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Data sets of the changes of the length of day, the sea surface temperature in the eastern Pacific and of the sea level in Hong Long from tide gauge observations are used to analyze and reveal the reflections in the observations of the length of day and the sea level changes concerned with the premonitory phenomenon of next EI Niño event. The results from this study indicate that a new EI Niño event has been brewing with the ending of the strong La Niño event that started in early summer of 1998. The estimated formation period of the new EI Niño event will begin before the end of 2000, and the peak period may be reached at around the end of 2001.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sea surface height and the heat content of the upper ocean are analyzed to retrieve the relationship of interannual variabilities between the tropical western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans during the 1997 - 1998 El Nino event. In the prophase of this El Nino, the negative sea level anomalies (SLA) occurred in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) firstly, and then appeared in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean (TEI). The negative heat content anomalies (HCA) emerged in the TWP before this El Nino burst while the SLA signals developed over there. During the mature stage of this El Nino, two kinds of signals in the TWP and TEI turned to be the maximum negative sequently. Due to the connected interannual adjustment between the TEI and TWP, we adopted a method to estimate the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport by calculating the HCA budget in the TEI. The indirect estimation of the ITF was comparable to the observation values. Therefore, the anomalies in the TEI had been proved as adv  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of radiolarian and diatom fluxes in the central South China Sea during 1993-1995 were overwhelmingly controlled by monsoon climate. Radiolarian and diatom increased obviously during the Northeast (from November to February) and Southwest (from June to September) monsoons and decreased during the periods between the monsoons. The change of circulation driven by the monsoons improved water exchange in the different areas that brought rich nutrient materials for the surface microplankton, thereby enhancing radiolarian and diatom fluxes. Variation of radiolarian flux coincided with organic carbon flux, surface primary and export productivities. High radiolarian flux corresponded to high surface primary productivity. Radiolarian and diatom fluxes raised abnormally during 1994-1995 could be attributed to the El Ni(n)o event during the period.  相似文献   

用密度泛函理论(DFT)的杂化密度泛函B3LYP方法在6-311+G(d)基组水平上对Ni+Nen(n=1-7),Ni+Arn(n=1-6)团簇的各种可能构型进行了几何优化,得到了团簇的最稳定结构,并对最稳定构型的电子结构、电荷分布进行了理论分析.结果表明:当团簇离子n≤4时为平面构型,n>4时为立体构型.同时,能量分析和自然键轨道(NBO)分析表明Ni+Nen团簇的稳定性不如Ni+Arn.  相似文献   

回顾热带太平洋对海平面长期趋势有重要影响的海平面年际和年代际变化的相关研究,总结包括近期提出的中部型厄尔尼诺在内的2种类型厄尔尼诺对热带太平洋海平面年际变化的影响,揭示了热带太平洋海平面年代际变化与信风年代际变化之间的紧密联系。指出赤道信风的增强对近期热带太平洋海平面变化格局的形成有决定性作用,厄尔尼诺强度的减弱对这种格局有贡献,而拉尼娜的影响有待深入研究。研究资料的局限性导致年代际变化的定量研究成果较少,在研究海平面年际和年代际变化时应用的热通量评估模型有待改进。  相似文献   

The relationship between the inter-annual variations of the earth rotation, atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), sunspot number and El Niño is analyzed. The result shows that the inter-annual variation of the earth rotation responds to the variation of AAM and the pregnancy of El Niño timely. Generally, the inter-annual component of the earth rotation will reach zero in a changing process that increases from the negative to the positive extreme before El Niño occurs about half year or more. And the solar activity may have certain influence on the appearance of El Niño. We consider that El Niño will possibly appear around the end of 2001.  相似文献   

在一个v阶不完全的幂等Schroder拟群中去掉vi个阶为hi的子拟群(1≤i≤k),如果这些子拟群是不相交的且是生成的(即:∑1≤i≤k=v),则称这个v阶拟群为框架幂等Schroder拟群。并记为FISQ( h1^v1h2^v2…hk^vk).业已证明,FISQ(1^n)存在当且仅当n=0,1(mod4)且n≠5,9.本文报道了除n=8作为可能的例外,FISQ(2^n)存在的充分必要条件是n≥5且n≠6.  相似文献   

为了探讨强极涡与La Ni(n)a事件之间的关系,利用NCEP/NCAR(日平均、月平均位势高度及温度场)再分析资料对2010-2011年冬季进行个例研究.与气候态相比,2010-2011年冬季北半球平流层极涡偏强,同时,显著的强海温负异常(La Ni(n)a事件)也持续整个冬季.结果表明,受La Ni(n)a事件影响,对流层环流场和温度场得到较大的调整,出现PNA (Pacific North American)型异常环流形势和相对应的温度异常分布.2010年12月,阿留申地区出现负值的热量经向输送,使得该地区从对流层上升至平流层的行星波动与气候态相比明显减弱,从而导致平流层极涡较气候平均态偏强.这一La Ni(n)a事件对平流层极涡影响的动力过程也从1948-2010年期间选出的13个冬季强La Ni(n)a事件的合成分析结果中得到证实.  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺事件及其对我国夏季降水量时空分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨厄尔尼诺与我国夏季降水的关系,分析Nino指数的变化趋势和突变情况,解析1961—2016年历次厄尔尼诺事件的类型和强度特征,对我国月降水距平进行EOF分解,研究我国降水变率的空间分布和年际变化规律。重点研究2014—2016年厄尔尼诺事件的特征及其对2016年我国夏季月降水量时空分布的影响。研究表明:Nino指数和我国降水变率在厄尔尼诺事件发生期间波动较大,厄尔尼诺事件将影响我国次年夏季降水量的时空分布。其中,东部型厄尔尼诺事件峰期过后我国夏季降水呈现长江流域增加、淮河以北大部分地区及东南沿海地区减少的特征;中部型厄尔尼诺事件峰期过后,夏季降水呈现黄河流域及华南地区增加、长江流域减少的特征;混合型厄尔尼诺事件丰期过后降水增加的地区主要为黄河流域。  相似文献   

Yan  Qing  Zhang  ZhongShi  Wang  HuiJun  Jiang  DaBang  Zheng  WeiPeng 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(9):890-899
The Middle Pliocene (ca 3.12–2.97 Ma) is a recent warm period in the Earth’s history. In many respects, the warmth of the Middle Pliocene is similar to the probable warm situation of the late 21st century predicted by climate models. Understanding the Middle Pliocene climate is important in predicting the future climate with global warming. Here, we used the latest reconstructions for the Middle Pliocene—Pliocene Research Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM) version 3—to simulate the Middle Pliocene ...  相似文献   

在引力源为理想流体条件下,通过对G(o)del宇宙基本性质的分析求解了Einstein场方程,给出了一个G(o)del宇宙时空度规的近似解.并且对此解进行了分析.结果表明,在参量f(x)的两种不同情况下,G(o)del宇宙将分别表现出静态与膨胀的特征.对于膨胀宇宙,H的取值主要依赖于λ、k以及σ等模型参数.  相似文献   

利用黄、东海沿岸8个长期水文观测站多年海表温度资料,分析黄、东海沿岸海表温度的季节和年际变化特征,重点分析在1982-1983年和1997-1998年两次厄尔尼诺年期间的异常变化,以及ENSO影响黄、东海沿岸海表温度的可能机制.结果表明,在厄尔尼诺发生年,夏季风较弱,鄂霍次克海高压加强,西太平洋副高位置偏南,强度偏强,江淮流域及长江中下游降水偏多,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏低.黄、东海沿岸海表温度受到ENSO和PDO(太平洋年代际振荡)的影响和调制,在厄尔尼诺发生的前冬半年及当年,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏低;在厄尔尼诺发生次年,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏高.厄尔尼诺对黄、东海沿岸海表温度变化的影响通过海洋和大气2个通道,1982-1983年海表温度异常以负异常为主,1997-1998年海表温度异常以正异常为主;ENSO期间,北赤道流减弱,黑潮流量减少,海表温度降低.海表温度受局地气温影响显著,如果ENSO期间东亚气温升高,则黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏高.  相似文献   

主要考虑了一类形变Schr(o)dinger-Virasoro型李代数L的中间序列模,给出了此类模的完全分类.  相似文献   

本文将格林*关系从普通半群推广到(n,m)-半群上,从而定义富足(n,m)-半群、恰当(n,m)-半群和A型(n,m)-半群,并讨论它们的基本性质,特别地推广了关于Munn-半群的一个定理。  相似文献   

考虑一个连续时间的风险模型,其中索赔时间间隔服从Erlang(n)分布,而且风险过程的调节系数不存在,本文给出了破产概率的渐近估计.  相似文献   

通过金属镍片与草酸钠的碱性溶液(pH值为12)140 ℃水热反应24 h, 在金属镍片表面原位生长出大面积直立的六边形Ni(OH)2纳米片.采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜和透射电子显微镜对产物进行了表征. 结果表明, 六边形Ni(OH)2纳米片为六方相单晶结构, 厚200~500 nm, 对角线长度1.6~3.6 μm. Ni(OH)2纳米片的产量和尺寸随着反应体系中乙醇与水体积比的增加而降低,研究了草酸钠在六边形Ni(OH)2纳米片形成过程中的作用.  相似文献   

运用Laplace变换,研究了带扰动的广义Erlang(n)风险模型最大亏损的分布,求得满足生存概率的一个积分-微分方程的解。它的解可以表示为2n阶线性独立特解的一个线性组合,当n=2时,得到最大亏损分布的精确表达式,再通过一个实例来说明该研究结果。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed and researched on several significant natural geological sections from the views of stratum-sequence stratigraphy, climate stratigraphy, event stratigraphy and regional stratigraphy by the investigation of Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. In combination with the coupling relationship between the life-temperature of regional life zone and the evolution of geological environment, this paper exactly made out the geological sediment records of paleoclimate times in different time scales of 3 kaBP, 1 kaBP and 0.5 kaBP since the past glacier age of Quaternary period, and it is consecutive and authentic for the material medium and time joint. These studies definitely reflected that the sea level of Thailand Gulf area is in tendency of continually dropping in recent years. They also provided important and new information for the global change analysis.  相似文献   

利用10Ni和18Ni马氏体时效钢穆斯堡尔谱,研究10Ni和18Ni两种马氏体合金钢的时效机理.研究表明:10Ni和18Ni马氏体时效钢存在富Fe-Co区域和富Fe-Ni-Mo区域,在时效初期,Mo原子的偏聚速度较快;10Ni合金时效30min后析出金属间化合物,18Ni合金时效15min后析出金属间化合物.由超精细内磁场值变化可知,随着时效时间的增加,Co原子作为与Fe原子最近邻的配位几率增加.  相似文献   

采用DFT/B3LYP方法对Ni在TiO2(110)表面的5种可能负载模式及CO的6种吸附模型进行优化,计算了它们的吸附能、振动频率.结果表明,Ni倾向以垂直于O(2f)的形式负载在TiO2(110)表面,CO以C端与2个Ni原子桥连的方式吸附在Ni/TiO2(110)面时有利于C-O键的断裂.通过态密度分析发现,Ni/TiO2(110)体系是由Ni3dyz和3dxz组成的表面态,正是该表面态提高了完整TiO2(110)面对CO催化分解活性.计算结果与实验一致.  相似文献   

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