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Summary The host-selective phytotoxin victorin, produced by the fungusCochliobolus victoriae, was found to be at least partially peptidic in nature, and did not contain victoxinine. The exact mass of the M-H ion was measured by FABMS as 795.1877. Derivatives of three major acid hydrolysis products were isolated. The structures of the corresponding amino acids were assigned as 2S,3R-3-hydroxyleucine, 5,5-dichloroleucine, and 3-hydroxylysine. A into victorin by the fungus in vivo.  相似文献   

Lectin binding, endo-chitinase binding and enzymatic degradation studies show that the epidermal cuticle of the bony fishParalipophrys trigloides (Blenniidae) is chitinous. This is the first evidence that a vertebrate species possesses a chitinous tissue. Recently aXenopus gene has been identified which has significant sequence similarity to the catalytic domain of yeast chitin synthase III, a chitin producing enzyme1,2. Taken together these two findings imply that chitin synthesis capability may be a basic vertebrate feature.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary experiments carried out in the Granada province of Southern spain over three years and in three different habitats have shown that a single application of Ethrel (2 chloro-ethyl phosphonic acid) to the olive tree at the beginning of fruit formation is sufficient to reduce significantly attack byPrays oleae Bern. and subsequent damage to the fruit. At the same time the treatment did not cause any detrimental change to the trees and had no measurable effect on the activity of beneficial insects such as Chrysopids (Neuroptera), which are known to be importantP. oleae egg predators in the study area.  相似文献   

Summary Biosynthesis of linoleic acid, 182(n–6), was unambiguously demonstrated to occur in the cockroach,Periplaneta americana, and the cricket,Acheta domesticus. Axenic tissue from both of these insect species was demonstrated by radio-gas-liquid chromatography (radio-GLC) and radio-high-performance liquid chromatography (radio-HPLC) to incorporate [1-14C]acetate and [1-14C]oleate into this essential fatty acid.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DCB-8914417. We would like to thank Coby Schal for his generous gift of American cockroaches and Tania Kellermeyer for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Epicuticle is not included as any part of the repair cuticle that closes integumental lesions in crabs receiving multiple injections of molting hormone (20-hydroxyecdysone) before and/or after damage to the integument. It is suggested that deposition of the exclusively lamellate material of repair cuticle is mediated by some epidermal factor(s) rather than by external, humoral influences.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequencies of 15 enzyme loci, 14 of which were polymorphic, were used to characterize sevenTerellia virens populations originating from three allopatrically distributedCentaurea species. The two populations whose origins were geographically furthest apart, from Israel (onC. iberica) and from Switzerland (onC. vallesiaca), showed relatively high values of genetic distance from the 5 populations sampled in Austria and Hungary (onC. maculosa) (Nei's D>0.07). The latter five displayed a high degree of genetic similarity. No diagnostic (fixed) allelic differences were observed between these three groups ofT. virens populations, but they could be well characterized by significant differences in allelic frequencies at 9 enzyme loci. Independently of this study, the populations from Switzerland (C. vallesiaca) and eastern Austria (C. maculosa) were selected as potential source populations for future introductions into North America for the biological control of introducedC. maculosa andC. diffusa. Based on the observed genetic differences and results from field experiments on the host specificity of these two potential source populations, it is argued that host specificity screening tests should be conducted separately for local (host plant) populations, as such populations might accept a different set of hosts. Biotype mismatch and the risk of spill-overs to native species could thus possibly be reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Aflatoxin and secalonic acid D production in corn in laboratory and field by mixed cultures ofPencillium oxalicum andAspergillus flavus orA. parasiticus was lower than production by the pure cultures. However, mixed culture of these molds withFusarium spp. did not affect mycotoxin production.  相似文献   

To investigate the peculiar ionic specificity of KAAT1, an Na+- and K+-coupled amino acid cotransporter from Lepidoptera, a detailed analysis of membrane topology predictions was performed, together with sequence comparison with strictly Na+-dependent mammalian cotransporters from the same family. The analysis identified aspartate 338, a residue present also in the other cotransporter accepting K+ (CAATCH1), but absent in most mammalian transporters that have, instead, an asparagine in the corresponding position. Mutation of D338 in KAAT1 led either to non-functional transporters (D338G, D338C), or to an altered ionic selectivity (D338E, D338N), observable in uptake experiments and in electrophysiological properties. In particular, in D338E, the transport activity, while persisting in the presence of Na+, appeared to be completely abolished in the presence of K+. D338E also showed uncoupling between transport-associated current and uptake. The opposite mutation in the -aminobutyric acid transporter rGAT-1 (N327D) resulted in complete loss of function. In conclusion, aspartate 338 in KAAT1 appears to be important in allowing K+, in addition to Na+, to drive the transport mechanism, although other residues in different parts of the protein may also play a role in the complete determination of ionic selectivity.Received 23 September 2003; received after revision 11 November 2003; accepted 25 November 2003  相似文献   

Boric acid is a slow-acting, inorganic insecticide whose mode of action has not been satisfactorily elucidated. Reported here is evidence which shows that ingested boric acid destroys the cellular lining of the foregut of German cockroaches,Blattella germanica (L.). This effect appears to be sufficient to bring about the death of the insects, perhaps ultimately by starvation. This finding is important because resistance to conventional insectivides may re-establish boric acid as a prominent cockroach control chemical.  相似文献   

The opisthobranch molluscHypselodoris webbi is able to select, among its potential preys, sponges chemically rich in furanosesquiterpenoids. The sequestered secondary metabolites act as defensive allomones against predators and are accumulated in some dorsal glands (MDFs). This transfer from sponges to MDFs has been proven by maintainingH. webbi together with some selected sponges in an aquarium for a prolonged period.  相似文献   

From the culture filtrates ofPseudomonas amygdali the methyl ester of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a product of indole-3-acetic acid metabolism which has the same auxin activity as the free acid, has been isolated. This is the first report of its occurrence as a microbial metabolite.  相似文献   

Summary Traps containing a mixture of attractants forIps typographus also caught other species of bark beetles. The numbers ofPityogenes chalcographus, Pityogenes conjunctus, andTrypodendron lineatum were too high to be interpreted as accidental captures. The males of the polygamousP. chalcographus were specifically attracted, indicating that theI. typographus pheromone or one of its components acts as a kairomone and primary attractant for the pioneering males ofP. chalcographus.  相似文献   

Summary Proline is accumulated by overwinteringC. amonea larvae. Mortality averages over 50% by spring. PGMF in the population shifts from 70% in summer to less than 50% during winter, increasing again in summer. Product synthesis from stored glycogen may be mandated in dipteran larvae also using larval proteins for cold hardiness when completion of development is delayed until spring.Thanks are gratefully extended to Derek Lamport and Patrick Muldoon of the MSU/DOE Plant Biology Laboratory for the amino acid analyses. Thanks are also extended to Jerry Wolfe, Director of Mt. Lake Biological Station in summer, 1985 and Blaine Cole, Director beginning summer, 1986 for research space, to the University of Virginia, Charlottesville for a fellowship for the work at MLBS in summer, 1986 and to all the property owners in Michigan and Virginia who allowed collection at their orchards, farms, gardens or residences. Apples in January and March, 1986 were from a university research orchard. — This paper is dedicated to Hampton L. Carson on his retirement.  相似文献   

Summary A material that elicits alarm and attack behavior byVespula squamosa (Drury) workers was isolated from venom extracts and identified by spectroscopic methods as N-3-methylbutylacetamide. This compound elicited attack responses from worker wasps identical to those responses observed when venom was applied at the same dosage. This is the first behavioral role reported for this compound.The authors thank E. Adamak, R. Murphy and F. Takken for technical assistance. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or the recommendation for its use by USDA.  相似文献   

Summary A homogeneous glycoprotein (mol.wt 40,000) containing 34% carbohydrate was isolated fromAloe arborescens var.natalensis. At a concentration of 5 g/ml, this glycoprotein was shown to stimulate deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells and to have the properties of a lectin which reacts with sheep blood cells. The chemical and physical properties of the glycoprotein (aloe lectin) are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Lunar soil, Zagami meteorite, and Gorda Ridge ocean basalt inhibited the synthesis of iotic acid and coproporphyrin III in iron-deficientBacillus subtilis cultures. Synthetic ilmenite did not. The results indicated that the three natural samples served as sources of iron for the organism, but the ilmenite did not.  相似文献   

Direct observations of the enzymatic hydrolysis of C10 acyclic allylic isoprenyl diphosphates by an acid phosphatase from the leaves ofCinnamomum camphora (camphor tree) were made using1H and31P NMR spectrometers. The measurements indicated that the allylic primary diphosphates, geranyl diphosphate and neryl diphosphate, were hydrolyzed to their corresponding alcohols in a sequential manner via their corresponding monophosphates, whereas the allylic tertiary diphosphate, linalyl diphosphate, was hydrolyzed only to its corresponding monophosphate.  相似文献   

Incubation of molting glands from the crayfishProcambarus clarkii (Y-organ) and the silkwormBombyx mori (prothoracic gland) with 23,24-[2H4]-2-deoxyecdysone resulted in the production of deutero-ecdysone; this biotransformation was inhibited in the presence of xanthurenic acid. When the experiments were performed under an18O2 atmosphere, the18O atom was introduced into ecdysone, as confirmed by mass spectrometry. We therefore suggest that xanthurenic acid inhibits P-450-dependent hydroxylation of 2-deoxyecdysone. However, deutero-2-deoxyecdysone was not converted to 3-dehydroecdysone when using Y-organs in vitro, although it is a major product. We therefore conclude that the biosynthetic pathway of ecdysteroids inP. clarkii branches at an early step.  相似文献   

Summary A new natural substance has been identified in the rectal ampullae of gall-forming fruit flies. The substance was found to be the only volatile compound in the rectal ampulla of maleUrophora cardui andUrophora stylata. GC-MS methods were used to characterize its structure as 4-methyl-3Z,5-hexadienoic acid. Physiological parameters such as the amount of the acid at different ages and under different conditions were investigated. The biological significance of the new volatile as an arresting pheromone was tested in several bioassays. The arrestant function could not be established, but the results gave hints of a territorial function between conspecific males. The results are discussed with respect to gland morphology and predictions of communication models among fruit flies.  相似文献   

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