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In this paper, a family of non-monomial permutations over the finite field \({F_{{2^n}}}\) with differential uniformity at most 6 is proposed, where n is a positive integer. The algebraic degree of these functions is also determined.  相似文献   

This paper extends the single-task n-Vehicle Exploration Problem to Multitask n-Vehicle Exploration Problem(MTNVEP),by combining n-Vehicle Exploration Problem with Job Scheduling Problem.At first,the authors prove that MTNVEP is NP-hard for fixed number of tasks,and it is strongly NP-hard for general number of tasks.Then they propose an improved accurate algorithm with computing time O(n3~n),which is better than O(n!) as n becomes sufficiently large.Moreover,four heuristic algorithms are proposed.Effectiveness of the heuristic algorithms is illustrated by experiments at last.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an extended model based on ACR model:Functional coefficient autoregressive conditional root model(FCACR).Under some assumptions,the authors show that the process is geometrically ergodic,stationary and all moments of the process exist.The authors use the polynomial spline function to approximate the functional coefficient,and show that the estimate is consistent with the rate of convergence Op(hv+1+n-1/3).By simulation study,the authors discover the proposed method can approximate well the real model.Furthermore,the authors apply the model to real exchange rate data analysis.  相似文献   

This paper considers the discrete-time Geo~x/G/1 queueing model with unreliable service station and multiple adaptive delayed vacations from the perspective of reliability research.Following problems will be discussed:1) The probability that the server is in a "generalized busy period" at time n;2) The probability that the service station is in failure at time n,i.e.,the transient unavailability of the service station,and the steady state unavailability of the service station;3) The expected number of service station failures during the time interval(0,n],and the steady state failure frequency of the service station;4) The expected number of service station breakdowns in a server’s "generalized busy period".Finally,the authors demonstrate that some common discrete-time queueing models with unreliable service station are special cases of the model discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue under the Min(N,D)-policy in which the idle server resumes its service if either N customers accumulate in the system or the total backlog of the service times of the waiting customers exceeds D, whichever occurs first (Min(N,D)-policy). By using renewal process theory and total probability decomposition technique, the authors study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length from the beginning of the arbitrary initial state, and obtain both the recursive expression of the z-transformation of the transient queue length distribution and the recursive formula for calculating the steady state queue length at arbitrary time epoch n +. Meanwhile, the authors obtain the explicit expressions of the additional queue length distribution. Furthermore, the important relations between the steady state queue length distributions at different time epochs n -, n and n + are also reported. Finally, the authors give numerical examples to illustrate the effect of system parameters on the steady state queue length distribution, and also show from numerical results that the expressions of the steady state queue length distribution is important in the system capacity design.  相似文献   

The authors establish weighted L2-estimates of solutions for the damped wave equations with variable coefficients u tt ? divA(x)?u+au t = 0 in ? n under the assumption a(x) ≥ a0[1+ρ(x)]?l, where a0 > 0, l < 1, ρ(x) is the distance function of the metric g = A?1(x) on ? n . The authors show that these weighted L2-estimates are closely related to the geometrical properties of the metric g = A?1(x).  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the construction of one-Lee weight codes and two-Lee weight codes over F p + vF p (v 2 = v) with type \({p^{2{k_1}}}{p^{{k_2}}}{p^{{k_3}}}\) based on two different distance-preserving Gray maps from ((F p + vF p ) n , Lee weight) to (F p 2n , Hamming weight), where p is a prime. Moreover, the authors prove that the obtained two-Lee weight codes are projective only when p = 2.  相似文献   

This paper considers the departure process and the optimal control strategy for a discretetime Geo/G/1 queueing model in which the system operates under the control of multiple server vacations and Min(N, V)-policy. Using the law of total probability decomposition, the renewal theory and the probability generating function technique, the transient and the steady-state probabilities that the server is busy at any epoch n+ are derived. The authors also obtain the explicit expression of the probability generating function for the expected number of departures occurring in the time interval (0+, n+] from any initial state. Meanwhile, the relationship among departure process, server’s state process and service renewal process in server busy period is found, which shows the special structure of departure process. Especially, some corresponding results of departure process for special discrete-time queues are directly gained by our results. Furthermore, the approximate expansion for calculating the expected number of departures is presented. In addition, some other important performance measures, including the expected length of server busy period, server’s actual vacation period and busy cycle period etc., are analyzed. Finally, some numerical results are provided to determine the optimum value N* for minimizing the system cost under a given cost structure.  相似文献   

When running an experiment, inhomogeneity of the experimental units may result in poor estimations of treatment effects. Thus, it is desirable to select a good blocked design before running the experiment. Mostly, a single block variable was used in the literature to treat the inhomogeneity for simplicity. However, in practice, the inhomogeneity often comes from multi block variables. Recently, a new criterion called B2-GMC was proposed for two-level regular designs with multi block variables. This paper proposes a systematic theory on constructing some B2-GMC designs for the first time. Experimenters can easily obtain the B2-GMC designs according to the construction method. Pros of B2-GMC designs are highlighted in Section 4, and the designs with small run sizes are tabulated in Appendix B for practical use.  相似文献   

In this paper, adaptive event-based consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear dynamics is considered. A novel adaptive event-based controller and a state-dependent triggering function are proposed for each agent. The consensus can be achieved without the assumption that (A,B) is stabilizable. Furthermore, the Zeno-behavior of the concerned closed-loop system is also excluded under certain conditions. Finally, a numerical simulation example is presented to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper firstly gives some necessary conditions on one-Gray weight linear codes. And then we use these results to construct several classes of one-Gray weight linear codes over ?4+u?4(u 2 = u) with type \({16^{{k_1}}}{8^{{k_2}}}{8^{{k_3}}}{4^{{k_4}}}{4^{{k_5}}}{4^{{k_6}}}{2^{{k_7}}}{2^{{k_8}}}\) based on a distance-preserving Gray map from (?4 + u?4) n to ? 4 2n . Secondly, the authors use the similar approach to do works on two-Gray (projective) weight linear codes. Finally, some examples are given to illustrate the construction methods.  相似文献   

NNMDS codes     
C is an[n,k,d]q linear code over F9.And s(C)=n+1-k-d is the Singleton defect of C.An MDS code C with s(C)=0 has been studied extensively.Recently,a near-MDS code C with s(C)=s(C)=1 is studied by many scholars,where Cdenotes the dual code of C.This paper concentrates on the linear code C with s(C)=s(C)=2,and the author calls it an NNMDS code.A series of iff conditions of NNMDS codes are presented.And the author gives an upper bound on length of NNMDS codes.In the last,some examples of NNMDS are given.  相似文献   

The trace inverse functions Tr(λx~(-1)) over the finite field F_(2~n) are a class of very important Boolean functions and are used in many stream ciphers such as SFINKS,RAKAPOSHI,the simple counter stream cipher(SCSC) presented by Si W and Ding C(2012),etc.In order to evaluate the security of those ciphers in resistance to(fast) algebraic attacks,the authors need to characterize algebraic properties of Tr(λx~(-1)).However,currently only some bounds on algebraic immunity of Tr(λx~(-1)) are given in the public literature,for example,the NGG upper bound and the Bayev lower bound,etc.This paper gives the exact value of the algebraic immunity of Tr(λx~(-1)) over F_(2~n),that is,AI(Tr(λx~(-1))) =[2n~(1/2)]- 2,where n ≥ 2,A ∈ F_(2~n) and λ≠ 0,which shows that Dalai's conjecture on the algebraic immunity of Tr(λx~(-1)) is correct.What is more,the authors demonstrate some weak properties of Tr(λx~(-1)) against fast algebraic attacks.  相似文献   

<正> Let Q_n and B_n denote a quasi-polyomino chain with n squares and a quasi-hexagonalchain with n hexagons,respectively.In this paper,the authors establish a relation between the Wienernumbers of Q_n and B_n:W(Q_n)=1/4[W(B_n)-8/3n~3+(14)/3n+3].And the extremal quasi-polyominochains with respect to the Wiener number are determined.Furthermore,several classes of polyominochains with large Wiener numbers are ordered.  相似文献   

On the basis of capacity flow model, a new model is developed for a load-sharing k-out-of-n: G system consisting of different components, to describe the increase of the same component's failure rates under different loads. All components have exponential life distributions and are nonrepairable in the system. Reliability of load- sharing 2-out- of-3: G system is calculated and some special cases for the system are discussed. The calculation and discussions show that the model is right and practical.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time queue with N-policy and LAS-DA(late arrival system with delayed access) discipline.By using renewal process theory and probability decomposition techniques,the authors derive the recursive expressions of the queue-length distributions at epochs n~-,n~+,and n.Furthermore,the authors obtain the stochastic decomposition of the queue length and the relations between the equilibrium distributions of the queue length at different epochs(n~-,n~+,n and departure epoch D_n).  相似文献   

This paper addresses a dynamic lot sizing problem with bounded inventory and stockout where both no backlogging and backlogging allowed cases are considered. The stockout option means that there is outsourcing in a period only when the inventory level at that period is non-positive. The production capacity is unlimited and production cost functions are linear but with fixed charges. The problem is that of satisfying all demands in the planning horizon at minimal total cost. We show that the no backlogging case can be solved in ) O(T 2) time with general concave inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions where T is the length of the planning horizon. The complexity can be reduced to O(T) when the inventory holding cost functions are also linear and have some realistic properties, even if the outsourcing cost functions remain general concave functions. When the inventory holding and outsourcing cost functions are linear, the backlogging case can be solved in O(T 3logT) time whether the outsourcing level at each period is bounded by the sum of the demand of that period and backlogging level from previous periods, or only by the demand of that period.  相似文献   

Generalized B-splines have been employed as geometric modeling and numerical simulation tools for isogeometric analysis(IGA for short). However, the previous models used in IGA,such as trigonometric generalized B-splines or hyperbolic generalized B-splines, are not the unified mathematical representation of conics and polynomial parametric curves/surfaces. In this paper,a unified approach to construct the generalized non-uniform B-splines over the space spanned by{α(t), β(t), ξ(t), η(t), 1, t, ···, t~(n-4)} is proposed, and the corresponding isogeometric analysis framework for PDE solving is also studied. Compared with the NURBS-IGA method, the proposed frameworks have several advantages such as high accuracy, easy-to-compute derivatives and integrals due to the non-rational form. Furthermore, with the proposed spline models, isogeometric analysis can be performed on the computational domain bounded by transcendental curves/surfaces, such as the involute of circle, the helix/helicoid, the catenary/catenoid and the cycloid. Several numerical examples for isogeometric heat conduction problems are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

A new point of view of robust statistics based on a geometrical approach is tackled in this paper. Estimation procedures are carried out from a new robust cost function based on a chaining of elementary convex norms. This chain is randomly articulated in order to treat more efficiently natural outliers in data-set. Estimated parameters are considered as random fields and each of them, named articulated estimator random field (AERF) is a manifold or stratum of a stratified space with Riemannian geometry properties. From a high level excursion set, a probability distribution model Msta is presented and a system model validation geometric criterion (SYMOVAGEC) for system model structures Msys based on Riccian scalar curvatures is proposed. Numerical results are drawn in a context of system identification.  相似文献   

Hausdorff distance between two compact sets, defined as the maximum distance from a point of one set to another set, has many application in computer science. It is a good measure for the similarity of two sets. This paper proves that the shape distance between two compact sets in R n defined by minimum Hausdorff distance under rigid motions is a distance. The authors introduce similarity comparison problems in protein science, and propose that this measure may have good application to comparison of protein structure as well. For calculation of this distance, the authors give one dimensional formulas for problems (2, n), (3, 3), and (3, 4). These formulas can reduce time needed for solving these problems. The authors did some numerical experiments for (2, n). On these sets of data, this formula can reduce time needed to one fifteenth of the best algorithms known on average. As n increases, it would save more time.  相似文献   

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