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Song Fang 《科技信息》2007,(9):128-130
I.IntroductionVirginia Woolf speaks of Middlemarch as“the magnificentbook which with all its imperfection is one of the few Englishnovels written for grown-up people.”(Rubinstein,795)Middlemarch is also George Henry Lewes’favorite amongEliot’s books.Indeed,compared with Eliot’s earlier works,Middlemarch,a close“study of provincial life”,is more matureand complex.In the small provincial town——Middlemarch,individualsfrom different classes interact with each other and theirrelations…  相似文献   

Hardy's masterpiece Tess of The D'urbevilles depicts the heroine's miserable life,revealing out the objective cause of society reality and subjective cause of heroine's own character.Society objective reality cause is a hypocritical capitalism morality standard,heroine's own weck character is but:Dare to resist tradition morality being not able to shake off that,and whose double character were yoke her completely.  相似文献   

Anne Bront? was the youngest of the Bront? sisters.Together the three sisters left a brilliant page in the history of English literature.Her work The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was a great success the moment it was published and was highly praised by many outstanding British critics.He heroine in the book,Helen Huntingdon,was a young lady with noble-minded and gentle nature.With her spirit of self-esteem and self-reliance as well as her wonderful deed of slamming her bedroom door against her husband,Helen fought bravely with the inequality between men and women in the old British society in the mid 19th century.The purpose of this article is to pay good tribute to Helen's great personality,and moreover,to acknowledge and reorganize the almost forgotten literary genius Anne Bront?.  相似文献   

The beautiful and warm-hearted girl,Tess of the D’urbervilles was Thomas Hardy’s masterpiece.In this novel,Hardy described a beautiful and warm hearted girl’s experience.As we take pity on her,we can’t restrain ourselves from wondering what caused her tragedy.The capitalist moral bias and hypocritical martial system were the main reasons.Of course,there were also other related factors,which worked together:this pure girl became the sacrifice of that society.  相似文献   

The Great Gatsby is considered as F.Scott Fitzgerald's most important book.This paper will concentrate on the symbolic meaning of Gatsby's tragedy-the end of the mythical American dream.Gatsby's personal experience approximates the whole of the American dream.This paper gives a detailed analysis on the formation of his dream,his great efforts in realizing his dream and his disillusionment.  相似文献   

黄晶晶 《科技信息》2012,(6):210-211
Aristotle is the greatest scholar of ancient Greece, his Poetics is considered as a classic theoretical work in the history of westernliterature, which mainly refers to the theory of tragedy. The paper aims at analyzing Eugene O’Neill’s Desire Under the Elms by applyingAristotle’s Tragedy Theory in order to acquire a sharp and deep understanding of literature and art.  相似文献   

World-renownedscientistsFangShu-Cherng,FellowoftheInstituteofIndustrialEngineers,WalterClarkProfes-sorofNorthCarolinaStateUniversity,anddirectorofGraduateProgramsinIndustrialEngineeringandOperationsResearch,andProf.WayKuo,MemberofUSNationalAcademyofEngineeringanddeanofEngineeringofUni-versityofTennessee,werenamedChairProfessorsofTsinghuaonDecember17,2004.“WewilltryourbesttopromotenotonlytheoperationsresearchandIndustrialEngineeringofTsinghuabutalsothatofChinaontotheworldstage,…  相似文献   

叶晗堃 《科技信息》2006,(10):308-309
IntroductionWilliam Faulkner(1897-1962),a major figure ofcontemporary American literature,was representative of SouthLiterature in the United States.He wrote19long novels andmore than100short stories in his.He was famous for his longnovel named The Sound …  相似文献   

D.H.Lawerence's masterpiece Sons and Lovers portraits one vivid female figure,Gertrude Morel,who adds a great luster to the work itself.With a discussion of her desire to dominate the thesis brings the completeness and vividness of her characteristics into full display.  相似文献   

孙利苹 《科技信息》2008,(8):149-150
Pride and Prejudice and Little Women both describe girls' love stories with the former revealing the essence of bourgeoisie's marriage system while the latter paying more attention to the importance of personality's consummation.From the research and analysis of the two novels we can find that family education plays a crucial role in the forming of children's personalities while different personalities can lead to different outlooks of life and attitudes towards marriage.The totally different ways the two families adopt in educating their children really can give us some inspiration.  相似文献   

李岩 《科技信息》2009,(30):172-173
In the novel The French Lieutenant's Woman,the two major female role--Ernestina and Sarah,can be the representative images of Victorian women. Sarah's speech and behaviors reveal the spirit of emancipation and freedom,while Ernestina is the conservative and depressed women in that period. Through the analysis of them,the social values of Victorian period are presented clearly. This also reflects John Fowles'attitude towards women.  相似文献   

Allium alabasicum (D.S.Wen et Sh.Chen)Y.Z.Zhao,sp.nov.fig.1.——A.polyrhizum Turcz.ex Regelvar.alabasicum D.S.Wen et Sh.Chen,in sched.Species affinis A.mongolico Regel,sed planta pumila,circ.10cm alta;foliis filiformibus,perspicuelongioribus quam scapis;umbella laxa,pauciflora,saepe 4~5 flora;tepalis 3~3.5mm longis;filamentislongitudine tepala fere aequanribus;filamentis internis basi circ.1/4 dilatatis trianguli-ovatis;ovariis basinectariis operculatis concavis differt.Bulbus multus,spisse cespitosus,teres,tunicis exterioribus fuscis,in fibras dehiscentibus.Foliasemitertia vel teretia,filiformia,6~10cm longa,circ.0.3mm crasa,perspicue longiora quam scapi.  相似文献   

Weintroduceafamilyofbraided Liealgebras .TheyareLiealgebrasintheunifyingYetter Drinfeld Longmodulecategory JJMQQwhereJandQareHopfalgebras.Westudytheirstructureandthebraided LiestructureofanalgebraAin JJMQQ .Definition 3.1 Abraided LiealgebraisanobjectLin JJMQQ(see[1])togetherwithabracketoperation :[,]:L L →L (see [2 ]) ,whichisan JJMQQ morphismsatisfying :(a)braided anticommutativity :[a ,b]=- [a(- 1) ·b0 ,a0 ·b(1) ]   (b)braided Jacobiidentity :[a b c]+ [S(3 12 ) (a…  相似文献   

梁玉红 《科技信息》2013,(17):241-241,297
As the unique heritage of culture,humor has its own characteristics.Whether the translation of verbal humor can convey the original culture accurately is vital.In this thesis,the author will make a study on the translation of verbal humor in Yu Hua 's novel Brothers from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory,which examines whether the translation version reproduces the style of the original text accurately and adequately.  相似文献   

AThree-valuedExtensionofECWA¥HeJia;QiuYuhui(DepartmentofComputerscience,SouthwestChinaNormalUniversity,Chongqing630715)Abstra...  相似文献   

Amorphous alloys, relatively recent metallic materials, exhibit many excellent properties because of their unique structure. They have attracted tremendous attention from both scientists and engineers since their initial discovery 50 years ago. In the early stages, scientists focused on developing new alloy systems with good amorphous structure forming ability and to un-  相似文献   

赫易 《科技信息》2010,(3):I0239-I0239
Even though Samuel Beckett's works,Waiting for Godot,reflects the idea of absurdism that mainly describes the desolation and the spirit crisis of modern west after two world wars,he doesn't deprive us of all the hopes.In this article we are going to interpret roughly where the hope is embedded in four aspects.  相似文献   

Listening is an essential component of communication in human life. It's also a basic skill in English learning. But for most college students, among listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, listening is the most difficult one. This paper was designed to survey the English listening obstacles in college and focuses on the categories of the listening obstacles in English teaching in college. From the paper, the readers can have a general idea about English listening obstacles and get some useful advices from the participants.  相似文献   

宿桂艳 《科技信息》2010,(24):150-150
Different people will react to war differently.In this essay,we will see three kinds of feelings to the WWII,or to any war.Some people are very active and volunteer to fight for something they love.Some people are in fear of losing their loved ones but they also can understand the importance of some wars.Some people are very passive to any war,finding no meaning.The discussion is about these attitudes.There is more behind the war for people to think about,too.  相似文献   

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