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不同宿主植物对丹参根围土著AM真菌生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用盆栽实验在灭菌条件下研究了玉米(Zea mays)、葱(Allium fistulosum)、黑麦草(Loliumperenne)和三叶草(Trifolium repens)等4种宿主植物对丹参(Salviamiltiorrhiza)根围土著AM真菌生长和繁殖特性的影响.结果表明,4种供试植物都能与AM真菌形成共生关系,但不同宿主植物形成的菌根特性和程度有明显差异.以三叶草为宿主植物对AM真菌生长最为有利,其根内菌丝SDH活性、孢子数均高于其他3种植物.  相似文献   

调查福建泉州地区28种药用植物根围土壤中丛枝菌根(AM)真菌的分布和侵染情况.依据AM真菌孢子形态的鉴定,分离出AM真菌5属56种,其中优势属球囊霉属35种,黑球囊霉为优势种;27种药用植物能与AM真菌形成良好共生关系,17种药用植物AM真菌侵染强度为5级,土牛膝的侵染率为0.牡荆、络石根围AM真菌种的丰度最高为14,络石的Shannon-Weiner指数最高达到2.09,桫椤的均匀度最高为0.95.结果表明:药用植物根围AM真菌多样性与土壤因子密切相关;Shannon-Weiner指数与电导率极显著正相  相似文献   

Flavonoids from legume root secretion may probably act as signal molecules for expression of Rhizobial “nod” nodulation genes and AM fungal symbiotic gene. Leaf mustard is a non-mycorrhizal plant; it does not contain flavonoids and other signal molecules. AM fungi could not infect the roots of leaf mustard and form a symbiont in nature,when it was treated with flavonoids (apigenin or daidzein).The results of trypan blue staining showed that two kinds of AM fungi (G intraradices and G mosseae) successfully infected the roots of non-mycorrhizal plant leaf mustard. AM fungi grew towards and colonized the roots of leaf mustard,producing young spores and completing the course of life.AM fungi are the only one kind of fungi with ALP activity.The result of ALP staining has also proved that AM fungi infected successfully the roots of leaf mustard. AM fungi (G intraradices and G mosseae) that existed in the roots of non-mycorrhizal plant leaf mustard were probed by nested PCR and special molecular probes. The above-mentioned proof chains have fully proved that flavonoids induced AM fungi (G intraradices and G mosseae) to infect non-mycorrhizal plant and establish symbiotic relationship.  相似文献   

紫露草在生态毒理学分子水平上的研究展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沼泽紫露草(Tradescantia paludosa)作为环境污染监测的优选物种一直受到青睐。以往的研究主要以紫露草微核试验和雄蕊毛突变试验为指标进行环境污染监测。而目前的研究已经进入基因表达及分子水平。文章从国内外紫露草生态毒理的研究现状出发,针对紫露草微核产生及雄蕊毛突变机制这类新问题的研究现状及意义,以及探针检测技术、定量检测技术和紫露草的生态毒理基因组学的发展等方面进行综述,为紫露草分子毒理上的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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