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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2177-2181
Modern authors have treated Lutz and Cockerell’s indication of Centris umbraculata Fabricius, 1804 as the first valid type-species designation for Epicharis Klug, 1807. It is argued here, however, that Epicharis dasypoda Klug, 1807, junior synonym of Apis rustica Olivier, 1789, is the valid type species of Epicharis, as designated by Desmarest, in the article on Epicharis published in 1845 in volume 5 of d’Orbigny’s Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. This overlooked designation makes Epicharana Michener, 1954, and not Xanthepicharis Moure, 1945, a junior synonym of Epicharis s.str. Therefore, Xanthepicharis should be revalidated for the group containing Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius, 1804) and related species.

htpp://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1BA1C185-25D8-45A8-BC29-109387C1E100  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1361-1384
Phoretic deutonymphs of Sennertia alfkeni and S. japonica, both associated with the Japanese large carpenter bee, Xylocopa appendiculata, were distinguished by Fain (1974 Fain, A. 1974. The hypopi of the genus Sennertia Oudemans, 1905, described by Oudemans (Acarina, Sarcoptiformes).. Zool Meded., 48: 219231.  [Google Scholar]) by body size and the presence or absence of a spine proximal to the pretarsal claw. Despite these morphological differences, rearing of iso‐female lines yielded both morphological forms, thus revealing that both were the same species but functionally different during phoresy. Adults also expressed variation in the form of the dorsal setae, ranging from narrow to broad. We hypothesized that deutonymphal morphology was controlled environmentally, but that the adult setal morphology was at least partially controlled genetically. Both types of deutonymphs disembarked from a female bee during the host tunnelling through provisioning of nests in spring, but there seemed to be no behavioural difference between the two morphs at the time of disembarkation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1129-1140
Pollen analysis of larval food allows identification of plants used as nest provision sources. Considering the importance of Centris analis in pollination, we aimed to identify its plant sources, food niche width in Cerrado, and analyze the use of sources between cool/dry and warm/wet seasons. We sampled 22 nests collected in two areas from February 2008 to October 2009. Heteropterys spp. (Malpighiaceae) were the main pollen sources, but Byrsomia spp. (Malpighiaceae), Banisteriopsis malifolia (Malpighiaceae), Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae) and Machaerium spp. (Leguminosae) were also important food sources. There was no difference in the use of the sources between the seasons (F1,100?=?0.001; p?=?0.979). Despite the high number of pollen types (n?=?14) the food niche widths were low, H?=?0.777 and H?=?0.949, which can be explained by the dominance of some food items. Hence, C. analis use, profusely, a few plants as food sources that could be considered conservation targets.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision for the species of Austrostelis Michener and Griswold is provided. Ten species are recognized, one of which is newly described, A. saltensis Parizotto and Urban sp. nov., from Argentina. Additionally one new synonym is proposed and a lectotype for Stelis iheringi Friese, 1925 is designated. A revised diagnosis for the genus, illustrations and identification key for all species are also provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8397FEAE-45CB-444C-8B3C-6D706E752068  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1513-1543
The extant Pelecinidae consist of the single genus Pelecinus Latreille. This group is restricted to the continental New World; miscellaneous reports and specimens from Jamaica, Australia, India and Malaysia are errors. Three species are recognized: the widespread Pelecinus polyturator (Drury), found from the southern portions of the eastern provinces of Canada, the eastern USA (west to North Dakota, Colorado and New Mexico) and Mexico south to northern Argentina; Pelecinus thoracicus Klug revised status, from western Mexico; and Pelecinus dichrous Perty revised status from northern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and south-eastern Brazil. Pelecinus rufus Klug, 1841 and Pelecinus annulatus Klug, 1841 are treated as junior synonyms of Pelecinus dichrous Perty, 1833. The status of Pelecinus polyturator var. apicalis Roman is discussed and the name is treated as a synonym of P. polyturator. The only recorded host species for the genus are for P. polyturator: Phyllophaga anxia (LeConte), P. drakei Kirby, P. futilis (LeConte), P. rugosa (Melsheimer) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae); and Podischnus agenor Olivier (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1481-1499
This work analyses the biology and nesting behaviour of Xylocopa ordinaria and Xylocopa frontalis, providing information for their conservation and management. The study was performed from August 2006 to December 2007 and considered 25 nests of X. ordinaria and 23 of X. frontalis. The X. frontalis nested between December and April, while X. ordinaria nested throughout the year. Nests of X. ordinaria dug in wider substrates had more tunnels, and the width of nest tunnels and the dimensions of brood cells were smaller than were observed for X. frontalis. Females spent most of their time in activities inside their nests, followed by nectar and pollen flights and nectar dehydration. Pollen resources used by these bees presented more than 40% similarity, and they were constant to flower resources while provisioning cells. Cissites maculata and a Diptera species were the natural enemies found.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2283-2300
The genus Nasutopedia is a distinct lineage of tapinotaspidine bees that occurs in cloud forests of the tropical Andes, mostly in altitudes higher than 1200 m above sea level. Here, four new species of Nasutopedia are described for a total of seven species in the genus: Nasutopedia borealis sp. nov., from Colombia and Venezuela, Nasutopedia laeta sp. nov. from Ecuador, Nasutopedia morena sp. nov. from Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico, and Nasutopedia puncticutis sp. nov. from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. A key to Nasutopedia species is provided, including illustrations of main characters and a map of geographical distribution.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C3D6A837-7D84-4CB6-B74D-C4A9A5323A9B  相似文献   


Traumatomutilla duplicata duplicata (Gerstaecker, 1874), T. duplicata feia Casal, 1969, T. bruchi André, 1908, T. cristata (Gerstaecker, 1874), T. aterrima (Gerstaecker, 1874) and T. lorena (Cresson, 1902) are proposed as junior synonyms of Traumatomutilla bivittata (Gerstaecker, 1874). Traumatomutilla immaculiceps André, 1901, T. bivittata rubroguttata André, 1901 and T. estrella (Cresson, 1902) are proposed as junior synonyms of T. juvenilis (Gerstaecker, 1874). Traumatomutilla bispiculata (André, 1907) is proposed as a junior synonym of T. miniata (Gerstaecker, 1874). The previously unknown males of T. guarata Casal, 1969 and T. juvenilis are described and illustrated. All species of the T. juvenilis species group are redescribed and illustrated. A new species, Traumatomutilla juvenindica Bartholomay & Williams sp. nov., is described based on males and females from northern South America. Additionally, identification keys to the species and known colour forms of the T. juvenilis species group are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3563B9EE-A45B-4939-8436-7A808D4F8996  相似文献   

The Neotropical species and genera of the tribe Euderomphalini (Eulophidae: Entedoninae) are revised. Five genera are described as new: Cabeza, including six species (baeostigma (§, ¦), canaliculata (§), laticeps (¦), petiolata (§), planiscapus (§), ugaldei (§)); Itahipeus, including two species (brasilicola (§, ¦), euryceps (¦)); Monterrondo, including one species (aphelosoma (§)); Sifraneurus, including one species (strigifer (§)); Xenopomphale, including one species (sulcata (§)); all above-mentioned species are described as new. Five additional genera are included: Aleuroctonus LaSalle and Schauff, with four species, one described previously: vittatus (Dozier) (§, ¦), and three described here: latiscapus (§), marki, (§, ¦) and metallicus (§); Entedononecremnus Girault, with 14 species, two described previously: krauteri Zolnerowich and Rose (§, ¦), unicus Girault (§, ¦), and 12 described here: bennetti (§, ¦), bimaculatus (§, ¦), convexus (§, ¦), crassicornis (§, ¦), depressus (§), fulgens (§), hansoni (§, ¦), imdasus (§, ¦), parfer (§, ¦), reticulatus (§), tripar (§) and unicarinatus (§); Euderomphale Girault, with two species, one described previously: flavimedia (Howard), and one described here: sulciscapus (§, ¦); Neopomphale LaSalle and Schauff, with 20 species, two described previously: aleurothrixi (Dozier) (§, ¦), quercicola (Dozier) (§, ¦), and 18 described here: azofeifai (¦), cerrobius (¦), depilis (§), dichrous (§, ¦), erecta (¦), graciliclava (§), longicornis (¦), longipilis (§, ¦), nonaequa (§, ¦), noyesi (§), pinguicornis (§, ¦), prymna (§), rubescens (§, ¦), rubii (§), silvestris (¦), transversa (§), umbonata (§, ¦), xenipennis (§); Dasyomphale LaSalle and Schauff, including one species (chilensis LaSalle and Schauff). The genera are placed in either one of three genus-groups, one of which is newly created. The species Euderomphale quercicola Dozier is newly combined to Neopomphale. Lectotypes are designated for Entedononecremnus unicus Girault, Euderomphale quercicola Dozier and Gyrolasia flavimedia Howard. Key to genera and species are included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1609-1630
Cephalastor Giordani Soika is a small Neotropical genus of eumenine wasps comprising 12 species, most of them described at the beginning of this century. The genus was revised by Garcete-Barrett, and a cladistic analysis carried out. Cephalastor humeralis n. sp. and C. minarum n. sp. are described herein, and the phylogenetic relationships among the species of the genus inferred from morphological data. A total of 34 characters were constructed (an increase of more than 209% from Garcete-Barrett's 2003 Garcete-Barrett, BR. 2003. La taxonomía del género Cephalastor Soika (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), parte II. Bol Mus Nac Hist Nat Parag., 14(1–2): 8097.  [Google Scholar] study) and new taxa added as outgroups. The monophyly of the genus was corroborated, and the relationships were stable under both equal and implied weighting schemes. New collecting records are added for Cephalastor bossanova Garcete-Barrett and Cephalastor estela Garcete-Barrett.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2919-2929
The species in the genus Osirinus Roig-Alsina are revised. Seven species are recognized, including O. ruficrus, new species, from south-eastern Brazil and O. tarsalis, new species, from western Brazil and Peru. Osiris parvicollis Ducke and O. santiagoi Almeida are transferred for the first time to Osirinus. An identification key based mainly on females is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1595-1609
We identified the food niche breadth of two sympatric species of oil-collecting bees, Centris (Heterocentris) analis (Fabricius, 1804) and Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith, 1874, based on pollen analyses of larval food. We tested differences in the use of pollen sources considering the anther type and pollen size of the flowers. The species presented a low similarity in the use of pollen sources and C. analis had a wider niche breadth than C. tarsata. Centris analis mainly used Heteropterys spp. and other flowers with non-poricidal anthers. In contrast, C. tarsata commonly used Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil., as well as other flowers with poricidal anthers. Despite the differences in pollen composition of larval food, both species predominantly used medium-sized pollen grains. Although C. analis and C. tarsata are sympatric species, belonging to the same functional group and presenting an overlap in nesting periods, they used different pollen sources, which suggests the occurrence of food niche partitioning.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2369-2373
Two new taxa are described: Ecoporanga cooperi sp. nov. from Peru (Amazonas) and Ecoporanga wallacei sp. nov. from Ecuador (Tungurahua). The former differs from other species of the genus by the antennae and black legs and green elytra with metallic reflections. Ecoporanga wallacei differs from the other species by well-marked posterolateral depressions and tubercles near posterior margin of the pronotum, and apex of elytra laterally with recurved spine. A key to species of the genus is provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:58E5FC0E-F269-4A44-9A36-F1D1A9299D5D  相似文献   

Exomalopsis are ground-nesting species, and their food-niche breadth is little known due the difficulty in locating the nests and finding efficient bait plants to attract these bees. Some species of Exomalopsis were recorded as tomato, hot pepper and eggplant pollinators. Information about the food niche could be useful to increase Exomalopsis populations, providing consistent and comparable data for the enrichment of natural and crop areas with adequate plant sources. This study aimed to determine the food niche and the role of pollen size in the diet of E. fulvofasciata. We analysed pollen loads of 28 individuals of E. fulvofasciata collected from bait plants, in two natural areas of the Brazilian savannah. Only five pollen types belonging to the families Malpighiaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae and Lythraceae were important for this species. This result indicates that E. fulvofasciata is probably a polylectic species. However, we noticed that the Byrsonima used as bait plants contribute significantly for its larval provision, indicating that small pollen grains were more frequently collected.  相似文献   

In the present study, the subfamily Cardiochilinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is revised. This study is based on specimens deposited in Egyptian repositories. Many of them were collected during Priesner’s trips to Gebel Elba (extreme south-west of Egypt). The subfamily Cardiochilinae is represented in Egypt by 11 species in three genera, Bohayella Belokobylskij, 1987 (one species), Cardiochiles Nees, 1819 (three species) and Schoenlandella Cameron, 1905 (seven species). The cardiochiline species C. pseudofallax Telenga, 1955 and S. deserta (Telenga, 1955) are recorded here as new records in the fauna of Egypt. The females of previously known male C. weidholzi Fischer, 1958, S. acrenulata (Fischer, 1958) and S. obscuriceps (Fischer, 1958) as well as the male of the previously known female S. glabra (Fischer, 1958) are described. Schoenlandella pseudoglabra sp. nov. is also described and illustrated.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C134A1AA-81F6-4661-9C7B-12A7CAE08F67  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2641-2647
The monotypic genus Cylindrommata is revised, and three new species are described from Brazil. Cylindrommata aurantia sp. nov. is recorded from the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and differs from other species principally by having the prothorax tuberculate at the sides, pronotum subplane and elytra orangish. Cylindrommata lustrata sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, and has the prothorax without tubercles, rounded at the sides, and elytra short and black with dark-blue reflections. Cylindrommata susanae sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, and has the prothorax without tubercles, parallel at the sides, and elytra yellowish. A key to the species is provided, and all the species are illustrated.  相似文献   

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