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H R MacDonald  H Hengartner  T Pedrazzini 《Nature》1988,335(6186):174-176
T-cell differentiation in the thymus involves the coordinate expression of genes encoding the alpha and beta chains of the major histocompatibility complex-restricted heterodimeric antigen receptor (TCR) complex, as well as other functionally important molecules such as CD4 and CD8. The repertoire of TCR expressed by T cells is generally thought to be influenced by positive and/or negative selection events occurring when TCRs on developing T cells interact with self-antigens and major histocompatibility complex components. Using a model system in which specific antigen-reactive cells can be monitored by virtue of their preferential expression of certain TCR beta-chain variable (V beta) domains, it has been shown that self-reactive T cells are clonally deleted during development. We report here that clonal deletion of V+ beta 6 cells in Mlsa mice can be prevented by in vivo neonatal administration of monoclonal antibodies directed against CD4. Furthermore, as anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody treatment resulted in the reappearance of V+ beta 6 cells in the mature CD8+ T-cell subset, it is likely that clonal deletion acts on the CD4+CD8+ thymocyte subset and that this subset is an intermediate stage in the differentiation pathway of both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell lineages.  相似文献   

Kronenberg M  Rudensky A 《Nature》2005,435(7042):598-604
A basic principle of immunology is that lymphocytes respond to foreign antigens but tolerate self tissues. For developing T cells, the ability to distinguish self from non-self is acquired in the thymus, where the majority of self-reactive cells are eliminated. Recently, however, it has become apparent that some self-reactive T cells avoid being destroyed and instead differentiate into specialized regulatory cells. This appears to be beneficial. Subpopulations of self-reactive T cells have a strong influence on self tolerance and may represent targets for therapeutic intervention to control a variety of autoimmune diseases, tumour growth and infection.  相似文献   

The long-standing hypothesis that tolerance to self antigens is mediated by either elimination or functional inactivation (anergy) or self-reactive lymphocytes is now accepted, but little is known about the factors responsible for initiating one process rather than the other. In the B-cell lineage, tolerant self-reactive cells persist in the peripheral lymphoid organs of transgenic mice expressing lysozyme and anti-lysozyme immunoglobulin genes, but are eliminated in similar transgenic mice expressing anti-major histocompatibility complex immunoglobulin genes. By modifying the structure of the lysozyme transgene and the isotype of the anti-lysozyme immunoglobulin genes, we demonstrate here that induction of anergy or deletion is not due to differences in antibody affinity or isotype, but to recognition of monomeric or oligomeric soluble antigen versus highly multivalent membrane-bound antigen. Our findings indicate that the degree of receptor crosslinking can have qualitatively distinct signalling consequences for lymphocyte development.  相似文献   

Deletion of self-reactive T cells before entry into the thymus medulla   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The thymus is important in the differentiation of bone marrow-derived precursor cells into functional T cells; humoral factors, as well as physical interactions with nurse cells, dendritic cells and epithelial cells, are thought to be instrumental in this process. Thymic lymphocytes mature during their migration from the cortical to the medullary region of the thymus, when they undergo phenotypic changes that include the acquisitions of T-cell antigen receptors, hormone receptors and differentiation antigens. Cortical T cells are thus mostly CD4+CD8+, whereas medullary T cells are either CD4+CD8- or CD4-CD8+. During this period T cells are subjected to two types of repertoire selection: all T cells recognizing self-MHC with low affinity may be preferentially amplified (positive selection), and in a second step T cells with high-affinity receptors for self-MHC determinants plus self antigens are eliminated (negative selection). We have described two monoclonal antibodies specific for the V beta 6 gene segment of the alpha/beta heterodimeric T-cell antigen receptor and have shown that most CD4+/V beta 6+ T cell recognize the Mlsa antigenic determinant but not Mlsb; similar results have been reported for V beta 8.1 and Mlsa. In both situations, tolerance to Mlsa correlated in an MHC-dependent fashion with absence of V beta 6 or V beta 8.1 T-cell antigen receptor expressing T cells in the periphery. We show here by immunostaining of thymus cryosections and cytofluorometric analysis that V beta 6-expressing cortical T cells are present at high density in both Mlsa and Mlsb mice, but do not enter the medullary region of Mlsa animals.  相似文献   

Immunological tolerance has been demonstrated in double-transgenic mice expressing the genes for a neo-self antigen, hen egg lysozyme, and a high affinity anti-lysozyme antibody. The majority of anti-lysozyme B-cells did not undergo clonal deletion, but were no longer able to secrete anti-lysozyme antibody and displayed markedly reduced levels of surface IgM while continuing to express high levels of surface IgD. These findings indicate that self tolerance may result from mechanisms other than clonal deletion, and are consistent with the hypothesis that IgD may have a unique role in B-cell tolerance.  相似文献   

Huard B  Karlsson L 《Nature》2000,403(6767):325-328
Natural killer cell tolerance is maintained by the interaction of killer inhibitory receptors (KIRs) with self-major histocompatibility complex class I gene products. A subset of T cells also expresses inhibitory receptors, but the functional significance of these receptors on T cells is unclear. Here we show that, in the absence of T-cell receptor (TCR) engagement, KIRs expressed on CD8+ T cells are slowly downregulated by KIR ligands expressed on antigen-presenting cells. The resulting expression levels of KIR are no longer able to inhibit T-cell function. In contrast, TCR engagement sustains KIR expression, and re-induces functional levels of KIR expression after ligand-induced downregulation of KIR. Our data indicate that KIR expression on CD8+ T cells in vivo may be maintained through continuous encounters with antigen. As KIR-mediated inhibition of T-cell activation can be bypassed at high antigen concentrations, dynamic KIR expression may mediate T-cell tolerance to self-antigens by sparing self-reactive T cells, thus enabling them to mediate potentially useful immune functions to quantitatively or qualitatively different antigens.  相似文献   

An endogenous retrovirus mediating deletion of alpha beta T cells?   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
D L Woodland  M P Happ  K J Gollob  E Palmer 《Nature》1991,349(6309):529-530

Between B cells and T cells.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A L DeFranco 《Nature》1991,351(6328):603-604

D A Nemazee  K Bürki 《Nature》1989,337(6207):562-566
B lymphocytes can be rendered specifically unresponsive to antigen by experimental manipulation in vivo and in vitro, but it remains unclear whether or not natural tolerance involves B-cell tolerance because B cells are controlled by T lymphocytes, and in their absence respond poorly to antigen (reviewed in ref. 7). In addition, autoantibody-producing cells can be found in normal mice and their formation is enhanced by B-cell mitogens such as lipopolysaccharides. We have studied B-cell tolerance in transgenic mice using genes for IgM anti-H-2k MHC class I antibody. In H-2d transgenic mice about 25-50% of the splenic B cells bear membrane immunoglobulin of this specificity, and abundant serum IgM encoded by the transgenes is produced. In contrast, H-2k x H-2d (H-2-d/k) transgenic mice lack B cells bearing the anti-H-2k idiotype and contain no detectable serum anti-H-2k antibody, suggesting that very large numbers of autospecific B cells can be controlled by clonal deletion.  相似文献   

Decoy receptors thwart B cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ware CF 《Nature》2000,404(6781):949-950

Deletion of self-reactive thymocytes occurs at a CD4+8+ precursor stage   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
B J Fowlkes  R H Schwartz  D M Pardoll 《Nature》1988,334(6183):620-623
As T cells develop in the thymus, they become tolerant of self-antigens. A major advance in the understanding of how this process occurs was the direct demonstration that cells bearing autoreactive T-cell receptors (TCRs) are physically eliminated from the population of functionally mature T cells present in both the thymus and periphery. We have sought to determine the developmental stage at which autoreactive T cells are eliminated by examining the expression of V beta 17a anti-I-E TCRs under various experimental conditions. In vivo antibody blockage of the CD4 molecule on developing thymocytes of I-E+ C57BR mice was found to inhibit the deletion of V beta 17a-bearing cells from the CD4-8+ single positive thymocyte subset. This result provides strong evidence that deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells occurs at a CD4+8+ precursor stage, that the non-clonally distributed accessory molecules (CD4, CD8) are significant participants in the self-recognition process that leads to clonal elimination, and that thymic class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules can influence the repertoire of CD4-8+ cells.  相似文献   

通过克隆形成能力实验以及体内移植实验,发现当敲除小鼠MLL-AF9细胞中的受体结合蛋白1(RIP1)基因后,相对于WT MLL-AF9细胞,其克隆形成能力明显减弱,移植后小鼠生存时间延长了3倍以上.在组织切片观察中,WT MLL-AF9细胞移植小鼠出现明显白血病发病特征,而RIP1~(-/-)MLL-AF9细胞移植小鼠的切片显示正常.当将RIP1中的激酶活性位点突变后,相对于WT MLL-AF9细胞,在移植实验中小鼠生存时间明显延长.对病发小鼠的脾脏细胞流式分析结果表明:激酶活性位点突变后致病能力明显减弱,提示RIP1基因的缺失会导致MLL-AF9致病能力减弱.  相似文献   

Can B cells turn on virgin T cells?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
O Lassila  O Vainio  P Matzinger 《Nature》1988,334(6179):253-255
The first event in the initiation of an immune response is the capture and presentation of antigen to T cells. Such presentation involves two distinct steps: (1) display of the antigen, which requires uptake, processing and re-expression of the antigen in association with MHC molecules on the presenting cell surface; and (2) triggering, in which the presenting cell provides signals leading to the activation of the responding T cell. Two sorts of cells can capture antigens, the 'professional' antigen-presenting cells (APCs) such as dendritic cells and macrophages, and the B cells. Both types of cells can display antigens and the APCs are known to be able to trigger resting T cells. But despite in vitro evidence that certain B-cell types can reactivate previously-activated T cells, it is not yet clear whether a B cell can initiate an immune response by providing the signals necessary to activate a resting T cell. We reasoned that resting B cells should not have this capacity because of the problems this would present with tolerance to self idiotypes. By exploiting the unique properties of the avian haematopoietic system, we have examined the presenting capacity of B cells in vivo and found that resting B cells are indeed unable to activate resting T cells.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of single memory B cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Primary antigenic exposure results in an initial antibody response and the T cell-dependent induction of B-cell memory. Memory B-cell differentiation is characterized by somatic hypermutation in antibody variable region genes (V) and selection of B cells expressing high-affinity variants of this antigen receptor. Despite our current understanding of B-cell memory, the origin of memory B cells and the regulation of their differentiation remain elusive. This is largely due to the difficulties in observing and purifying this minor component of the immunized spleen. Further, molecular characterization of memory B cells requires hybridoma formation which restricts analyses to only those clones capable of fusion and does not allow isolation of cells in a normal physiological state. We have therefore developed a unique system which allows isolation and unambiguous enumeration of IgG1+ memory B cells, based on six-parameter flow cytometry, secretion of antibody in clonal cultures and analysis of clonally expressed V genes using the polymerase chain reaction. Here we report that single IgG1+ antigen-binding B cells from an early secondary immune response proliferate in lipopolysaccharide-driven microcultures and produce antigen-specific IgG1 antibodies. Individual B-cell clones in these cultures express somatically mutated heavy chain V genes, confirming their designation as memory B cells. Although isolated memory B cells undergo extensive proliferation in vitro, V gene sequence analysis of their individual progeny shows that further hypermutation does not occur.  相似文献   

B cells acquire antigen from target cells after synapse formation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Batista FD  Iber D  Neuberger MS 《Nature》2001,411(6836):489-494
Soluble antigen binds to the B-cell antigen receptor and is internalized for subsequent processing and the presentation of antigen-derived peptides to T cells. Many antigens are not soluble, however, but are integral components of membrane; furthermore, soluble antigens will usually be encountered in vivo in a membrane-anchored form, tethered by Fc or complement receptors. Here we show that B-cell interaction with antigens that are immobilized on the surface of a target cell leads to the formation of a synapse and the acquisition, even, of membrane-integral antigens from the target. B-cell antigen receptor accumulates at the synapse, segregated from the CD45 co-receptor which is excluded from the synapse, and there is a corresponding polarization of cytoplasmic effectors in the B cell. B-cell antigen receptor mediates the gathering of antigen into the synapse and its subsequent acquisition, thereby potentiating antigen processing and presentation to T cells with high efficacy. Synapse formation and antigen acquisition will probably enhance the activation of B cells at low antigen concentration, allow context-dependent antigen recognition and enhance the linking of B- and T-cell epitopes.  相似文献   

Expression of M locus differences by B cells but not T cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
H von Boehmer  J Sprent 《Nature》1974,249(455):363-365

HLA-restricted T-cell recognition of Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A B Rickinson  L E Wallace  M A Epstein 《Nature》1980,283(5750):865-867
In mice the cytotoxic T-cell response to several types of virus is influenced by genes within the major histocompatibility complex; in particular, genetic control is exercised at the effector cell level through a requirement that virus-specific cytotoxic T cells recognise viral antigens in association with H-2K and H=2D region gene products on the surface of infected cells. In man the restriction which the analogous HLA-A, -B and -C-region gene products might place on virus-specific T-cell function is still in dispute. The earliest and most controversial evidence concerns the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a B lymphotropic agent which causes infectious mononucleosis (IM) and which induces an unusually vigorous T-cell response; cytotoxic T cells from IM patients' blood were shown to be EBV-specific yet, in contrast to mouse systems, apparently free of any obvious HLA restriction. Since then T-cell recognition of EBV-infected B cells has assumed particular significance as a model system for the study of cytotoxic T-cell function in man. This report describes the results of a new approach clearly indicating that HLA-A and -B region products do indeed have a role in this system.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific interaction between T and B cells   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
A Lanzavecchia 《Nature》1985,314(6011):537-539
It is well known that B cells require T-cell help to produce specific antibody. Classic experiments suggested that antigen-specific helper T cells interact with antigen-specific B cells via an antigen 'bridge', the B cells binding to one determinant on an antigen molecule (the 'hapten'), while the T cells at the same time recognize another determinant (the 'carrier'). T-helper cells bind specifically to antigen-presenting cells (APC), which have picked up and processed the appropriate antigen, and this interaction, like the interaction of T-helper cells with specific B cells, is restricted by products encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Whereas conventional APC such as macrophages display no binding specificity for antigen, B cells have clonally distributed antigen-specific surface immunoglobulin receptors which would be expected to enhance their capacity to present antigen to T cells. These findings are difficult to reconcile with the simple 'antigen bridge' mechanism of interaction, because it is hard to visualize how the bimolecular complex (processed antigen plus MHC molecule) on the APC surface can resemble the trimolecular complex (antigen bound to surface immunoglobulin plus MHC molecule) on the B-cell surface. To address this problem, we have cloned and immortalized human antigen-specific B cells with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and analysed their interaction with T-cell clones specific for the same antigen. We report here that surface immunoglobulin is indeed involved in the uptake and concentration of antigen, allowing specific B cells to present antigen to T cells with very high efficiency. However, the antigen must first be internalized and processed by specific B cells and it is then presented to T cells in an MHC-restricted manner indistinguishable from that characteristic of conventional APC.  相似文献   

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