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The Yunmengshan metamorphic core complex in the middle part of the Yanshan Fold and Thrust Belt records crust extension processes of the eastern North China Craton during its peak destruction.Development of the metamorphic core complex was controlled by the generally NNE-striking Dashuiyu Shear Zone.The shear zone dips SE and becomes shallower NE-wards,leading to exposures of a ductile shear zone in the southern and middle parts and brittle faults in the northern part.Exposure structures,microstructures,and quartz C-axis fabrics indicate that the ductile shear zone belongs to an extensional shear zone with a top-to-the-SE shear sense.Deformation temperatures of 300–520°C suggest a midcrustal origin for the ductile shear zone.A ductile deformation belt in the footwall of the shear zone is only as wide as 1–3 km,indicating no widespread mid-crustal ductile flow in the region during the deformation.Zircon U–Pb dating of dykes and plutons as well as hornblende and biotite40Ar/39Ar dating demonstrate that the metamorphic core complex originated at 135 Ma and experienced intense shearing of the Dashuiyu Shear Zone,development of the supradetachment basins,and synkinematic intrusion during 135–125 Ma.The metamorphic core complex was subjected to rapid exhumation during 125–114 Ma when the Dashuiyu Shear Zone suffered continuous activity and passive doming.The shear zone and its hanging wall were cut or replaced by a series of brittle faults when they wereuplifted to a brittle regime,showing that exhumation took place in continuous extensional activities.The metamorphic core complex turned into slow exhumation in an extensional regime in the following latest Early Cretaceous.The evolution history suggests that the Yunmengshan metamorphic core complex was developed by the rolling-hinge model,a common formation mechanism for intraplate metamorphic core complexes in the North China Craton,under the continuous NW–SE extension during the Early Cretaceous(135–100 Ma).  相似文献   

Smith DK  Cann JR  Escartín J 《Nature》2006,442(7101):440-443
Oceanic core complexes are massifs in which lower-crustal and upper-mantle rocks are exposed at the sea floor. They form at mid-ocean ridges through slip on detachment faults rooted below the spreading axis. To date, most studies of core complexes have been based on isolated inactive massifs that have spread away from ridge axes. Here we present a survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 13 degrees N containing a segment in which a number of linked detachment faults extend for 75 km along one flank of the spreading axis. The detachment faults are apparently all currently active and at various stages of development. A field of extinct core complexes extends away from the axis for at least 100 km. Our observations reveal the topographic characteristics of actively forming core complexes and their evolution from initiation within the axial valley floor to maturity and eventual inactivity. Within the surrounding region there is a strong correlation between detachment fault morphology at the ridge axis and high rates of hydroacoustically recorded earthquake seismicity. Preliminary examination of seismicity and seafloor morphology farther north along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge suggests that active detachment faulting is occurring in many segments and that detachment faulting is more important in the generation of ocean crust at this slow-spreading ridge than previously suspected.  相似文献   

斯通利波影响因素分析及渗透率反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于孔隙介质声学理论,对斯通利波影响因素进行研究,系统分析各因素对斯通利波相速度和衰减的影响程度。在利用正演模型进行灵敏度分析后,提出井孔内流体声速标定的方法,并对不同井径条件下斯通利波传播的正演模型传递矩阵进行重新推导,得出以测井间隔长度为变量的传播矩阵。在此基础上,结合利用斯通利波振幅和相位计算渗透率的方法,通过模拟退火算法实现地层渗透率的反演。反演结果表明:渗透率基值越大,反演结果越可靠;用斯通利波反演的渗透率曲线与岩心和常规曲线反映的储层性质以及砂泥岩剖面吻合好,其结果能满足现场工程的应用。  相似文献   

介绍ASBR-SBR法处理改性淀粉废水的工程实例,通过对系统运行结果的分析,表明ASBR-SBR法处理此类废水切实可行且效果好,CODcr,BOD5,SS等指标均可达到广东省地方标准《水污染物排放限值》(44/26-2001)一级排放标准,且具有运行费用低、结构紧凑、自动化程度高等优点。  相似文献   

Wood BJ  Halliday AN 《Nature》2005,437(7063):1345-1348
Kelvin calculated the age of the Earth to be about 24 million years by assuming conductive cooling from being fully molten to its current state. Although simplistic, his result is interesting in the context of the dramatic cooling that took place after the putative Moon-forming giant impact, which contributed the final approximately 10 per cent of the Earth's mass. The rate of accretion and core segregation on Earth as deduced from the U-Pb system is much slower than that obtained from Hf-W systematics, and implies substantial accretion after the Moon-forming impact, which occurred 45 +/- 5 Myr after the beginning of the Solar System. Here we propose an explanation for the two timescales. We suggest that the Hf-W timescale reflects the principal phase of core-formation before the giant impact. Crystallization of silicate perovskite in the lower mantle during this phase produced Fe(3+), which was released during the giant impact, and this oxidation resulted in late segregation of sulphur-rich metal into which Pb dissolved readily, setting the younger U-Pb age of the Earth. Separation of the latter metal then occurred 30 +/- 10 Myr after the Moon-forming impact. Over this time span, in surprising agreement with Kelvin's result, the Earth cooled by about 4,000 K in returning from a fully molten to a partially crystalline state.  相似文献   

Partitioning of oxygen during core formation on the Earth and Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rubie DC  Gessmann CK  Frost DJ 《Nature》2004,429(6987):58-61
Core formation on the Earth and Mars involved the physical separation of metal and silicate, most probably in deep magma oceans. Although core-formation models explain many aspects of mantle geochemistry, they have not accounted for the large differences observed between the compositions of the mantles of the Earth (approximately 8 wt% FeO) and Mars (approximately 18 wt% FeO) or the smaller mass fraction of the martian core. Here we explain these differences as a consequence of the solubility of oxygen in liquid iron-alloy increasing with increasing temperature. We assume that the Earth and Mars both accreted from oxidized chondritic material. In a terrestrial magma ocean, 1,200-2,000 km deep, high temperatures resulted in the extraction of FeO from the silicate magma ocean owing to high solubility of oxygen in the metal. Lower temperatures of a martian magma ocean resulted in little or no extraction of FeO from the mantle, which thus remains FeO-rich. The FeO extracted from the Earth's magma ocean may have contributed to chemical heterogeneities in the lowermost mantle, a FeO-rich D" layer and the light element budget of the core.  相似文献   

Control of microbial surface-growth by density.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mars' core and magnetism.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
D J Stevenson 《Nature》2001,412(6843):214-219
The detection of strongly magnetized ancient crust on Mars is one of the most surprising outcomes of recent Mars exploration, and provides important insight about the history and nature of the martian core. The iron-rich core probably formed during the hot accretion of Mars approximately 4.5 billion years ago and subsequently cooled at a rate dictated by the overlying mantle. A core dynamo operated much like Earth's current dynamo, but was probably limited in duration to several hundred million years. The early demise of the dynamo could have arisen through a change in the cooling rate of the mantle, or even a switch in convective style that led to mantle heating. Presently, Mars probably has a liquid, conductive outer core and might have a solid inner core like Earth.  相似文献   

DP Denning  V Hatch  HR Horvitz 《Nature》2012,488(7410):226-230
The elimination of unnecessary or defective cells from metazoans occurs during normal development and tissue homeostasis, as well as in response to infection or cellular damage. Although many cells are removed through caspase-mediated apoptosis followed by phagocytosis by engulfing cells, other mechanisms of cell elimination occur, including the extrusion of cells from epithelia through a poorly understood, possibly caspase-independent, process. Here we identify a mechanism of cell extrusion that is caspase independent and that can eliminate a subset of the Caenorhabditis elegans cells programmed to die during embryonic development. In wild-type animals, these cells die soon after their generation through caspase-mediated apoptosis. However, in mutants lacking all four C. elegans caspase genes, these cells are eliminated by being extruded from the developing embryo into the extra-embryonic space of the egg. The shed cells show apoptosis-like cytological and morphological characteristics, indicating that apoptosis can occur in the absence of caspases in C. elegans. We describe a kinase pathway required for cell extrusion involving PAR-4, STRD-1 and MOP-25.1/-25.2, the C. elegans homologues of the mammalian tumour-suppressor kinase LKB1 and its binding partners STRADα and MO25α. The AMPK-related kinase PIG-1, a possible target of the PAR-4–STRD-1–MOP-25 kinase complex, is also required for cell shedding. PIG-1 promotes shed-cell detachment by preventing the cell-surface expression of cell-adhesion molecules. Our findings reveal a mechanism for apoptotic cell elimination that is fundamentally distinct from that of canonical programmed cell death.  相似文献   

B A Buffett  H R Wenk 《Nature》2001,413(6851):60-63
Elastic anisotropy in the Earth's inner core has been attributed to a preferred lattice orientation, which may be acquired during solidification of the inner core or developed subsequent to solidification as a result of plastic deformation. But solidification texturing alone cannot explain the observed depth dependence of anisotropy, and previous suggestions for possible deformation processes have all relied on radial flow, which is inhibited by thermal and chemical stratification. Here we investigate the development of anisotropy as the inner core deforms plastically under the influence of electromagnetic (Maxwell) shear stresses. We estimate the flow caused by a representative magnetic field using polycrystal plasticity simulations for epsilon-iron, where the imposed deformation is accommodated by basal and prismatic slip. We find that individual grains in an initially random polycrystal become preferentially oriented with their c axes parallel to the equatorial plane. This pattern is accentuated if deformation is accompanied by recrystallization. Using the single-crystal elastic properties of epsilon-iron at core pressure and temperature, we average over the simulated orientation distribution to obtain a pattern of elastic anisotropy which is similar to that observed seismologically.  相似文献   

基于含氮杂环配体的金属配位聚合物的独特性能,以取代位置不同的苯二酚、萘二酚、萘醌和蒽醌为起始原料,与1,2-二溴乙烷反应生成芳烃的双溴取代物,然后再与咪唑在碱性条件下发生取代反应,合成得到六种含芳香环的双咪唑类配体(Ⅰ-Ⅵ).结果表明,所有产物的结构均经熔点、IR、1H NMR和元素分析表征,所得数据与结构完全吻合,并对配体Ⅲ与Zn(NO3)2·6H2O形成的配位聚合物晶体结构进行了测定.  相似文献   

挤压工艺生产高性能不锈钢管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热挤压和冷轧工艺生产HR3C无缝钢管,金属冷成型过程和成品性能均表明热挤压加冷轧工艺生产高合金难变形材料具有明显优势.热挤压加工变形时金属承受三向压应力,可以提高金属的综合性能;通过冷轧加工改善管材表面质量和尺寸精度,可以确保材料在特殊环境中使用安全性更高.  相似文献   

The formation of a high-molecular weight complex between spectrin and F-actin depends on the presence of a third cytoskeletal constituent, protein 4.1. Electron microscopy shows that in this ternary complex the actin filaments are linked by bridges, which have the appearance of spectrin. The spectrin must be in the tetrameric state for such bridges to form: the dimer is evidently univalent, for it binds but forms no cross-links. G-actin also fails to form extended complexes. It is inferred that in the native cytoskeleton the spectrin is tetrameric and associated with 4.1 and probably oligomers of actin.  相似文献   

基于二维高密度电阻率勘探数据的三维反演及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前高密度电阻率法所采用的数据处理方法主要是把地质结构体视为二度体进行二维处理,从而二维数据资料处理结果只是一种近似解释,其计算精度与反演效果达不到精确反演的要求,设计一种典型的地质体模型,利用有限单元法进行正演计算,对含有高斯随机误差的各测线二维正演数据分别进行高密度电阻率法二维、三维反演,对比二维和三维的反演结果.最后在广东某场地采用高密度电阻率法对岩层划分,利用二维勘探的数据进行二、三维反演.研究结果表明:三维反演受高斯随机误差的影响更小,反演结果与实际地质模型更接近;三维反演在岩层划分中更能凸显岩层分界面区域,岩层的空间分布及岩层、覆盖层的整体连续性能更真实地体现,与钻探结果吻合程度更好.  相似文献   

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