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In this paper we discuss the potential usefulness of membrane systems as tools for modelling tumours. The approach is followed both from a macroscopic and a microscopic point of view. In the first case, one considers the tumour as a growing mass of cells, focusing on its external shape. In the second case, one descends to the microscopic level, studying molecular signalling pathways that are crucial to determine if a cell is cancerous or not. In each of these approaches we work with appropriate variants of membrane systems.  相似文献   

Based on the biological model of cell-to-cell communication proposed by A. Rustom et al. (Science, 2004, 303: 1007-1010), we investigate the possibilities to apply P systems with dynamic channels transporting membrane vesicles for describing processes in distributed systems.  相似文献   

Based on the biological model of cell-to-cell communication proposed by A. Rustom et al. (Science, 2004, 303: 1007—1010), we investigate the possibilities to apply P systems with dynamic channels transporting membrane vesicles for describing processes in distributed systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithmic way of building complex membrane systems by coupling elementary membranes. Its application seems particularly valuable in the case of asynchronous membrane systems, since the resulting membrane system remains asynchronous. The composition method is based on a handshake mechanism implemented by using antiport rules and promoters.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithmic way of building complex membrane systems by coupling elementary membranes. Its application seems particularly valuable in the case of asynchronous membrane systems, since the resulting membrane system remains asynchronous. The composition method is based on a handshake mechanism implemented by using antiport rules and promoters.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a specific model of membrane systems, i. e. membrane systems with attributes. In these systems, the information is placed at the membranes in form of attributes, no objects are considered inside the membranes except for other membranes. The membrane system with attributes evolves according to rules that compute new values for the attributes from the attributes assigned to the membranes involved in the rule. The model of membrane systems with attributes allows us to specify business transactions in a precise way and to simulate different models for such transactions with a suitable tool for membrane systems with attributes.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a specific model of membrane systems, i. e. membrane systems with attributes. In these systems, the information is placed at the membranes in form of attributes, no objects are considered inside the membranes except for other membranes. The membrane system with attributes evolves according to rules that compute new values for the attributes from the attributes assigned to the membranes involved in the rule. The model of membrane systems with attributes allows us to specify business transactions in a precise way and to simulate different models for such transactions with a suitable tool for membrane systems with attributes.  相似文献   

用中空纤维膜分散技术制备纳米颗粒   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用中空纤维膜为分散介质,以制备纳米BaSO4为例,探索膜分散制备纳米颗粒技术。实验以Na2SO4溶液为连续相,将BaCl2溶液通过中空纤维膜均匀分散到Na2SO4溶液中,在透过膜的微小液滴形成的微环境中实现两种溶液的微观混合,并反应生成BaSO4颗粒。实验研究了膜组件构型、反应物浓度、分散剂、膜孔孔径大小等因素对BaSO4颗粒形貌、大小和粒度分布的影响。结果表明:采用膜截留分子量为10000的中空纤维膜制成的浸没式膜组件,反应物Na2SO4和BaCl2溶液浓度均为0.02mol/L,加入分散剂聚乙二醇(PEG)制得了平均粒径在10~30nm、球形度好、单分散性好的纳米BaSO4颗粒.  相似文献   

为了提高焦化废水的处理效果,减轻对环境的污染,选择好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器处理人工模拟焦化废水,探讨了不同颗粒污泥浓度对焦化废水的处理效果及膜污染的情况。结果表明,不同颗粒污泥浓度对焦化废水的处理效果有显著差别。投加颗粒污泥后,反应器对不同颗粒污泥浓度条件下COD、NH3-N、苯酚、TP的去除效果不同。好氧颗粒污泥内部缺氧和厌氧环境下,反应器中的好氧颗粒污泥质量分数为100%时对COD去除率为99.17%、NH3-N去除率为95.00%、苯酚去除率为99.90%、TP去除率为85.22%。同时,比较了不同颗粒污泥浓度下反应器运行中膜通量的变化趋势及膜表面的变化情况。颗粒污泥投加量的不同对膜污染的抑制作用也不同。颗粒污泥使膜污染减轻,膜通量恢复率升高。  相似文献   

目前普遍采用的传统等参元族对网格的曲边、直边畸变均十分敏感。该文在已有的采用四边形面积坐标四边形4结点膜元基础上,构造了4个新型四边形广义协调曲边膜元5结点元ACG-Q5、6结点元ACG-Q6、7结点元ACG-Q7和8结点元ACG-Q8,形成一个完整的采用面积坐标的膜元系列。这4个单元列式简单、便于应用,且位移场实现了直角坐标的二次完备,单元精度高,对网格曲边和直边畸变都不敏感。算例表明这4个单元可以有效克服MacNeal梁、薄曲梁等传统等参元无法克服的多种闭锁现象。此外,通过这4个单元的建立还提供了一种将4结点单元推广到更多结点单元的一种通用方法。  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy and polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells become concerned issues in recent years. Nevertheless, the construction of hydrogen refueling infrastructure and hydrogen storage and transportation constrains the commercial development of fuel cells. In this review, sources, production, storage, transportation, and purification methods of hydrogen are extensively reviewed and compared. The advantages of utilizing industrial by-product hydrogen and steam reforming gas in PEM fuel cell systems are analyzed. Using industrial wasted hydrogen can significantly reduce the cost of hydrogen. Also, it is indicated that the onboard hydrogen generation by steam methanol reforming can solve the difficulties of efficient storage and transportation of gaseous hydrogen, which means that methanol has great potential to be a convenient carrier of hydrogen. The effects of impurities contained in the reformate gas are generally introduced. After the methanol steam reforming and pretreatment purification processes, the reformate gas can be fed to PEM fuel cells. Thus, a fuel cell system integrated with onboard hydrogen production and impure hydrogen treatment subsystems is introduced, and key technologies therein for pretreatment purification and in-situ poisoning mitigation methods are reviewed. Finally, suggestions are proposed for further studies.  相似文献   

采用自制聚四氟乙烯两室电解槽,以铂片作阳极,不锈钢片作阴极,Nafion?系列全氟磺酸阳离子交换膜作隔膜,铬酸钾、氢氧化钾为原料,研究了电解合成重铬酸钾的新方法。工作中以电流效率、转化率和直流电耗为优化目标,采用正交实验,探讨了电流密度、反应温度、阳极液K2 CrO4初始浓度、阴极液KOH初始浓度、反应时间、膜厚等因素的影响,最终确定电解合成重铬酸钾的最优工艺条件为:反应温度80℃,电流密度2.5kA· m-2,反应时间为理论电解时间408min,阳极液K2 CrO4初始浓度350g/L,阴极液KOH初始浓度50g/L,膜厚0.05mm。  相似文献   

关系代数中用基本运算表示除法运算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了用基本运算表示非基本运算 ,给出了用基本运算表示除法运算的关系代数表达式 ,解决了以往用抽象定义进行除法运算的难度 ,直接应用除法的基本运算表达公式得出结果 ,从而得到了在其它关系操作语言中进行与除法等价运算的一个重要途径  相似文献   

均质硅橡胶膜萃取含酚水溶液传质特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造了卷绕式及管束式两种膜组件,采用均质硅橡胶膜材料,以氢氧化钠溶液为萃取液,研究了含酚水溶液的膜萃取过程.基于液-膜-液的串联传质阻力模型,通过实验测定了体系的总传质系数.分析讨论了苯酚溶液浓度、流动状态和温度因素对膜萃取传质过程的影响,得出了总传质系数与料液流动状态及温度之间关系的数学模型.实验值与理论值的相对偏差在10%以内,表明所得的关联式可信、有效.  相似文献   

本文通过液膜法处理工业废水的传质机理研究,揭示了液膜分离具有高效,快速等特点,并通过实例分析,为液膜分离实现工业化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

弹性膜在荷载作用下会出现双向受拉、单向受拉、松弛三种状态,由于膜材几乎不能承受压力,当单向受拉和松弛单元中出现压应力时,应进行褶皱处理。基于普遍性的要求,针对正交各向异性膜材,本文提出了采用局部坐标系转置和刚度等效分析褶皱膜单元的新方法,并运用有限元软件Strand7及其开发程序Strand7API进行了编程验证。最后,本文运用新方法对典型膜结构实例在竖向荷载作用下的受力情况进行了全过程的分析,通过分析发现新方法能正确的处理褶皱膜单元,并可以得到膜结构在褶皱单元出现后的真实的荷载响应。  相似文献   

为实现核孔膜防伪的自动检测,提出了一种基于数学形态学的核孔膜显微图像检测方法。构造了基于灰度数学形态学的二值化方法,提出了基于二值数学形态学的分层提取方法,统计总孔数和孔半径。实验结果表明,二值化方法不但能够有效消除灰度图像中的噪声和渐变背景,而且所得二值图像保留了原始灰度图像中核孔膜的全局信息;分层提取方法所得总孔数的相对误差在10%以内,同时实现了孔半径的统计。该方法可用于仪器化检测中。  相似文献   

以超声还原方法合成的SbSn金属间化合物粉末为原料制备了SbSn金属间化合物过滤膜.在常温常压下,使用制备的过滤膜进行动态汽油脱硫实验,并考察了外加电场大小及其方向对脱硫效果的影响,膜片的清洗方法及其清洗后的脱硫性能.实验结果表明:正确的外加电场方向及适宜的电场强度可以显著增加过滤膜对汽油的脱硫效果;外加电场的清洗方式远好于仅使用有机溶剂清洗的方式,重复使用5次后的脱硫效果可以达到首次脱硫效果的68%.  相似文献   

膜分离技术处理含氰废水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国处理含氰废水主要使用四效蒸发和焚烧的方法,此方法不仅成本高,而且焚烧过程会产生大量的CO2和氮氧化物对环境同样造成一定程度的污染。本文采用膜分离技术,发展出一条处理丙烯腈装置含氰废水的新工艺、新方法。我们根据膜分离过程的不同特点,结合含氰废水的特点,利用超滤和反渗透两种膜分离过程来处理丙烯腈装置的含氰废水。丙烯腈装置所产生的含氰废水中氰根浓度一般在0.3‰~0.4‰之间,COD一般在4000mg/l~5000mg/l,而装置外排废水中氰根的允许浓度是CN-〈0.005‰,COD〈1500mg/l。通过试验,利用一级超滤和两级反渗透成功地做到了这一点,外排废水完全达到设计要求。  相似文献   

研究了三辛基甲基氯化铵(TOMAC)为载体的大块液膜体系处理含镍(Ⅱ)废水.应用正交实验考察了料液相中金属离子浓度、载体浓度、反萃剂浓度、料液相pH对镍(Ⅱ)迁移的影响.结果表明,镍(Ⅱ)迁移的最优方案为料液相中金属离子浓度为0.03mol/L,载体浓度为6%,反萃剂浓度为0.05mol/L,料液相pH为10.在最优条件下,迁移时间180min,迁移率可达53.92%.因素的影响主次为镍(Ⅱ)浓度>料液相pH>载体浓度>反萃剂浓度.  相似文献   

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