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A new feather mite species, Proctophyllodes pirangae sp. n. (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) is described from two tanagers of the genus Piranga Vieillot, 1808 (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae) in North America: the Scarlet Tanager, Piranga olivacea (Gmelin) and the Western Tanager, Piranga ludoviciana (Wilson) (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae) from North America. The new species belongs to the anthi species group and differs from the most similar species, Proctophyllodes polyxenus Atyeo and Braasch, by having in males, the aedeagus and genital sheath extending to or slightly beyond the level of setae g, the anterior margin of the opisthogastric shield shallowly concave, and its posterior margin nearly square-shaped, and the lamellae smaller; in females, both the lobar cleft and the transverse band of soft tegument at level of setae h1 are considerably narrower.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:29B3D157-8114-48EC-AF31-61A99F6D0C3B  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2763-2776
We describe one new feather mite species Coraciacarus muellermotzfeldi sp. nov. (Acari, Astigmata) found as dried corpses on the feathers of the museum skin of the huia Heteralocha acutirostris (Gould, 1837 Gould, J. 1837. A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent islands, Vol. I, London: Gould. 11 p1.  [Google Scholar]) (Passeriformes, Callaeatidae). This endemic New Zealand passerine bird is believed to have been extinct since the beginning of the twentieth century. Comments on the systematic position of the new species within the genus Coraciacarus are presented. A key to all known species and subspecies of the genus is provided. The unusually wide host range of Coraciacarus is discussed. The presence of a representative of this genus on a passerine bird is an enigmatic phenomenon. It might be the result of horizontal transfer from cuckoos (Cuculiformes) rather than ancient co‐phylogenesis but this hypothesis is only weakly supported by currently available data.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1671-1696
This paper contributes to the knowledge of the family Zerconidae, describing material collected from several locations in Croatia. Seventeen species are listed, four of them (Prozercon martae sp. nov., Zercon danyii sp. nov., Zercon laczii sp. nov. and Zercon lanceolatus sp. nov.) proved to be new to science, a further eight species (Zercon arcuatus Trägårdh, 1931 Trägårdh, I. 1931. Terrestrial Acarina. Zool Faeroes., 2(49): 169.  [Google Scholar], Zercon athiasi Vincze, 1965 Vincze, S. 1965. Einige Beiträge zur Zerconiden-Fauna Ungarns. Opusc Zool Inst Zoosyst Univ Budapest., 5(2): 241246.  [Google Scholar], Zercon berlesei Sellnick, 1958 Sellnick, M. 1958. Die Familie Zerconidae Berlese. Acta Zool Hung., 3: 313368.  [Google Scholar], Zercon latissimus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon romagniolus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon storkani Hala?ková, 1969 Hala?ková, V. 1969. Zerconidae of Czechoslovakia (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Univ Carol-Biol., 3–4: 175352.  [Google Scholar], Zercon tematinensis Ma?án & Fend'a, 2004 Ma?án, P and Fend'a, P. 2004. Zerconid mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Bratislava: Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences., : 238 [Google Scholar], Zercon (Zerconella) leitnerae Willmann, 1953 Willmann, C. 1953. Neue Milben aus den östlichen Alpen. Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Österr. Akad Wissensch Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. I. 162. Bd., 6. Heft. Wien. p., : 449519.  [Google Scholar]) are recorded for the first time from Croatia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):423-433
Five new species of two genera of ptyctimous, soil mites (Acari, Oribatida, Steganacaridae) are described: Protophthiracarus aethes sp. nov., Protophthiracarus pinarensis sp. nov., Protophthiracarus ruseki sp. nov., Notophthiracarus granpiedraensis sp. nov. and Notophthiracarus obturatus sp. nov. The identification key for determination of Protophthiracarus species of Cuba is provided. One of the genera, Notophthiracarus, is newly found in the Antilles. New described species have increased the number of endemic species for Cuba and increased the number of the known species of ptyctimous mites to 47.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2257-2278
We describe six new feather mite species collected from museum skins of the carolina parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis Linnaeus, 1758, which lived in North America and became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century: Genoprotolichus simplex sp. n., Lopharalichus beckeri sp. n., Neorhytidelasma conuropsis sp. n. (Pterolichidae: Pterolichinae), Chiasmalges carolinensis sp. n. (Psoroptoididae: Pandalurinae), Fainalges gracilitarsus sp. n., and Protonyssus proctorae sp. n. (Xolalgidae: Ingrassiinae). Brief comments on the current systematic state and host associations of these feather mite genera are provided.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Notophthiracarus are described, identified and figured from Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania: Notophthiracarus quasiuluguruensis sp. nov, Notophthiracarus tuberculus sp. nov, and Notophthiracarus uluguruensis sp. nov. A comparison with the most closely related species of the genus Notophthiracarus is also presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3FBF24E7-3E2D-4686-AD57-EFEA25510BBD  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-16):771-777
Twelve species of ptyctimous mite have been found in new localities in forest litter, in two National Parks of Ecuador: Bombuscaro and Cajanuma. The ptyctimous mite fauna has been shown to differ totally between the two parks. Two new species are described: Euphthiracarus bombuscaroensis sp. nov. and Austrophthiracarus cajanumaensis sp. nov. Three species are reported from Ecuador for the first time. The specimens of two species: Protophthiracarus quasiminisetosus Niedba?a and Illig, 2006 Niedba?a, W. and Illig, J. 2006. New species of ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador.. Tropical Zoology, 20(1): 107122.  [Google Scholar] and Notophthiracarus aculeatus Niedba?a, 1988 found in Ecuador have some morphological characters different from their analogues in the type specimens.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):2447-2453
The males and females of Arrenurus dileri n. sp. collected from standing waters at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey and males of Arrenurus ???kl?ensis n. sp. collected from I??kl? Lake, which is located in south-west Turkey, are described here. The morphological features of the species are compared with those of the similar species Arrenurus claviger Konike, 1882 and Arrenurus nodosus (Koenike, 1896).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2925-2935
Two new species of the genus Alloclubionoides from two National Parks of Korea are described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs. Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other Alloclubionoides spiders by a heart-shaped conductor with rounded base in the male palp and a large genital opening situated in the middle of the atrium, and a broadly cylinder-like copulatory duct in female. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis sp. nov. resembles Alloclubionoides napolovi (Ovtchinnikov, 1999 Zhang, ZS, Zhu, MS and Song, DX. 2007. Three new species of the genus Ambanus Ovtchinnikov, 1999 from China (Araneae: Amaurobiidae: Coelotinae). Zootaxa., 1425: 2128.  [Google Scholar]) but can be distinguished from it by the ‘Y’-shaped conductor dorsal apophysis and wound distal part of conductor.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):1893-1945
Nine species of Hygrobates (Acari: Parasitengona: Hygrobatidae) from Hokkaido, Japan are described or redescribed from newly collected material and historical specimens. Treated herein are eight species in the subgenus Hygrobates, including one new species, H. bibi sp. nov., as well as H. calliger Piersig, ; H. foreli (Lebert, ); H. japonicus Uchida, ; H. longipalpis (Hermann, ); H. longiporus Thor, ; H. nigromaculatus Lebert, ; and H. sokolowi Thor, . Also treated is H. ezoensis Uchida, in the subgenus Rivobates. A lectotype and paralectotype are designated for H. japonicus Uchida, . Hygrobates (s. str.) heteropalpis Imamura, is synonymized with H. calliger Piersig, . The name H. ezoensis Uchida, is resurrected from synonymy with H. diversiporus Sokolow, . Six species previously known from Hokkaido were collected in the study: H. foreli, H. japonicus, H. longipalpis, H. longiporus, H. diversiporus, and H. ezoensis. New records for both Hokkaido and Japan include H. nigromaculatus and H. sokolowi. A species previously recorded from Hokkaido, H. taniguchii Imamura, , was not found in this study. Three new characters are proposed as useful for the taxonomy of the genus Hygrobates: the ratio of the distance between the P‐4 ventral setae to P‐4 length, the ratio of the length of the longest terminal seta on IV‐L‐5 to the length of IV‐L‐5, and the nature of the outer border of the genital plates.  相似文献   

A collection of eight species of terrestrial isopods from lava and cave sites on Ascension Island is described. Two species, Niambia longiantennata (Platyarthridae) and Elumoides coecus (Eubelidae), are described as new. Atlantoscia alceui Ferrara and Taiti (Philosciidae) is considered to be a junior synonym of A. floridana (Van Name) and the genus Ocelloscia Schultz and Johnson of Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti. At present the oniscidean fauna known from Ascension Island consists of 13 species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2049-2064
Two new species of the genus Crassolabium are described from natural areas in Vietnam. Crassolabium aenigmaticum sp. nov. is characterized by its body 1.23–1.58 mm long, lip region continuous, odontostyle 17.0–19.0 μm long, neck 320.0–397.0 μm long, uterus tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two triangular pieces separated by an intermediate sclerotized area, V?=?54–59, vulva longitudinal, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 43.0–48.0 μm long, and seven to eight spaced ventromedian supplements. C. vietnamense sp. nov. can be distinguished in having body 1.55–1.88 mm long, lip region offset by constriction, odontostyle 19.5–22.0 μm long, neck 370.0–448.0 μm long, uterus very long and tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two close together pieces, V?= 55–59, vulva transverse and usually covered with a plug, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 53.0–55.0 μm long, and eight to nine spaced ventromedian supplements, two of them within the range of spicules.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1199-1211
Three new eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) from China are described and illustrated. They are Cecidophyes truncatis sp. nov. on Acer truncatum Bunge (Aceraceae), Cecidophyes hirsutes sp. nov. on Cardamine hirsute L. (Cruciferae) and Paracolomerus fopingacer sp. nov. on Acer sp. L. (Aceraceae). All the new species described herein are vagrants on the host plant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2613-2638

A handful of benthic harpacticoid species are known from the Gulf of California. Here I describe Argestes analongises sp. n. (Argestidae), and Argestigens celibis sp. n. (Ameiridae) from the deep sea of the Tropical Eastern Pacific and Gulf of California. Argestes analongises sp. n. fits in the subfamily Argestinae (Argestidae) and was attributed to the genus Argestes by the presence of small spinules covering the body surface of, at least, the urosome, and by the presence of an extremely elongated distal seta on the sixth segment of the female antennule. This new species seems to be allied to A. angolaensis by the situation of all the caudal setae, and by the ventral position of caudal seta III. They differ in the relative length of the female caudal rami, size, shape and relative position of the sensilla-bearing tubercles associated to the anal somite, armature of the mandibular basis, shape of the exopodal and endopodal segments of swimming legs, and relative length of the setae on the female P5 endopodal lobe and position of the innermost seta of the exopod of the female fifth leg. Argestigens celibis sp. n. was attributed to the family Ameiridae based on the non-argestid maxilla, on the presence of a more or less well-developed endopodal lobe of the male fifth leg and three inner setae on the third endopodal segment of the third leg, and on the presence of the typically modified ameirid-like inner spine on the basis of the male first leg. The new species was attributed to Argestigens based on the non-prehensile endopod of first leg and presence of long inner spinules on the basis of second to fourth legs. Additionally, a new genus, Georgus gen. n., is proposed for Bodinia peterrumi, and some comments are given on the monophyly of that genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BD580B0-E856-4FBC-ABA6-B031A9B6E1F9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1279-1298
A new genus of freshwater crab, Ghatiana, with two new species, Ghatiana aurantiaca and Ghatiana hyacintha, and a new species of Gubernatoriana Bott, 1970, are described from the Western Ghat Mountains in Maharashtra State, India. Ghatiana is most similar to Gubernatoriana by its wide, highly arched carapace and by the shape of the male abdomen. Nevertheless, the new genus can be distinguished from Gubernatoriana by the broadness of carapace, length of male abdomen, shape of sixth abdominal somite, length of telson and length of G1 terminal article. Ghatiana aurantiaca sp. nov. and G. hyacintha sp. nov. are distinguished by differences in body colour, carapace width, and G1 morphology, whereas Gubernatoriana triangulus sp. nov. is distinguished from two other known species [Gubernatoriana gubernatoris (Alcock, 1909) and Gubernatoriana pilosipes (Alcock, 1909)] by its triangular G1 subterminal segment and by its carapace morphology. Keys to the species of both the genera are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:36BAA1EA-DC15-4B06-BA09-7BD26C63FF54  相似文献   

Two new species of Tedania (Porifera: Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) are described from the Mexican Pacific. Tedania (Tedania) tropicalis sp. nov. is an encrusting to massive sponge having ectosomal tylotes with microspined heads, choanosomal styles and onychaetes. Tedania (Tedania) fulvum sp. nov. is a thinly encrusting sponge having ectosomal tylotes with smooth heads, choanosomal styles and onychaetes. Tables for all the Tedania (subgenera Tedania and Tedaniopsis) and Trachytedania species described worldwide are included. We suggest that species of Tedania and Trachytedania bearing ectosomal diactinal spicules (excluding Tedania (Stylotedania)) can be separated in two main groups: those having choanosomal monactinal spicules and those with choanosomal diactinal spicules.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5B212DC3-3827-44D5-8E63-3E652BCB29E6  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2653-2681
Two new genera and five new species of feather mites of the family Proctophyllodidae are described from passerine birds from Brazil: Tyranniphyllodes pitangi gen. n., sp. n. from Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae); Atrichophyllodes delalandi gen. n., sp. n. from Corythopis delalandi (Tyrannidae); A. mentalis gen. n., sp. n. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Thamnophilidae); Anisophyllodes candango sp. n. from Elaenia chiriquensis (Tyrannidae); and Platyacarus sittasomi sp. n. from Sittasomus griseicapillus (Dendrocolaptidae). The discovery of these taxa might give data for a better understanding of the evolution of the family Proctophyllodidae in general and the dispersion of these mites on passerines in South America in paricular.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2787-2828
Four new and six known species of Dorylaimellus Cobb, 1913 Cobb, NA. 1913. New nematode genera found inhabiting freshwater and non-brackish soils. J Wash Acad Sci, 3: 432444. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] are described. Dorylaimellus shamimi sp. nov. has body 1.1–1.2 mm, offset lip region, odontostyle 7–8 μm, pharyngeal expansion 35–43%, longitudinal vulva, amphidelphic gonad and conoid ventrally arcuate tail. Dorylaimellus parindicus sp. nov. has body 1.2–1.5 mm, distinct ventral body pores, lip region offset, odontostyle thick walled, 5–6 μm, odontophore with poorly developed flanges, pharyngeal expansion 38–45%, longitudinal vulva, amphidelphic gonad and short conoid tail. Dorylaimellus hanifae sp. nov. has body 0.3–0.4 mm, offset lip region with peri-oral disc, odontostyle 4–5 μm, pharyngeal expansion 50–55%, transverse vulva, amphidelphic gonad and clavate tail. Dorylaimellus khasianus sp. nov. has body 1.2–1.4 mm; offset lip region; odontostyle 7 μm; odontophore with well developed flanges; pharyngeal expansion 31–35%; longitudinal vulva; amphidelphic gonad and elongate-conoid tail. Dorylaimellus occidentalis, Dorylaimellus parvulus, Dorylaimellus deviatus, Dorylaimellus paraclavatus, Dorylaimellus salvus and Dorylaimellus filamentosus are redescribed.  相似文献   

This study is the second report on the genus Promalactis, which includes five new species, P. ceratiscus sp. nov., P. flavidius sp. nov., P. latifasciata sp. nov., P. mecodigita sp. nov. and P. petasumella sp. nov., from western and southern Cambodia. Also provided is a taxonomic key to all species of Cambodian Promalactis.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:72474144-5D65-48BE-9021-0490952AAA3C  相似文献   

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