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Summary A kinetic study of hormonal inactivation in the presence of sodium thioglycolate was carried out using the rat uterus bioassay. In all cases we observed a total inactivation of the hormonal activities, whether the uterine horn is in the presence or not of magnesium. The hormones under consideration divide into 2 groups: the arginine-vasotocin group (rapidly inactivated), and the ichtyotocin and oxytocin group (more slowly inactivated). But, in all cases the rate of inactivation is linear.

Avec la collaboration technique de Mr.G. Hoeltzel.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori hanno studiato al microscopio elettronico cellule dell'endotelio glomerulare di topo infettato con virus della leucemia murina (Gross virus) e hanno dimostrata la esistenza di particelle virali all'interno di esse.

This work was supported in part by a grant from C.N.R. Italy.  相似文献   

Résumé Chez la souris traitée avec de l'actinomycine d, 1 h après injection de virus LDH, la quantité de l'enzyme LDH dans le plasma sanguin et le taux de virus sont élevés. Ces résultats sont discutés au point de vue d'une inhibition possible d'interferone et du mechanisme responsable de l'augmentation de la quantité de l'enzyme LDH.

Supported by Public Health Service research grant No. 5 R01 CA05742-05 from the National Cancer Institute.

I am indebted to MissIris Carter for her technical assistance.  相似文献   

Résumé L'anticorps contre la neurotoxine du venin deVipera palestinae est obtenu chez des lapins par immunisation de la neurotoxine purifiée liée à la cellulose carbométhylique.

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der passive Hämagglutinationstest (PHA) ist eine zuverlässige Methode für die Feststellung von Antigenen gegenHerpesvirus hominis. PHA-Testergebnisse mit denen des CF-Tests verglichen ergaben, dass die Antigene, die zur PHA-Aktivität führen, sich von denen der CF-Antigene und des infektiven Virus unterscheiden lassen.

I thank Mrs.Rebecca Castleberry for her excellent technical assistance and Dr.W. Dowdle, Communicable Disease Center, for supplying the virus and certain antisera.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird der Einfluss einer Aminosäure auf verschiedene Gewebsarten und auch auf die Haut kontrolliert. Unterschiedlich starke, z.T. schwere Degenerationen, Entzündungen und auch Zellauflösungen waren festzustellen. Teilweise kam es zu Riesenzellbildungen oder zu Fibrosen in der Leber. Knochennekrosen und Blutungen wurden festgestellt.

Thanks toK. T. Givens for carbamate, Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware.

Thanks toG. Armstrong for histological specimens, and toR. Wilder for photographs.

Thanks to Dr.L. Kiesow for critical review and suggestions.

This research was supported by NMRI Research Project No. MR041.20.02-6002A3IJ.

The assertions and opinions contained herein are those of the author and are not to be construed as reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the naval service at large.  相似文献   

Résumé La «tumeur lymphoïde» deXenopus laevis est transmissible par des filtrats acellulaires ainsi que par injection des surnageants de centrifugation des extraits de tissus cancéreux à des vitesses qui sédimentent les virus connus jusqu'à présent.

This investigation was supported by the Fonds National Suisse pour la Recherche Scientifique No. 4411.

I wish to thank Professor M.Fischberg for his interest in this work and the facilities he provided  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Sauerstoffverbrauch genetisch fettleibiger Ratten ist auffallend niedriger als derjenige von Normalratten (littermates), die nach Hypothalamusverletzung fettleibig wurden.

J.Mayer, R. E.Russell, M. W.Bates and M. M.Dickie, Endocrinology56, 318 (1952).

The author thanks Dr. E. B.Astwood for his continuing support and encouragement.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die erste Synthese eines Phosphatidyl-N-(2 hydroxyethyl)-alanins wird beschrieben.

Dedicated to Professor Dr.Erich Baer in honour of his 70th birthday.

The nomenclature used in this communication is that used byFischer andBaer for well-nigh 4 decades. However, according to the rules of IUPAC-IUB commission this should be 1,2-distearoylsn-glycero-3-phosphoryl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-alanine.

The authors thank the National Institute of Health (USA) and the Medical Research Council (Canada) for making the grants available to ProfessorE. Baer, which made this work possible.

The authors thank Dr.J. von Euw and Professor Dr.T. Reichstein of the University of Basel (Switzerland) for kindly providing the rotation. As the optical purity is a very important criterion of the activity of the phospholipids; this has been determined on the Schmid and Heansch polarimeter (visual) as well as on the Perkin Elmer polarimeter (photoelectric) with excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Résumé On présente une étude comparée sur la production d'interféron par les cellules non-transformées et tumorales de hamster ainsi que par les cellules de singe, après leur traîtement par le virus Sendai inactivé. Les cellules tumorales ne produisent pas l'interféron sous l'action du virus sendai. Les cellules non-transformées cessent de produire ou de libérer l'interféron, dans leur milieu de culture, en moins de 24 h après l'enlèvement du virus Sendai de ce milieu.

Supported by a Fellowship from The Medical Research Council of Canada. We thank Mr.L. Guerin for supplying some of the culture material used, Dr.E. Perry for his support and discussions, and Dr.J. C. N. Westwood for his support. Our present address is: Department of Tumor Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 104 01 Stockholm 60 (Sweden).  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori hanno studiato istochimicamente il comportamento dell'attività GOT nel fegato di topi infettati con virus MHV-3. Alla 48° ora dall'infezione si ha un notevole aumento dell'attività enzimatica, strettamente legato alla necrosi parenchimale. Tale aumento è maggiore nei fegati con necrosi focale che non in quelli con necrosi sub-massiva. Vengono discussi i reperti istochimici e le loro correlazioni con i valori dell'attività GOT nel siero degli animali infettati e con i dati biochimici riportati da altri Autori.

The skilled technical assistance ofMr. R. Gentile is gratefully acknowledged.

In this paper the following abbreviations are used: GOT, glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase; GPT, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium acetate I-14C has been injected to the sea anemoneCalliactis parasitica (coelenterate,anthozoa). Sterols and squalene were found unlabelled in this experiment. An analysis of the sterol mixture is reported.

Nous remercionsMM. Cosson, Bardey etVarenne qui ont effectué les mesures de spectrométrie de masse sur un appareil AEI MS9, sous la direction du DrB. C. Das.

Nous remercions le ProfesseurE. Lederer pour l'intérêt qu'il a porté à ce travail.

Nous remercions la Station Biologique de Roscoff pour l'expédition de ces animaux.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Infektion von Schimmelpilzen,C. albicans, durch Polyomavirus mit isolierter Polyoma-DNS und die aktivierende Wirkung von DMSO werden beschrieben.

Supported by a grant of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.

The assistance of Mr. G.Kolompár and B.Bucz during these assays is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium acetate I-14C has been injected to the sea anemoneCalliactis parasitica (coelenterate,anthozoa). Sterols and squalene were found unlabelled in this experiment. An analysis of the sterol mixture is reported.

Nous remercionsMM. Cosson, Bardey etVarenne qui ont effectué les mesures de spectrométrie de masse sur un appareil AEI MS9, sous la direction du DrB. C. Das.

Nous remercions le ProfesseurE. Lederer pour l'intérêt qu'il a porté à ce travail.

Nous remercions la Station Biologique de Roscoff pour l'expédition de ces animaux.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass die vonAbu-Shady undSoine isolierten Sesquiterpenlaktone «Ambrosin» und «Damsin» vermutlich Gemische von isomeren Substanzen darstellen. Die Interpretation bereits bekannter Tatsachen über die beiden Naturstoffe und der Vergleich mit verwandten Produkten ermöglicht die Aufstellung provisorischer Strukturformeln.

Terpenes VIII. Part. VII,G. Büchi andW. S. Saari, J. Amer. chem. Soc. (in press).

On leave of absence from Farmitalia, Milano, Italy.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Synthese vondl-O-Methylmahanine wird beschrieben und damit die Struktur (IIa) für Mahanine bewiesen.

Part VI.S. P. Kureel, R. S. Kapil andS. P. Popli, Chemy Ind. 1262 (1970).

Communication No. 1640 from the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Feststellung eines Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus der Konzentration von Adrenalin und Noradrenalin in den Nebennieren von Ratten.

Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant No. NS-08929.

Acknowledgements. We would like to express our appreciation toLaurel Patterson andJacqueline Skaggs for their excellent technical and secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

Riassunto Vengono descritte le proprietà di una serie di peptidi sintetici affini alla ceruleina e si discutono brevemente i rapporti fra attività e struttura.

A. Anastasi, V. Erspamer andR. Endean, Experientia23, 699 (1967).

This work was in part supported by grants from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of human lactotransferrin and transferrin has been made with respect to sugar and amino acid composition. The authors conclude that there are significant differences between both types of glycoproteids, which confirm the specificity of lactotransferrin previously demonstrated by physico-chemical and immunological analysis.

Ce travail a été réalisé grace à une subvention de la Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (Contrat 61-FR-170) à laquelle nous adressons nos plus vifs remerciements.

Avec la collaboration technique de MM.F. Decamps etG. Decroix.

Avec la collaboration technique de MadameM. P. Louchez et de MesdemoisellesR. Carpentier etM. T. Picque.  相似文献   

Summary In CF 1 mice, by injection of surrenalian tissue mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant, we have induced an immune surrenalitis with auto-antibodies. The lesions are maximal on day 15 but they are only transitory.

Travail du Laboratorie d'Hygène, Faculté de Médecine de Lyon, service du ProfesseurThivolet.

Avec l'aide technique de MlleGermain.  相似文献   

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