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在强制碳减排政策下,企业希望通过寻租等手段逃避减排责任的动机强烈,而现行的环境规制为政府和企业提供了过多的寻租空间.构建基于SWARM的碳交易市场仿真模型,模拟不同寻租环境下碳交易市场排放权交易,从流动性、波动性、有效性三个方面衡量市场运行效率,考察碳排放权免费分配方式下,不同寻租环境对碳交易市场运行效率的影响.研究结果表明,寻租行为会通过改变初始配额的分配总量和结构,影响碳交易市场的流动性和有效性,但对市场价格波动没有显著作用.寻租行为对市场运行效率"不降反升"的影响反映出初始配额免费分配法并不能达到最优的资源配置.减少政府对碳交易市场的干预,从免费分配方式向定价出售或拍卖方式过渡,不仅能明确价格信号,提高能源的使用效率,还能从源头上切断企业寻租的可能性.  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of service level agreements, the transmission accuracy rate is one of critical performance indicators to assess internet quality for system managers and customers. Under the assumption that each arc's capacity is deterministic, the quickest path problem is to find a path sending a specific of data such that the transmission time is minimized. However, in many real-life networks such as computer networks, each arc has stochastic capacity, lead time and accuracy rate. Such a network is named a multi-state computer network. Under both assured accuracy rate and time constraints, we extend the quickest path problem to compute the probability that d units of data can be sent through multiple minimal paths simultaneously. Such a probability named system reliability is a performance indicator to provide to managers for understanding the ability of system and improvement. An efficient algorithm is proposed to evaluate the system reliability in terms of the approach of minimal paths.  相似文献   

To deal with the adverse influence of model failures on Kalman filtering (KF) estimation, it is necessary to investigate the generalized reliability theory, including the model failure detection and identification method as well as the separability and reliability theories. Although the generalized reliability theory for the least square has been discussed for many decades, the generalized reliability theory of KF is not widely discussed. Compared with the least square, KF includes not only the measurement model, but also the dynamic model. In KF, the predicted value of the state parameters from the dynamic model is considered as pseudomeasurements and combined with the observed measurements to compose the form of the least square. According to the reliability of the least square, the generalized reliability of KF is derived. Then, the dynamic model failure of precise point positioning is simulated to demonstrate the usage of the generalized reliability theory. The results show that the adverse influence of the dynamic model failure is more severe than that of the measurement model. Moreover, it is recommended that the model failure identification should always be used even if the overall model test passes. It is shown that the derived generalized reliability measures are suitable for the generalized KF estimation.  相似文献   

本文利用Bluenext和ECX的经验数据,对欧盟碳排放权市场(EU-ETS)的价格行为特征进行了分析.研究表明:1)对EU-ETS市场收益率序列基本统计特征检验显示:碳收益率序列不服从正态分布,具有明显的有偏、尖峰、肥尾的非正态性和非线性的统计分布特征;2)对市场分形性的研究表明:该市场具有显著的统计自相似性,阶段性的、而非全过程的长期记忆性特征;3)对市场混沌性的研究表明:从关联维数看,EU-ETS并不存在低维混沌性,但结合最大Lyapunov指数检验及邻近返回检验证明欧盟碳排放权市场存在非收敛饱和混沌性.由此得出结论:欧盟碳排放权市场是一个具有分形与混沌特征的非线性动力系统,它不符合有效市场假说,因此不能用线性范式来研究市场价格行为、交易机制及政策制定.  相似文献   

航天长寿命产品可靠性建模与评估的Bayes信息融合方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对航天长寿命产品在研制、生产、试验和使用过程中, 存在大量的性能退化数据和少量寿命数据的特点, 给出了融合性能退化数据和寿命数据获取其寿命分布的一种Bayes方法, 以及利用其性能退化参数来进行可靠性评估的方法. 首先, 根据Fisher信息量确定维纳过程漂移参数和扩散参数的无信息验前分布; 然后, 利用性能退化数据结合其性能退化的独立高斯增量特点, 获取参数的第一次验后分布, 利用寿命数据结合其寿命的逆高斯分布获取参数的第二次验后分布; 最后, 利用漂移参数和扩散参数的验后分布, 对产品进行了可靠性评估. 本文模型充分利用了性能数据和寿命数据, 在很大程度上提高了评估的精度.  相似文献   

为了加速定价利率衍生产品的Monte Carlo模拟,对远期测度下Libor市场模型中的漂移项用确定性函数近似,构造了一个与原问题高度相关的控制变量. 然后将此控制变量算法移植到多核CPU和GPU的并行计算环境中,极大地提高了计算效率. 针对利率上限的数值结果表明选取的控制变量十分有效且稳健,多核CPU具有线性加速效果,GPU相对于单核CPU具有很大的计算优势,控制变量和并行计算结合得到的加速效果大致是两者的乘积. 结合控制变量和并行计算的方法可以为其他利率衍生产品如利率下限,互换期权的定价提供有效思路.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the blind separation of nonstation-ary sources and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in the under-determined case, when there are more sources than sensors. We assume the sources to be time-frequency (TF) disjoint to a certain extent. In particular, the number of sources presented at any TF neighborhood is strictly less than that of sensors. We can identify the real number of active sources and achieve separation in any TF neighborhood by the sparse representation method. Compared with the subspace-based algorithm under the same sparseness assumption, which suffers from the extra noise effect since it can-not estimate the true number of active sources, the proposed algorithm can estimate the number of active sources and their cor-responding TF values in any TF neighborhood simultaneously. An-other contribution of this paper is a new estimation procedure for the DOA of sources in the underdetermined case, which combines the TF sparseness of sources and the clustering technique. Sim-ulation results demonstrate the validity and high performance of the proposed algorithm in both blind source separation (BSS) and DOA estimation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme of fault diagnosis for flexible satellites during orbit maneuver. The main contribution of the paper is related to the design of the nonlinear input observer which can avoid false alarm arising from the disturbance from orbit control force. The effects of orbit control force on the fault diagnosis system for satellite attitude control systems, including the disturbing torque caused by the misalignments and the model uncertainty caused by the fuel consumed, are discussed, where standard Luenberger observer cannot work well. Then the nonlinear unknown input observer is proposed to decouple faults from disturbance. Besides, a linear matrix inequality approach is adopted to reduce the effect of nonlinear part and model uncertainties on the observer. The numerical and semi-physical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed observer for the fault diagnosis system of the satellite during orbit maneuver.  相似文献   

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