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Science of Complexity is a newly emerging branch of natural science. Althoughwe still haven't a precise definition, there are some principles for justifying whether a systemis a complex system. The purpose of this article is to reveal some of such principles. Onthe basis of them, the concept of a system with complexity is proposed. They may helpus to distinguish a real complex system from complicated objects in common sense. Thenwe propose some fundamental problems faced by the study of systems with complexity.  相似文献   

The author argues that the population system of human societies, the highest form of lives on the planet, may serve as standard paradigm for study of complex systems.it turned out to be a well investigable, nonlinearly controllable dyn~mlc system, where census plays pivotal role. The theory has led China to succeed in checking the upsurge of population growth of 1970-80s and remains reliable basis for family-plannlng policy-making in all countries world-wide. It suggests that statistics could be a powerful tool in studying holistic properties of complex systems.  相似文献   

经济系统是一个由大量自由买卖主体构成的复杂适应系统,可以用基于Agent的计算经济学(Agent-based Computational Economics, ACE)方法进行研究.本文提出了一个自主开发的ACE系统:SIMECO模型.用CRA(Classifiers, Rules, Actions)三层结构对Agent建模可以得到比传统基于简单固定规则的ACE模型更丰富的涌现行为,包括社会分工的自发形成、价格围绕某一固定区间动态波动、流的自发出现并增长.进一步,计算机模拟实验中还形成了由集体大规模Agent自发的交易行为导致的交易网络之上的商品流,它会伴随着系统的进化而不断增强,并使得SIMECO中的大量Agent能更好地适应多变的环境.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a basic class of first order sampled-data control systems with unknown nonlinear structure and with sampling rate not necessarily fast enough, aiming at understanding the capability and limitations of the sampled-data feedback. We show that if the unknown nonlinear function has a linear growth rate with its "slope" (denoted by L) being a measure of the "size" of uncertainty, then the sampling rate should not exceed 1/L multiplied by a constant (≈ 7.53) for the system to be globally stabilizable by the sampled-data feedback. If, however, the unknown nonlinear function has a growth rate faster than linear, and if the system is disturbed by noises modeled as the standard Brownian motion, then an example is given, showing that the corresponding sampled-data system is not stabilizable by the sampled-data feedback in general, no matter how fast the sampling rate is.  相似文献   

本文基于线性系统的度量复杂性理论,通过描述消费过程的一个机理模型,研究了一类消费系统的建模复杂性问题.利用系统量度复杂性理论中的Kolmogorovn-宽度和辨识n-宽度等概念,给出一类经济计量模型的建模误差及辨识误差与观测信息多少之间的关系,并证明了此类经济计量模型关于模型阶数和观测信息多少具有一定的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

The problem of state feedback stabilization of control systems is tackled in this paper.The stabilizability of the plane control systems with critical spectrum is considered,By using therecently developed center manifold method combined with Liapunov second method,it is shownthat in all critical cases the above mentioned systems are state feedback stabilizable.  相似文献   

系统的故障诊断和检测策略研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究3状态系统的一个模型,假定系统有3种运行状态:正常、异常、和故障,其中故障状态不需检测,正常和异常状态需要检测,并且检测结果有可能出现错误,利用概率分析、补充变量和最优化方法,求出了系统的最优检测周期和最优故障诊断标准值。  相似文献   

Using Carleman linearization procedure, this paper investigates the problem of first integrals of polynomial autonomous systems and proposes a procedure to find the first integrals of polynomial family for the systems. A generalized eigenequation is obtained and then the problem is reduced to the solvability of the eigenequation. The result is a generalization of some known results.  相似文献   

This paper presents some recent works on the control of dynamic systems,which have certain complex properties caused by singularity of the nonlinear structures,structure~varyings, or evolution process etc. First, we consider the structure singularity of nonlinear control systems. It was revealed that the focus of researches on nonlinear control theory is shifting from regular systems to singular systems. The singularity of nonlinear systems causes certain complexity. Secondly, the switched systems are considered. For such systems the complexity is caused by the structure varying. We show that the switched systems have significant characteristics of complex systems. Finally, we investigate the evolution systems. The evolution structure makes complexity, and itself is a proper model for complex systems.  相似文献   

Complex adaptive system (CAS) is a kind of complex system in natural and artificial systems. In this paper, the theory of complex adaptive system is introduced at first. Considering the characteristic of energy system, it can be regarded as a complex adaptive system. After the evolutionary law is analysed, the energy complex system model is established based on CAS and application tool SWARM, which is a simulation software platform. The model differs from the models as well as methods developed before. As an application, China's energy system is simulated with the model established above. China's future total energy demand in the future, energy structure and related in fluence on environment are presented.  相似文献   

本文提出了适合于计算机求解的广义系统时域解析方法。主要解决了L~(-1){(E_s-A)~(-1)}当E、A都奇异时一种不需人机交互的计算方法。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionWeareconcernedwithalgebraicdifferentialpolynomials(abbreviatedas'd-pcis)inafinitenumberofdifferentialindeterminatesoveradifferentialfieldofcharacteristic0.Givenafinitesetofsuchd-pcis,wewouldliketostudyd-Zero(),thedifferentialalgebraicsetdefinedbyPoverauniversaldifferentialfield.Wemayaskwhetherd-Zero()isempty,whetherad-pcivanishesond-Zero()(differentialradicalidealmembershipproblem),whatthedimensionofd-Zero()is,howtodecomposed-Zero()intoirreduciblealgebraicdifferentialsets,andso…  相似文献   

本文论述了武器装备采购在军队建设中的地位和作用。探讨了采购工作的基本要求和以系统工程的方法处理采购过程的基本内涵;三个“决策”,即立项决策、认可决策和生产决策的重要意义;采购周期中的关键问题和经验。同时,还着重介绍了国外的若干重要教训及其改进措施。可供武器装备采购策略研究参考。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了复杂武器系统研制的特点,在指出以往复杂武器系统战术技术指标论证工作弱点的基础上,阐明了开发WTDDSS的目的,然后就WTDDSS基于的理论、方法和实现技术进行了深入地分析,最后简要介绍了WTDDSS的一个应用实例.  相似文献   

The left-inverse system with minimal order and its algorithms of discrete-time nonlinear systems are studied in a linear algebraic framework. The general structure of left-inverse system is described and computed in symbolic algorithm. Two algorithms are given for constructing left-inverse systems with minimal order.  相似文献   

本文介绍了工作于交流电网中线性负载有效值电压线性控制器的设计.此设计方法简单、产品成本低、性能好,很容易实现优于2%的线性度和优于2%的系统稳定度,有较强的抗干扰能力,适宜在闭环或开环控制系处中作为最终线性动力负载的电压线性控制器使用,有较强的工业应用价值。  相似文献   


In this paper,we discuss the optimal control of growth rate for a class of population systems governed by nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations.Given an ap-propriate cost functional,we prove the existence of the optimal growth rate and give some necessary conditions for optimal growth rate.  相似文献   

The order of weighted sum of noise sequence for stochastic system is estimated by using limit theory in probability. Then the divergence rates of state of unstable AR system driven by noise of martingale difference sequence are established.  相似文献   

In this paper,we prove the existence of multiple periodic solutionsfor a class of singular Hamiltonian systems with sublinear terms via variationalmethods.  相似文献   

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