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Kim IJ  Zhang Y  Yamagata M  Meister M  Sanes JR 《Nature》2008,452(7186):478-482
The retina contains complex circuits of neurons that extract salient information from visual inputs. Signals from photoreceptors are processed by retinal interneurons, integrated by retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and sent to the brain by RGC axons. Distinct types of RGC respond to different visual features, such as increases or decreases in light intensity (ON and OFF cells, respectively), colour or moving objects. Thus, RGCs comprise a set of parallel pathways from the eye to the brain. The identification of molecular markers for RGC subsets will facilitate attempts to correlate their structure with their function, assess their synaptic inputs and targets, and study their diversification. Here we show, by means of a transgenic marking method, that junctional adhesion molecule B (JAM-B) marks a previously unrecognized class of OFF RGCs in mice. These cells have asymmetric dendritic arbors aligned in a dorsal-to-ventral direction across the retina. Their receptive fields are also asymmetric and respond selectively to stimuli moving in a soma-to-dendrite direction; because the lens reverses the image of the world on the retina, these cells detect upward motion in the visual field. Thus, JAM-B identifies a unique population of RGCs in which structure corresponds remarkably to function.  相似文献   

The colour-opponent and broad-band channels of the primate visual system originate in the retina and remain segregated through several neural stations in the visual system. Until now inferences about their function in vision have been based primarily on studies examining single-cell receptive field properties which have shown that the colour-opponent retinal ganglion cells have small receptive fields, produce sustained responses and receive spatially segregated inputs from different cone types; the broad-band cells have large receptive fields, respond transiently and receive cone inputs that are not spatially separated. We have now examined the visual capacities of rhesus monkeys before and after interrupting either of these channels with small lesions at the lateral geniculate nucleus. Here we report that the colour-opponent channel is essential for the processing of colour, texture, fine pattern and fine stereopsis, whereas the broad-band channel is crucial for the perception of fast flicker and motion. Little or no deficits were found in brightness and coarse-shape discrimination, low spatial frequency stereopsis and contrast sensitivity after the disruption of either of the channels.  相似文献   

The spatial-temporal response properties of some simple neurons in visual pathway arise basically prior to birth. In the absence of visual experience, how do these neurons develop in visual system? Based on Wimbauer network with delay, a four-layer feed-forward network model is proposed, which is characterized by modifying the Hebb learning rule through introducing the asymmetric time window of synaptic modification found recently in neurobiology. The model can not only generate by self-organization more diversified spatial-temporal response characteristics of neuronal receptive field than earlier models but also provide some explanations for the possible mechanism underlying the development of receptive fields of contrast polarity sensitive neurons found in visual system of vertebrate. Thus the proposed model may be more widely applicable than Linsker model and Wimbauer model.  相似文献   

von Melchner L  Pallas SL  Sur M 《Nature》2000,404(6780):871-876
An unresolved issue in cortical development concerns the relative contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic factors to the functional specification of different cortical areas. Ferrets in which retinal projections are redirected neonatally to the auditory thalamus have visually responsive cells in auditory thalamus and cortex, form a retinotopic map in auditory cortex and have visual receptive field properties in auditory cortex that are typical of cells in visual cortex. Here we report that this cross-modal projection and its representation in auditory cortex can mediate visual behaviour. When light stimuli are presented in the portion of the visual field that is 'seen' only by this projection, 'rewired' ferrets respond as though they perceive the stimuli to be visual rather than auditory. Thus the perceptual modality of a neocortical region is instructed to a significant extent by its extrinsic inputs. In addition, gratings of different spatial frequencies can be discriminated by the rewired pathway, although the grating acuity is lower than that of the normal visual pathway.  相似文献   

Pack CC  Born RT 《Nature》2001,409(6823):1040-1042
A critical step in the interpretation of the visual world is the integration of the various local motion signals generated by moving objects. This process is complicated by the fact that local velocity measurements can differ depending on contour orientation and spatial position. Specifically, any local motion detector can measure only the component of motion perpendicular to a contour that extends beyond its field of view. This "aperture problem" is particularly relevant to direction-selective neurons early in the visual pathways, where small receptive fields permit only a limited view of a moving object. Here we show that neurons in the middle temporal visual area (known as MT or V5) of the macaque brain reveal a dynamic solution to the aperture problem. MT neurons initially respond primarily to the component of motion perpendicular to a contour's orientation, but over a period of approximately 60 ms the responses gradually shift to encode the true stimulus direction, regardless of orientation. We also report a behavioural correlate of these neural responses: the initial velocity of pursuit eye movements deviates in a direction perpendicular to local contour orientation, suggesting that the earliest neural responses influence the oculomotor response.  相似文献   

The extended Gabor function model for visual receptive field ( RF) was modified by substituting the term related to time with two-order integral kernel of F function to generate a new model called modified Gabor function model of RF. A set of the modified Gabor models (MGM) can present the major spatiotemporal properties of neuronal receplive fields at different levels of primary visual pathway. The transient responses, dynamic properties of RF simulated by MGM, are in good agreement with the observations in electrophysiological experiments.  相似文献   

Machine vision is an active branch of artificial intelligence. An important problem in this area is the trade-off among efficiency, accuracy and computation complexity. The human visual system can keep watchfulness to the perimeter of a viewing field while at the same time focus on the center of the field for fine information processing. This mechanism of appropriate assignment of computing resources can reduce the demand for huge and complex hardware structure. Therefore, the design of a computer model based on the biological visual mechanism is an effective approach to resolve problems in machine vision. In this paper, a multi-layer neural model is developed based on the features of receptive field of ganglion in retina to simulate multi-scale perceptive fields of ganglion cell. The neural model can maintain alert on the outer area of the image while capturing and processing more important information in the central part. It may provide valuable inspiration for the implementation of real-time processing and avoidance of huge computation in machine vision.  相似文献   

R T Born  R B Tootell 《Nature》1992,357(6378):497-499
The early stages of primate visual processing appear to be divided up into several component parts so that, for example, colour, form and motion are analysed by anatomically distinct streams. We have found that further subspecialization occurs within the motion processing stream. Neurons representing two different kinds of information about visual motion are segregated in columnar fashion within the middle temporal area of the owl monkey. These columns can be distinguished by labelling with 2-deoxyglucose in response to large-field random-dot patterns. Neurons in lightly labelled interbands have receptive fields with antagonistic surrounds: the response to a centrally placed moving stimulus is suppressed by motion in the surround. Neurons in more densely labelled bands have surrounds that reinforce the centre response so that they integrate motion cues over large areas of the visual field. Interband cells carry information about local motion contrast that may be used to detect motion boundaries or to indicate retinal slip during visual tracking. Band cells encode information about global motion that might be useful for orienting the animal in its environment.  相似文献   

Tadin D  Lappin JS  Gilroy LA  Blake R 《Nature》2003,424(6946):312-315
Centre-surround receptive field organization is a ubiquitous property in mammalian visual systems, presumably tailored for extracting image features that are differentially distributed over space. In visual motion, this is evident as antagonistic interactions between centre and surround regions of the receptive fields of many direction-selective neurons in visual cortex. In a series of psychophysical experiments we make the counterintuitive observation that increasing the size of a high-contrast moving pattern renders its direction of motion more difficult to perceive and reduces its effectiveness as an adaptation stimulus. We propose that this is a perceptual correlate of centre-surround antagonism, possibly within a population of neurons in the middle temporal visual area. The spatial antagonism of motion signals observed at high contrast gives way to spatial summation as contrast decreases. Evidently, integration of motion signals over space depends crucially on the visibility of those signals, thereby allowing the visual system to register motion information efficiently and adaptively.  相似文献   

Grant S  Keating MJ 《Nature》1986,322(6076):258-261
Systematic changes in neuronal connections have been observed during the development of many vertebrate neuronal systems. These changes have usually involved a refinement from an initial exuberance of connections or a response to some experimental perturbation. Here we report on a system of neuronal connections, which, during a protracted developmental period, undergo ordered changes in response to normally occurring changes in functional requirements. In the frog Xenopus laevis, interocular alignment changes markedly during late larval and post-metamorphic life, producing a progressive enlargement of the binocular portion of the visual field. An intertectal system links the two mid-brain optic tecta and is concerned with the neural representation of binocular visual space. In the adult animal, connections in this system link corresponding points (points receiving information from one locus of binocular visual space) on the two tecta. Changes in eye position with development, however, change the set of corresponding points. Therefore, if the intertectal connections link corresponding tectal points throughout development, they must undergo an ordered change with time. We present electrophysiological evidence that the intertectal connections do, indeed, undergo such changes in response to changes in eye alignment, and that the changes are major.  相似文献   

根据视觉信息加工过程中视皮层细胞非经典感受野对中心感受野区域具有抑制作用的生物机制,提出了一种模拟该机制的模型.用Gabor能量作为感受野响应,以高斯差分函数为基础构造两个具有方向的半椭圆环来作为非经典感受野区域,设计中心感受野与周边抑制区域的相位差权重函数来模拟非经典感受野的抑制机制.实验结果与这种生理特性相一致.  相似文献   

S G Lisberger  T J Sejnowski 《Nature》1992,360(6400):159-161
Most models of neural networks have assumed that neurons process information on a timescale of milliseconds and that the long-term modification of synaptic strengths underlies learning and memory. But neurons also have cellular mechanisms that operate on a timescale of tens or hundreds of milliseconds, such as a gradual rise in firing rate in response to injection of constant current or a rapid rise followed by a slower adaptation. These dynamic properties of neuronal responses are mediated by ion channels that are subject to modulation. We demonstrate here how a neural network with recurrent feedback connections can convert long-term modulation of neural responses that occur over these intermediate timescales into changes in the amplitude of the steady output from the system. This general principle may be relevant to many feedback systems in the brain. Here it is applied to the vestibulo-ocular reflex, whose amplitude is subject to long-term adaptive modification by visual inputs. The model reconciles apparently contradictory data on the neural locus of the cellular mechanisms that mediate this simple form of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Li Y  Van Hooser SD  Mazurek M  White LE  Fitzpatrick D 《Nature》2008,456(7224):952-956
The onset of vision occurs when neural circuits in the visual cortex are immature, lacking both the full complement of connections and the response selectivity that defines functional maturity. Direction-selective responses are particularly vulnerable to the effects of early visual deprivation, but it remains unclear how stimulus-driven neural activity guides the emergence of cortical direction selectivity. Here we report observations from a motion training protocol that allowed us to monitor the impact of experience on the development of direction-selective responses in visually naive ferrets. Using intrinsic signal imaging techniques, we found that training with a single axis of motion induced the rapid emergence of direction columns that were confined to cortical regions preferentially activated by the training stimulus. Using two-photon calcium imaging techniques, we found that single neurons in visually naive animals exhibited weak directional biases and lacked the strong local coherence in the spatial organization of direction preference that was evident in mature animals. Training with a moving stimulus, but not with a flashed stimulus, strengthened the direction-selective responses of individual neurons and preferentially reversed the direction biases of neurons that deviated from their neighbours. Both effects contributed to an increase in local coherence. We conclude that early experience with moving visual stimuli drives the rapid emergence of direction-selective responses in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

Sensory neuroscience seeks to understand how the brain encodes natural environments. However, neural coding has largely been studied using simplified stimuli. In order to assess whether the brain's coding strategy depends on the stimulus ensemble, we apply a new information-theoretic method that allows unbiased calculation of neural filters (receptive fields) from responses to natural scenes or other complex signals with strong multipoint correlations. In the cat primary visual cortex we compare responses to natural inputs with those to noise inputs matched for luminance and contrast. We find that neural filters adaptively change with the input ensemble so as to increase the information carried by the neural response about the filtered stimulus. Adaptation affects the spatial frequency composition of the filter, enhancing sensitivity to under-represented frequencies in agreement with optimal encoding arguments. Adaptation occurs over 40 s to many minutes, longer than most previously reported forms of adaptation.  相似文献   

Froemke RC  Merzenich MM  Schreiner CE 《Nature》2007,450(7168):425-429
Receptive fields of sensory cortical neurons are plastic, changing in response to alterations of neural activity or sensory experience. In this way, cortical representations of the sensory environment can incorporate new information about the world, depending on the relevance or value of particular stimuli. Neuromodulation is required for cortical plasticity, but it is uncertain how subcortical neuromodulatory systems, such as the cholinergic nucleus basalis, interact with and refine cortical circuits. Here we determine the dynamics of synaptic receptive field plasticity in the adult primary auditory cortex (also known as AI) using in vivo whole-cell recording. Pairing sensory stimulation with nucleus basalis activation shifted the preferred stimuli of cortical neurons by inducing a rapid reduction of synaptic inhibition within seconds, which was followed by a large increase in excitation, both specific to the paired stimulus. Although nucleus basalis was stimulated only for a few minutes, reorganization of synaptic tuning curves progressed for hours thereafter: inhibition slowly increased in an activity-dependent manner to rebalance the persistent enhancement of excitation, leading to a retuned receptive field with new preference for the paired stimulus. This restricted period of disinhibition may be a fundamental mechanism for receptive field plasticity, and could serve as a memory trace for stimuli or episodes that have acquired new behavioural significance.  相似文献   

R C Reid  R M Shapley 《Nature》1992,356(6371):716-718
Human colour vision depends on three classes of cone photoreceptors, those sensitive to short (S), medium (M) or long (L) wavelengths, and on how signals from these cones are combined by neurons in the retina and brain. Macaque monkey colour vision is similar to human, and the receptive fields of macaque visual neurons have been used as an animal model of human colour processing. P retinal ganglion cells and parvocellular neurons are colour-selective neurons in macaque retina and lateral geniculate nucleus. Interactions between cone signals feeding into these neurons are still unclear. On the basis of experimental results with chromatic adaptation, excitatory and inhibitory inputs from L and M cones onto P cells (and parvocellular neurons) were thought to be quite specific (Fig. 1a). But these experiments with spatially diffuse adaptation did not rule out the 'mixed-surround' hypothesis: that there might be one cone-specific mechanism, the receptive field centre, and a surround mechanism connected to all cone types indiscriminately (Fig. 1e). Recent work has tended to support the mixed-surround hypothesis. We report here the development of new stimuli to measure spatial maps of the linear L-, M- and S-cone inputs to test the hypothesis definitively. Our measurements contradict the mixed-surround hypothesis and imply cone specificity in both centre and surround.  相似文献   

P McLeod  C Heywood  J Driver  J Zihl 《Nature》1989,339(6224):466-467
A visual cue that is often associated with significant stimuli, such as those provided by prey and predators, is movement relative to the observer. An efficient visual system should be able to direct attention to those parts of the visual field that contain such stimuli. What is needed is a system that can filter by movement difference. This could direct attention to a moving item among stationary items, or an item moving in one direction against a background moving in a different direction. Visual search experiments have shown that people are indeed able to filter by movement; that is, they can attend to just the moving items in arrays of moving and stationary stimuli. Single-cell recordings from monkey visual cortex show that the medial temporal cortical area (MT) has some of the properties required to filter by movement. We have now linked these two observations by showing that a patient with bilateral lesions to the presumed human homologue of MT cannot restrict visual attention to the moving items in arrays of both moving and stationary items. This suggests that MT is the site of a movement filter used in normal visual processing.  相似文献   

模拟和模型是视觉研究的重要手段.本文应用计算机的模拟手段.分别对GC感受野的双高斯差模型和外周相互抑制网络模型的空间响应分布特性进行了研究,并观察了它们的边缘检测性能.本文的结果将为GC感受野视觉计算原理的进一步探索,以及以视觉原理为依据的图象技术的改进提供帮助.  相似文献   

A J Cook  C J Woolf  P D Wall  S B McMahon 《Nature》1987,325(7000):151-153
The central terminals of cutaneous primary afferent neurons are spatially ordered in the dorsal horn in a highly organized fashion such that a point-to-point map represents the body surface. This afferent terminal somatotopic map correlates with the map of the receptive fields of the cells on which they terminate. The location, size and modality of the cutaneous receptive fields of dorsal horn neurons necessarily depend upon the anatomical presence of afferent nerve fibres which deliver information from the periphery, directly or indirectly, to the cells. However the receptive field size and modality of a cell do not depend only on anatomical connections. Excitatory and inhibitory interneurons, descending influences and facilitations or depressions of synaptic contacts can alter receptive field properties. Here we show that prolonged and substantial cutaneous receptive field changes can be produced by brief inputs from peripheral unmyelinated afferent fibres.  相似文献   

Sensorimotor coordination emerges early in development. The maturation period is characterized by the establishment of somatotopic cortical maps, the emergence of long-range cortical connections, heightened experience-dependent plasticity and spontaneous uncoordinated skeletal movement. How these various processes cooperate to allow the somatosensory system to form a three-dimensional representation of the body is not known. In the visual system, interactions between spontaneous network patterns and afferent activity have been suggested to be vital for normal development. Although several intrinsic cortical patterns of correlated neuronal activity have been described in developing somatosensory cortex in vitro, the in vivo patterns in the critical developmental period and the influence of physiological sensory inputs on these patterns remain unknown. We report here that in the intact somatosensory cortex of the newborn rat in vivo, spatially confined spindle bursts represent the first and only organized network pattern. The localized spindles are selectively triggered in a somatotopic manner by spontaneous muscle twitches, motor patterns analogous to human fetal movements. We suggest that the interaction between movement-triggered sensory feedback signals and self-organized spindle oscillations shapes the formation of cortical connections required for sensorimotor coordination.  相似文献   

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