kJ/mol, at temperatures greater than 800℃. In addition, factors such as the oxygen volume fraction and the pellet diameter strongly influence the oxidation of artificial magnetite:a larger oxygen volume fraction and a smaller pellet diameter result in a much faster oxidation process.  相似文献   

通过单因素实验考察了还原温度、还原时间及碳氧摩尔比(nC/nO)对钒钛磁铁矿含碳球团还原的影响,结合扫描电镜照片解释了钒钛磁铁矿的还原机理.实验结果表明,适当升高还原温度、延长还原时间及增加碳氧摩尔比均可以促进钒钛磁铁矿的还原,并且金属化率随还原温度的升高先急剧升高而后趋于平缓,随着还原时间的延长及碳氧摩尔比的增加而先升高后降低,而残碳量随着反应的进行不断降低.当还原温度为1350℃,还原时间为30 min,碳氧摩尔比为1.2时,球团的金属化率达到最大值.通过扫描电镜照片可以看出,球团在还原过程中形成了铁连晶,并且在不同的还原条件下铁连晶的大小及形态不同.  相似文献   

To test the influence of binder strength, porous concretes with 4 binder strengths between 30.0-135.0 MPa and 5 void ratios between 15%-35% were tested. The results indicated that for the same aggregate, the rates of strength reduction due to the increases in void ratio were the same for binders with different strengths. To study the influence of aggregate size, 3 single size aggregates with nominal sizes of 5.0, 13.0 and 20.0 mm (Nos. 7, 6 and 5 according to JIS A 5001) were used to make porous concrete. The strengths of porous concrete are found to be dependent on aggregate size. The rate of strength reduction of porous concrete with small aggregate size is found to be higher than that with larger aggregate size. At the same void ratio, the strength of porous concrete with large aggregate is larger than that with small aggregate. The general equations for porous concrete are related to compressive strength and void ratio for different binder strengths and aggregate sizes.  相似文献   

基于岩石单轴抗压强度为正态分布随机变量,利用数理统计理论对岩样单轴抗压强度置信区间、置信度等问题进行了系统的分析研究,整理并推导出了岩样单轴抗压强度"区间估计指标"的理论计算公式,并分析了岩样单轴抗压强度样本均值、样本标准差、总体均值置信区间、总体标准差置信区间等与岩样数量之间的关系,最后利用前人试验数据进行了验证应用与分析。结果表明:现有"单值点指标"方法给出的数据"信息不足",导致不同试验条件下得到的各组试验数据之间的横向比较的可靠性得不到保证,而"区间估计指标"可克服其不足,且在岩样数量较小时仍可使用,只是其置信度会较低(置信区间宽度会较大);当岩样数量较小时,样本标准差的波动性比样本均值的波动性约高一个数量级,样本标准差的随机性与离散性更大且达到收敛稳定所需的岩样数量也更大;岩样单轴抗压强度的"区间估计指标"置信区间、置信度等与岩样数量、岩样非均质性、岩样强度分布的随机性等有关。  相似文献   

钢纤维增强超高强混凝土拉压比试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在超高强混凝土(C100级)中掺入螺纹型钢纤维,通过立方体抗压强度与劈裂抗拉强度试验,研究钢纤维对超高强混凝土增强增韧效果和拉压比性能的影响.立方体试件尺寸为100mm×100mm×100mm,钢纤维掺量为0、0.50%、0.75%、1.00%、1.50%.试验结果表明,掺入钢纤维后,超高强混凝土立方体试件裂缝开展路径较多,裂而不散,坏而不碎,抗压韧性显著增强;抗压强度提高10.6%~15.5%,劈裂抗拉强度提高38.2%~91.9%;掺入钢纤维的超高强混凝土拉压比为0.060 5~0.084 6,拉压比提高24.08%~73.46%.提出了钢纤维超高强混凝土立方体抗压强度与劈裂抗拉强度预测模型,预测值与试验值误差分别在±1.79%、±17.84%范围内.掺入钢纤维可使超高强混凝土脆性大、韧性小的缺点得到显著改善.  相似文献   

岩石抗压强度与试件尺寸相关性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站提供的石英砂岩、砂岩、灰岩岩石试样进行抗压强度特性试验研究.依据岩石单轴压缩试验结果,将灰色预测改进GM(1,1)模型与跳变灰过程理论耦合,建立了风干状态、自然状态、饱和状态下岩石的单轴抗压强度与试件高径比之间的非线性关系式,利用该关系式可以很方便地在相关岩土工程中为相似岩石估算其强度值提供参考、借鉴.  相似文献   

贯入阻力与无侧限抗压强度的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过某工程贯入阻力实验和室内抗压强度实验的分析对比,发现两者存在相关关系,本文分析现有数据,得到7d龄期静力触探贯入阻力预算桩身28d龄期的无侧限抗压强度的公式。对水泥搅拌桩质量的检验方法提供了可靠的基础。  相似文献   

以粉煤灰为硅铝原料,钠水玻璃为激发剂,在80℃下干燥养护6 h制备了矿物聚合材料。研究了钠水玻璃固相组成对试件抗压强度的影响,并通过X射线衍射、扫描电镜、27Al和29Si魔角自旋核磁共振方法分析了最优试件的物相组成、微观形貌和微观结构。结果表明,模数为1.5、Na2O掺量为10%(质量分数)的钠水玻璃激发粉煤灰制得的试件抗压强度约为18 MPa;SEM分析表明凝胶由纳米级颗粒组成,颗粒之间相互连接形成致密的空间网络;XRD和MAS-NMR分析表明矿物聚合材料具有一定的无定形状态,漫射峰对应的衍射角在25°~35°范围内,Al主要以四配位的AlQ4(4Si)结构单元存在,Si主要以Q4(2Al)和Q4(3Al)结构单元存在。  相似文献   

为了研究温度对含碳纤维水泥水化及其强度的影响,首先将制备好的含碳纤维水泥净浆倒入40mm×40mm×40mm立方体模具中,振密实后分别放入低温(10℃),常温(25℃),高温(100℃)环境下养护至规定龄期(3,7,28d),通过XRD和SEM研究水泥水化过程,对比分析在不同养护温度条件下含碳纤维混凝土的抗压强度。研究结果表明,随着养护温度的增加,C-S-H凝胶和C-H的形成速率增加,从而提高了混凝土的抗压强度;在一定温度范围内提高养护温度,可加速含碳纤维混凝土水化过程。  相似文献   

Composite briquettes containing high-phosphorus oolitic hematite and coal were produced with a twin-roller briquette machine using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, molasses, starch, sodium silicate, and bentonite as binders. The effect of these binders on the strength of the composite briquettes, including cold strength and high-temperature strength, was investigated by drop testing and compression testing. It was found the addition of Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3 not only improved the reduction of iron oxides and promoted dephosphorization during the reduction-separation process but also provided strength to the composite briquettes during the briquetting process; a compressive strength of 152.8 N per briquette was obtained when no binders were used. On this basis, the addition of molasses, sodium silicate, starch, and bentonite improved the cold strength of the composite briquettes, and a maximum compressive strength of 404.6 N per briquette was obtained by using starch. When subjected to a thermal treatment at 1200℃, all of the composite briquettes suffered from a sharp decrease in compressive strength during the initial reduction process. This decrease in strength was related to an increase in porosity of the composite briquettes. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses showed that the decrease in strength of the composite briquettes could be caused by four factors: decomposition of bonding materials, gasification of coal, transportation of byproduct gases in the composite briquettes, and thermal stress.  相似文献   

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