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李莉  安燕 《甘肃科技纵横》2005,34(4):141-142
韵律一词通常用于诗歌与音乐中,但在翻译过程中,和谐的韵律美也是我们追求的目标。俄语翻译在保持翻译基本原则,追求翻译标准的同时。力求语言的韵律美。从语气、结构及语篇来具体分析影响俄语翻译中韵律美的因素。  相似文献   

日常交际中,韵律对于话语意义的构建起重要作用。话语的语用意义和语用效果是"说什么"和"如何说"互相交织、共同作用的结果。"如何说"涉及韵律所扮演的角色。然而,现有研究却忽视了韵律在话语意义构建中的作用。尝试通过日常交际中不礼貌话语韵律分析,探讨韵律在语言不礼貌话语意义构建中的作用。研究发现,韵律不仅可触发强化不礼貌话语意义,还能消解礼貌标记语的礼貌含义,传达不礼貌言外之力。  相似文献   

王长羽 《科技信息》2012,(34):491-492
语境是翻译过程中非常重要的因素之一,它不但能使译者准确理解源语言材料的意思,还可以帮助译者重组译文的语言和结构。本文分别讨论了语言语境、情景语境和文化语境等三类语境与翻译的关系,希望可以帮助译者在翻译过程中减少对原文的误读.以便尽可能确切地翻译好原文。  相似文献   

汉语的韵律系统包括韵律的结构规则。根据韵律构词学理论,最小的能够自由运用的韵律单位是音步,韵律词至少是一个音步。汉语最基本的音步(韵律词)是两个音节,复合韵律词是两个音步,俪句是两个句子。韵律的这种求偶性结构,反映了语言中的轻重抑扬和骈俪对仗。汉语书面广告语言运用中,韵律的结构方式被凸现出来,一半以上的广告词使用了标准韵律词、复合韵律词和俪句,使得汉语书面广告语言结构匀整、抑扬有致、明丽上口,并且给人以沉稳、踏实、可信之感,对人们接受广告信息产生了直接的效用,充分发挥了广告的功能。  相似文献   

在藏语单句的层面上,通过时长参数的统计分析,对韵律词和韵律短语两层韵律单元的时长特征进行了研究.研究结果确定了藏语韵律词和韵律短语的基本大小,韵律词为4±2个音节,韵律短语为6±3个音节;藏语韵律单元的总体时长分布差异较大,但不同韵律单元的时长伸缩幅度差异较小.藏语韵律单元的时长分布类型以尾长型为主;韵律单元边界处普遍具有边界前音节延长,边界后音节缩短现象的特征.  相似文献   

将索绪尔的语言学理论、现代信息论思想与我国古人老子、王弼关于“象”、“言”、“意”关系之论述相结合,提出了“达意”与“得意”的概念。“达意”是就非原母语译的释而言的,其前提是译对原评议的理解;翻译的最终目的不是将原翻译,而是要让译的读领会原作所传达的信息,即“得意”。所以“达意”是对译的要求,而“得意”则是对译读的要求。  相似文献   

“信”是翻译研究中的一个基本概念,但传统译论中,“信”的概念过于模糊,实践中不宜操作,人们对于“信”的认识陷于对“直译”和“意译”的争论中,而社会符号学的意义理论由于对三种意义关系进行了科学的区分,使得“信”的内涵明晰化、科学化、从而使得“信”这一翻译基本概念获得新的内涵。  相似文献   

语义翻译与语用翻译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译的根本任务是译意。这“意”既包括语义意义也包括语用意义。本文认为,把再现原语的语义意义的语义翻译和传达原文语用意义的语用翻译两大翻译策略结合起来,能使译文更好达到翻译里的意似,神似的的境界。  相似文献   

针对传统翻译中的过分强调二元对立的一方,忽视文本意义是多层次的,从而容易导致片面性的错误;从意义的多层次性出发,探讨戏剧翻译中的问题主要是选择的问题;明确提出影响译者选择的因素有翻译目的、文本类型和读者类型3个方面。  相似文献   

奎因的翻译不确定性理论中一个重要的内容是关于意义的判定问题。意义的不确定性必将导致翻译的不确定性。但这并不能说明翻译是不可为的,不能成为不可译性的理论基础。这一理论的真正意义在于它为我们从哲学角度研究翻译的本质提供了思路和方法。  相似文献   

成语是汉语中的精华,反映了中华民族文化的特色。在翻译时,应确切、深刻、完整地理解每一个成语的本意和引申义,不能只从字面上来望文生义。翻译不仅是要进行语言符号的转换,而且要把一种语言中的文化转换成另一种文化形式。可以说汉语成语的翻译实际上是如何用英语去处理在汉语成语中所表现出的各种不同文化特征的问题。  相似文献   

张小艳 《科技信息》2013,(22):189-190
In the field of translation,name translation is seldom noticed.Even though we can not deny that name translation is an indispensible part in translation,the attention that we paid to it is not enough.In Chinese and English cultures,names are given different significances.So it is necessary to pay enough attention to the translation of names from its situations,skills and meanings.But so far there is still no fixed standard of name translation,both from its forms and skills.Form the time that people from different cultures met and communicated,name translation had become a part that can not be ignored in translation.The target of name translation is simple,but the means of it are variable.The attractive ways of name translation are worth to study,and it is significant indeed.In this thesis I will focus on how to translate English names into Chinese,analysis the phenomena,explore the skills and come up with some valuable viewpoints.With some selected examples,we can discuss the problem we just noticed above,and several unsolved problems will appear in the thesis.  相似文献   

郭培粉 《科技信息》2011,(17):21-22
本文运用语料库的方法,以real和really为例词,从粪连接、搭配和语义韵三方面来研究荚语词由一个形容词变为另一个副词的用法有何变化,研究指出:中国的英语教学可以运用语料库的方法,得出实例来学习这类词的用法。  相似文献   

评价理论关注语篇中可以协商的各种态度,考察与价值观密切相关的语言表达,因此对评价的研究有助于揭示语篇的意识形态,这为翻译研究提供了一个全新的研究视角.将评价理论态度子系统运用到《阿诗玛》英译文的翻译研究中,发现实现意识形态操纵的机制包括增加态度资源类别、删减原文态度资源及将隐性的态度评价资源显化处理.评价理论态度子系统能够解释译文意识形态操纵.  相似文献   

肖雁  李民 《科技信息》2010,(2):16-16
Sinclair is regarded as the father of semantic prosody study,however,the term "semantic prosody" was proposed by another famous linguist——Louw in 1993.From then on,several linguists proposed the definitions for this term and thus the features of semantic prosody become progressively clear.  相似文献   

冯时行诗韵研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对宋代重庆籍著名诗人冯时行诗词用韵作了穷尽式的考察,旨在了解其用韵的时代和地方特点.冯时行虽然基本上是按照宋代通语押韵,但一些用韵反映了当时的四川方音,有的还可能只是当时的重庆方音.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence from analyses of the acoustic parameters of fluent continuous speech to show that within-paragraph prosodic phrase boundaries are related more to contrasts of neighborhood prosodic states rather than between-phrase pause durations; prosodic states receive more constraints from higher level discourse information.By revising a modular acoustic model by Tseng's hier-archical prosodic phrase grouping framework and examining the much varied prosodic phrase (PPh) boundary B3 within speech paragraph,we show that statistical accounts of layered contributions reveal dis-tinct contrasts between boundary immediate duration and intensity patterns irrespective of pause duration.Contrasts of F0 contour patterns were also observed in these locations.Evidence was also obtained to illus-trate how PPh boundary states are specified more by higher level discourse information than by lower level prosodic word construction.These combined results suggest that contrastive neighboring prosodic states are more significant cues to PPh boundaries than boundary pause duration.The results also help explain why in fluent speech between-phrase pause durations vary greatly,and can be applied to automatic speech segmentation.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence from analyses of the acoustic parameters of fluent continuous speech to show that within-paragraph prosodic phrase boundaries are related more to contrasts of neighborhood prosodic states rather than between-phrase pause durations; prosodic states receive more constraints from higher level discourse information. By revising a modular acoustic model by Tseng's hierarchical prosodic phrase grouping framework and examining the much varied prosodic phrase (PPh) boundary B3 within speech paragraph, we show that statistical accounts of layered contributions reveal distinct contrasts between boundary immediate duration and intensity patterns irrespective of pause duration. Contrasts of FO contour patterns were also observed in these locations. Evidence was also obtained to illustrate how PPh boundary states are specified more by higher level discourse information than by lower level prosodic word construction. These combined results suggest that contrastive neighboring prosodic states are more significant cues to PPh boundaries than boundary pause duration. The results also help explain why in fluent speech between-phrase pause durations vary greatly, and can be applied to automatic speech segmentation.  相似文献   

释意翻译不仅仅是对职业高级翻译人员提出的方法和要求,在从教学翻译到翻译教学的转变过程中,释意翻译作为翻译理论的一种重要方法,也起到了很好的过渡桥梁作用。文章从释意翻译的基本理论、释意翻译的合理性和优越性,以及释意翻译在教学中的应用等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

韩文汉译方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译是一个外语学习者必备的一项基本技能,同时也是一门高深的学问。通过翻译可以检验学习者对母语的认知程度和对外语的熟练程度。韩文汉译是韩汉翻译的其中一部分,掌握一定的翻译理论和翻译技巧对于更好地理解韩国语言的特点和汉语的特点大有益处。  相似文献   

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