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Large-scale applications of high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors, such as their use in superconducting cables, are impeded by the fact that polycrystalline materials (the only practical option) support significantly lower current densities than single crystals. The superconducting critical current density (J(c)) across a grain boundary drops exponentially if the misorientation angle exceeds 2 degrees -7 degrees. Grain texturing reduces the average misorientation angle, but problems persist. Adding impurities (such as Ca in YBa2Cu3O7-delta; YBCO) leads to increased J(c) (refs 9, 10), which is generally attributed to excess holes introduced by Ca2+ substituting for Y3+ (ref. 11). However, a comprehensive physical model for the role of grain boundaries and Ca doping has remained elusive. Here we report calculations, imaging and spectroscopy at the atomic scale that demonstrate that in poly-crystalline YBCO, highly strained grain-boundary regions contain excess O vacancies, which reduce the local hole concentration. The Ca impurities indeed substitute for Y, but in grain-boundary regions under compression and tension they also replace Ba and Cu, relieving strain and suppressing O-vacancy formation. Our results demonstrate that the ionic radii are more important than their electronic valences for enhancing J(c).  相似文献   

Zhang J  Green HW  Bozhilov K  Jin Z 《Nature》2004,428(6983):633-636
Dehydration embrittlement has been proposed to explain both intermediate- and deep-focus earthquakes in subduction zones. Because such earthquakes primarily occur at shallow depths or within the core of the subducting plate, dehydration at relatively low temperatures has been emphasized. However, recent careful relocation of subduction-zone earthquakes shows that at depths of 100-250 km, earthquakes continue in the uppermost part of the slab (probably the former oceanic crust that has been converted to eclogite) where temperatures are higher. Here we show that at such pressures and temperatures, eclogite lacking hydrous phases but with significant hydroxyl incorporated as defects in pyroxene and garnet develops a faulting instability associated with precipitation of water at grain boundaries and the production of very small amounts of melt. This new faulting mechanism satisfactorily explains high-temperature earthquakes in subducting oceanic crust and could potentially be involved in much deeper earthquakes in connection with similar precipitation of water in the mantle transition zone (400-700 km depth). Of potential importance for all proposed high-pressure earthquake mechanisms is the very small amount of fluid required to trigger this instability.  相似文献   

为探讨矿物颗粒边界应力分布规律,采用有限元程序ANSYS三维模拟、计算高温(800℃)、高静水压(1.6GPa)下,立方体结构的镁橄榄石和透辉石矿物集合体在加压瞬间各向同性完全弹性变形时的应力场。通过改变矿物颗粒边界层组成物质的弹性模量与泊松比,进一步计算、分析边界层的等效应力和组分矿物的体积模量系数。研究结果表明:两矿物颗粒边界具有应力集中现象,边界层内部应力分布不均,颗粒边界层的等效应力等值线随着颗粒边界组成物质的弹性模量的微小改变而变化明显;2种不同矿物颗粒构成的过渡边界层的等效应力与其组分矿物的体积模量系数呈高斯函数关系;矿物颗粒边界层的等效应力与其组成物质的弹性模量之间具有高斯分布规律。  相似文献   

Effects of trace elements on grain boundaries in some superalloys   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of trace elements on grain boundaries were investigated by analyzing the feature and composition of the boundary precipitates. The effect of trace elements segregated towards boundaries and the mechanism of interaction were interpreted by an idea of atom misfit. The mechanisms with regard to spheroidizing and degenerating of the precipitates were expounded. For the superalloys studied, the atoms with larger misfit may hinder the atoms with smaller misfit from segregating towards the boundaries and may drive the latter into the lattice(or interstice) inside grains and the boundary precipitates. The reaction of the latter on the former was also studied.  相似文献   

Confined low dimensional charges with high density such as two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at interfaces and charged domain walls in ferroelectrics show gre...  相似文献   

回火温度对Q960钢小角度晶界的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种低合金高强度的Q960工程机械用钢.在同种成分、同种轧制和淬火工艺下,研究回火温度对Q960钢小角度晶界的影响机理.经分析得出,随着回火温度的升高,小角度晶界的频率逐渐降低且实验钢的抗拉强度和屈服强度也相应地降低,而屈强比逐渐升高.不同回火温度下小角度晶界频率的峰值均出现在取向差5°附近,即取向差较小.取向差小使得小角度晶界比较稳定,原子迁移率小.通过计算键级积分(BOI)得出,B元素对Q960钢的小角度晶界有加强作用.  相似文献   

With the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity, it seemed that the vision of superconducting power cables operating at the boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K) was close to realization. But it was soon found that the critical current density Jc of the supercurrents that can pass through these polycrystalline materials without destroying superconductivity is remarkably small. In many materials, Jc is suppressed at grain boundaries, by phenomena such as interface charging and bending of the electronic band structure. Partial replacement ('doping') of the yttrium in YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) with calcium has been used to increase grain-boundary Jc values substantially, but only at temperatures much lower than 77 K (ref. 9). Here we show that preferentially overdoping the grain boundaries, relative to the grains themselves, yields values of Jc at 77 K that far exceed previously published values. Our results indicate that grain-boundary doping is a viable approach for producing a practical, cost-effective superconducting power cable operating at liquid-nitrogen temperatures.  相似文献   

借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术测量和计算了无取向硅钢再结晶退火后再结晶百分比、晶粒尺寸、取向差分布等参数,分析了再结晶退火温度对无取向硅钢晶粒大小、微观取向和耐蚀性的影响.结果表明,3个温度(810、840、880 ℃)下退火3 min后,再结晶均充分完成.随着退火温度的升高,再结晶晶粒尺寸长大.拥有{100}面织构的晶粒比其他取向晶粒具有更好的耐蚀性,侵蚀后晶粒凸出于试样表面.880 ℃退火后的小尺寸晶粒周围多为小角度晶界,不易迁移,不易被侵蚀.  相似文献   

基于多光谱技术探讨一种新的柑桔缺陷检测方法.构建由光照箱、多光谱光源、摄像机等部件组成的系统.根据色度学基础理论,采用图像融合技术对柑桔图像进行融合分析判断,得到使柑桔缺陷识别率最高的图像为红光、黄光、近红外光波段融合后的图像.对融合后的多光谱图像,采用Otsu等图像处理算法进行缺陷检测.实验表明,采用多光谱技术可快速有效的提取缺陷特征.  相似文献   

采用改进分析型嵌入原子法(modified analytical embedded atom method,MAEAM),从原子尺度对体心立方(body-centered cubic,BCC)金属Li在以[001]为旋转轴的对称倾斜晶界(symmetrical tilt grain boundary,STGB)中的结构和能量进行了计算机模拟.结果表明,刚性结合的对称倾斜晶界面附近的原子距离非常近,从而导致能量异常高.所研究的27个晶界面两晶粒间的相对平移均可降低晶界能,最小晶界能出现在特定的平移距离处,且随重合密度倒数∑增加而振荡增加,随相对面间距d/a增加而减小,3个最低能量的晶界面依次对应于(310)、(530)和(510).由能量最小化原理知这些晶界面将依次择优出现.  相似文献   

基于三摄像系统的苹果缺陷快速判别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水果缺陷识别一直是计算机视觉水果实时分级中的研究热点,文中提出一种基于三摄像系统的逻辑判别缺陷的新方法.首先利用三摄像系统获取苹果在三个连续不同位置的9幅图像,然后对图像进行去背景、滤噪等预处理操作,再对图像进行缺陷的分割并加以标记,接着根据分割标记后的可疑区个数,对苹果缺陷的有无进行逻辑判别,即当这9幅图像中只要有一幅图像被分割出两个以上的可疑区,则判断该苹果有缺陷.试验结果表明,缺陷识别精度达到89.4%,另外由于该方法避免了缺陷和果梗或果萼直接识别,处理速度和正确率都得到了很大的提高,能够满足在线5—10个/秒的检测速度要求.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of the structure and properties caused by the strong epitaxial growth of grains during laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) significantly affects the mechanical performance of Inconel 718 alloy components such as turbine disks.The defects (lack-of-fusion Lo F) in components processed via L-PBF are detrimental to the strength of the alloy.The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of laser scanning parameters on the epitaxial grain growth and LoF formation in order to obtain...  相似文献   

电阻层析成像(ERT,electrical resistance tomography)是一种以对象内部电导率分布为成像目标的可视化技术,具有低成本、无损伤等优点,在混凝土缺陷检测领域具有广阔的应用前景。根据电阻成像基本原理,基于Matlab平台编制ERT正问题和反问题程序,实现了约束牛顿迭代算法(NCRM,Newton’s constrained reconstruction method)。计算过程中,根据混凝土基体及缺陷的电学特性和基体与缺陷的锐化边界条件对算法施加约束,通过逐步修正初值来干预逆运算,从而提高ERT反问题的计算稳定性和重构图像质量。试验结果表明:针对混凝土材料的缺陷检测,提出的ERT约束算法用较少的迭代次数即获得较好的效果,能较大程度消除成像目标的伪影,提高锐度,实现对混凝土缺陷相对精准的无损检测。  相似文献   

通过CdBr2对全无机CsPbBr3钙钛矿薄膜进行钝化处理,研究不同浓度CdBr2的异丙醇溶液对全无机CsPbBr3钙钛矿太阳能电池光电性能的影响.结果表明:CdBr2钝化CsPbBr3钙钛矿表面后,降低了钙钛矿表面的Br空位缺陷密度,抑制了非辐射复合,促进了光生电子和空穴的抽取和传输,因此降低了界面光电子复合损失,使全无机钙钛矿太阳能电池器件的光电转换效率从6.58%提高到8.19%,开路电压从1.368 V提高到1.531 V.  相似文献   

Voyles PM  Muller DA  Grazul JL  Citrin PH  Gossmann HJ 《Nature》2002,416(6883):826-829
As silicon-based transistors in integrated circuits grow smaller, the concentration of charge carriers generated by the introduction of impurity dopant atoms must steadily increase. Current technology, however, is rapidly approaching the limit at which introducing additional dopant atoms ceases to generate additional charge carriers because the dopants form electrically inactive clusters. Using annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy, we report the direct, atomic-resolution observation of individual antimony (Sb) dopant atoms in crystalline Si, and identify the Sb clusters responsible for the saturation of charge carriers. The size, structure, and distribution of these clusters are determined with a Sb-atom detection efficiency of almost 100%. Although single heavy atoms on surfaces or supporting films have been visualized previously, our technique permits the imaging of individual dopants and clusters as they exist within actual devices.  相似文献   

Static coarsening is an important physical phenomenon that influences microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. How to simulate this process effectively has become an important topic which needs to be dealt with. In this paper, a new cellular automaton (CA) model, which considers the effect of solute drag and anisotropic mobility of grain boundaries, was developed to simulate static grain coarsening of titanium alloys in the beta-phase field. To describe the effect of the drag caused by different solute atoms on coarsening, their diffusion velocities in beta titanium were estimated relative to that of titanium atoms (Ti). A formula was proposed to quantitatively describe the relationship of the diffusion velocity of Ti to that of solute atoms; factors influencing the diffusion velocity such as solute atom radius, mass, and lattice type were considered. The anisotropic mobility of grain boundaries was represented by the parameter c0, which was set to 1 for a fully anisotropic effect. These equations were then implemented into the CA scheme to model the static coarsening of titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V, Ti17 (Ti-5Al-4Mo-4Cr-2Sn-2Zr, wt%), TG6 (Ti-5.8Al-4.0Sn-4.0Zr-0.7Nb-1.5Ta-0.4Si-0.06C, wt%) and TA15 (Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V, wt%) in the beta field. The predicted results, including coarsening kinetics and microstructural evolution, were in good agreement with experimental results. Finally, the effects of time, temperature, and chemical composition on grain coarsening and the limitations of the model were discussed.  相似文献   

: Neutron imaging techniques were investigated at Peking University based on a 4.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. The thermal neutron radiography, fast neutron radiography and fast neutron resonance radiography were tested. The low neutron flux limits the image quality. A new radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator based on neutron source with a yield of 1 012 n/s is being set up.  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of 5 wt%Cr steel tempered at different temperatures was investigated by immersion testing and electrochemical testing in a CO_2 aqueous environment. When the tempering temperature exceeded 500℃, the corrosion rate increased. The corrosion layers consisted of Cr-rich compounds, which affected the corrosion behaviors of the steels immersed in the corrosive solution. The results of electrochemical experiments demonstrated that 5 wt%Cr steels with different microstructures exhibited pre-passivation characteristics that decreased their corrosion rate. Analysis by electron back-scattered diffraction showed that the frequency of high-angle grain boundaries(HAGBs) and the corrosion rate were well-correlated in specimens tempered at different temperatures. The corrosion rate increased with increasing HAGB frequency.  相似文献   

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