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A quantitative study was undertaken on diatoms from cores (SA08-34) obtained from the southwestern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS). A total of 165 diatom species belonging to 45 genera were identified. We constructed a stratigraphic subdivision and correlation according to the characteristics of diatom assemblages together with 14C dating and carbonate analysis. We also discuss the sedimentary environment in the sea area since the last glacial times. The research shows that the diatom assemblages coincide with interglacial and glacial times, and changes in diatom abundance reflect the instability of the climate in the southern part of the SCS, such that short-term, temperature descending events correlate with the interglacial interval. The abundance of diatoms is relevant to interglacial and glacial times, since high abundance values were associated with an interglacial interval, and low abundance values with the last glacial maximum. We assume that strong upwelling developed in the interglacial interval, the development of which was influenced by variations of monsoons in the East Asian region.  相似文献   

The planktonic foraminiferal faunal census of core MD 05-2894 (7°2.25′N, 111°33.11′E, water depth 1982 m), retrieved from the southern South China Sea (SCS) during the "Marco Polo" cruise in 2005, was performed to investigate the abundance changes of a subsurface dweller, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. The results display that the abundance of P. obliquiloculata nearly declines to zero during 16.0--14.9 ka, corresponding to the Heinrich 1 (H1) cold interval. The unexpected decrease of P. obliquiloculata occurs in the adjacent cores, roughly between 17 and 14.8 ka based on the previous studies. Accordingly, the Pulleniatina Minimum Event in the last deglaciation can serve as a good stratigraphical indicator, at least in the southern SCS. To further explore the changes of sea surface temperature (SST) and subsurface seawater temperature (SSST), we made parallel Mg/Ca measurements on surface dweller Globigerinoides tuber and subsurface dweller P. obliquiloculata tests. Since the last deglaciation, the SSTs show a continuous increasing trend towards the late Holocene, while the warming of the subsurface water is punctuated by a 2℃-cooling interval across the deglacial Pulleniatina Minimum Event. Both increased 5180 differences between G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata, and increased temperature differences between surface and subsurface water suggest a shoaling of the mixed layer during the deglacial Pulleniatina Minimum Event. Therefore, we consider that the significant changes in the upper ocean structure are responsible for the Pulleniatina Minimum Event during the last deglaciation in the southern SCS.  相似文献   

The preservation and dissolution of calcium carbonate (namely calcium carbonate pump) controls the pH of seawater in global oceans by its buffer effect, and in turn plays a significant role in global changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The results from measured carbonate contents over the past 2 Ma at ODP Site 1143 in the South China Sea provide high-resolution records to explore the process of the calcium carbonate pump during Quaternary glacial cycles. The results indicate statistically that the highest carbonate accumulation rate leads the lightest δ^18O by about 3.6ka at transitions from glacials to interglacials, and that the strongest carbonate dissolution lags the lightest δ^18O by about 5.6 ka at transitions from interglacials to glacials. The calcium carbonate pump releases CO2 to the at mosphere atthe glacial-interglacial transitions, but transports atmospheric CO2 to deep sea at the interglacial-glacial transitions.The adjustable function of the calcium carbonate pump for the deep-sea CO3^2- concentration directly controls parts of global changes in atmospheric CO2, and contributes the global carbon cycle system during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Down-core variations of radiolarians at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) are presented for the last 12 Myr. The ?uctuations of radiolarian abundances since the Late Miocene can be divided into three stages: a high abundance stage at 12–5.96 Myr, a radiolarian absent stage at 5.96–3.30 Myr and a gradual increasing stage after 3.30 Myr. The three stages correspond to the forming and vicissitudes of the Western Paci?c Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Eastern Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The radiolarian absence event (RAE) was also absent of diatom and occurred nearly imultaneously with the closures of the Panama Isthmus and the Indonesian seaway, which probably caused the reorganization of oceanic circulation systems. Accompanied this circulation reorganization was the weakening of the WPWP and the EASM, which probably led to a weakened upwelling in the southern SCS. In addition dissolved silica (Dsi) content in surface seawater might be very low during 5.96–3.30 Myr due to the ‘‘biogenic bloom” event, which consumed a large amount of Dsi in the surface seawater. All these factors together might lead to a great decrease of siliceous production in the southern SCS and consequently caused the RAE. Moreover, the dissolution of siliceous skeletons might also in?uence the abundance of radiolarians.  相似文献   

Down-core variations of radiolarians at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) are presented for the last 12 Myr. The fluctuations of radiolarian abundances since the Late Miocene can be divided into three stages: a high abundance stage at 12-5.96 Myr, a radiolarian absent stage at 5.96-3.30 Myr and a gradual increasing stage after 3.30 Myr. The three stages correspond to the forming and vicissitudes of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Eastern Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The radiolarian absence event (RAE) was also absent of diatom and occurred nearly simultaneously with the closures of the Panama Isthmus and the Indonesian seaway, which probably caused the reorganization of oceanic circulation systems. Accompanied this circulation reorganization was the weakening of the WPWP and the EASM, which probably led to a weakened upwelling in the southern SCS. In addition dissolved silica (Dsi) content in surface seawater might be very low during 5.96-3.30 Myr due to the "biogenic bloom" event, which consumed a large amount of Dsi in the surface seawater. All these factors together might lead to a great decrease of siliceous production in the southern SCS and consequently caused the RAE. Moreover, the dissolution of siliceous skeletons might also influence the abundance of radiolarians.  相似文献   

Liu  Chuanlian  Cheng  Xinrong  Zhu  Youhua  Tian  Jun  Xia  Peifen 《科学通报(英文版)》2002,47(10):798-803
Oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses have been carried out on calcareous nannofossils from ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea. The results demonstrate that the δ18O values of calcareous nannofossils for the past 1 Ma vary systematically with those of planktonic and benthic foraminifera from the same site. But the average δ18O value of nannofossils is 1.869‰ higher than that of planktonic foraminifera, and is 3.855‰ lower than that of benthic foarminifera. There are systematic differences between the δ13C values of nannofossils, planktonic foarminifera and benthic foraminifera. The average δ13C of nannofossils is 0.756‰ higher than that of benthic foraminifera, and is 0.460‰ lower than that of planktonic foraminifera. The δ13C values of nannofossils exhibit a significant positive shift beginning near isotope stage 14 and lasting until stage 8. This study also finds that there is a close ralationship between the δ13C of nannofossils and the percentage of Florisphaera profunda. This implies that the δ13C of nannofossils can be used as an indicator of sea water surface paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

Core NS-93-5 was taken from the mild slope terrace of the southern South China Sea (SCS), which has preserved the steadiness depositional record of the normal marine environment since late Quaternary. Sedimentary sequence and oxygen isotopic stratigraphy of high resolution in the near 200 ka of the southern SCS has been established. By the comparative analysis with GISP2's ice core, the depositional record of D/O's events 1-21 and Heinrich's events H1-H6 in the southern SCS that reflected the quick climate change in short time scale since the last interglacial stage is revealed, which indicates that in the last 200 ka in the southern SCS and the Arctic area there was tele-connection of paleoclimate and the unstability of the Western Pacific Warm Pool. This note shows that the sedimentary layers order of this sea area classified by color identification and by oxygen isotope stratum has the very good corresponding relation. The color feature of sediment changes along with the climate and the former arranges a stagnant time of 1-1.5 ka generally. It was suggested that the paleoclimatic changes resulted in the rise and fall of sea level, the open and close of strait thoroughfare and the upwelling activity, which causes the changes of the oxidation-reduction condition of deep water along with the dynamic environment in this sea area, thus producing the different sediment features of sea bed. In addition, a volcanic ash layer, about 17 cm thick, has been found in the transition of oxygen isotope 4/5 stage, which is related with the Toba's volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

This paper reports high-resolution biomarker records of the last 260 ka for core MD05-2904 from the northern South China Sea (SCS). The sea surface temperature (SST) record using the U37^k', index reveals a minimum of 21.5℃(MIS 2) and a maximum of 28.3℃(MIS 5.5), for a temperature difference of almost 7℃, and provides the longest high-resolution U37^k' SST record in northern SCS. The content of odd-number long chain n-alkanes and several n-alkanes indexes such as the CPI, ACL and the C31/C27 ratio, all reveal generally higher values during the glacials and lower values during the interglaclals. Terrestrial input as Indicated by n-alkane content was mostly controlled by sea-level changes: During the glacials, lower sea-level exposed the continental shelf to enable rivers to transport more terrestrial materials to the slope; and the situation reverses during the interglacials. The n-alkane indexes changes reveal more n-alkanes from contemporary vegetation during glacials as a result of the proximity of the core site to the source region, while the increases in ACL and C81/C27 ratio during glaclals indicate a change to more grassy vegetation. However, the highest values for CPI, ACL and the C81/C27 ratio all occurred during late MIS 3, and it was suggested that this period was characterized by a strong summer monsoon-dominated humid climate which resulted in a denser vegetation for the exposed continental shelf region.  相似文献   

南海在距今34 Ma之前的始新世从陆地变为海洋,古水深不断加深,至距今24 Ma之前的中新世/渐新世之交,由于T60构造运动,南海海盆整体进入深海环境。但是,自中新世以来随着吕宋岛弧向欧亚板块碰撞,南海海盆的半封闭程度在距今10.0、6.5、3.0和1.2 Ma之前加剧,导致南海深部海水只能来自巴士海峡海槛深度2600 m以浅的太平洋。此后,巴士海峡两侧的南海与太平洋深部海水交换,由于全球海平面变化,呈现冰期/间冰期模式。  相似文献   

Observational study of the circulation in the southern South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CTD data from two oceanographic survey cruises, conducted by “Shiyan No. 3” R/V during two reversing monsoons, were employed to calculate and analyze the distributions of temperature, salinity and geopotential anomaly in the southern South China Sea (SSCS). Based on these distributions, the horizontal structures of the SSCS circulation are described systematically. Study results show that the SSCS circulation structure could be classified as a two-layer (the upper and the lower) pattern, and that the main circulation in the upper layer (0–400 m) is driven by the South China Sea monsoons and is opposite in direction to the reversal of the monsoons. The distributions of principal current systems and their features are presented. Two important local phenomena, local eddy and oceanic front, were observed.  相似文献   

Based on deep-sea pollen results (512-76 m) from ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS),the climate and vegetation evolution sequence on the surrounding islands and the exposed continental shelf are discussed. The pollen records show that the pollen influx was quite low before 8.15 Ma and increased dramatically afterwards. The influx changes can be ascribed,on one side,to tectonics deformations around the southern SCS resulting in rapid uplift of islands and subsequent increase of the sediment rates and pollen influx and on the other side to climate cooling and monsoon enhancement. Around 2.63 Ma was another obvious boundary,the increasing of pollen and spores influx since this time was mainly related to global climate cooling. Spectrum analysis of pollen influx values shows that 2 Ma,0.67 Ma,and 0.19-0.17 Ma cycles existed during 12-3.0 Ma,while 0.1 Ma and 46.9 ka cycles existed during 3.0-2.0 Ma.  相似文献   

By analysing the CTD data in the southernregion of the South China Sea gathered during six cruisesbetween 1989 and 1999, a barrier layer with seasonalvariation just like what exists in the equatorial oceans isfound in this region. It is the first discovery in such amarginal sea yet. It is strong in autumn and a little weak in summer and winter. The thicker the barrier layer, the higher the average temperature of the upper mixed layer. The region with the thicker barrier layer overlaps the region with thehigher average temperature of the upper mixed layer, andaccords with the thicker region of the warm pool in the South China Sea got from the Levitus data. The barrier layer in the southern region of the South China Sea has significantinfluence on the heat storage of the upper ocean there.  相似文献   

Thirty million year deep-sea records in the South China Sea   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
In the spring of 1999 the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 Shipboard Party cored 17 holes at 6 deep water sites in the northern and southern parts of the South China Sea (SCS). Chinese scientists actively participated in the entire process of this first deep-sea drilling leg off China, from proposal to post-cruise studies. More than 30 categories of analyses have been conducted post-cruise in various Chinese laboratories on a large number of core samples, and the total number of analyses exceeded 60 thousand.The major scientific achievements of the Leg 184 studies are briefly reported in three successive papers, with the first one presented here dealing with deep-sea stratigraphy and evolution of climate cycles. This ODP leg has established the best deep-sea stratigraphic sequences in the Western Pacific: the 23-Ma isotope sequence from the Dong-Sha area is unique worldwide because of its continuity; the last 5-Ma sequence from the Nansha area represents one of the best 4 ODP sites worldwide with the highest time-resolution for that time interval, and the sequences of physical properties enable a decadal-scale time resolution. All these together have provided for the first time high-quality marine records for paleoenvi-ronmental studies in the Asian-Pacific region. This new set of stratigraphic records has revealed changes in climate cyclicity over the last 20 Ma with the fluctuating power of the 100 ka, 400 ka, 2000 ka eccentricity cycles, indicating the evolving response of the climate system to orbital forcing along with the growth of the Antarctic and Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.  相似文献   

We have collected a suite ofPaleoloxodon naumanni-Coelodonta antiquitatis fossils from a river terrace profile between Xi’an and Xianyang cities in Guanzhong Area, Shaanxi Province. A detailed examination of the fossils, together with14C determinations and pollen analyses, have enabled us to reconstruct preliminary features of climate and environment changes and their evolutionary processes, within the last glacial maximum (LGM): about 20 ka ago, the climate was basically cool and wet, and was favourable for the existence ofPaleoloxodon naumanni-Coelodonta antiquitatis fauna. This was followed by a cold, dry phase which was no longer suitable for this type of faunal suite, causing the death of a large number of mammalian assemblages. The available evidence indicates the existence of cold-dry and cool-wet climate and environment fluctuations during the LGM. The cool-wet stage within the LGM reflects a Heinrich event occurring in the high latitude areas, proving the existence of a teleconnection between polar-high latitude areas and the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

The precession plays a dominant role in driving the tropical monsoon variations. Our high resolution, millennial scale marine isotope records from ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) present the detailed history of the upper ocean structure variations over the past 1.56 Ma on glacial/interglacial timescale. The cross spectral analyses between the Earth's orbital variations and the isotopic differences reveal a high coherency between the East-Asian-monsoon-related thermocline and nutricline variations of the SCS and the precession. The variations of monsoon-related isotopic difference between species also demonstrate periodicities of 11-, 12- and 14- thousand years near semi-precession which originates in the tropics, highlighting the importance of the precession in driving the east Asian monsoon changes.  相似文献   

As the third summary report of ODP Leg 184 to the South China Sea (SCS), this paper discusses the evolution of the East Asian monsoon and the SCS basin. A multi-proxy approach, involving geochemistry, micropale-ontology, pollen and other analyses, was adopted for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the East Asian monsoon, which was characterized by a series of paleo-climate events especially at 8, 3.2, 2.2 and 0.4 Ma. The new record indicates similar stages in the development of the East and South Asian monsoons, with an enhanced winter monsoon over East Asia being the major difference. The rich spectrums of monsoon variability from the southern SCS also reveal other characteristic features of the low latitude ocean. Evidence for the evolution of the SCS includes the hemipelagic Oligocene sediments, implying the existence of deep water environments during the early seafloor spreading stage of the SCS basin. The four major unconformities and some remarkabl ediagenetic features in upper Oligocene deposits indicate the strongest tectonic events in the region. From a careful comparison of lithologies and sedimentation rates, we conclude that the prominent differences in sedimentary environments between the southern and northern SCS were established only by ~3 Ma.  相似文献   

渔业捕捞及商业航运活动的塑料排放是南海深海塑料污染的主要来源。南海深海微塑料污染始于20世纪80年代,具有明显陆源输入的特征,陆架近岸区域微塑料污染严重。陆坡深海峡谷是塑料/微塑料向深海盆地输运的主要通道,近底浊流在输运中发挥了重要作用。综述了南海海底塑料垃圾深潜研究的最新进展,首次提出了深海塑料垃圾生态系统的概念。  相似文献   

High-resolution oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Core MD05-2901, which is located off eastern Vietnam in the western South China Sea (SCS), was established and indicated that the core spans a time period of the past 450 ka. Based on the bulk density, fractional porosity and lithogenic content of the sediments, terrigenous mass accumulation rate (TMAR) was obtained, which is 4.9-6.0 g cm^-2 ka^-1 on average during interglacial stages, higher than that during glacial stages, i.e. 1.9-5.0 g cm^-2 ka^-1, which is different from northern and southern SCS which show higher TMAR in glacial stages. By principle component analysis of grain size distribution of all the samples, two main control factors (F1 and F2) were obtained, which are responsible for about 80% variance of granularity. The contents of grain size population 1.26-2.66 μm% and 10.8-14.3 μm% which are sensible to F1 show high-frequency fluctuation, and correlate well with the summer insolation at 15^o N. They exhibit a distinct cyclicity with frequencies near 23 ka and 13 ka, in contrast to a strong frequency peak near 100 ka obtained in proxies 4.24-7.42 μm% and 30.1-43.7 μm% controlled mainly by F2. The sedimentary character of this part of the SCS was controlled by variations of input flux from two main source areas, namely the southwest and north SCS, which were transported by different circulations of surface current forced by East Asian summer monsoon and winter monsoon respectively. We believe that the East Asian summer monsoon has fluctuated with high frequency and been forced by changes in solar insolation in low latitude associated with precession and half precession, while ice-volume forcing is probably a primary factor in determining the strength and timing of the East Asian winter monsoon but with less important insolation forcing.  相似文献   

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