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Although the distribution of mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans(MTTCs) is well understood as an indicator of water salinity,their origin and formation mechanism are still ambiguous and under debate.In this paper,abnormally high levels of MTTCs were detected in Cenozoic saline lacustrine source rocks from the Western Qaidam Basin.Using a two-step column chromatography method,the MTTCs and naphthalenes were separated from other aromatic compounds and concentrated in one fraction,so that the stable carbon isotope compositions of these compounds could be accurately measured.Similar carbon isotope ratios for the mono-,di-and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-Trimethyltrideeyl) chromans in a given sample suggest the MTTCs may share the same biological source(s).The MTTCs from the Western Qaidam Basin have similar carbon isotope compositions to primary producer-derived pristane and phytane.However,the ? 13C values for the MTTCs showed significant differences with other primary producers-derived biomarkers(e.g.C27 and C29 steranes),probably indicating a distinct microalgae source from specific niches for the MTTC compounds.We speculate that the MTTCs distribution patterns may be controlled by the water chemistry dynamics in niches,which,in turn,is affected by hypersaline bottom water.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of the Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca (G. prisca)-enriched source rocks, which belong to Kukersite-type source rocks in the Lower Paleozoic Ordovician strata, it has received great attentions during the petroleum exploration as to whether there are the Kukersite-type source rocks developed in the major hydrocarbon source strata of the Upper and Middle Ordovician in the Tarim Basin. Using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrography to analyse kerogens from source rocks in the lime- mud mound with moderate maturity, study reveals that there are the Kukersite-type source rocks in the Ordovician strata of the Tarim Basin. The pyrolysis products showed a low content of 〉n-C19 normal alkanes with a significant odd-even predominance between n-C13 and n-Cl7, long-chain alky substituted alkylbenzene and alkylthiophene isomers and distinctive distribution of 5-N- alkyl-1, 3-Benzenediol and its homologous. Based on the geographic environment characteristics of G. Prisca, the molecular dis- tributions of crude oil from the Lower Paleozoic petroleum systems in the Tarim Basin and characteristics of kerogen pyrolysis products from the Middle and Upper Ordovician source rocks, the results suggested that it is less possible to develop the G. Pris- ca-enriched Kukersite-type source rocks in the major hydrocarbon source rocks in the Middle and Upper Ordovician strata in the Tarim Basin. However, the benthic macroalga and planktonic algae-enriched source rocks are the main contributors.  相似文献   

Blomarkers of paleolake deposits from Qarhan Salt Lake in Qaidam Basin, northwest China were systematically analyzed and the A--C series compounds of branched aliphaUc alkanes with quaternary substituted carbon atom (BAQCs) were identified. The homologous distinguished three series, A-C, were identified as 5,5-diethylalkanes, 6,6-diethylalkanes and 5-butyl, 5-ethylalkanes series, and their relative abundance was A 〉 B 〉 C. Series A and C were characterized by odd carbon numbers, whereas series B was characterized by even carbon numbers. The high values of series A corresponded with the high values of series B and C. Therefore, it can be concluded that series A, B and C possess a similar biological origin. The abundance of series A was relatively low in the lower part of the section compared with that in the upper part, implying that these series originated from bacteria and/or algae more prevalent in fresh-mesohaline water, and such kinds of bacteria and/or algae are most likely to be thermophilous species. The A25/nC25 ratio differences in the section show that such branched aliphatic alkanes can be treated as one kind of environmental change proxy for paleolake evolution and may provide important information for the climate reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地昆北油田路乐河组沉积相及储层特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
昆北油田位于柴达木盆地西南区的昆北断阶带,路乐河组是该油田重要的产油层系.通过对路乐河组的岩性、沉积构造、粒度、重矿物和测井相研究,认为路乐河组是一套退积型的辫状三角洲沉积,发育辫状三角洲平原、前缘亚相,微相类型包括(水下)分流河道、席状砂、河口坝、泛滥平原、分流间湾等;沉积相平面展布呈自南西向北东的扇形,平面上发育两期分支体系;储层岩性包括砾状砂岩、中粗砂岩及细砂岩等,储层成分成熟度中等,结构成熟度低,储集空间以原生粒间孔为主,见少量次生溶孔、成岩粒内缝;储层物性整体较好,属中低孔、中低渗型储层.压实作用是储层物性的主控因素,储集性能主要受沉积相带、杂基含量和成岩作用控制.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘下侏罗统储集岩主要是由长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂岩组成,主要的成岩作用有压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用、交代作用和重结晶作用,它们对孔隙的发育影响很大.压实作用和碳酸盐的胶结作用使原生孔隙大大减少.长石的溶蚀作用改善了孔隙的发育.蒙皂石、伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石和伊蒙混层含量均在较大范围内变化,与深度的关系不明显.成岩作用进入晚成岩作用末期.一些储集岩经历了表生成岩作用.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地内油气藏主要分布在三个地区:西部茫崖含油气区、北缘含油气区和东部三湖天然气区.盆地内荒漠、盐碱广布,生态环境极其脆弱.油气藏开发时产生的污染源可归纳为三类:气态污染源、液态污染源、固态污染源.油气藏开发过程中的环保技术可分为五大类:物理改性处理法、化学改良处理法、物理化学处理法、废物综合利用法、生物降解处理法.柴达木盆地有丰富的矿产资源,盆地内的油气藏开发不能以牺牲生态环境为代价,而必须走资源开发的"生态矿业"之路.  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(11):1015-1019
The Nangqen Basin is one of the typical shearing-extensional basins situated in the north part of the Hengduan Mts. Nine ages of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the basin by K-Ar isotope-dilution technique have been reported in the note. The apparent ages of whole rock and separated biotite range from 32.04 to 36.50 Ma. The40Ar-K (%) correlation isochronal line shows that there existed neither argon excessing, nor radiogenetic argon loosing, i.e. the age represents the true diagenetic time. Volcanic activity in this area occurred in the post-collision environment and is controlled by lithosphere substantial thickening and violent intercontinental shearing-strike slip faults. There is age difference of the magmatic activity in the east, the west and the north Tibet. The multi-periodic eruption-intrusion of the magmatic melt since Cenozoic is a tracer showing the pulsating uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (>50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordoviclan source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (〉50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

Surface soil samples collected over a high spatial resolution in eastern China were analyzed for carbon isotope composition(δ 13C) of total organic carbon(TOC) and higher plant-derived long-chain n-alkanes,with the latter reported as weighted mean values.The two sets of δ 13C values are significantly correlated and show similar trends in spatial variation.The spatial distribution of δ 13C shows less negative values in the mid-latitudes between 31°N and 40°N and more negative ones at higher and lower latitudes.This is consistent with previously reported carbon isotope data from surface soil phytoliths in the same region and suggests that the mid-latitude area provides relatively favorable growing conditions for C4 plants.Furthermore,δ 13C values of both TOC and long-chain n-alkanes from 12 surface soil samples collected from a small grassland in north China displayed similar carbon isotope values and the difference between paired δ 13C of a soil samples remains relatively constant.Our data demonstrate that in eastern China,soil δ 13C composition of both TOC and long-chain n-alkanes is effective indicators of C3/C4 ratios of the prevailing vegetation.This work suggests that -22‰ and -32‰ are good estimated end members for the weighted mean δ 13C values of long-chain n-alkanes(C27,C29 and C31 n-alkanes) from soils under dominant C4 or C3 vegetation,allowing us to reconstruct paleovegetation trends.  相似文献   

In the present decades, lots of Mesozoic and Ceno-zoic paleomagnetic data have been obtained from westernChina and adjacent areas[1—19], however, these results are still not enough to reconstruct a postcollisional kinematic model for each block of the Tibetan Plateau and Central Asia. As a result, it is very difficult to paleomagnetically depict the postcollisional interaction within blocks of Ti- bet and Central Asia in detail. On the other hand, shal- lower inclinations have been repeat…  相似文献   

为了查明柴达木盆地北缘新近系物源方向、指导沉积相和砂体的展布的研究,在重矿物类型详细分析的基础上,应用数理统计及Q型聚类分析,对柴达木盆地北缘新近系碎屑岩的重矿物进行了矿物稳定性及其组合特征分析。研究表明新近系的重矿物以稳定矿物锆石、磁铁矿、白钛矿、石榴子石为主;而且稳定矿物含量大于非稳定矿物的含量,表明该区物源搬运距离较长,离物源区较远;并根据重矿物种类将研究区分为五大重矿物组合带。综合分析得出柴达木盆地北缘新近系存在三个物源方向:北西部阿尔金山物源区、小赛什腾山与赛什腾山物源区、东部的祁连山-绿梁山物源区。各物源方向为独立物源供给,但在冷湖地区则受到阿尔金山和小赛什腾山物源区两者的共同影响。柴北缘中部地区的物源供主要有有两个方向,阿尔金山物源,自西北向东南方向,可抵达鄂博梁Ⅱ号构造;赛什腾物源,自东北向西南方向,可抵达鄂博梁Ⅲ号构造。  相似文献   

针对柴达木盆地西部南区(简称柴西南区)独特的地质条件和成藏特征,提出了生长逆断层控制下的"F"型输导系统.通过分析生长逆断层对构造、沉积及储层物性的控制作用,阐述了此类输导系统形成机制、组成特征及其控油意义.认为"F"型输导系统主要由生长逆断层和侧向展布的砂体构成,砂体位于逆断层的上盘,紧靠断层发育;生长逆断层是主要的输导体,油气以垂向运移为主,侧向运移为辅."F"型输导系统及"F"型运移模式是柴西南区生长逆断层控制的构造油气藏成藏的主要通道和运移方式.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地风成地貌类型与晚全新世古风况恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用遥感图像的风成地貌形态和高分辨率古季风指标, 恢复柴达木盆地晚全新世以来的古风况, 揭示青藏高原抬升时期东亚季风变迁的历史。结果表明, 柴达木盆地晚全新世以来盛行西北风, 同时有少量西风和北风, 主要由亚洲冬季风控制, 夏季风和西风环流的影响甚微。盆地东部沙丘和雅丹地貌记录了末次盛冰期西风环流的风向, 中西部地区的风成地貌指示晚全新世以来盆地发育西北向的亚洲冬季风。青藏高原的抬升阻挡西风环流进入柴达木盆地, 并加强亚洲冬季风, 造成盆地内古风向的改变, 大气环流模式的转变发生在4000 aBP左右, 此时是柴达木盆地气候从暖湿转向冷干的重要节点。  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons, include heavy oils, normal oils, waxy oils and light oils, condensate oils and gases were all found in Lunnan Oilfield, the occurrences of hydrocarbons with complicated physical properties indicates a complicated distribution of reservoirs. By the drilling data, the distribution pattern had been found that, in plan view, the density of crude oils in the western part is heavier than that of oils in the eastern part in Lunnan region, namely the crude oils were mainly found in the western part while the natural gases were mainly found in the eastern, which shows that an obvious differentiation in the east and west part was presented in the Lunnan region. Furthermore, in vertical view, the light hydrocarbons were mainly found in the Carboniferous reservoir while the heavier hydrocarbons were mainly found in the Ordovician and Triassic reservoirs. By analysis of the semi-logarithm distribution of n-alkanes, biomarker ratios and stable carbon isotopic compositions of crude oils, we have found that two oil families and discontinuous distribution were presented in hydrocarbons in Lunnan Oilfield. This kind of discontinuous distribution of geochemical parameters was not from continuous fractionation in migration process. The biodegraded heavy oil reservoirs in western part belong to the lower matured oil family, while the light or condensate oils reservoirs belong to higher matured oil family. Thus, a mixed filling of hydrocarbons was occurred in the middle part in Lunnan Oilfield and resulted in the occurrence of waxy oil. The mixed filling model may help to explain the distribution pattern of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Lunnan Oilfield, especially can lead to a relatively consistent explanation for all kinds of geochemical data, such as physical properties, pyrrolic nitrogen compounds, biomarker parameters and stable carbon isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Whole-rock and mineral separate Ar-Ar dating was carried out for the Linzizong volcanic rocks at Linzhou Basin in Tibet to constrain the time span of volcanism and the corresponding stratigraphic sequence. Sampling was based on detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic sequence of Dianzhong, Nianbo, Pana Formations, systematically from the bottom to near the top. The results indicate that the Linzizong volcanic rocks erupted from Paleocene to middle of Eocene (64.43--43.93 Ma). Among them, the Pana Formation formed from ca. 48.73 to 43.9 Ma, the Nianbo Formation around 54 Ma and the Dianzhong Formation from 64.4 to 60.6 Ma. In combination with evidence from the geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks, and from stratigraphy in southern Tibet, it is postulated that the age of the lowest member in the Dianzhong Formation of the Linzizong volcanic rock, which overlies unconformably the Late Cretaceous Shexing Formation, likely corresponds to the inception of the collision between Indian and Asian continents in southern Tibet.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯北部杭锦旗探区上古生界烃源岩评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗探区上古生界烃源岩问题争议大。通过有机地球化学分析、盆地模拟等方法手段对研究区上古生界烃源岩展开研究。结果表明,上古生界发育石炭系、二叠系两套烃源岩,煤层是最好的烃源岩,泥岩为差烃源岩。煤层有机碳的质量分数最高,平均值为61.32%;有机质类型好,以Ⅲ型干酪根为主,属于生气型源岩;有机质成熟度为0.8%~1.3%,已经进入生气高峰阶段。烃源岩生气强度为(0.1~1.3)×109m3/km2,具备为研究区天然气成藏提供物质基础的条件。盆地模拟结果表明山西组总生气量大于太原组,是主要的烃源岩层系。烃源岩从侏罗纪末进入大规模生烃阶段,生烃高峰为早白垩世。研究区石炭系和二叠系煤层是上古生界天然气成藏的主要气源岩,天然气组分中甲烷含量变化、天然气侧向运移距离等证据进一步佐证了上述观点,突出了研究区上古生界烃源岩的原地性特征。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地保存了巨厚的完整连续的新生代沉积层序,为研究沉积旋回提供了良好的场所.位于盆地西部尕斯地区的上干柴沟组是典型的陆相碎屑岩地层之一,由多层砂岩和泥岩频繁相互叠置而成,高精度的沉积旋回研究鲜有讨论.综合运用频谱及滤波方法来深入分析地处柴西尕斯地区的YP2、YQ17井自然伽马测井数据.结果显示,天文轨道周期比值和中...  相似文献   

四川盆地西部海相碎屑岩-陆相碎屑岩的转换过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川盆地是一个叠合盆地,经历了海相碳酸盐岩到海相碎屑岩、海相碎屑岩到陆相碎屑岩的转换和变迁.这两个转换过程最终结束均发生在四川盆地西部.海相碎屑岩到陆相碎屑岩的转换发生在晚三叠世末,相对应的地层单位为上三叠统须家河组.通过对须家河组厚度和沉积相变化,以及龙门山前砾岩的分布特征研究,认为这一转换主要发生于须家河组沉积末期(T_3x~4-T_3x~6),时间上随地区不同而不同,空间上具有由北往南的先后顺序.这揭示龙门山造山带的造山隆升过程具有由北往南的特点.这一转换过程导致川西前陆盆地内南、北段油气地质条件存在差异.寻找河口沙坝、三角洲平原河道砂等形成的优质储层应是须家河组油气勘探的关键.  相似文献   

Carbon isotopes are measured for individual long-chain n-alkanes in sediments from the Nansha Sea. The features of carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes and their origins are studied. The results show that the long-chain n-aikanes have a light carbon isotopic composition and a genetic feature of mixing sources, and low-latitude higher plants and microbes are considered to be their main end member sources. Based on the abundances and carbon isotopic compositions of individual n-alkanes, the fractional contributions of the two end member sources to individual n-aikanes are quantitatively calculated by using a mixing model. The obtained data indicate that the fractional contributions of the two biological sources are different in the three samples. A trend is that the contribution of microbes increases with the depth. These results provide the theory basis and quantitatively studied method for carbon isotopic applied research of individual n-alkanes.  相似文献   

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