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Identification of a protein encoded by the vpu gene of HIV-1   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is the aetiological agent of AIDS. The virus establishes lytic, latent and non-cytopathic productive infection in cells in culture. The complexity of virus-host cell interaction is reflected in the complex organization of the viral genome. In addition to the genes that encode the virion capsid and envelope proteins and the enzymes required for proviral synthesis and integration common to all retroviruses, HIV-1 is known to encode at least four additional proteins that regulate virus replication, the tat, art, sor and 3' orf proteins, as well as a protein of unknown function from the open reading frame called R. Close examination of the nucleic acid sequences of the genomes of multiple HIV isolates raised the possibility that the virus encodes a previously undetected additional protein. Here we report that HIV-1 encodes a ninth protein and that antibodies to this protein are detected in the sera of people infected with HIV-1. This protein distinguishes HIV-1 isolates from the other human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-2 and SIV) that do not have the capacity to encode a similar protein.  相似文献   

A novel cyclin encoded by a bcl1-linked candidate oncogene   总被引:145,自引:0,他引:145  
We have previously identified a candidate oncogene (PRAD1 or D11S287E) on chromosome 11q13 which is clonally rearranged with the parathyroid hormone locus in a subset of benign parathyroid tumours. We now report that a cloned human placental PRAD1 complementary DNA encodes a protein of 295 amino acids with sequence similarities to the cyclins. Cyclins can form a complex with and activate p34cdc2 protein kinase, thereby regulating progress through the cell cycle. PRAD 1 messenger RNA levels vary dramatically across the cell cycle in HeLa cells. Addition of the PRAD1 protein to interphase clam embryo lysates containing inactive p34cdc2 kinase and lacking endogenous cyclins allows it to be isolated using beads bearing p13suc1, a yeast protein that binds cdc2 and related kinases with high affinity and coprecipitates kinase-associated proteins. Addition of PRAD1 also induces phosphorylation of histone H1, a preferred substrate of cdc2. These data suggest that PRAD1 encodes a novel cyclin whose overexpression may play an important part in the development of various tumours with abnormalities in 11q13.  相似文献   

目的 :对单纯疱疹病毒1型感染KMB -17细胞后的早期基因反应进行研究。方法 :从HSV -1感染后细胞特异性cDNA文库中筛选出一个EST片段 (GeneBank登录号:Aw307599) ,NorthernBlot分析证实了该基因片段的病毒相关特异性 ,并采用生物信息学的方法进行基因的电子克隆。结果 :克隆出一个新的全基因序列HSP -5contig(GeneBank登录号 :AY142148)。结论 :HSP -5含有完整的ORF框架 ,cds全长456bp,编码156个氨基酸 ;对该基因及其编码蛋白序列的特征进行了分析和预测 ,初步推测了该基因和编码蛋白的结构特点。  相似文献   

Eukaryotic transposons such as the Ty element of yeast or the copia-like sequences of Drosophila show structural and functional similarities to both prokaryotic transposons and retroviral proviruses, but the prokaryotic transposons and retroviral proviruses use markedly different expression strategies which yield products having entirely different functions. To determine the phylogenetic relationship between eukaryotic transposons, prokaryotic transposons and retroviruses, we have sought to identify and characterize the proteins encoded by the yeast Ty element and to describe the strategies used to express these proteins. We show here that the yeast transposon produces a fusion protein by a specific frameshifting event that fuses two out-of-phase open reading frames (ORFs). The process is remarkably similar to that used by retroviruses such as Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) to produce Pr180gag-pol.  相似文献   

AAV-2 Rep78蛋白是涉及到病毒转录、复制和位点特异性整合的多功能蛋白,它同时还介导AAV-2与其协助病毒之间的相互作用.我们通过免疫共沉淀实验证明细胞内PML蛋白与Rep78蛋白存在相互作用,作用区域位于Rep78蛋白C末端545FPCRQCERM553位置,在细胞内短暂表达Rep78会加速PML蛋白的降解.分别使用含有ICP0的病毒株G207和ICP0突变的病毒株7134感染P5-Rep78转基因Vero细胞系,结果表明Rep78的表达会抑制G207的增殖但是对ICP0突变的7134病毒没有明显的抑制作用.结果表明Rep不仅可以介导定点整合,同时也是AAV协助病毒的负调控物.  相似文献   

Protein encoded by v-erbA functions as a thyroid-hormone receptor antagonist   总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95  
K Damm  C C Thompson  R M Evans 《Nature》1989,339(6226):593-597
The thyroid-hormone receptor can, in the absence of its ligand, suppress activity of a responsive promoter. Addition of thyroid hormone, however, results in the stimulation of expression. The oncogenic derivative of the thyroid-hormone receptor, v-erbA, acts as a constitutive repressor and, when coexpressed with the receptor, blocks activation by thyroid hormone. Thus, v-erbA may be the first example of a dominant negative oncogene.  相似文献   

G C DeAngelis  I Ohzawa  R D Freeman 《Nature》1991,352(6331):156-159
Binocular neurons in the visual cortex are thought to perform the first stage of processing for the fine stereoscopic depth discrimination exhibited by animals with frontally located eyes. Because lateral separation of the eyes gives a slightly different view to each eye, there are small variations in position (disparities), mainly along the horizontal dimension, between corresponding features in the two retinal images. The visual system uses these disparities to gauge depth. We studied neurons in the cat's visual cortex to determine whether the visual system uses the anisotropy in the range of horizontal and vertical disparities. We report here that there is a corresponding anisotropy in the cortical representation of binocular information: receptive-field profiles for left and right eyes are matched for cells that are tuned to horizontal orientations of image contours. For neurons tuned to vertical orientations, left and right receptive fields are predominantly dissimilar. Therefore, a major modification is required of the conventional notion of disparity processing. The modified scheme allows a unified encoding of monocular form and binocular disparity information.  相似文献   

Human dopamine D1 receptor encoded by an intronless gene on chromosome 5   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Receptors for dopamine have been classified into two functional types, D1 and D2. They belong to the family of receptors acting through G (or guanine nucleotide-binding) proteins. D2 receptors inhibit adenylyl cyclase, but D1 receptors stimulate adenylyl cyclase and activate cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors are targets of drug therapy in many psychomotor disorders, including Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia, and may also have a role in drug addiction and alcoholism. D1 receptors regulate neuron growth and differentiation, influence behaviour and modify dopamine D2 receptor-mediated events. We report here the cloning of the D1 receptor gene, which resides on an intronless region on the long arm of chromosome 5, near two other members of the G-linked receptor family. The expressed protein, encoded by 446 amino acids, binds drugs with affinities identical to the native human D1 receptor. The presence of a D1 receptor gene restriction fragment length polymorphism will be helpful for future disease linkage studies.  相似文献   

Stem cell division is regulated by the microRNA pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the key characteristics of stem cells is their capacity to divide for long periods of time in an environment where most of the cells are quiescent. Therefore, a critical question in stem cell biology is how stem cells escape cell division stop signals. Here, we report the necessity of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway for proper control of germline stem cell (GSC) division in Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of GSCs mutant for dicer-1 (dcr-1), the double-stranded RNaseIII essential for miRNA biogenesis, revealed a marked reduction in the rate of germline cyst production. These dcr-1 mutant GSCs exhibit normal identity but are defective in cell cycle control. On the basis of cell cycle markers and genetic interactions, we conclude that dcr-1 mutant GSCs are delayed in the G1 to S transition, which is dependent on the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Dacapo, suggesting that miRNAs are required for stem cells to bypass the normal G1/S checkpoint. Hence, the miRNA pathway might be part of a mechanism that makes stem cells insensitive to environmental signals that normally stop the cell cycle at the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

A maternally inherited superantigen encoded by a mammary tumour virus.   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
P Marrack  E Kushnir  J Kappler 《Nature》1991,349(6309):524-526
A collection of superantigens, molecules which in combination with class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) engage T cells bearing particular V beta chains as part of their alpha beta receptors, have recently been described. The mouse self superantigen, Mls-1a, for example, in conjunction with many MHC class II proteins, engages mouse T cells bearing V beta 6, 7, 8.1 and 9, almost regardless of the sequences of the other variable components of the receptors on the T cells. Two types of superantigen have been identified so far: first, superantigens encoded in the mouse genome, such as Mls-1a; second, superantigens produced by bacteria, such as the staphylococcal enterotoxins. Although the latter type of superantigens are in many cases known to be proteins of about 220 amino acids, nothing is known about the structures of any of the superantigens encoded in mouse. Here we describe the properties of a new mouse superantigen. The antigen is maternally transmitted in milk and is probably encoded by a mammary tumour virus (MTV). Given the known genetic linkage between at least one of the mouse genomic superantigens and endogenous MTV integration sites, it is tempting to speculate that the superantigen described here and some of the endogenous mouse superantigens are encoded by MTVs.  相似文献   

Conjugation proteins encoded by the F sex factor.   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  

A recombinant plasmid pET-racd was first constructed by cloning osRACD,the development-regulating gene that controls photoperiod fertility transformation in the photoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice Nongken 58S,into a prokaryote expression vector pET28a(+).It was then transformed into E.Coli BL-21.Cutting with thrombin of the fusion protein extracted from transformants and PAGE separation yielded pure osRACD protein,which was further concentrated using ultrafiltration and renatured using glutathione oxidation/reduction refolding system for later functional study.As demonstrated by in vitro functional assay,the osRACD protein expressed in E.Coli B-21 shows remarkable activity in binding GTP specifically and hydrolyzing it.  相似文献   

Presentation of cytoplasmic antigens to class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells implied the existence of a specialized peptide transporter. For most class I heavy chains, association with peptides of the appropriate length is required for stable assembly with beta 2-microglobulin. Mutant cells RMA-S and .174/T2 neither assemble stable class I molecules nor present intracellular antigens, and we have suggested that they have lost a function required for the transport of short peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum. The genetic defect in .174 has been localized to a large deletion in the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex, within which two genes (RING4 and RING11) have been identified that code for 'ABC' (ATP-binding cassette) transporters. We report here that the protein products of these two genes assemble to form a complex. Defects in either protein result in the formation of unstable class I molecules and loss of presentation of intracellular antigens. The molecular defect in a new mutant, BM36.1, is shown to be in the ATP-binding domain of the RING11/PSF2 protein. This is in contrast to the mutant .134, which lacks the RING4/PSF1 protein.  相似文献   

Enhanced glycolysis is a distinct feature associated with numerous stem cells and cancer cells.However,little is known about its regulatory roles in gene expres...  相似文献   

S I Bernstein  K Mogami  J J Donady  C P Emerson 《Nature》1983,302(5907):393-397
Drosophila muscle myosin heavy chain is encoded by a single-copy gene which is transcribed during both larval and adult development. This myosin gene maps to a chromosomal locus distant from any of the actin genes, but is within a cluster of flight muscle mutations.  相似文献   

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