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Summary From the theory of the free-free-transitions of the electrons in the solar corona the absorption coefficient and optical thickness of the corona are calculated. From these the intensity of the coronal radiation at radio-frequencies is deduced for different distances from the centre of the sun's disc (Fig. 1). In fig. 2 the spectral intensity-distribution is given for radiation coming from the sun's centre (=0), from the sun's limb (=1), and from a point one solar radius outside the sun's limb.  相似文献   

Summary Myosin is insoluble in KAc or NaAc 0.5 m at neutralp H values and can be easily separated from myosin under these conditions. The yield in myosin is 80 to 90% of the total protein content of our solutions (Weber-Edsall myosin solutions prepared after 20 minutes extraction).  相似文献   

Summary I must refuteH. Winterstein's objections to my theory of a functional polarity of cord-like central nervous systems (CNS). As early as 1894Hermann rejected the hypothesis that a given section of the CNS could be put as a whole in an electrotonic state; a galvanic current always produces onlylocal electrotonic zones on the single nerve cells, this however in the entire length of the tissue through which the current passes, not merely in the vicinity of the electrodes applied to the body. When a current is made to flow through experimental animals under water or through a human subject between arm and leg, then no electrodes whatever lie in the vicinity of the CNS, so that in such a case only the direction of the current, i.e. the position of the electronic zones in the nerve cells, can be decisive. Thereversal of the current effects observed byH. Winterstein with his manner of applying the electrodes is to be referred simply to the presence of arcs of current, which have areversed direction of flow in the caudal part of the spinal cord and therefore naturally must alter the effect of the current apparently into its contrary.  相似文献   

Summary The Noetherian surfaceF 4 (3) , which is represented on a plane by a linear 3 system ofC 9(A 1 3 A 2 3 A 3 3 A 4 3 A 5 3 A 6 3 A 7 3 A 8 3 A 9 2 A 10), possesses generally only one linear pencil of elliptic cubics. IfA i (i=1, 2, , 9) are the basis points of aHalphen pencil ofC 9,A 10 is infinitely near toA 9, and in this caseF 4 (3) is a not trivial example of such a surface with two pencils of elliptic cubics.  相似文献   

Summary Judging by the physical and chemical properties and bacterial spectra, the antibiotic substance, Enniatin, previously isolated from a strain ofFusarium by the authors, appears to be identical with that which was recently reported byCook et al. derived from another strain and designated by them as Lateritiin-I, although the reported empirical formulæ differ. Numerous physical and chemical characteristics of Enniatin and its degradation products are given, and, further, two relatedFusarium antibiotics, here designated as Enniatin B and C, are briefly described.

Ausgeführt mit einem Beitrag aus den eidg. Arbeitsbeschaffungskrediten.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit muscular globulins soluble between the ionic strengths 0.15 and 0.35 are, in an almost native state, the and myosins ofDubuisson. The extractability of both, and, by salt solutions is greatly reduced when the rabbit muscle has been stimulated to exhaustion or poisoned with the sodium salt of monobromacetic acid till a state of rigor is obtained. This reduction however does not proceed in an absolutely similar way for and, indicating probable functional differences between these two myosins. The other soluble muscular proteins are practically not affected, as far as the method permits this to be assertained.  相似文献   

Summary -Glycerophosphatase prepared from the intestinal mucosa of the calf was purified by fractionated precipitation with alcohol. A further concentration of the enzyme activity was attained by electrophoresis.The activity of the purified enzyme solution was reduced to of its original value when dialysed for 48 hours atp H 4.5. Atp H 6 and atp H 10.5 only a less pronounced decrease of the activity occurred.By addition of heat-inactivated-glycerophosphatase to the enzyme solution which was partly inactivated by dialysis atp H 4.5 the activity of the latter was increased by about 100%.  相似文献   

Summary When rabbit muscles are fatigued, the electrophoretic pictures of the extracts of these muscles are free from -myosin and show a large decrease in the amount of 1 and 2-myosin.When the muscles are contracted by monobromacetate or stimulated and fixed in a contracted state by liquid air, -myosin is very much decreased, 1 and 2-myosin disappears entirely, and a new component appears which is called contractin.The disappearance of the classical myosins and the appearance of this new protein in the extracts ofshortened muscles, may be of great interest in the study of the protein changes responsible for muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Nierenrindenischämie (hervorgerufen nachTrueta und Mitarbeitern durch Faradisation des Nierenhilus) wurde die Nierenfunktion geprüft. Die Glomerulusfiltration, die effektive Blutdurchströmung und die maximale PAH-Ausscheidung, sanken bedeutend ab. Auch die maximale Zuckerresorption wurde erheblich reduziert, aber erheblich weniger als die Clearance die Zuckerresorption im juxtamedullären Tubulus scheint demnach zu steigen. Die PAH-Konzentration des Blutes in der Vena renalis stieg nach der Faradisation sehr stark an; die Extraktion war also herabgesetzt.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit as well as Mollusks myosin solutions are composed of three electrochemical distinct components:, and myosins, moving with the same speed in both species at definitep H and ionic strength.Turbidity of myosin solutions is connected with the boundary.After the muscle has been stimulated till exhaustion, the component disappears and the component is very markedly decreased or absent.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Mechanismus der Serini-Reaktion wird kurz erörtert und ein 17, 20-Oxyd als Zwischenprodukt vorgeschlagen. Das stereochemische Ergebnis der Reaktion soll von zwei Faktoren abhängig sein, und zwar: 1. von der Geometrie des « transition state » und 2. von der Konfiguration des Oxydrings. Ausgehend von diesen Überlegungen, kann vorausgesagt werden, daßReichsteins Substanz 0-Diacetat durch die Serini-Reaktion in ein 17-Iso-20-keton und nicht in ein 17-Normal-20-keton umgewandelt werden soll. Tatsächlich ist das 17-Isoallopregnanol-(3)-on-20 als einziges Produkt experimentell aufgefunden worden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Sieben inaktive Begleit-Corticosteroide, die vonReichstein und anderen aus der Nebennierenrinde isoliert worden sind, enthalten ein Asymmetriezentrum in C20. Es sind bisher sind noch keine Schlußfolgerungen bezüglich der Konfiguration der natürlichen Substanzen in diesem Zentrum relativ zum Rest des Moleküls gezogen worden.In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wird darauf hingewiesen, daß die Konfiguration an Hand der Betrachtung des Hinderniseffekts, welcher wahrscheinlich den sterischen Lauf der Reaktionen, die zur Partialsynthese der Verbindungen dieser Gruppe angewendet werden, reguliert, mit ziemlicher Sicherheit abgeleitet werden kann. Auf diese Weise sind die Konfigurationen aller sieben natürlichen Steroide festgesetzt und mit den Bezeichnungen der vorgeschlagenen Nomenklatur für die Beschreibung der Konfiguration in C20 relativ zu der in C17 unter Bezugnahme auf ein zyklisches Zwischenprodukt von festgesetzter geometrischer Orientierung ausgedrückt worden.Die Konfiguration in C20 einiger synthetischer 20-Oxy-Verbindungen der 17-Isoallopregnan- und 17-Iso-5-pregnen-Reihe sind durch Vergleich mit den entsprechenden 17-Normal-Verbindungen mit Hilfe der Methode des Molekularrotationsunterschiedes nachBarton abgeleitet worden. Im Falle zweier epimerischer 17-Isoallopregnan-3,17,20-triole sind die optischen Eigenschaften nicht entscheidend und zwei Serien von experimentellen Tatsachen scheinen sich zu widersprechen.Experimentelles Beweismaterial, das erst nach der Fertigstellung dieser Abhandlung beigebracht worden war, zeigt, daß eine der Literaturangaben unrichtig ist, wie in der «Note added to proof» erwähnt worden ist.In der Abhandlung ist eine Reihe von Vorschlägen für die Standardisierung der Nomenklatur der Steroide eingeschlossen.  相似文献   

Summary The principal results of the present inquiries are: If a plane quantity of points M has a finite number of symmetrals n, which intersect in a point S, these symmetrals form a regular fascicle of straight lines, with an angle/n of two subsequent symmetrals. If is the angle between two straight lines with the intersection point S, you may or may not supplement them to a regular fascicle of symmetrals of a quantity of points M, by adding a finite number of straight lines, according as represents a rational or irrational multiple of 2. If the angle of two symmetrals of M with the intersection point S is an irrational multiple of 2, there will be to every straight line g through S a symmetral of M, which comprises with g, a small angle of the size you may choose. If M is closed, then in this case every straight line g through S will be a symmetral of M.The symmetrals of a limited quantity of points will intersect in an exact point.

Die Verfasser sind zur vorliegenden mathematischen Untersuchung durch den Versuch einer mathematischen Behandlung verschiedener Probleme, die Gasausscheidung aus gashältigen Flüssigkeiten betreffend, veranlaßt worden.  相似文献   

Summary The real density of a porous matter is determined by means of the equationV=a – b · s, whereV is the volume of imbibition, related to the surface tension (s) of the liquid, while a and b are experimental coefficients. The examination of this equation led to the conclusion that a represents the total porous volume, while b is a function of the mean porous radius. The knowledge of the equation related to a given substance, allows to calculate immediately the real density.Furthermore the ratiob/a defines a characteristics porosity index.  相似文献   

Summary The authors describe a monophosphoesterase isolated from yeast which acts strongly on sodium phenolphthaleinphosphate, phenolphosphate, and-glycerophosphate in an alkaline medium (p H 8,5–9,1). The enzyme does not need magnesium ions for its activity.  相似文献   

Summary The minimum period of tonal quality of a pure tone of 200–10000Hz was determined on 16 normal hearing persons by a new device for producing shortest tones. The individual variations are comparatively small. The minimum period is more or less independent of the tone intensity. The conductive apparatus of the ear responds to shortest tones aperiodically and behaves only under the influence of a longer tone as periodically vibrating system. Different forms of conductive deafness as otosclerosis or after radical mastoid operation had no influence on the minimum period. In perceptive deafness the minimum period is either partially shorter (presbyacusis) or throughout longer than normal.

Zur Frage der Tonbildung  相似文献   

Summary The formation of forked fibres cannot be explained by the theories of sliding or of symplastic growth, while the theory of local apical growth of fibre ends accounts for all the actual facts observed in xylem and phloem fibres ofSparmannia africana. In this species cambium cells with a split end are found. These cells give rise to forked fibres, the forking point of which does not show any sliding growth, but remains on its original level. This evidence is undoubtedly a proof against the theory of sliding growth during fibre elongation inSparmannia.  相似文献   

Summary By means of reactions which proceed without isomerization at C-3 and C-17, it has been possible to break down periplogenin into the known 3-acetoxy-etio-allo-cholanic-acid-methylester. In consideration of this fact together with other known and unpublished findings it is very probable that all functional groups in periplogenin are arranged in the-configuration. The same breaking-down when applied to the biologically inactiveallo-periplogenin produced the known 3-acetoxy-14-iso-17-iso-etio-allo-cholanicacid-methylester.Allo-periplogenin is distinguished from periplogenin by the stereoconfiguration at position 17.

Die ausführliche Publikation erscheint in den Helv. chim. Acta.  相似文献   

Summary Koschmieder's new thermodynamical theory of tornado formation (1940) makes it probable that a tornado (or a waterspout) develops when a warm air packet rises quickly within the convective mother cloud. In the present paper the three principle cases of conditions are indicated under which supplementary amounts of potential energy necessary to start a daughter convection in the cumulo-nimbus cloud can become available in the latter. Supply of moister air from below seems to be at least as important as that one of warmer air. However, the suddenness of the release of the said supplementary energy cannot be explained by the abrupt annihilation of an intercepting layer within the main body of the cumulo-nimbus, for the pre-existence of such a layer is incompatible with the general character of this type of cloud.  相似文献   

Summary The existence of symmetries in the calender of singularities in the average annual weather trend and the fixation of the symmetry points in atmospheric pressure within the calender prove the causal connection between singularities and pressure waves. The maximum of the amplitude of an important wave (with a period of 30.5 days) is situated in the atmospheric layers above 20 km, that of waves with a period of 15 (or 18) days in the altitude of the tropopause. The same waves are found byGötz in the annual ozone trend. They extend over the whole northern hemisphere.The length of these collective pressure waves are single rational divisors of the year. The singularities will be understood as higher harmonic oscillations of the annual period, partly located in the high stratosphere.  相似文献   

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