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准循环LDPC好码设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有准循环(QC)LDPC码的设计未考虑避免短环问题与校验矩阵的行相关问题.第一个问题使准循环LDPC码的误码率性能远低于随机LDPC码,第二个问题使得构造生成矩阵非常困难.为解决第一个问题,提出避免短环的准循环LDPC码的设计约束条件,根据四、六环检验结果调整校验矩阵中循环子矩阵的维数和移位因子.为解决第二个问题,提出一种不规则准循环LDPC码的设计方法,该方法将校验矩阵中的特定位置的子矩阵用零矩阵和循环矩阵置换,获得一非奇异方阵,用于构造生成矩阵.虽然在校验矩阵中采用双对角线子矩阵可解决校验矩阵的行相关问题,但是会产生低码重的码字,导致误码率性能不能随码长增加而提高.计算机仿真结果表明,设计的准循环LDPC码具有良好的误码率性能.  相似文献   

从π-旋转LDPC码到Q-矩阵LDPC码的演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了基于π 旋转矩阵的低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC码)的构造方法,对π 旋转矩阵进行了研究和改造,对其约束条件进行加强,在此基础上定义了Q 矩阵,并提出Q 矩阵LDPC码的构造方法。Q 矩阵是约束满足问题的解,具有快速搜索算法,并能用循环移位的方法获得Q 矩阵集。利用Q 矩阵能快速灵活地构造不含4线循环的大型稀疏奇偶校验矩阵,从而生成LDPC码。提出的编码器设计基本思想是按照有利于LDPC码的构成及其电路设计的方式将奇偶校验矩阵H分解成两个子矩阵,通过对H的分解与重构运算直接构成码字。由于不需生成矩阵G,使LDPC码编码器的实现代价大幅度的降低。  相似文献   

为了降低准循环低密度奇偶校验(quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check, QC LDPC)码编码的复杂度,提出了一种利用近似满秩(approximate full rank, AFR)矩阵实现QC LDPC码的高效编码方案。基于有限域GF(q)乘群、加群构造出AFR校验矩阵,利用AFR矩阵可以快速得到其系统循环形式的生成矩阵。此方案不但可以实现线性化编码,而且编出的码都为系统码。仿真表明,该编码方案对于列重较小的QC LDPC码具有较好的通用性和实用价值。  相似文献   

提出了一种多进制准循环低密度奇偶校验(low-density parity-check, LDPC)码满秩校验矩阵的构造方法。该方法基于循环置换方阵,利用随机掩蔽的方法构造出满秩校验矩阵,从而得到具有循环阵形式的系统生成矩阵,并设计出具有线性复杂度的串行和并行多进制LDPC码编码器。仿真结果表明,由此构造出的规则和非规则多进制准循环LDPC码相比于掩蔽前的码字取得了更为优越的误码和收敛性能。  相似文献   

提出了一种高围长结构化低密度校验码的构造方法。首先介绍了以准循环技术为基础的高围长结构化规则LDPC码的构造方法,并在此基础上构造了重复累加结构的准规则LDPC码和非规则LDPC码。仿真结果表明,用这种方法构造的规则码和非规则码都具有优良的性能,特别是非规则码的性能优于DVB-S2的非规则码。并且采用该构造方法可以构造各种码长和码率的LDPC码,适应不同领域的应用。  相似文献   

对低密度奇偶校验(low-density parity-check,LDPC)码的Tanner图和几何图形之间的关系进行分析后,提出了一种规则的(3,k)LDPC码的构造方法,该方法基于三维点阵实现。通过在一个三维的点阵中构造线,并合理地选择斜率来消除点阵中的三角形结构,从而使得所造的码的圈长为8,三维点阵高度的选择通过一个搜索算法实现,该方法简单有效。在AWGN信道上进行仿真,结果表明利用提出的构造方法所构造的LDPC码具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

在4×4多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output, MIMO)系统中,为了同时达到全分集增益和全速率数据传输,进而达到降低系统误码率及提高系统可靠性的要求,提出将低密度奇偶校验(low density parity check, LDPC)码与基于星座旋转的准正交空时分组码级联的编码方案,并找出了在全数据传输速率的前提下能够获得满分集增益的最优旋转角度。仿真结果表明,该级联编码方案误码率低于传统的LDPC编码与空时分组码级联的编码方案,在误码率为10-5的情况下,比LDPC码与正交空时分组码级联的编码方案有8 dB左右的增益。  相似文献   

残留频偏条件下码辅助的迭代载波同步算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
LDPC编码系统,接收端在译码前需要对频偏和相差进行估计,使残留频偏和相差在译码器收敛的允许范围之内,但在低信噪比条件下,即使在收敛范围内,较大的残留频偏和相差也会对LDPC编码系统性能有明显的恶化,所以必须结合迭代译码系统,对信号的残留频偏和相差进行进一步的估计。基于EM算法推导了频偏联合相差的迭代估计算法,给出了一种简单有效的残留频偏估计方法,并以此为基础,结合LDPC迭代译码输出软信息的统计特性,提出了一种码辅助的迭代载波同步算法,仿真结果表明,只要残留频偏和相差在迭代估计器收敛范围内,提出的算法可以使LDPC编码系统的误比特率接近理想同步条件下的译码性能。  相似文献   

在加性高斯白噪声(additive white Gaussian noise, AWGN)信道中设计一种低密度奇偶校验(low-density parity-check, LDPC)码的最大似然译码算法是一项具有挑战性的工作。麦克斯韦译码算法在二进制擦除信道下具有优越的性能,但把这种算法移植到其他信道却非常困难。引入了信道转换的思想实现两个不同信道之间的转换,并利用该方法成功地将麦克斯韦算法应用到AWGN信道中,提出了一种将信度传播算法和麦克斯韦算法有机结合的联合译码算法,即信度传播麦克斯韦译码算法,该算法可缩小与最大似然译码算法之间的性能差距。仿真表明,该译码算法可打破大多数小陷阱集从而获得比信度传播译码算法更低的误帧率,并且可消除大多数信度传播译码后出现的小错误。  相似文献   

为逼近解码前传半双工多址访问中继信道容量,提出一种多边低密度奇偶校验(low density parity check, LDPC)码校验点联合编码(parity jointly coded multi-edge type LDPC codes, PJCMET-LDPC)结构及其度分布优化方法。该结构视中继校验比特为PJCME-TLDPC码的一部分,目的端利用从信源和中继接收的消息联合译码获得所有信源信息。为了分析该编码算法的渐进性能,推导了基于消息错误概率的多边外信息转移图噪声门限分析方法。在此基础上,提出PJCMET LDPC码度分布优化方法。实验仿真表明,与SCC LDPC码和NCC -LDPC码相比,PJCMET-LDPC码可以获得更大的编码增益。  相似文献   

Design of good QC-LDPC codes without small girth in the p-plane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A construction method based on the p-plane to design high-girth quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes is proposed. Firstly the good points in every line of the p-plane can be ascertained through filtering the bad points, because the designed parity-check matrixes using these points have the short cycles in Tanner graph of codes. Then one of the best points from the residual good points of every line in the p-plane will be found, respectively. The optimal point is also singled out according to the bit error rate (BER) performance of the QC-LDPC codes at last. Explicit necessary and sufficient conditions for the QC-LDPC codes to have no short cycles are presented which are in favor of removing the bad points in the p-plane. Since preventing the short cycles also prevents the small stopping sets, the proposed construction method also leads to QC-LDPC codes with a higher stopping distance.  相似文献   

The existing constructions of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes do not consider the problems of small stopping sets and small girth together in the Tanner graph, while their existences will lead to the bit error rate (BER) performance of QC-LDPC codes being much poorer than that of randomly constructed LDPC codes even decoding failure. To solve the problem, some theorems of the specific chosen parity-check matrix of QC-LDPC codes without small stopping sets and small girth are proposed. ...  相似文献   

对允许卖空的均值-方差资本市场,通过利用最优化技术,在通常的假设条件下导出了一个简洁易用的、计算市场非负均衡价格的具体公式,论证了该公式成立的充要条件,并解释了所给条件的经济含义,所得结果推广了有关文献中的工作。  相似文献   

针对大规模突发事件下应急物资动态调度问题, 把灾民的损失用物资未满足度的形式进行量化, 构建以最小化灾民损失和车辆调度费用为目标的混合整数规划模型, 以对运力受限情况下的救 援车辆路径选择和应急物资分配进行综合决策. 利用分层求解策略缩小问题的求解空间, 改进 基于客户点的编码方式, 设计了针对此问题的遗传算法. 代入实验数据得出了物资集散地不同 运力下的应急物资动态调度方案, 进而确定了最优运力配置量, 与现实情况下的配送方案比较 表明此模型和算法是有效的.  相似文献   

Group decision making problem with stochastic preference is investigated.The authors present four rational conditions for testing group stochastic preference rule,and prove that the combination of these four rational conditions is the sufficient and necessary condition of major stochastic preference rule for group stochastic preference rule.  相似文献   

This paper is addressed to a study of the stability of heat and wave equations with memory.The necessary and sufficient conditions of the exponential stability are investigated by the theory of Laplace transform. The results show that the stability depends on the decay rate and the coefficient of the kernel functions of the memory. Besides, the feedback stabilization of the heat equation is obtained by constructing finite dimensional controller according to unstable eigenvalues. This stabilizing...  相似文献   

利用已有的强对偶定理 ,给出线性分式—二次双层规划的一个充要条件.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the global controllability of a class of n-dimensional affine nonlinear systems with n- 1 controls and constant control matrix. A necessary and sufficient condition for its global controllability has been obtained by using the methods recently developed. Furthermore, we generalize the above result to a class of affine nonlinear systems with a block-triangular-like structure. Finally, we will give three examples to show the applications of our results.  相似文献   

多层线性规划问题可行解的充要条件和单纯形算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究多层线性规划问题。先对可行解提出几个必要与充分条件, 然后在这些条件的基础上设计出一种单纯形算法。最后通过求解一个三层规划问题为例来说明这种方法。  相似文献   

It is an urgent project to realize online and overall condition monitoring and timely fault diagnosis for large-scale mobile and complex equipment. Moreover, most of the existing large-scale complex equipment has quite insufficient accessibility of examination, although it still has quite a long service life. The decentralized and overall condition monitoring, as a new concept, is proposed from the point of view of the whole system. A set of complex equipment is divided into several parts in terms of concrete equipment. Every part is processed via one detecting unit, and the main detecting unit is connected with other units. The management work and communications with the remote monitoring center have been taken on by it. Consequently, the difficulty of realizing a condition monitoring system and the complexity of processing information is reduced greatly. Furthermore, excellent maintainability of the condition monitoring system is obtained because of the modularization design. Through an application example, the design and realization of the decentralized and overall condition monitoring system is introduced specifically. Some advanced technologies, such as, micro control unit (MCU), advanced RISC machines (ARM), and control area network (CAN), have been adopted in the system. The system's applicability for the existing large-scale mobile and complex equipment is tested.  相似文献   

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