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Self-reactive gamma delta T cells are eliminated in the thymus   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The genes encoding a gamma delta T-cell receptor specific for a major histocompatibility complex class I molecule encoded by the TIa locus have been inserted into the mouse germ line. In mice that do not express the TIa-encoded determinant, transgenic gamma delta T cells are a functional component of the CD4-CD8- 'double-negative' T cells in the thymus and peripheral lymphoid organs. In mice that express the TIa-encoded determinant, there are no transgenic gamma delta T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs, and there are no thymocytes expressing normal levels of the transgenic gamma delta T-cell receptor.  相似文献   

M P Happ  R T Kubo  E Palmer  W K Born  R L O'Brien 《Nature》1989,342(6250):696-698
The physiological role of lymphocytes bearing the gamma delta T-cell receptor (TCR) is still unclear. A function for a subset of these cells, however, is inferred from the finding that certain gamma delta chain-bearing lymphocytes are stimulated in a receptor-dependent fashion by mycobacterial antigens. We found that hybridomas derived from such cells in newborn murine thymus not only responded to mycobacterial purified protein derivative (PPD), but also exhibited an apparent autoreactivity. In neither response was haplotype-specific major histocompatibility (MHC) restriction demonstrable. To investigate the nature of antigen recognition by these gamma delta+ cells, we sequenced the gamma- and delta-chains from 28 PPD-reactive hybridomas, and found that a specific gamma-chain, together with one of a limited set of delta-chains, was needed to generate the PPD specificity. The reactive gamma delta pairs exhibited considerable junctional diversity, which may act to produce differences in the fine specificities of the responding cells.  相似文献   

L A Matis  R Cron  J A Bluestone 《Nature》1987,330(6145):262-264
Several recent studies have identified a distinct subset of CD3(T3)+CD4-CD8-T lymphocytes that express a CD3-associated heterodimer made up of the protein encoded by the T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma-gene and a second glycoprotein termed TCR delta (refs 1-4). TCR gamma delta is expressed on CD3+ thymocytes during fetal ontogeny before the appearance of TCR alpha-beta (alpha beta) (refs 5-7), on CD3+CD4-CD8- adult thymocytes, and on a subset (1-10%) of CD3+ cells in adult peripheral lymphoid organs and the peripheral blood. TCR gamma delta-expressing T cells probably represent a distinct mature T-cell lineage with the capacity to proliferate in response to receptor-mediated signals, and to display non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytolysis. Critical to understanding the function of this T-cell subset is the identification of the ligand(s) recognized by TCR gamma delta. Here we describe an alloreactive CD3+CD4-CD8-TCR gamma delta-expressing, TCR alpha beta-negative, T-cell line that manifests MHC-linked recognition specificity for both proliferation and cytotoxicity. Our results suggest that T cells expressing TCR gamma delta are capable of self-non-self MHC discrimination and that they can undergo MHC-influenced selection during differentiation like TCR alpha beta-expressing T cells.  相似文献   

Immunology. Antigens for gamma/delta T cells   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
D H Raulet 《Nature》1989,339(6223):342-343

During their intrathymic differentiation, T lymphocytes expressing alpha beta T-cell receptors (TCR) are negatively and positively selected. This selection contributes to the establishment of self-tolerance and ensures that mature CD4+ and CD8+ cell populations are restricted by the self major histocompatibility complex. Little is known, however, about gamma delta T-cell development. To investigate whether selection operates in the establishment of the gamma delta T-cell class, we have generated transgenic mice using gamma- and delta-transgenes encoding a TCR that is specific for a product of a gene in the TL-region of the TLb haplotype. Similar numbers of thymocytes expressing the transgenic TCR were generated in mice of TLb and TLd haplotypes. But gamma delta thymocytes from TLb and TLd transgenic mice differed in cell size, TCR density and in their capacity to respond to TLb stimulator cells or interleukin-2 (IL-2). In contrast to gamma delta T cells from TLd transgenic mice, gamma delta T cells from TLb transgenic mice did not produce IL-2 and did not proliferate in response to TLb stimulator cells, but they did proliferate in the presence of exogenous IL-2. These results indicate that functional inactivation of self-antigen-specific T cells could contribute to the establishment of self-tolerance to thymic determinants.  相似文献   

Human gamma delta+ T cells respond to mycobacterial heat-shock protein   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
A Haregewoin  G Soman  R C Hom  R W Finberg 《Nature》1989,340(6231):309-312
Most T cells recognize antigen through the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)alpha beta-CD3 complex on the T-cell surface. A small percentage of T cells, however, do not express alpha beta but a second type of TCR complex designated gamma delta (ref. 2). Unlike alpha beta+ lymphocytes, gamma delta+ lymphocytes do not generally express CD4 or CD8 molecules, and the nature of antigen recognition by these cells is unknown. To study antigen recognition by gamma delta+ lymphocytes we raised a gamma delta+ alpha beta- -CD4-CD8- line from an individual immune to PPD (purified protein derivative). This line showed a specific proliferative response to PPD and to a recombinant mycobacterial heat-shock protein (HSP) of relative molecular mass 65,000 (65K). The gamma delta+ line was shown to exhibit a major response to HSP in the presence of autologous antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Minor responses occurred, however, with APCs matched for some HLA class I or II antigens, whereas no response occurred with HLA-mismatched APCs. These findings, therefore, document the requirement of HSP-reactive gamma delta+ lymphocytes for histocompatible APCs.  相似文献   

Resident pulmonary lymphocytes expressing the gamma/delta T-cell receptor   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A Augustin  R T Kubo  G K Sim 《Nature》1989,340(6230):239-241
The biological role of cells bearing the gamma delta T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) is as yet unclear. Although there are indications that some gamma delta+ cells can mediate cytotoxicity, their antigen-related functions have not yet been defined. In the mouse, gamma delta+ cells constitute 1-3% of T cells in lymphoid organs. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and dendritic epidermal cells (DECs) also appear to carry the gamma delta TCR. The strategic locations of DECs and IELs have led to the suggestion that gamma delta+ cells could constitute a first line of defence in the vicinity of large surfaces of contact with the environment. We report here that an estimated 8-20% of resident pulmonary lymphocytes (RPLs) are CD3+ alpha beta TCR-, and presumably gamma delta TCR+. Furthermore, mice exposed to aerosols containing a Mycobacterium tuberculosis extract have an increased number of activated CD3+ alpha beta-TCR- pulmonary T cells which can be propagated in vitro.  相似文献   

Y Takagaki  A DeCloux  M Bonneville  S Tonegawa 《Nature》1989,339(6227):712-714
The search for the genes encoding the T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha- and beta-subunits revealed a third gene gamma which shares with the alpha- and beta-genes several properties including somatic rearrangement. This gene, together with a fourth rearranging gene delta, encodes a second type of T-cell receptor, TCR gamma delta. Although TCR gamma delta-bearing T cells constitute a relatively minor subpopulation in the thymus and in peripheral lymphoid organs, they are the major lymphocytes of epidermis (dendritic epidermal cells or DEC) and of intestinal epithelium (intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes or IEL) in mice, suggesting that at least some gamma delta T cells are important in the surveillance of a variety of epithelia. It was recently reported, however, that the TCR gamma delta on DEC has essentially no structural diversity, implying that the putative ligand is monomorphic. As this finding, if generally applicable, poses severe restrictions on the origin of the ligand, we investigated the diversity of the TCR on the second major epithelium-associated gamma delta T cells, namely IEL from mice. We report here that by contrast with the DEC gamma delta, the IEL gamma delta TCR are structurally diverse.  相似文献   

W Born  C Miles  J White  R O'Brien  J H Freed  P Marrack  J Kappler  R T Kubo 《Nature》1987,330(6148):572-574
Although most mature peripheral T lymphocytes express a major histocompatibility complex restricted, CD3-associated, antigen receptor (TCR) which has been well characterized, some T cells carry a different CD3-associated heterodimer on their surface. One of the two disulphide-linked chains of this putative second receptor, which in mice has relative molecular mass (Mr) 35,000 (35K), has been identified as a product of the group of gamma genes. The other chain, termed delta (Mr 45K in mice), is not as well characterized. Although gamma/delta-bearing cells are a minor subset among peripheral T lymphocytes, they are the only CD3+ cells in the thymus early in ontogeny. Taking advantage of these kinetics, we have generated gamma/delta-bearing hybridomas, using a new TCR alpha chain-negative variant of the AKR thymoma BW5147 as tumour parent, fetal thymocytes as normal cell partners, and an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) as screening reagent. Gamma and delta chains from one of these hybrids have been purified and partially sequenced. The sequences obtained indicate that delta is indeed identical to the polypeptide encoded by the recently described gene X, as suggested by Chien et al.  相似文献   

A long-standing paradox in cellular immunology concerns the conditional requirement for CD4+ T-helper (T(H)) cells in the priming of cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in vivo. Whereas CTL responses against certain viruses can be primed in the absence of CD4+ T cells, others, such as those mediated through 'cross-priming' by host antigen-presenting cells, are dependent on T(H) cells. A clearer understanding of the contribution of T(H) cells to CTL development has been hampered by the fact that most T(H)-independent responses have been demonstrated ex vivo as primary cytotoxic effectors, whereas T(H)-dependent responses generally require secondary in vitro re-stimulation for their detection. Here, we have monitored the primary and secondary responses of T(H)-dependent and T(H)-independent CTLs and find in both cases that CD4+ T cells are dispensable for primary expansion of CD8+ T cells and their differentiation into cytotoxic effectors. However, secondary CTL expansion (that is, a secondary response upon re-encounter with antigen) is wholly dependent on the presence of T(H) cells during, but not after, priming. Our results demonstrate that T-cell help is 'programmed' into CD8+ T cells during priming, conferring on these cells a hallmark of immune response memory: the capacity for functional expansion on re-encounter with antigen.  相似文献   

J S Heilig  S Tonegawa 《Nature》1986,322(6082):836-840
The search for the genes encoding the T-cell receptor alpha and chains revealed a third gene, T gamma (ref. 1), which shares with t T alpha (refs 2-7) and T beta (refs 8-15) genes a number of structure features, including somatic rearrangement during T-cell development. T gamma gene expression appears to be unnecessary in son mature T cells and is at its greatest in fetal thymocytes encouraging speculation that T gamma has a role in T-cell development and may be involved in the recognition of polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products during thymic education. One argument against the participation of T gamma in such a process has been its apparently limited diversity, due to the small number of gene segments available for rearrangement. We here describe the identification of additional T gamma V-gene segments and demonstrate that they can be rearranged to previously identified J- and C-gene segments and are expressed in fetal thymocytes. In addition we describe a variety of patterns of T gamma mRNA processing which may be significant for T gamma gene regulation.  相似文献   

F Sallusto  D Lenig  R F?rster  M Lipp  A Lanzavecchia 《Nature》1999,401(6754):708-712
Naive T lymphocytes travel to T-cell areas of secondary lymphoid organs in search of antigen presented by dendritic cells. Once activated, they proliferate vigorously, generating effector cells that can migrate to B-cell areas or to inflamed tissues. A fraction of primed T lymphocytes persists as circulating memory cells that can confer protection and give, upon secondary challenge, a qualitatively different and quantitatively enhanced response. The nature of the cells that mediate the different facets of immunological memory remains unresolved. Here we show that expression of CCR7, a chemokine receptor that controls homing to secondary lymphoid organs, divides human memory T cells into two functionally distinct subsets. CCR7- memory cells express receptors for migration to inflamed tissues and display immediate effector function. In contrast, CCR7+ memory cells express lymph-node homing receptors and lack immediate effector function, but efficiently stimulate dendritic cells and differentiate into CCR7- effector cells upon secondary stimulation. The CCR7+ and CCR7- T cells, which we have named central memory (TCM) and effector memory (TEM), differentiate in a step-wise fashion from naive T cells, persist for years after immunization and allow a division of labour in the memory response.  相似文献   

The T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma polypeptide is expressed associated with CD3 (T3) on the surface of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes. These cells function as non-MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)and thus may play an important role in host immune defence. The TCR gamma polypeptide occurs as a dimer in at least two molecular forms based on the absence or presence of disulphide linkage. These forms use TCR gamma polypeptides with strikingly different peptide backbone sizes.  相似文献   

D Vidovi?  M Rogli?  K McKune  S Guerder  C MacKay  Z Dembi? 《Nature》1989,340(6235):646-650
Distinct T-lymphocyte subsets recognize antigens in conjunction with different classes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoproteins using the T-cell receptor (TCR), a disulphide-linked heterodimer associated with the CD3 complex on the cell surface. In general, class I and class II MHC products provide a context for the recognition of foreign antigens by CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, respectively. This recognition seems to be largely dependent on alpha beta TCR heterodimers, whereas the function of the second gamma delta TCR, present on a minor subpopulation of cells, is still unknown. In the mouse, the existence of six cell-surface MHC class I products (K, D, L, Qa-1, Qa-2 and Tla) has been firmly established by serological, biochemical and genetic evidence. So far, only the most polymorphic of them, K, D and L ('classical' class I) have been reported as restriction elements for T-cell recognition of foreign antigens. The function of the relatively invariant Qa and Tla molecules remains unknown. We have made a T-helper cell hybridoma clone (DGT3) that recognizes synthetic copolymer poly(Glu50Tyr50) in the context of Qa-1 cell surface product, and has a CD4-CD8- phenotype. Our studies indicate that DGT3 cells express the gamma delta TCR on the cell surface, implicating its role in Qa-1-restricted antigen recognition. This is the first evidence that T cells can recognize foreign antigen in association with self Qa product, confirming that Qa molecules not only topologically, but also functionally, belong to the MHC.  相似文献   

Most T cells bear an antigen receptor that is a protein of a disulphide-linked heterodimer composed of an alpha chain and a beta chain associated with the non-polymorphic CD3 (T3) complex. A small subpopulation of thymic and peripheral T cells, as well as Thy-1+dendritic epidermal cells (dEC), express an alternative CD3-associated dimeric receptor composed of the product of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) gamma gene and a fourth chain, designated delta. Recently a new murine TCR constant-region gene, designated Cx, has been cloned and proposed as a candidate for the C delta gene. We have previously demonstrated that murine Thy-1+ dEC cell lines express a CD3-associated disulphide-linked heterodimer composed of a relative molecular mass Mr 41,000 (41K) gamma chain and a 50K delta chain. We have further analysed the receptor of one of these cloned dEC lines, 7-17.1, by endoglycosidase treatment of the isolated gamma and delta chains. The gamma chain was found to contain two N-linked oligosaccharide residues, consistent with the expression of a chain encoded by the V gamma 3 and C gamma 1 gene segments. The delta chain contains at least three N-linked oligosaccharides and has a core size of 38K. Northern blot analysis indicated the presence of abundant Cx messenger RNA in 7-17.1 cells. Immunoprecipitation with two antisera to peptides comprising distinct regions of the Cx sequence indicates that the delta chain is encoded by the Cx gene.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes against a soluble protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
U D Staerz  H Karasuyama  A M Garner 《Nature》1987,329(6138):449-451
Thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes recognize antigen in conjunction with surface glycoproteins encoded by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Whereas fragments of soluble antigens are presented to T helper lymphocytes (TH), which carry the CD4 antigen, in association with class II MHC molecules, CD8-bearing cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) usually see cellular antigens (for instance virally-encoded proteins) in conjunction with MHC class I molecules. The different modes of antigen presentation may result from separate intracellular transport: vesicles containing class II molecules are thought to fuse with those carrying endocytosed soluble proteins. Class I molecules, in contrast, can only pick up degradation products of intracellular proteins (see refs 7 and 8). This makes biological sense; during an attack of a virus, class I-restricted CTL destroy infected cells and class II-restricted TH guide the humoural response to neutralize virus particles and toxins. But here we provide evidence that CTL specific for ovalbumin fragments can be induced with soluble protein, and that intracellular protein degradation provides epitopes recognized by these CTL. These findings suggest the existence of an antigen presenting cell that takes up soluble material and induces CTL.  相似文献   

In mice gamma delta T-cell populations with distinct T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoires and homing properties have been identified. Diversified populations are found in lymphoid organs and intestinal epithelia. By contrast, the gamma delta T-cells that have been found in the murine skin are homogeneous. They express a TCR consisting of one particular V gamma 5 and one particular V delta 1 chain and seem to originate from early fetal thymocytes. We have now systematically analysed many tissues by immunohistochemistry and TCR gene sequencing aided by the polymerase chain reaction. These studies revealed a second homogeneous gamma delta T-cell subset in epithelia not of the intestine and skin, but of the vagina, uterus and tongue. The TCR expressed by this gamma delta T-cell subset consists of the same V delta 1 chain. Cells that express this particular TCR have previously been shown to be positively selected in the late fetal thymus.  相似文献   

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