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We have identified a recurrent de novo pericentromeric deletion in 16p11.2-p12.2 in four individuals with developmental disabilities by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis. The identification of common clinical features in these four individuals along with the characterization of complex segmental duplications flanking the deletion regions suggests that nonallelic homologous recombination mediated these rearrangements and that deletions in 16p11.2-p12.2 constitute a previously undescribed syndrome.  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A (CMT1A) is a hereditary demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, associated with a DNA duplication on chromosome 17p11.2. A related disorder in the mouse, trembler (Tr), maps to mouse chromosome 11 which has syntenic homology to human chromosome 17p. Recently, the peripheral myelin protein-22 (pmp-22) gene was identified as the likely Tr locus. We have constructed a partial yeast artificial chromosome contig spanning the CMT1A gene region and mapped the PMP-22 gene to the duplicated region. These observations further implicate PMP-22 as a candidate gene for CMT1A, and suggest that over-expression of this gene may be one mechanism that produces the CMT1A phenotype.  相似文献   

Several large-scale studies of human genetic variation have provided insights into processes such as recombination that have shaped human diversity. However, regions such as low-copy repeats (LCRs) have proven difficult to characterize, hindering efforts to understand the processes operating in these regions. We present a detailed study of genetic variation and underlying recombination processes in two copies of an LCR (NF1REPa and NF1REPc) on chromosome 17 involved in the generation of NF1 microdeletions and in a third copy (REP19) on chromosome 19 from which the others originated over 6.7 million years ago. We find evidence for shared hotspots of recombination among the LCRs. REP19 seems to contain hotspots in the same place as the nonallelic recombination hotspots in NF1REPa and NF1REPc. This apparent conservation of patterns of recombination hotspots in moderately diverged paralogous regions contrasts with recent evidence that these patterns are not conserved in less-diverged orthologous regions of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Experiments involving overexpression of Ski have suggested that this gene is involved in neural tube development and muscle differentiation. In agreement with these findings, Ski-/- mice display a cranial neural tube defect that results in exencephaly and a marked reduction in skeletal muscle mass. Here we show that the penetrance and expressivity of the phenotype changes when the null mutation is backcrossed into the C57BL6/J background, with the principal change involving a switch from a neural tube defect to midline facial clefting. Other defects, including depressed nasal bridge, eye abnormalities, skeletal muscle defects and digit abnormalities, show increased penetrance in the C57BL6/J background. These phenotypes are interesting because they resemble some of the features observed in individuals diagnosed with 1p36 deletion syndrome, a disorder caused by monosomy of the short arm of human chromosome 1p (refs. 6-9). These similarities prompted us to re-examine the chromosomal location of human SKI and to determine whether SKI is included in the deletions of 1p36. We found that human SKI is located at distal 1p36.3 and is deleted in all of the individuals tested so far who have this syndrome. Thus, SKI may contribute to some of the phenotypes common in 1p36 deletion syndrome, and particularly to facial clefting.  相似文献   

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