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According to systemically monitoring results of oxygen (hydrogen) isotope compositions of precipitation, soil waters, soil CO2, cave drip waters and their corresponding speleothems in Liangfeng Cave (LFC) in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, it is found that local precipitation is the main source of soil waters and drip waters, and that the amplitudes of those δ18O values of three waters (precipitation, soil water and drip water) decrease in turn in the observed year, which are 0‰ to -10‰, -2‰ to -9‰ and -6‰ to -8‰, respectively. Moreover, the δ18O values for three waters show a roughly simultaneous variation, namely, that those values are lighter in the rainy seasons, weightier in the dry seasons, and that the average δ18O value of drip waters is about 0.3‰ weightier than that of precipitation, which is modified by surface evaporation processes. We also find that oxygen isotope equilibrium is reached or neared in the formation processes of speleothems in LFC system, and that it is feasible to reconstruct paleotemperature and paleoprecipitation by using δ18O values of speleothems. However, it should be noted that surface evaporation would affect the oxygen isotope values in the study area.  相似文献   

本文应用稳定同位素技术对贵州喀斯特洞穴青菜洞和癞子洞生态系统的营养级关系进行研究。结果表明,青菜洞和癞子洞食物链的碳源主要为洞穴内土壤有机质,为第一营养级(即初级生产者);洞穴内软体动物的螺类和节肢动物的裸灶螽、马陆等主要以土壤有机质和颗粒有机物为食,为第二营养级(即初级消费者);洞穴内的节肢动物的蜘蛛类和脊椎动物主要以其他动物为食物,为第三营养级(即次级消费者)。本文中青菜洞Δδ15 N的富集因子为2.9‰,癞子洞Δδ15 N的富集因子为2.46‰。  相似文献   

贵州狮子洞与太阳沟1号洞内动物群落结构的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对罗甸狮子洞和赤水太阳沟1号洞内洞穴动物进行了调查和采集,共获标本500余号,隶属3门6纲24目45科58属。并对两洞内的动物群落结构和物种多样性进行了比较,结果表明,太阳沟1号洞的动物群落结构比狮子洞的复杂、多样性指数均高于狮子洞,并对这一差异作了分析。  相似文献   

贵州省洞穴高原鳅属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描记采于贵州省盘县保田镇一地下洞穴高原鳅属一新种,命名保田高原鳅Triplophysa baotianensis sp. nov..新种是贵州省南盘江水系的首个高原鳅发现.与贵州已记载的5种高原鳅比较,新种与北盘江水系的贞丰高原鳅性状相近,但有明显特征可区别.(1)新种胸腹鳍平展与躯体呈“十”字形,贞丰高原鳅胸腹鳍走向正常;(2)新种背鳍起点在腹鳍起点之前上方,贞丰高原鳅在腹鳍起点之后上方;(3)新种体表裸露无鳞,贞丰高原鳅体被明显细鳞;(4)新种鼻瓣发育成短须状,贞丰高原鳅鼻瓣不呈须状;(5)新种属于南盘江水系,贞丰高原鳅属于北盘江水系.  相似文献   

In rainy season, NaCI is adopted to trace sources of cave drip water, time scales of drip water responding to precipitation, and processes of water dynamics in four caves of Pearl watershed in Guizhou, China (Liangfeng cave in Libo, Qixing cave in Duyun, Jiangjun cave in Anshun and Xiniu cave in Zhenning). Because of the variety of karst cave surroundings, interconnections of water transporting ways, water dynamics processes etc., time scales of drip-water in four caves responding to rainfall is 0——40 d. According to the characteristics of water transport in cave roof, pathways of water movement, types of water head etc., drip water of four caves can be divided into five hydrodynamics types. The differences of time scales, and ways of water-soil and water-rock interaction during water transporting in cave roof make it difficult to correctly measure speleothem record and trace material sources. In addition, there exist great differences in water dynamic conditions among the four caves. So the interpretation of the paleoenvironment records of speleothem must be supported by the understanding of hydrodynamics conditions of different drip sites. Based on the data got from drip sites in four caves, drip conductivity accords with precipitation, which indicates that element contents in speleothem formed by drip water record the change of karst paleoenvironment. But results of multi-points study are needed to guarantee the correctness of interpretation.  相似文献   

Understanding of hydrological processes in caves is important to help us interpret paleo-climate records from speleothems. In this study, we integrated hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical properties t...  相似文献   

The cultural deposits at pits T1 and T2 in Zhangkou Cave are intercalated with several flowstone layers. U-series dates show that the capping and 2nd flowstone layers are Holocene of age. The 4th and 5th flowstone layers are ca. 55 and 110 ka old respectively. The lithic artifacts bracketed by them provide unequivocal evidence for hominid presence during this time interval. The ┐temporal gap” of hominid fossil, widely quoted as in support of the out-of-Africa hypothesis, is most probably an artifact due to systematic errors of dating techniques. The infillings under 6th flowstone layer date to > 300 ka, much older than the previous estimate at 15 ka based on classical14C dating of fossil bones, providing one more example of the limited reliability of this chronometer. With rich relics and favorable conditions for precise dating, this site is promising for further multidisciplinary studies to address issues concerning recent human evolution in China.  相似文献   

为了解松桃矿区洞穴水的重金属含量及污染状况,确保居民饮用洞穴水安全,本研究选取5个代表洞穴作为研究对象,分析检测不同水期洞穴水中9种重金属含量及分布特征,并采用内梅罗综合指数法和健康风险评价相结合的方法,对洞穴水进行重金属污染评估.结果表明,松桃矿区洞穴水重金属平均浓度为Mn>Cr>Zn>Ni>Pb>Cu>As>Hg>...  相似文献   

The cultural deposits at pits T1 and T2 in Zhangkou Cave are intercalated with several flowstone layers. U-series dates show that the capping and 2rid flowstone layers are Holocene of age. The 4th and 5th flowstone layers are ca. 55 and 110 ka old respectively. The lithic artifacts bracketed by them provide unequivocal evidence for hominid presence during this time interval. The ““temporal gap““ of hominid fossil, widely quoted as in support of the out-of-Africa hypothesis, is most probably an artifact due to systematic errors of dating techniques. The infillings under 6th flowstone layer date to >300 ka, much older than the previous estimate at 15 ka based on classical 14C dating of fossil bones, providing one more example of the limited reliability of this chronometer. With rich relics and favorable conditions for precise dating, this site is promising for further multidisciplinary studies to address issues concerning recent human evolution in China.  相似文献   

结合水文气象资料,分析浙江和睦桥小流域在2015年汛期的3场台风雨事件中降雨、地面径流以及河水的氢氧同位素组成,并研究降水中δ~2H-δ~(18)O的相关关系。结果表明,降雨中的氢氧同位素具有显著的时程效应。无论是等体积的降雨增量还是等时段降雨,随着降雨历时的增加,δ~(18)O值均出现递减的趋势;穿透降雨由于林冠的滞留作用以及同位素分馏作用,比林外降雨更加富含重同位素;降水是河水的主要补给来源,由于河水蒸发,河水中重同位素比同时期降雨和地面径流更加富集。  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of fluorescence spectral characteristics of cave drip waters to modern environment and climate changes is key to the reconstructions of environmental and climatic changes using fluorescence spectral characteristics of speleothems. The fluorescence spectral characteristics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in four active cave systems were analyzed with a three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence spectral analysis method. We found that the fluorescence types of DOC were mainly of fulvic-like and protein-like fluorescences, both in soil waters and cave drip waters. The intensity of fulvic-like fluorescence was positively correlated with the concentrations of DOC, suggesting that the DOC of cave drip waters was derived from the overlying soil layer of a cave system. Compared with the other cave systems, the variation range of the excitation and emission wavelengths for fulvic-like fluorescence of cave drip waters in Liangfeng cave system that had forest vegetation was smaller and the excitation wavelength was longer, while its fluorescence intensity varied significantly. By contrast, the excitation and emission wavelengths and fluorescence intensity for that in Jiangjun cave system that had a scrub and tussock vegetation showed the most significant variation, while its excitation wavelength was shorter. This implies that the variation of vegetation overlying a cave appears to be a factor affecting the fluorescence spectral characteristics of cave drip waters.  相似文献   

2014年8月,对贵州省赤水市白杨坪1号洞和7号洞的脊索动物、软体动物和节肢动物进行了调查,共采集到动物标本871号,经鉴定并统计,隶属于20科25种。其中白杨坪1号洞共获标本363号,隶属于3门6纲12目18科22种,白杨坪7号洞共获标本508号,隶属于3门7纲13目20科25种。对两个洞穴内动物群落进行了分析研究,结果表明:群落多样性指数最高的是群落B(2.4441)和群落E(2.4326),最低的是群落A(1.8759);分布在两个洞穴相同光带间的动物群落相似性最高;各群落多样性指数之间的相关性较显著。  相似文献   

中国贵州大型真菌资源及其利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了贵州大型真菌 789种 ,隶属 2 0 2属 ,4 4科 ,其中新种 4个 ,中国新记录种 2 3个 ,贵州新记录种 36 8个。其中可供食用菌 2 4 3种 ,药用菌 186种 ,毒菌 6 7种。  相似文献   

为探讨岩溶洞穴波状流痕(舌状流痕)的分布特征及形成原因,对观音洞内的波状流痕的形态特征参数进行测量,统计它在纵、横方向上的展布特征,分析洞道形态结构与波状流痕的展布关系;同时,根据地下河水运移规律,探讨波状流痕的形成原因.结果显示:(1)洞底波状流痕较均一,形态差异小于洞壁;(2)洞壁波状流痕在距洞底高1.0~1.2m范围内的流痕深度,较1.2~1.4m和1.4~1.7m这2个高度范围内的深度变化大;(3)洞壁波状流痕的形态特征变化与洞道形态结构有密切联系;(4)岩溶洞穴波状流痕是地下径流过程产生的内波(VI)与梯度流(VT)共同作用的结果.认为地下径流是岩溶洞穴波状流痕的直接动力,洞道结构形态对径流过程产生的内波(VI)与梯度流(VT)的叠加作用的影响,导致波状流痕在洞内的展布特征.  相似文献   

罗书文    陈伟海    杨桃  潘晓东    邓亚东    覃星铭   《广西科学》2019,26(4):444-455
探测清虚洞发育特征及景观资源组成,研究清虚洞形成机理,为科学开发、保护提供参考。本文在探测清虚洞的基础上,根据清虚系统的洞道结构和空间展布特征,分析其资源构成及特征;分析区内地形地貌、地质构造和水文等自然条件,对清虚洞形成的影响;以区域新构造演进为主线,讨论清虚洞形成与演化过程。结果表明:(1)清虚洞洞穴系统属于大型洞穴系统,其洞道结构为"一桥、两坑、一窗、一支洞";(2)天生桥、天坑、天窗、洞内景观及边缘坡立谷等,是清虚洞景观资源的重要组成部分,其中边缘坡立谷、清虚洞天生桥及云坛天坑构成了核心资源;(3)区内地形特征及下伏非碳酸岩夜郎组(T_1y)地层,为外源水流入碳酸岩地层溶蚀成洞提供了隔水条件;(4)区内地下水不仅沿着构造节理和裂隙运移溶蚀,而且单斜构造条件也有利于地下水沿着层间裂隙溶蚀、侵蚀,是控制清虚洞成因之一;(5)清虚洞穴系统在形成演化过程中,主要经历溶蚀期、崩塌期和下切3个时期。区内岩层空间展布和区域构造是清虚洞形成的前提条件,外源水是清虚洞形成的基本动力,在区内地文演进过程塑造了世界罕有的天生桥景观。  相似文献   

The concentrations and isotopic compositions of boron and strontium of Quaternary foraminifera and bivalve fossils collected in the Yanghuzhuang section of Yanqing, Beijing and of modern gastropods living in the Guishul River and of river water were measured. The concentrations and isotopic compositions of Quaternary foraminifera and bivalve fossils differed from those of modern marine foraminifers and were similar to those of modern terrestrial gastropods from the Guishui Riven These results Indicate that early Quaternary foraminifera in the Yanghuzhuang section inhabited a nonmarine environment and that these foraminifera were not the result of a transgression or sea flooding. The foraminifera were not special halobios and can survive in the terrestrial condition that resembled those of the ocean.  相似文献   

黔中地区岩溶洞穴翼手类的初步调查及部分生态观察   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
从 1995年 5月至 1999年 12月间对黔中地区的龙天洞、唐官大坡洞、和尚洞和大洞口等 2 1个洞穴的翼手类进行了初步调查 ,共捕获标本 2 0 0余号 ,经鉴定计 16种 ,隶属 3科 7属。此外 ,还对翼手类的部分生态进行了观察 ,共观察多种翼手类 10 0 0余只。分析了光和温度对翼手类活动的影响及湿度对翼手类分布的影响 ,翼手类的水平和空间分布、昼夜活动及在洞穴生态系统中的作用。还对翼手类的保护进行了探讨  相似文献   

以岩石结构分析为基础,结合自云石有序度和Sr含量及Sr同位素等资料,对川东北下三叠统飞仙关组广泛发育的白云岩成因进行研究,从中识别出准同生白云岩和埋藏白云岩两种成因类型.其中具有储集意义的仅为多期次埋藏交代成因的成岩白云岩,包括鲕粒白云岩和晶粒白云岩两种主要结构类型.综合成岩埋藏白云岩的结构与有序度和Sr含量及Sr同位素地球化学特征,可将埋藏白云化过程划分为早、中、晚三个成岩阶段.各阶段储层白云岩的岩石结构虽然有显著的差别,但微量元素Sr含量和Sr同位素地球化学特征具有明显的相似性与周源性,不仅显示了埋藏白云化流体为具备早三叠世海水Sr同位素组成特征的海源地层水而与大气淡水无关,同时反映了多期次的埋藏白云化作用是发生在继承性发展演化的过程中的和相对封闭的体系中,因此,对储层的发育和天然气的聚集成藏都非常有利.  相似文献   

贵州瓮安陡山沱组碳同位素特征及古海洋意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州瓮安含磷岩系剖面进行碳同位素分析,对震旦纪陡山沱期的成磷事件、生物事件及古海洋环境的变化进行了研究。瓮安大塘剖面陡山沱组碳酸盐岩碳同位素值表现为正偏移的趋势,与其他地区同期碳同位素变化趋势相似。这与大冰期后生物生产率的提高有关,其中的负偏移与环境的波动相关,环境的快速变化刺激了生物的进化。穿岩洞剖面上磷矿段的黑色碳质磷块岩获得的较低的有机碳同位素值与浮游生物吸收12 C有关,体现了生物有机质聚磷作用。该时期的碳酸盐岩碳同位素值的正偏移、磷矿的沉积与生物事件之间有一定的关联性,大洋深部的缺氧事件使底水富磷质;随着古海洋流通性的提高,富磷海水随上升洋流运移到浅海沉积成矿,并为生物圈供应营养物质,进而引发生物竞争及推动进化。  相似文献   

贵州境内的玄武岩可分为钙性区、钙碱性区及碱钙性区,其碱钙性区碱度高,并与贵州西南部一系列金矿床(点)有一定成因联系,碱钙性玄武岩分布区及其东部大片火山碎屑—热水沉积区是新的金矿远景区。  相似文献   

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