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Zusammenfassung Die Aufnahme von Cortisol in Lymphozyten wird durch ein thermolabiles Plasmaprotein begünstigt.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochalasin D (CD) causes an unusual surface alteration in normal lymphocytes consisting of the formation of focal irregular club-shaped cell processes. Lymphocytes from chronic lymphocytic leukaemic cases did not show this change on exposure to CD. There was either no surface change or, in some cases, clear double-membrane lined vesicles were formed and appeared to be discharged from the cell. This difference in response may be related to the changes in cell membranes known to occur in malignant transformation.The study was supported by the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

L Skinnider 《Experientia》1977,33(12):1652-1653
Cytochalasin D (CD) causes an unusual surface alteration in normal lymphocytes consisting of the formation of focal irregular club-shaped cell processes. Lymphocytes from chronic lymphocytic leukaemic cases did not show this change on exposure to CD. There was either no surface change or, in some cases, clear double-membrane lined vesicles were formed and appeared to be discharged from the cell. This difference in response may be related to the changes in cell membranes known to occur in malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der einfache Nachweis von -d-Glukosidase in leukämischen Lymphozyten gelang spektrophotometrisch. Dies lässt darauf schliessen, dass ein Enzymmangel nicht Ursache für die Glykogenspeicherung dieser Zellen sein kann. Es scheint sich um eine Ansammlung von glykolytischen Zwischenprodukten und nicht um einen Defekt der Glykogenolyse zu handeln.

Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Research Grant No. CA 07000 and U.S.P.H.S. Training Grant No. 5 T1 CA5159.

Work done as a U.S.P.H.S. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in hematology.

Recipient of U.S.P.H.S. Career Development Award 1-K3-CA-8371.  相似文献   

Summary SEM observation of acute myeloblastic leukemia cells, incubated for 20 h with the mitogens pokeweed and phytohaemagglutinin, showed these to have elongated structures that were either smooth or partially covered by thumblike figures. By contrast, the chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells possessed more compact shapes and some were covered with blebs of varying sizes.Supported by grant No. A3624 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.We would like to acknowledge the help of Mr Jean-Luc Verville and Mrs Diane Keating from this Department. Our thanks also go to Dr J.F. Perdue, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Canada, for the very generous use of his equipment and also to Mr Pierre Daigneault from M. E. C. A. Laboratories.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli autori hanno determinato con metodo citofotometrico nel visibile il contenuto di acido desossiribonucleico (DNA) e di proteina istonica nei linfociti di 4 soggetti normali e di 4 pazienti affetti da leucosi linfatica.I valori del DNA sono apparsi uguali nelle cellule normali e in quelle leucemiche, i valori dell'istone sono risultati in queste ultime superiori alla norma, onde il rapporto DNA/istone risulta essere nei linfociti leucemici inferiore a quello dei linfociti normali.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a) tissue culture medium (RPMI), b) homologous plasma (HP), and c) fetal calf serum (FCS) on lymphocytic cortisol metabolism was compared to that of phosphate buffered saline alone. RPMI was found to enhance the conversion rate 1.71 times, whereas HP and FCS enhanced it about 3.2 times. Raising the temperature of the HP and FCS to 100°C before incubation reduced the enhancing effect to the level of that obtained with RPMI.This work was supported by The Israel Cancer Research Fund N.Y. (George and Rose Blumenthal Research Fellowship for Hodgkins Disease). The authors are grateful to Dr Malchi and his staff from the Beilinson Hospital Blood Bank, for supplying us with buffy coats and to Mr Z. Klein for drawing the figure.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for 3H-dexamethasone, possessing the characteristics of glucocorticoid receptors, were demonstrated in normal human circulating lymphocytes. The number of glucocorticoid receptors was found different from normal in half of the acute or chronic lymphoid leukaemias studied. A correlation between the number of glucocorticoid receptors and the therapeutical benefit of the glucocorticoid administration will be performed, including these preliminary observations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Lymphocyten von 4 Fällen chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie zeigten ein vermindertes Bindungsvermögen für3H-Actinomycin.  相似文献   

The influence of a) tissue culture medium (RPMI), b) homologous plasma (HP), and c) fetal calf serum (FCS) on lymphocytic cortisol metabolism was compared to that of phosphate buffered saline alone. RPMI was found to enhance the conversion rate 1.71 times, whereas HP and FCS enhanced it about 3.2 times. Raising the temperature of the HP and FCS to 100 degrees C before incubation reduced the enhancing effect to the level of that obtained with RPMI.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay was used to determine levels of the stress-inducible glucocorticoid, cortisol, circulating in the plasma of the extremely stenothermal Antarctic fishPagothenia borchgrevinki at rest and after heat stress. Fish sampled immediately after capture (–1.9°C) had low cortisol levels (10.4±1.4 ng ml–1, mean±SEM) as did fish which were laboratory rested for 3 days. Sudden exposure to 5°C (48h) resulted in a peak cortisol value after 3 h (69.9±6.8 ng ml–1) whereas exposure to 8°C (6h) resulted in a peak value after 1 h (73.5±8.0 ng ml–1). At both temperatures levels remained significantly elevated (p<0.05) for the entire period of exposure. Increased temperature also resulted in a significant change in haemoglobin, haematocrit and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (p<0.05). Plasma lactate was significantly elevated only after exposure to 8°C (p<0.05). Plasma cortisol levels fromP. borchgrevinki are reported here for the first time and show this cryopelagic Antarctic species to have an unusual hormonal stress profile.  相似文献   

Summary The numbers of sister chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes grown in varying concentrations of serum from different sources indicated that some sera contain a factor, probably introduced as a contaminant, which induces SCEs. Sera from 6 animals showed no evidence of a difference in baseline SCE levels due to the donor of the serum.Research sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy contract number DE-ACO5-760R00242 with The University of Tennessee.  相似文献   

Summary The IgG, IgA and IgM synthesis by adult peripheral blood and cord blood lymphocytes incubated alone and with pokeweed mitogen was quantitated. The cord blood lymphocytes produced no immunoglobulin even with mitogen stimulation while the adult peripheral blood lymphocytes responded to the mitogen with a significant (p<0.04) increase in immunoglobulin production.  相似文献   

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