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This study provides a detailed account of the foraging behaviour of the ponerine ant Ectatomma opaciventre in a ‘cerrado’ savannah in south-east Brazil. Our observations suggest that this species has an exclusively diurnal foraging pattern. Feeding habits included both predation and scavenging, with termite workers and leaf-cutting ants as the most important food items. Contrary to all other Ectatomma species studied to date, no liquid food such as hemipteran honeydew or plant nectar was collected. Foragers showed clear individual foraging area fidelity.Workers of E. opaciventre employed a typical individual foraging strategy, i.e. there was no co-operation between foragers in the search for or retrieval of food, neither by tandem running nor by trail laying. Nest density was considerably lower than in other Ectatomma (0.015 nests per m2). The observed mean distance to the nearest neighbouring nest was 5.85 m, with a significant tendency toward over-dispersion. Nests were more frequently found in specific microhabitats, which may suggest active choice of nesting site by founding queens.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):345-358
Termite raiding behaviour of the African poneromorph ant Pachycondyla analis was studied at Mpala, Kenya. In all, 330 raids were observed with the raiding activity showing peaks in the morning and evening. Time spent at the termite source was positively correlated with the numbers of termites taken. The sizes of foraging parties, number of termites taken, distance travelled and time spent at termite sources also showed a positive correlation. Pachycondyla analis preyed significantly more on Microtermes spp. than they did on Odontotermes spp. but no significant differences were found in terms of predator efficiency even though many ants were injured in raids on Odontotermes spp. compared with those on Microtermes spp. Our results indicate that P. analis seems to forage optimally, balancing the costs of energy with prey reward and prey choices were not only influenced by prey abundance, but also by the costs of foraging, as influenced by prey defences, size and foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-28):1753-1764
The objective of this study was to collect and present data on the food plants that a vulnerable migratory nectarivorous bat, Leptonycteris nivalis, used during its seasonal stay at a cave in Tepoztlan, Mexico. This cave is the only mating roost known for this species. Pollen grains from faeces and fur were examined. Little is known about the diet of this bat, especially in the southern half of its distribution. Pollen belonging to 10 plant species was found from five families: Cactaceae (Stenocereus beneckei), Bombacaceae (Ceiba aesculifolia, Pseudobombax ellipticum), Convolvulaceae (Ipomoea arborescens), Fabaceae (Calliandra houstoniana, Bauhinia ungulata), and Amaryllidaceae (Agave dasylirioides, A. horrida, A. inaequidens, A. salmiana). Bats showed the highest dietary diversity in November. There were no significant differences in diet between sexes. Of the four Agave species, two have paniculate inflorescences that are commonly attributed to bat pollination, while the other two had spicate inflorescences, which are considered to be primarily insect‐pollinated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):205-222
The study describes habitat use and temporal occurrence of calling males for an austral anuran assemblage in the Neotropics, southern Brazil. Three study sites (S1 – a permanent river and a stream, S2 – a dam and backwater, S3 – two permanent ponds periodically connected) were sampled between August 2005 and July 2006. The site S3 presented the richest and most diverse assemblage and habitat use within studied sites, and was partitioned by species groups. Richness and abundance of calling males for overall assemblage were seasonal, concentrated in spring and summer and correlated with photoperiod. Temperature, rainfall and air humidity were not correlated with the richness and abundance of calling males. Photoperiod also explained the calling seasons when species were analyzed individually. Habitat use and temporal occurrence were complementary in the partitioning of breeding resources, explaining species coexistence.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2481-2508
In Brazil and Columbia, we found three different species of Eurycercus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Eurycercidae), belonging to two different subgenera: (1) E. (Eurycercus) cf. lamellatus (O. F. Müller, 1776), (2) E. (Bullatifrons) meridionalis sp. nov. and (3) E. (Bullatifrons) dumonti sp. nov. Appearance of the first species in Brazil could be a result of introduction due to human activities. The two other species are apparently Neotropical endemics. There is no opportunity to associate the previously described E. lamellatus var. minuta Birabén, 1939 Birabén, M. 1939. Los Cladóceros de la familia Chydoridae. Physis, 17: 651671.  [Google Scholar] with any taxa found by us, because the type material is lost and no eurycercids are present in its type locality now; therefore this taxon is species incorrigenda with minimal chance of being re-evaluated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2961-2967
Explosive breeding is a common reproductive strategy, especially in anurans. In some cases of explosive breeding in anurans, intense aggressive interactions occur among males attempting to gain access to females, and for terrestrial species that mate in water, females may die by drowning during long mating struggles. Such occurrences are obviously detrimental to females, and may also cause a decrease in the reproductive success of males through depletion of energy without obtaining access to a live female. However, the males of the small Amazonian frog Rhinella proboscidea can promote the ejection of oocytes from the abdominal cavities of dead females and fertilize them. This behaviour can minimize losses to both partners during explosive reproduction events. The existence of such a “functional necrophile strategy” shows that there may be possible selection in favour of stronger and more persistent males in explosive breeders.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of Eutropis multifasciata in the tropical plains of central Vietnam to understand better the foraging mode, spatiotemporal and sexual variation in dietary composition, and rarefaction curves of prey-taxon richness for males and females. Stomach contents (n = 161) were collected from October 2013 to May 2014 using a nonlethal stomach-flushing technique. A total of 680 food items (624 animal items and 56 plant items) was found in 161 stomachs of skinks, representing 19 unique animal categories. We found that the diet of E. multifasciata is composed mainly of small, sedentary and clumped prey and that this skink specialises on spiders, insect larvae, snails, grasshoppers and crickets (with a combined importance index of 60%). Dietary composition, prey size and total prey volume in E. multifasciata changed between dry and rainy seasons and among regions. The total volume of food items consumed by males was larger than that of females, and the diversity and evenness index of prey categories were larger in males than in females. However, using rarefaction curves revealed that females have the higher prey-taxon richness after points between 130 and 140 prey items for frequency, and between 160 and 170 prey items for number of items, and the differences were not statistically significant. The foraging behaviour of E. multifasciata best fits a ‘widely foraging’ model.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1959-1967
Social facilitation occurs when an animal is more likely to behave in a certain way in response to other animals engaged in the same behaviour. For example, an individual returning to the nest with food stimulates other ants to leave and to forage. In the present study we demonstrate the existence of new facets in the colony organization of Dinoponera quadriceps: a positive feedback between the incoming food and the activation of new foragers, and the occurrence of incipient task partitioning during the food sharing. Lower-ranked workers located inside the nest process protein resources and higher-ranked workers handle smaller pieces and distribute them to the larvae. In conclusion, D. quadriceps has a decentralized pattern of task allocation with a double regulatory mechanism, which can be considered a sophisticated aspect of division of labour in ponerine ants.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2677-2721

Embedded within the interdisciplinary research project ‘Towards an understanding of the structure and function of a Neotropical rainforest ecosystem with special reference to its canopy’ organised by the Austrian Academy of Science, the canopy beetle fauna was surveyed by means of a 42 m tall tower crane. This paper presents results of the chrysomelid beetle fauna observed and collected at canopy trees for 1 year. A total of 1783 adult leaf beetles were collected, representing 117 morphospecies (Bruchinae are not included) including 31 singletons. The most abundant family was Galerucinae sensu stricto with 827 individuals (46% of collection). The most speciose subfamilies were Galerucinae sensu stricto followed by Alticini, Cryptocephalinae and Eumolpinae. Nineteen species collected with at least two individuals were restricted to a single tree species whereas 68 species were found to feed on several canopy host trees. Only a few species fed on leaves; these were in Cassidinae, Cryptocephalinae, Eumolpinae and Galerucinae. Strikingly, most canopy chrysomelids were collected at flowers of canopy trees, although some species fed also on extrafloral nectaries or fruits. Alticini were restricted predominantly to flowers, but Cryptocephalinae, Eumolpinae and Galerucinae revealed broader plasticity in host tissue selection. Insights into beetle seasonality, diurnal/nocturnal activity and intra-canopy migration are provided. Abundant flower-visiting species occurred on their host trees commonly over the entire flowering season, with their abundances often correlated with the number of open flowers. After termination of one tree’s flowering season, many flower-visiting leaf beetles moved to other flowering trees. Certain congeneric species of Galerucinae and Eumolpinae occurred together at their host plants within the same periods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1015-1027
Males of many bees in the subfamily Nomiinae (Halictidae) have numerous secondary sexual characters, which provide much systematic information. Similarly, the use of these structures by males during sexual behaviour may provide useful characters, but the courtship and copulatory behaviour of most of these bees is not known. Structures and behaviour used for courtship and mating are described for two species of nomiine bees, Dieunomia heteropoda and Nomia tetrazonata, along with brief observations of mating in a parasitic bee, Triepeolus verbesinae (Apidae: Nomadinae). A review of mating behaviour within the Nomiinae shows no obvious phyletic patterns, based upon present limited knowledge. The species-specific nature of the male secondary sexual characters suggests they may have evolved in the context of sexual selection, but behavioural data from populations of additional species are needed to evaluate the hypothesis adequately.  相似文献   

Cassidinae Gyllenhaal? is the second largest subfamily of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), which presents characteristic morphology, biology and behaviour. The current study describes the life cycle of Paraselenis(Spaetiechoma) dichroa (Germar), ?determining biological and behavioural aspects as well as the action of natural enemies on populations, when the species has maternal care. The study was conducted between February and April 2015 in the National Forest of Passa Quatro, municipality of Passa Quatro, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Daily observations were made (morning and afternoon) to evaluate the offspring of females on Ipomoea sp. and Merremia macrocalyx (O’Donell?) (Convolvulaceae), as well as the actions of natural enemies on the young. The eggs are deposited on the midrib and abaxial surface of leaves (n = 25). Egg clusters are pedunculated, arranged in groups and devoid of any cover. On average, each female produced 27.3 ± 5.6 (n = 16) eggs, with a mean incubation period of 12.7 ± 2.9 days (n = 10 females with their young). The larvae remained grouped in the leaves throughout development, except when they fed. They retained faeces and exuviae as a stacked faecal structure on their mobile urogomphi (caudal process) like a faecal shield. The mean number of larvae per female was 12.7 ± 10.1 (n = 19) and the larval period lasted 24.9 ± 4.5 days (n = 12). Pupation occurred on the stem of the plant (n = 16). On average there were 8.1 ± 8.5 individuals for pupae progeny (n = 14). The mean duration of the pupal stage was 10.4 ± 3.3 days (n = 5). Overall, 3% of adults emerged (n = 13 individuals), with a total cycle time of 41.3 ± 8.4 days (n = 6). Adults are sexually dimorphic in the elytral shape. Females remain with the offspring throughout development. The natural enemies of immatures were Emersonella pubipennis Hansson? (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Tachinidae (Diptera) and Stiretrus decastigmus (Herrich-Schaeffer?) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Conura sp. Spinola? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and Brachymeria sp. Westwood? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). The information presented here on the natural history of P. dichroa are important as they may serve as a starting point to understand evolutionary questions and multispecies interactions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2605-2625
We studied the ecology of Cnemidophorus lacertoides at a restinga habitat in southern Brazil. Peak activity occurred between 12.00 and 15.00. The mean body temperature of active lizards (35.0 ± 2.9°C) was relatively low compared with other whiptails and was significantly influenced by environmental temperatures. Mean snout–vent length and mean body mass of individuals were 56.5 mm and 4.4 g, respectively. Male and female C. lacertoides were not significantly different in body size. Cnemidophorus lacertoides consumed 12 types of prey, with ants and spiders being the most important items. Unexpectedly, lizards did not consume termites, which tend to be very important items in the diets of most whiptails. We conclude that the population of Cnemidophorus lacertoides we studied deviates from the typical whiptail ecology because many of its ecological features differ from those of most other cnemidophorines of similar size.  相似文献   


A small collection of bats composed of six species from Dire Dawa area, eastern Ethiopia, is presented. Besides three species previously known in the region, Rousettus aegyptiacus, Epomophorus minimus and Chaerephon pumilus, three bats were newly documented from the area, Rhinopoma microphyllum, R. cystops and Scotophilus leucogaster. R. microphyllum is here reported for the first time in Ethiopia. From molecular genetic comparisons Ethiopian R. cystops belongs to the Arabian subspecies lineage R. c. arabium, previously unknown from the African continent, raising interesting biogeographic questions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1195-1206
Limnomedusa is a monotypic genus that occurs in association with rocky outcrops and stream beds. Based on observational and mark–recapture fieldwork from 2005 to 2008, we report the breeding biology of Limnomedusa macroglossa in southern Brazil. The reproductive season lasted from late August to early February. Tadpoles were recorded from early September to late February. A clear pattern of emergence/recruitment was observed in juveniles. The occurrence of reproductive activities was clearly related to the longest photoperiods, when the highest temperatures occur. Males called from rocky or concrete substrates, mostly under rocks. Amplexus was axillary and the operational sex ratio was nearly even. Spawn occurred in lentic water bodies but tadpoles also completed their development in slow‐flowing water. Although using similar habitats for reproduction, L. macroglossa reached lower levels of specialization toward terrestriality than did the cycloramphids Cycloramphus and Thoropa. We classify L. macroglossa as a breeding habitat specialist that would be threatened by river damming.  相似文献   

The Pale-bellied Tyrant-manakin (Neopelma pallescens) inhabits semi-deciduous and riparian forests in central-north South America. Contrary to most manakins, there is no evident sexual dichromatism in the species and little is known about its breeding biology. We studied the breeding biology of a colour-banded population of the species from August to December 2016 and from August to October 2017 in the Campus Florestal of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, south-eastern Brazil. The breeding season extended from early September to late November. The species is promiscuous, with males exhibiting simple courtship displays (exploded leks) in individual arenas. The nest (n = 13) is a cup attached by its top lip between forked branches and is very simple, with a structural layer made with dry grass stems and heads, attached to the branch with spider silk. The outer and lining layers are absent. The mean clutch size was 1.8 eggs (n = 11), which are oval and pale coloured, covered with spots of different shades of brown, often concentrated in the larger pole. Mean egg length and width (± SD) were 21.0 ± 0.9 × 15.8 ± 0.7 mm (n = 14) and the mean weight was 2.8 ± 0.4 g (n = 10). The incubation period could not be estimated, but the nestling period was 15 days (n = 2). The simple percentage of successful nests was 15.4%, with 76.9% of the nests depredated and 7.7% abandoned. This is the first detailed study about the breeding biology of any Neopelma species, providing relevant data for the study of the evolution of life history strategies not only for the genus, but for the whole family Pipridae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2501-2516
We compiled observations of ommastrephid squid of the genus Illex, primarily Illex illecebrosus from archived submarine video footage recorded during dives off Cape Hatteras and New England, and in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on the behaviour observed, we derived a partial in situ ethogram, or catalogue of the body patterns and behaviour. In total, 36 components were observed: 16 chromatic components (5 light and 11 dark), 10 postural components and 10 locomotor components. Co-occurrence analyses were used to show that specific sets of components occurred together either more or less often than they would if chosen at random. In addition, some of the components were observed occurring during specific behaviours, such as bottom sitting, hunting, or schooling. Such observations by submersibles also provide very precise, although incomplete, records of depth distribution. We summarize the depths and altitudes above bottom of these observations by time of day. Most of the squid were observed near bottom at depths of about 200–900 m. The deepest depths observed were during daytime and the shallowest during the evening. However, individuals were observed as much as 1000 m above the bottom during daytime whereas others were on or near the bottom in deep water during the evening.  相似文献   

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