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There are many variants of action research. This article describes a socioecological action research approach done from inside an organization-in-environments. Building on past discussions of action research, an inside-outsider action research model is presented, and using the author's own experience, the paper explores some special relations inherent in such a model. The paper starts with a brief outline of the theory, then discusses some of the structural relations of inside-outsider action research, some practical issues and then reports several vignettes as examples. The paper concludes that action research is still an evolving paradigm.  相似文献   

Values and value judgments should be tackled explicitly and directly in theory and practice. To do so, systems intervention as a communication process has to be designed in pursuit of the systemic and critical cause. This paper proposes a framework of value-focused systems thinking. The interdependence of values and techniques, and the theory of communicative competence, are briefly discussed as philosophical underpinnings. A methodology is outlined consisting of a reconstruction, judgment, and action cycle revolving around communication design.  相似文献   

This paper sidesteps the usual starting points for debate about complexity and the philosophy of science, which tend to assume that science is primarily about observation. Instead, the starting point is intervention, defined as purposeful action by an agent to create change. While some authors suggest that intervention and observation are opposites, it is argued here that observation (as undertaken in science) should be viewed as just one type of intervention. We should therefore welcome scientific techniques of observation into a pluralistic set of intervention methods, alongside methods for exploring values, reflecting on subjective understandings, planning future activities, etc. However, there is a need to explicitly counter a possible pernicious interpretation of this argument: intervention could (erroneously) be viewed as flawlessly preplanned change based on accurate predictions of the consequences of action. This is the mechanistic worldview that systems thinking and complexity science seek to challenge. Therefore, having redefined scientific observation as intervention, the paper revisits insights from systems thinking and complexity to propose a methodology of systemic intervention. Some brief reflections are then provided on the wider social implications of this methodology.  相似文献   

Unfolding a Theory of Systemic Intervention   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper interrogates four perspectives (structuralist community psychology, deconstruction, interpretive systemology, and critical systems thinking) to inform the unfolding of a theory of systemic intervention. A vision of epistemology is provided which clarifies the relationships among knowledge, power, will and intervention, and a normative framework for systemic intervention is then presented. Finally, the theory unfolded in this paper is deconstructed to reveal a second theory, yet to be explored, of systemic life projects. This provides an exciting agenda for future research.  相似文献   

The philosophical basis for Jurgen Habermas' later work is a communicative one: our ability to understand nature, society, and even ourselves arises from our communication with each other. Lifeworld is a key concept in this work, elaborated well beyond the lifeworld concept in the work of, e.g., Schutz. This paper describes Habermas' theory, relating it to his theories of communicative action and of societal steering media. It also suggests some parallels with the work of Vickers and makes proposals for the practical use of Habermas' lifeworld concept.  相似文献   

IfSystems Practice is to serve the cause of socially rational decision making, its understanding of systems approach must open itself up to the communicative dimension of rational practice uncovered by contemporary practical philosophy. This programmatic paper argues that building the bridge between the two traditions of systems thinking and practical philosophy is a key challenge to be faced by the systems community. A three-level framework of rational systems practice is suggested as a point of departure for a program of research.  相似文献   

In our zeal to apply models successfully, failures of the model are often overlooked. A model may be used for quite some time before its success is questioned or before the model fails to be applied successfully. Since hierarchy theory has been deemed successful in the systems field, it is necessary and appropriate to critique the development and application of hierarchy theory using the framework presented inCreative Problem Solving (Flood and Jackson, 1992). That framework proposes a critique that uses the four areas of theory, utility, ideology, and methodology in reviewing a systems theory. It is important to examine hierarchy theory through the analytical filter of critical systems thinking if we are genuinely to understand what hierarchy theory has to offer systems thinking in the exploration of complex situations.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the metaphors of experimentation and the laboratory are applicable when positioning action research vis-à-vis more conventional business school research. Following on from three different action research projects in a large multinational pharmaceutical company, the paper argues that an action researcher can never construct a sheltered environment wherein certain qualities of nature can be isolated, purified, and enhanced, but must always undertake research activities in vivo, in real life organizational setting. Still, the metaphor of the laboratory is applicable because it enables for an understanding of how what Ian Hacking calls interventions in the hard sciences share certain characteristics with the action research activities. When action researchers intervene within organizations, the activities are always experimental in nature, i.e., they can never be fully predicted or anticipated, but are initial steps in an emergent process of organizational change.  相似文献   

A Maturing of Systems Thinking? Evidence from Three Perspectives   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper reviews trends in systems theory/thinking from the 1970s to the early 2000s. It proposes a maturation of the field based on certain conceptual and methodological advances that have sought to liberate systems thinking from earlier strictures. An edited dialogue among three prominent systems thinkers from different systems schools—Merrelyn Emery, Bob Flood, and Eric Wolstenholme—provides evidence. Similarities and differences are identified, complementarities among the schools are derived and analyzed, and trajectories for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to uncover some relationships between reflection, discourse and action. By challenging and synthesizing some polemical arguments concerning the creation, maintenance, and transformation of self and society, a model of self-society dynamics that operates through reflection, discourse, and action is developed. The model of self-society dynamics brings together aspects of self-reflection and ideology-critique (explored in the paper), which it is suggested are required for any intervention (transformative action) to be grounded in locally meaningful ways. By creating a dialog community in which self- and group assumptions can be subjected to validation through discourse, it is proposed that a dynamic balance between individual needs and broader societal aims may be achieved. If individuals can be open to such discourse (i.e., they can become critically self-reflective), then it is argued that possibilities for achieving sustainable change will be significantly enhanced.  相似文献   

This paper, the second in a duology reporting on an action research project about public health services in Venezuela, presents a narrative of an intervention process launched on the basis of the conceptual framework presented in the first paper of the duology. Thereafter, a deeper reflection on such process, its meaning and its historical possibilities is presented. In this way a cycle of research-action-research is completed.  相似文献   

In view of the learning divide between the children in ordinary families and those in foster homes, online one-to-one tutoring has been provided by university students as a service-learning option. Through the synchronous e-tutoring system platform, the goal of this study is to develop a service learning mode for creating campus-community partnerships and mutual learning experiences. Thus the study applies Ramsden’s theory of university teaching (2003) into an action research project for investigating (i) how e-tutoring can solve the problems occurring in face-to-face tutoring in foster homes; (ii) the effects of e-tutoring; (iii) the new issues identified; and (iv) new strategies for future iterations of the program. For explaining a social phenomenon through a theoretical framework, grounded theory analysis was applied and eight themes were identified in the qualitative data of 10 observation reports, 28 interviews, and 140 weekly journals from both ends of two foster homes and one university. Eight subcategories (content and learning, practical learning, tutoring concerns, knowledge gains, competency gains, adult guidance, e-tutoring approaches, and transformative development) are categorized along with Ramsden’s hierarchy theory—teaching as telling or transmission, teaching as organizing student activity, and teaching as making learning possible. With transformative development of the campus-community partnership the consensus goal among university faculty, directors of foster homes and relevant personnel of e-tutoring (Enos and Morton 2003), the study discussed future improvements for the e-tutoring program. The action research strongly suggests that e-tutoring should emphasize more reflective listening rather than subject-mattered achievement and turn service-learning into an opportunity of achieving the sustainable integration of community resources and social welfare institutions.  相似文献   

社会环境和社会污染是具有理论和现实意义的重要概念。运用复杂系统理论进行探讨 ,社会环境是一类特大的复杂系统 ,包括自然、人口、文化、经济政治和社会风尚等五个子系统。社会风尚是社会环境的一种集体效应 ,社会污染与坏的社会风尚密切相关。社会环境与社会风尚决定社会行为 ,是多因素统计地决定的。  相似文献   

This is the first of a duology of articles reporting on an action research project about public health services in Venezuela. This first paper presents a summary of a conceptual framework from which a process of intervention was launched. The second paper, which follows immediately in this special issue, presents a narrative of the intervention process and a final discussion about it. The conceptual framework is constituted by two types of interpretive models of the role of the state concerning health services. On the one hand, four logical interpretive models are summarized. They correspond to four theories about the socioeconomic mission of the state in a modern society. Different thematic interpretations concerning the role of the state in health services are derived from such general missions. On the other hand, two different and, to a certain degree, opposed historical interpretive models about the present Venezuelan socioeconomic-political situation and their corresponding power structures are outlined. The four logical interpretive models are discussed in the light of the two historical models in terms of desirable and feasible courses of political action.  相似文献   

This article describes the acceptance and development of multi-modal systems thinking in Argentina in the last 5 years, both in theory and in practice. On the theoretical side, we show the efforts made to provide compatible epistemological doctrines for different modalities, starting with ethics and aesthetics. This took place first through the phenomenology of values and more recently in the context of Christian existentialism and continuing later on with the study of the relationship among other modalities. On the practical side, we describe the applications of this framework to study the so-called “crisis of the Argentine countryside”. This is a conflict between the community of farmers, the national government and the present situation with cattle producers. Other applications include a programme to teach action-research and projects related to abandoned children and education in indigenous communities.  相似文献   

从历史起源、近代发展、当前状态等方面简要地讨论了社会物理学的意义和作用,并从物理学、社会学和哲学的角度进行了阐述.重点是根据 Popper关于现实的三个世界模型,特别是作为世界3的人工世界,对社会物理学进行重新认识,试图理清三个世界与社会物理、社会心理、社会计算和人工社会、计算实验、平行系统之间的内在联系.还探讨了力学和控制中的一点概念和方法在社会物理学中的应用问题.  相似文献   

The mainstream systems literature has so far paid little systematic attention to the small business arena, despite this being potentially a very significant sector for the systems community, given its importance in the UK economy. Small, growing enterprises experience particular managerial problems. This paper provides an example of the practical benefits of a systems approach in a small company experiencing growth. It examines the process of an intervention which took place over a 2-year period in a small manufacturing company as part of the UK government's Teaching Company Scheme. An attempt to extend critical systems thinking into the small company environment is discussed, identifying the challenges and opportunities presented by the setting to researchers. The paper draws on Habermas' theory of communicative action to explore the extent to which the intervention was inclusive and critically reflective. Strategies adopted to support inclusive practice are explored and general lessons are drawn out.  相似文献   

Feminist Systems Theory (FST) is an emerging theory grounded in cultural ecofeminism and critical systems theory. FST’s contribution is in a set of principles that contain implications for community development and social research. FST brings to the fore the importance of valuing and considering the voices of people at the margins of social research and community development projects and is an effort towards a new ontology and language of person and nature to adequately address environmental marginalization. The ‘systems’ theory contribution to FST enriches our repertoires of methods and tools with an emphasis on systems thinking characterised by the use of boundary analysis. FST is ideally situated to enhance systemic intervention practice, an application of action research and participatory research practices. This paper will examine ‘process philosophy’ necessary to understand the nature of boundary analysis and the implications for FST and praxis with relevant examples drawn from case studies of current applications of FST in action research settings; (1) economic analysis and transition pathways; (2) policy analysis of the Close the Gap strategy for Indigenous equality and equity in Australia; (3) a community food distribution system; and, (4) a community health and diabetes prevention program.  相似文献   

In 1994 Gerald Midgley addressed the issue of the boundary implications of two different paradigms of thought about the environment, namely, humanis and the ecological perspective The distinction that he makes is important because it draws attention to the value implications of an uncritical acceptance of boundaries around human interests that serves to marginalize the environment. It is argued here, however, that Midgley does not go far enough. Just as an uncritical acceptance of humanis marginalizes the environment, so an uncritical acceptance of the environmental perspectiv runs the risk of prioritizing some elements of the environment over others, e.g., the interests of individual animals over species or over ecosystems. This paper seeks to correct this limitation in Midgleys account by developing a more sophisticated framework of environmental paradigms: a framework that can be used to clarify the values of stakeholders in critical systems interventions involving the management of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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