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城市光化学烟雾的形成机理及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了城市光化学烟雾的形成机理,探讨了光化学烟雾的控制方法,并提出了较为可行的防治措施-控制污染源排放、消除HO自由基、利用EKMA(Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach)曲线。  相似文献   

在搜集大量有关大气光化学烟雾知识及背景资料并采编丰富的课件制作影音素材的基础上,编制大气光化学烟雾CAI课件.该课件全部采用flash软件,使各部分内容易于衔接、易于操作、界面统一.并以此课件为例,对在环境化学教学中使用计算机技术的必要性、开发CAI课件的重要性以及开发方法等方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

基于广义线性模型的地表臭氧浓度的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几十年来,随着城市规模的扩大及工商业的发展,城市光化学烟雾污染越来越严重。作为光化学烟雾的几种重要组分之一,臭氧是表征其严重程度和危害性的一个重要指标。由于高浓度臭氧对人体健康和生态系统的严重危害,如何高效、准确地提前预报高浓度臭氧成为了至关重要的问题。根据臭氧浓度分布的非Gauss特点,该文采用广义线性模型(generalized linear model,GLM)来对地表臭氧浓度进行预报。使用美国休斯顿及旧金山地区的监测数据分别建立了基于非Gauss分布假设的GLM模型。与普通线性模型的结果对比表明:广义线性模型不仅能够提高超标臭氧天数的正确预报率,同时也能降低高浓度臭氧的预报误差。  相似文献   

根据在兰州市西固区进行的大气化学和大气物理相结合的综合性实验得到O3,NOx,CnHm,SO2等污染物浓度资料,以及太阳总辐射资料、TS-2A系留探空资料.对实验资料进行了多元线性回归处理,得出了O3浓度与NOx,CnHm,SO2等污染物浓度以及太阳总辐射、500m以下平均风速之间的线性关系。  相似文献   

Large quantities of di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) have been emitted into the troposphere due to human activities. Its role in the atmospheric photochemical reaction has not been understood. This study presents the results of the photochemical reactions of DTBP and NOx, which have been simulated in a self-made smog chamber under the temperature of (29±1)℃. Both the wall decays of ozone and NO2 could be neglected, compared to the results in simulative experiments. The effective intensity of UV light used in the experiments was 1.28×10-3 s-1, which was expressed by the rate constant of NO2 photolysis in purified air. The reaction mechanism was proposed according to our results and reports of other researchers. The maximum values of incremental reactivity (IR) in the three simulative ex- periments were 9.53×10-2, 5.23×10-2 and 3.78×10-2, respectively. The incremental reactivity decreased with the increase of initial concentrations of DTBP. The IR value of DTBP obtained in this study was comparable to that of acetylene reported in our previous research.  相似文献   

城市烟雾层大气光学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用一次外场试验中两个不同高度上的太阳辐射观测资料,计算了城市烟雾层大气平均光学特性参数。经对比分析,与Mie理论计算的结构基本一致。计算所得兰州冬季城市烟雾层大气的平均吸收系数为0.158/km,散射系数为0.410/km,后向散射系数为0.035/km。烟雾层内气溶胶和平均吸收系数为0.133/km,散射系数为0.404/km。,后向散射系数为0.028/km,水汽吸收和瑞利散射对烟雾层内太阳  相似文献   

高玉明 《太原科技》2007,(11):46-46,48
介绍了靖远松叶蜂的形态特征及生活习性.分析了靖远松叶蜂的发生规律,并提出了有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

The ozone formation reactivity of ethanol has been studied using chamber experiments and model simulations. The computer simulations are based on the MCM v3.1 mechanism with chamber-dependent auxiliary reactions. Results show that the MCM mechanism can well simulate C 2 H 5 OH-NO x chamber experiments in our experimental conditions, especially on ozone formation. C 2 H 5 OH-NO x irradiations are less sensitive to relative humidity than alkane species under our experimental conditions. In order to well simulate the experiments under high relative humidity conditions, inclusion of N 2 O 5 +H 2 O=2HNO 3 in the MCM mechanism is necessary. Under C 2 H 5 OH-limited conditions, the C 2 H 5 OH/NO x ratio shows a positive effect on d(O 3 -NO)/dt and RO 2 +HO 2 . High C 2 H 5 OH/NO x ratios enhance the production of organoperoxide radical and HO 2 radical concentrations, which leads to a much quicker accumulation of ozone. By using ozone isopleths under typical scenarios conditions, the actual ozone formation ability of ethanol is predicted to be 2.3-3.5 part per billion (ppb) in normal cities, 3.5-146 ppb in cities where ethanol gas are widely used, and 0.2-3.2 ppb in remote areas. And maximum ozone formation potential from ethanol is predicted to be 4.0-5.8 ppb in normal cities, 5.8-305 ppb in cities using ethanol gas, and 0.2-3.8 ppb in remote areas.  相似文献   

艾叶燃烧产生的烟雾有艾灸、消毒驱虫等效果,为探究其活性物质,选用甲醇吸收其烟雾,通过气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析其化学成分,并与艾叶活性成分——挥发油的GC-MS结果进行比较.研究表明:艾叶燃烧烟雾中含有与其挥发油相同的成分,包括4-羟基-4-甲基-2-戊酮、1,8-桉油精、龙脑、侧柏酮、β-石竹烯、2,2’-二噻吩、3,3,6,8-四甲基-1-四氢萘酮和6-芹子烯-4-醇;1,8-桉油精和β-石竹烯是艾叶熏蒸和燃烧消毒驱虫的有效成分,1,8-桉油精、龙脑、侧柏酮、β-石竹烯等可能是艾灸时进入人体内发挥药效作用的活性成分.  相似文献   

 从大气臭氧(O3)天然分布、人为活动对O3变化的影响(臭氧层空洞和O3生成潜势)O3污染对人类健康的危害(O3污染对人体呼吸系统和心血管系统的影响)3个方面综述了近年来有关大气O3的研究进展,其中在O3生成潜势方面重点介绍了O3生成效率、光化学O3生成潜势和增量O3活性3种主要模型。通过了解本区域O3污染形成的主要来源和变化过程,引起人们对于O3污染的重视,并据此制定合理的控制政策和措施。  相似文献   

Ozone is one of the key species in the processes of atmospheric chemistry, which can be taken as an indicator of oxidation capacity in the troposphere. The reaction of ozone with reactive gases is an important process in the troposphere. Experimental simulation equipment of smog chamber for atmospheric reactions is used to study the reaction of ozone with ethylene in real atmospheric environment with ozone concentrations of 100―200 ppb. The concentrations of ozone and ethylene were moni-tored during the reaction with the combination of Model 49C-O_3 Analyzer and GC-FID. A rate constant of 1.01×10~(-18) (cm~3·mol~(-1)·s-(~1)) was obtained at 286.5 K, under condition of which the half-life of ozone was 88 min. The results obtained from our experiments are in excellent agreement with those reported previously by other researchers under extremely low pressure in terms of matrixisolation technology. This demonstrates that our equipment of smog chamber for atmospheric reactions is reliable, which can be used for further research of the processes of atmospheric reactions.  相似文献   

用荧光法研究了不同甲壳胺及大孔树脂对香烟烟气中多环芳烃的去除作用.通过有机溶剂萃取不同香烟烟气焦油中有机物,同时以多环芳烃芘作为参比,定量分析了各种品牌香烟在保留过滤嘴条件下使用不同的大孔树脂对烤烟中焦油多环芳烃的吸附率,从而测量烟气在溶剂中多环芳烃的去除率.实验得出D-3520对五种不同品牌的烤烟烟气中焦油多环芳烃的去除率为:46.3%~94.4%,壳聚糖(医药)为:91.9%~99.1%,为卷烟烟气中有害物质的去除提供了一种新方法.  相似文献   

The meta-analysis method was applied to quantitatively investigate effects of the elevated ozone concentration ([O3]) on chlorophyll concentration, gas exchange and yield components of wheat. There were 39 effective references through Web of Science (ISI, USA) and Chinese journal full-text database (CNKI, China). The results of meta-analysis indicated that elevated [O3] decreased grain yield, grain weight, grain number per ear, ear number per plant and harvest index by 26%, 18%, 11%, 5% and 11%, respectively, relative to ambient air. The decrease in leaf physiological characters was much greater than that in yield when wheat was expose to elevated [O3], while light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Asat), stomatal conductance (Gs) and chlorophyll content (Chl) decreased by 40%, 31%, and 46%, respectively. The responses to elevated [O3] between spring wheat and winter wheat were similar. Most of the variables showed a linear decrease trend with an increase of [O3]. The most significant decrease for Asat, Gs and Chl was found in grain filling stage. Elevated [CO2] could significantly ameliorated or offset the detrimental effects caused by elevated [O3]. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30670387), Eco-Frontier Fellowship of the Ministry of Environment, Japan (Grant No. 07-C062-03) and Ministry of Science and Technology of People’s Republic China with 973 Project (Grant No. 2002CB410803)  相似文献   

利用臭氧氧化去除水中三嗪类除草剂扑草净,探讨不同反应条件对扑草净降解效率的影响.结果表明,随着pH值和温度的增加,扑草净去除率先增大后减小,存在一个最佳pH值8.17和最佳反应温度28℃.随臭氧投量的增加,扑草净降解速率提高;扑草净初始质量浓度增加,扑草净降解效率减小.低质量浓度腐殖酸(0.2 mg/L)可以促进扑草净的降解,但是高质量浓度的腐殖酸对扑草净去除有抑制作用,当腐植酸投量为2.5 mg/L、5 mg/L时,扑草净去除率分别从不投加腐殖酸时的87.1%降低至83.94%、74.58%.碳酸氢根对扑草净去除有抑制作用,且随着碳酸氢根质量浓度的增大,抑制作用越明显,投加碳酸氢根质量浓度为2.0 mmol/L时,扑草净的去除率从不投加碳酸氢根时的87.1%降低至64.0%.  相似文献   

卫星遥感监测大气臭氧总量分布和变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用卫星紫外仪器TOMS、OMI和TOU的臭氧总量数据(1979-2014年),研究了全球及关键地区臭氧总量的分布及变化。讨论了南北半球臭氧总量分布和变化的差异,探讨了影响臭氧分布和变化的可能因子。重点分析了中国区域、青藏高原和极地的臭氧变化,并利用FY-3数据对南极臭氧洞和北极臭氧低值进行了监测。结果表明,臭氧总量的分布和变化在中高纬度地区具有很强的不均匀性,极地臭氧损耗依然明显,青藏高原的臭氧增长大于同纬度其他地区,其机制更加复杂。  相似文献   

臭氧化-活性炭吸附镉的条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为改善活性炭对镉的吸附性,将臭氧化技术引入吸附过程,研究活性炭投加量、臭氧活化时间以及溶液质量浓度变化对活性炭吸附镉离子能力的影响。结果表明,对于初始镉离子质量浓度为10mg/L的吸附溶液,最佳臭氧化时间为15min、最佳吸附时间为1h、活性炭的最佳投加量为1.0g时,吸附后镉离子的质量浓度为0.54mg/L;对于镉离子初始质量浓度为15mg/L的吸附溶液,最佳臭氧化时间为30min、最佳吸附时间为1h、活性炭的最佳投加量为1.1g时,吸附后镉离子的质量浓度为0.56mg/L。实验证明,经臭氧活化后的活性炭的吸附能力明显增强,极大的改变了吸附结果。  相似文献   

The rate constants for the ozone reactions with n-butyl methyl sulfide (n-BMS, CH3CH2CH2CH2SCH3), sec-butyl methyl sulfide (s-BMS, CH3CH2(CH3)CHSCH3) and tert-butyl methyl sulfide (t-BMS, (CH3)3CSCH3) were measured using our smog chamber under supposedly pseudo-first-order conditions at 300±2 K and 760 Torr. The experimental determined rate constants for n-butyl, s-butyl and t-butyl methyl sulfide are (1.23 ± 0.06)×10-19, (5.08 ± 0.19)×10?20 and (2.26 ± 0.14)×10?20 cm3·molecule-1·s-1, respectively. The reactivity-structure relationship of the reactions was discussed and used to illustrate the mechanism of the ozone reaction with thioethers. The results enrich the kinetics data of atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

碳酸盐溶液中臭氧分解动力学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
臭氧作为一种强氧化剂,可以用于水处理、环境消毒等很多方面,本研究的目的在于弄清其作用过程和反应机理,以便对其实际应用提供理论指导.目前,人们在这方面的研究有不同的结论首先从理论上推导了臭氧在碳酸盐水溶液中的分解动力学方程,然后通过实验予以论证.研究表明,在碳酸盐体系中,臭氧的分解过程与溶液的pH和剩余臭氧浓度密切相关,其动力学方程为:-d[O3]/dt=kO3,OH^-[OH^-][O3]。  相似文献   

臭氧预处理农药废水的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用臭氧预处理是有效地解决有机农药废水毒性和不可生化性的一种简单方便技术。通过工程实践证明,采用臭氧预处理高浓度有机农药废水能够提高其可生化性,联用传统的生化处理技术,处理后的农药废水能够稳定实现达标排放,污染物COD的平均去除率可以达到95%以上。该工艺处理运行2年多,效果明显、操作简单、稳定可靠。  相似文献   

A possible mechanism of the Scandinavian ozone loss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Satellite data analysis shows an important Arctic ozone loss over the Scandinavia, with - 50 DU in winter, equivalent to 15% of the total ozone over this region. The study shows a possible mechanism causing the ozone loss. The North Atlantic current carries the heat energy northwards, and causes a relatively high surface temperature along the Scandinavia. The high temperature over the east of North Atlantic heats the atmosphere, induces an upward mass lifting, and therefore causes an ozone divergence near 330°K isoentropic surface, which leads to a decline in the total ozone.  相似文献   

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