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Cell migration plays a central role in a variety of physiological and pathological processes during our whole life. Cellular movement is a complex, tightly regulated multistep process. Although the principle mechanisms of migration follow a defined general motility cycle, the cell type and the context of moving influences the detailed mode of migration. Endothelial cells migrate during vasculogenesis and angiogenesis but also in a damaged vessel to restore vessel integrity. Depending on the situation they migrate individually, in chains or sheets and complex signaling, intercellular signals as well as environmental cues modulate the process. Here, the different modes of cell migration, the peculiarities of endothelial cell migration and specific guidance molecules controlling this process will be reviewed.  相似文献   

The detrimental effects of drug abuse are apparently not limited to individuals but may also impact the vulnerability of their progenies to develop addictive behaviours. Epigenetic signatures, early life experience and environmental factors, converge to influence gene expression patterns in addiction phenotypes and consequently may serve as mediators of behavioural trait transmission between generations. The majority of studies investigating the role of epigenetics in addiction do not consider the influence of social interactions. This shortcoming in current experimental approaches necessitates developing social models that reflect the addictive behaviour in a free-living social environment. Furthermore, this review also reports on the advancement of interventions for drug addiction and takes into account the emerging roles of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in the etiology of drug addiction and that HDAC may be a potential therapeutic target at nucleosomal level to improve treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Summary The hydrophobic lipid components of lipoproteins, cholesteryl ester and triglyceride, are transferred between all lipoproteins by a specific plasma glycoprotein, termed lipid transfer protein (LTP). LTP facilitates lipid transfer by an exchange process in which cholesteryl ester and triglyceride compete for transfer. Thus, LTP promotes remodeling of the lipoprotein structure, and plays an important role in the intravascular metabolism of these particles and in the lipoprotein-dependent pathways of cholesterol clearance from cells. The properties of LTP, its mechanisms of action, its roles in lipoprotein metabolism, and its modes of regulation are reviewed along with recent data that suggest a possible role for this protein in directly modifying cellular lipid composition.  相似文献   

Summary During determination of total body water and net water turnover in the harbor porpoise,Phocoena phocoena, it was demonstrated that the porpoise exchanged water with an isosmotic environment by way of free diffusion and with hypo- or hyperosmotic environment by way of osmosis.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphocytes involved in immunosurveillance through their cytotoxic activity and their capacity to secrete inflammatory cytokines. NK cell activation is necessary to initiate effector functions and results from a complex series of molecular and cellular events. We review here the signals that trigger NK cells and discuss recent findings showing that, besides antigen-presenting cells, T cells can play a central role in the initiation of NK cell activation in lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Collective cell movement is one of the strategies for achieving the complex shapes of tissues and organs. In this process, multiple cells within a group held together by cell–cell adhesion acquire mobility and move together in the same direction. In some well-studied models of collective cell movement, the mobility depends strongly on traction generated at the leading edge by cells located at the front. However, recent advances in live-imaging techniques have led to the discovery of other types of collective cell movement lacking a leading edge or even a free edge at the front, in a diverse array of morphological events, including tubule elongation, epithelial sheet extension, and tissue rotation. We herein review some of the developmental events that are organized by collective cell movement and attempt to elucidate the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms, which include membrane protrusions, guidance cues, cell intercalation, and planer cell polarity, or chirality pathways.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Teilung von Ursprungszellen und der Differenzierung ihrer Tochterzellen wurde anhand von Epithelzellen des Duodenums weisser Mäuser untersucht. Um den Zustand des «steady state» zu erhalten, finden die folgenden Arten von Teilung der Ursprungszellen statt: 1) zwei neue Ursprungszellen; 2) zwei differenzierte Tochterzellen; oder 3) eine neue Ursprungszelle und eine differenzierte Tochterzelle.

I wish to particularly thank Mrs. Z.Trirogoff for her skilled technical assistance. This work was supported in part by Research Grant No. GM 14749-01, National Institutes of Health and General Research Support Funds, UCLA School of Medicine. Portions of this work were presented before the American Association of Anatomists, Anat. Rec.157, 333 (1967).  相似文献   

磁盘表层润滑剂在磁头与磁盘之间转移会影响磁头飞行的稳定性.本文采用改进后的粗粒珠簧模型,运用分子动力学方法,研究了磁盘上类金刚石薄膜(diamondlikecarbon,DLC)层粗糙度和磁盘表面凸起对润滑剂在磁盘表面分布及磁头/磁盘之间润滑剂转移的影响.研究结果表明,DLC层粗糙度对润滑膜平均厚度及磁盘表层粗糙度的影响很小;磁盘表面凸起对磁盘表层润滑剂分布的影响明显.类金刚石薄膜层的粗糙度和磁盘表层凸起均可增加转移到磁头上的润滑剂的体积.但磁盘表层粗糙度对磁头/磁盘之间润滑剂转移量的影响明显低于由磁盘表层凸起导致的磁头/磁盘之间润滑剂的转移量.  相似文献   

The composition of the gut microbiota is in constant flow under the influence of factors such as the diet, ingested drugs, the intestinal mucosa, the immune system, and the microbiota itself. Natural variations in the gut microbiota can deteriorate to a state of dysbiosis when stress conditions rapidly decrease microbial diversity and promote the expansion of specific bacterial taxa. The mechanisms underlying intestinal dysbiosis often remain unclear given that combinations of natural variations and stress factors mediate cascades of destabilizing events. Oxidative stress, bacteriophages induction and the secretion of bacterial toxins can trigger rapid shifts among intestinal microbial groups thereby yielding dysbiosis. A multitude of diseases including inflammatory bowel diseases but also metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes type II are associated with intestinal dysbiosis. The characterization of the changes leading to intestinal dysbiosis and the identification of the microbial taxa contributing to pathological effects are essential prerequisites to better understand the impact of the microbiota on health and disease.  相似文献   

学习和记忆的神经基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习和记忆是脑是基本的高级功能,是我们每时每刻都在经历着的事情。学习和记忆过程中脑内发生了什么?在过去的20多年中,有关学习和记忆的神经机制研究取得了重大进展。  相似文献   

Summary Lymphoid cells obtained from mouse thymus were divided into 3 groups according to the levels of free cholesterol and phospholipids.  相似文献   

Protein homeostasis, or proteostasis, is essential for cell function, development, and organismal viability. The composition of the proteome is adjusted to the specific requirements of a particular cell type and status. Moreover, multiple metabolic and environmental conditions challenge the integrity of the proteome. To maintain the quality of the proteome, the proteostasis network monitors proteins from their synthesis through their degradation. Whereas somatic stem cells lose their ability to maintain proteostasis with age, immortal pluripotent stem cells exhibit a stringent proteostasis network associated with their biological function and intrinsic characteristics. Moreover, growing evidence indicates that enhanced proteostasis mechanisms play a central role in immortality and cell fate decisions of pluripotent stem cells. Here, we will review new insights into the melding fields of proteostasis and pluripotency and their implications for the understanding of organismal development and survival.  相似文献   

In this report we demonstrate for the first time that differentiating myogenic cells, geographically located between the plasmalemma and external lamina of myofibres in the satellite cell position3, can fuse directly with the plasmalemma of undamaged segments of mature myofibres.  相似文献   

The homodimeric hemoglobin component present in the red cells of the bivalve molluscScapharca inaequivalvis, HbI, is endowed with high cooperativity in ligand binding. This behaviour is in contrast with that of vertebrate hemoglobins in which cooperativity is associated with a tetrameric assembly and the presence of two types of chain. Analysis of the aminoacid sequence and immunological data suggested that the assembly of HbI differed from that characteristic of vertebrate hemoglobins and hence that cooperativity had an unusual structural basis. Indeed the X-ray structures of the carbonmonoxy and deoxy derivatives at 2.4 resolution showed that in HbI the heme carrying E and F helices are not exposed to solvent as in the vertebrate hemoglobin tetramer, but form the subunit interface and bring the two heme groups practically in direct contact through a network of hydrogen bonds. Ligand binding brings about marked structural changes that are limited to the heme environment, whereas quaternary changes are only minor. The structural changes in the heme environment result in alterations in the network of interactions between the heme groups which lead to changes in ligand affinity. In HbI therefore cooperativity in ligand binding is achieved through direct heme-heme communication as opposed to the long range information transfer operative in the vertebrate hemoglobin tetramer.  相似文献   

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