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森林生态系统由于其复杂的物质循环与能量转化通道,直接参与地图一生物圈问的生物地球化学循环。因此,对森林生态系统结构与功能的研究一直是研究全球生态环境问题的核心。目前在这个研究领域的共识是:对生态系统功能的了解首先是基于对系统组分过程结构和动态的理解,而生态系统多功能的持续性机制在于确保组成系统的各组分过程结构的维持和良好的协调。在森林群落生态系统中,最基本的植物、生态学过程是能流传输(transfer)和分配(partitioning)过程,碳、养分和水循环过程,生态位的相对稳定和分化过程以及植物的生长,死亡和更新过程。川西亚高山针叶林是我国西部目前唯一保存良好的天然森林。除了它重要的、不可替代的生态、经济和社会地位外,从生态系统本身以及与全球气候变化的联系上,地处高寒环境下的川西亚高山针叶林生态系统有其独特之处:相对简单的层次结构和种丰富度,清晰的更新和演替规律,有意义的地质、气候和区系历史,巨大的土壤冷冻碳库,更加分化的结构和功能类型,复杂的地形、地貌组合以及生态位的多样性等。这些特征一方面给系统生态过程研究带来许多挑战性的问题,另一方面为研究植被动态过程以及植被与气候变化相互作用提供了一个天然实验室。  相似文献   

The quartz clock, the first to replace the pendulum as the time standard and later a ubiquitous and highly influential technology, originated in research on means for determining frequency for the needs of telecommunication and the interests of its users. This article shows that a few groups in the US, Britain, Italy and the Netherlands developed technologies that enabled the construction of the new clock in 1927–28. To coordinate complex and large communication networks, the monopolistic American Telephone and Telegraph Company, and national laboratories needed to determine and maintain a common ‘standard’ frequency measurement unit. Exploiting novel piezoelectric quartz methods and valve electronics techniques, researchers in these organizations constructed a new crystal-based frequency standard. To ensure its accuracy they compared it to an accepted absolute standard - an astronomical clock, constructing thereby the first quartz clock. Other groups, however, had different, though connected, technological aims, which originated from the diverse interests of the industrial, governmental and academic institutes to which they belonged, and for which they needed to measure, control and manipulate with frequencies of electric oscillations. The present article suggests a comparative examination of the research and development paths of these groups on their incentives, the technological and scientific resources they utilized, and the kind of research carried out in the various institutional settings.  相似文献   

The Surrey Institution, Blackfriars, founded in 1808, was, after the Royal Institution and London Institution, the third establishment in London aimed at fostering and disseminating scientific, technical, and literary knowledge and understanding among a wider public. The Institution offered its proprietors and subscribers the use of an extensive reference library and reading rooms and, most importantly, the opportunity to attend courses of lectures on scientific, technological, and other subjects. Though popular in approach, the lectures conformed to high educational standards and were delivered by recognized authorities in their fields. In the Surrey Institution's celebrated auditorium, the 'Rotunda', there appeared over the years such notable scientists as Accum, Thomson, and Gurney on chemistry, Millington, Mason Good, and Woodward on natural philosophy, Bakewell on geology, and Shaw on natural history; literature was brilliantlyrepresented by Coleridge and Hazlitt. During its relatively brief life-span (1808-23)-cut short by financial stringencies-the Surrey Institution provided access to scientific knowledge and thinking to a wide and appreciative audience. As a meeting place fo scientists and men of business with mercantile and manufacturing interests, it performed an important function in cross-fertilizing and reinforcing ideas on innovation and enterprise against the background of the ongoing Industrial Revolution. The present article attempts to supply a historical account, so far lacking, of the foundation, activities and achievements of this significant Institution of the metropolis.  相似文献   

世界主要海洋国家海洋发展战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对美国、英国、加拿大、日本、俄罗斯以及中国周边海洋国家的海洋发展战略进行了不同程度的分析。美、英、加等海洋国家从海洋科技发展入手,实施了中长期海洋行动计划,推动海洋高科技发展;日本强调海洋立法、重视海洋技术的提升;俄罗斯、中国周边国家则注重海洋军事的发展,海洋军事的发展依赖并带动海洋科技的发展。北极海域的争夺成为环北极国家新一轮海洋发展战略的重点。  相似文献   

The number of mature osteoblasts and marrow adipocytes in bone is influenced by the differentiation of the common mesenchymal progenitor cell towards one phenotype and away from the other. Consequently, factors which promote adipogenesis not only lead to fatty marrow but also inhibit osteoblastogenesis, resulting in decreased osteoblast numbers, diminished bone formation and, potentially, inadequate bone mass and osteoporosis. In addition to osteoblast and bone adipocyte numbers being influenced by this skewing of progenitor cell differentiation towards one phenotype, mature osteoblasts and adipocytes secrete factors which may evoke changes in the cell fate and function of each other. This review examines the endogenous factors, such as PPAR-γ2, Wnt, IGF-1, GH, FGF-2, oestrogen, the GP130 signalling cytokines, vitamin D and glucocorticoids, which regulate the selection between osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis and the interrelationship between fat and bone. The role of adipokines on bone, such as adiponectin and leptin, as well as adipose-derived oestrogen, is reviewed and the role of bone as an energy regulating endocrine organ is discussed.  相似文献   

An account is given of early geological researches in the Malverns, the Church Stretton area, and the Wrekin. The reconnaissance work of Murchison suggested that each of these areas had Silurian sediments, intruded by igneous rocks (called trap or syenite). The early Survey maps were compiled on this theoretical basis, with the result that the Silurian sediments were regarded as the oldest rocks in Shropshire and the Malverns. Local geologists, working in the three areas, and with sufficient time to study the exposures in detail, began to develop the idea of ‘islands’ of Precambrian (Archaean) rock (perhaps showing some stratification), having younger sediments deposited thereon. This Archaean model was taken up and actively developed, and the stratigraphical details worked out, with the island model being gradually modified. Debates were stronger between members of the ‘Archaean’ fraternity than with the Survey. Traces of trilobite remains were found by Callaway at Comley, near Caer Caradoc, and were identified by Lapworth as Olenellus, enabling the underlying Wrekin Quartzite to be established as the base of the Cambrian, in agreement with ideas developed in North America and Scandinavia. Arguments are detailed concerning the relative ages of the ‘Uriconian’ and ‘Longmyndian’ rocks, and their constituent units. Both were agreed to be Precambrian, but the evidence in terms of field mapping, in relation to the Wrekin Quartzite, is not complete. The problems of stratigraphical work in unfossiliferous rocks are displayed, and also the efforts to achieve correlations with areas such as Pembrokeshire and Anglesey are described. Though consensus has been reached on the Precambrian status of the Malvernian, Uriconian and Longmyndian rocks, radiometric age determinations and other evidence throw doubt on some aspects of the consensus, and research continues.  相似文献   

The London Institution, established in the City of London in 1807, was devoted, as its full title proclaimed, to the 'advancement of Literature and the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge'. With its extensive lecture programme, splendid reference library, reading rooms, laboratory and other amenities, it provided for its members a scientific and cultural centre, modelled on the highly successful and fashionable Royal Institution in London's West End. Among its scientific activities, chemistry long maintained a leading role, in terms of both the sheer volume and variety of its presentations, and the high standing of its lecturers; they included Faraday, Playfair, Hofmann, Roscoe, Odling, Norman Lockyer, Meldola, and Sir William Ramsay, as well as other visiting lecturers, specially selected for their ability to present their subject in an interesting and attractive fashion to a wider lay public. The laboratory of the Institution, although limited in size and facilities, was the scene of instruction in practical chemistry, and between 1863 and 1884 attained the reputation of a significant centre of chemical research during the successive tenure of the professorship in chemistry by J. A. Wanklyn and H. E. Armstrong. Their publications, appearing under the device 'From the Laboratory of the London Institution', were a frequent feature of the leading chemical periodicals. Thus, within its many-sided activities, the Institution promoted significantly the public appreciation of the function of chemistry, as a contributor both to pure knowledge, and to technical and economic progress. It achieved this in an environment of influential City merchants, manufacturers and financiers and doubtless led to beneficient, if unrecorded, consequences. It was only towards the close of the nineteenth century, when the universities had become increasingly concerned with the systematic study of the discipline, that chemistry lost its direct impact in the London Institution, but continued to maintain a presence within its cultural framework.  相似文献   

Maxwell’s writings exhibit an enduring preoccupation with the role of metaphysics in the advancement of science, especially the progress of physics. I examine the question of the distinction and the proper relation between physics and metaphysics and the way in which the question relies on key notions that bring together much of Maxwell’s natural philosophy, theoretical and experimental. Previous discussions of his attention to metaphysics have been confined to specific issues and polemics such as conceptions of matter and the problem of free will. I suggest a unifying pattern based on a generalized philosophical perspective and varying expressions, although never a systematic or articulated philosophical doctrine, but at least a theme of action and active powers, natural and human, intellectual and material, with sources and grounds in theology, moral philosophy and historical argument. While science was developing in the direction of professional specialization and alongside the rise of materialism, Maxwell held on to conservative intellectual outlook, but one that included a rich scientific life and held science as part of a rich intellectual, cultural and material life. His philosophical outlook integrated his science with and captured the new Victorian culture of construction and work, political, economic, artistic and engineering.  相似文献   


During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Inquisition was the institution most invested in the censorship of printed books in the Portuguese empire. Besides publishing the Indices of Forbidden Books, the Holy Office was also responsible for overseeing their implementation and ensuring their efficacy in preventing the importation, reading, and circulation of banned books. Overall, the sixteenth-century Indices condemned 785 authors and 1081 titles, including 52 authors and 85 titles of medicine, natural history, natural philosophy, astronomy, chronology, cosmography, astrology, and divinatory arts. By looking at the largest collection of early modern scientific books in Portugal, I will argue that a closer inspection of marginalia and ownership, and the establishment of a typology of expurgations is essential for the comprehension of the actual practices and the mechanisms of censorship. By examining the material evidence of censorship, in order to reconstruct expurgation practices, this paper reveals the processes and effectiveness of ecclesiastical control in the Portuguese Inquisition and highlights the differences between what inquisitors wrote in the Indices and what others put into practice.  相似文献   

After the characterization of the central pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the expression of clock genes was identified in several peripheral tissues including the immune system. The hierarchical control from the central clock to peripheral clocks extends to other functions including endocrine, metabolic, immune, and mitochondrial responses. Increasing evidence links the disruption of the clock genes expression with multiple diseases and aging. Chronodisruption is associated with alterations of the immune system, immunosenescence, impairment of energy metabolism, and reduction of pineal and extrapineal melatonin production. Regarding sepsis, a condition coursing with an exaggerated response of innate immunity, experimental and clinical data showed an alteration of circadian rhythms that reflects the loss of the normal oscillation of the clock. Moreover, recent data point to that some mediators of the immune system affects the normal function of the clock. Under specific conditions, this control disappears reactivating the immune response. So, it seems that clock gene disruption favors the innate immune response, which in turn induces the expression of proinflammatory mediators, causing a further alteration of the clock. Here, the clock control of the mitochondrial function turns off, leading to a bioenergetic decay and formation of reactive oxygen species that, in turn, activate the inflammasome. This arm of the innate immunity is responsible for the huge increase of interleukin-1β and entrance into a vicious cycle that could lead to the death of the patient. The broken clock is recovered by melatonin administration, that is accompanied by the normalization of the innate immunity and mitochondrial homeostasis. Thus, this review emphasizes the connection between clock genes, innate immunity and mitochondria in health and sepsis, and the role of melatonin to maintain clock homeostasis.  相似文献   

近年来新西兰政府大力调整其科技政策,在建设知识社会的蓝图下,建构了科技投资的基本框架,凸显了知识、经济、环境、社会四大目标,另外通过对投资决策、运行和监督的改革,使政府科技投资的机制更为科学有效,本文还给出了新西兰政府近年来科技投资的分配比例状况,阐明了其投资的重点领域。  相似文献   

高校产学研一体化发展的实践与前瞻   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文探讨我国高校产学研一体化发展的必要性、可行性及其前景。从人类社会发展的历史特点入手,并借鉴了美国硅谷发展的经验和我国改革开放推进社会主义市场发展的需求,对高校产学研一体化发展的道路作了论述。针对目前高校产学研一体化中存在的问题,作者提出了加速高校产学研一体化发展的四条建议:1,高校产学研一体化发展必须转变观念,积极参与社会大循环;2,推进高校产学研一体化要有过硬的产品和准确的市场定位;3,高校产学研一体化发展要依托高科技园区,切实解决经费投入问题;4,高校产学研一体化发展要突出以人为本的思想,努力造就发明家和企业家。  相似文献   

森林水文生态效应及在川西亚高山针叶林群落中的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水资源亏缺是世界各国政府和科学家们普遍关注的热点问题,而森林在涵养水源、调节水量、减少径流泥沙、降低洪峰、改善水质等方面具有重要的功能,因此森林水文生态效应研究成为生态学家和水文学家们共同关注的焦点。迄今为止,有关森林水文生态效应的研究主要包括集水区森林水文生态效应、水土保持林水文生态效应和森林水文生态效益研究。川西亚高山针叶林位于长江上游青藏高原东缘,在水土保持和调节流域水量平衡等方面具有重要的生态功能。但迄今为止,有关川西亚高山针叶林水文生态效应的研究较少,主要为短期的、定性的、简单观测,这与其在长江流域水量平衡调节中的作用和地位极不相称。因此,建议在未来的研究中,从生态系统过程的角度加强以下研究:森林流域对径流影响的内在机理、不同树种水文生态效应及对比研究和养分循环及水质方面的研究,另外,因为气候、植被和水文密切相关,而且川西亚高山森林是对全球气候变化最敏感的地区之一,所以有必要探讨大气中CO2浓度升高等对森林水文生态效应的影响。  相似文献   

Flohr C 《Annals of science》1996,53(4):361-380
At the end of 1910, when the Qing dynasty was on the verge of collapse and the whole Chinese empire in a process of transformation, North Manchuria was devastated by a large pneumonic plague epidemic. The Russian and Japanese governments wanted to use the outbreak of the disease as a pretext to invade north-east China, making plague an issue of international politics. At this dramatic moment the empire relied on the skills of the young Chinese doctor Wu Lien-teh, the first Chinese medical graduate from Cambridge. Wu investigated the disease on the spot, chaired an international plague conference in Shenyang (Manchuria) in April 1911, and, later on, became the figurehead of fundamental public health reforms in Republican China. Highly ambitious, striving for personal fame and international renown for China, supported by an excellent network of personal connections, and equipped with a medical training considered the best in the world at the time, he launched on a startling career as one of China's key medical reformers and international representatives. His history is an example of the inseparable links between personal fate and historical events, and between the interests of scientists, medical men, politicians, and businessmen on the national and international stages.  相似文献   

演化是计算机软件的固有特性.了解演化规律,可以改进软件演化过程,提高软件质量,降低维护成本.本文定义类依赖图,将软件系统描述为软件网络,基于网络度量验证软件演化规律,并讨论软件演化建模的可行性.首先针对Lehman的8项演化定律,设计3个方面的网络度量:网络规模、网络质量、以及结构控制.然后基于四个开源软件系统构建软件网络,统计网络度量;实证研究表明:支持Lehman的4项演化定律,否定另外3项,即复杂度提升、持续增长、以及质量折旧定律.最后分别采用E-R模型和模块依附模型模拟软件系统的演化过程,所生成的随机网络同软件网络的比较结果说明,软件演化存在客观规律,能够通过建模来重现甚至优化.  相似文献   

In a long and many-sided career, William Hasledine Pepys (1775-1856) contributed significantly to the advancement of the chemical and physical sciences during the first half of the nineteenth century. As an original investigator he determined, in collaboration with William Allen, the composition of carbon dioxide, and the density of ammonia, and elucidated the chemical phenomena of respiration in man, animals, and plants. The success of these researches was largely due to the use of ingenious apparatus of his own invention and design. In the field of experimental physics, he investigated several aspects of the recently discovered Voltaic electricity: his 'Voltaic coil', consisting of only two plates, but of very large dimensions, was particularly suited for investigating electromagnetic phenomena and was so used in Davy's researches. Pepys was one of the co-founders of the Mineralogical and Geological Societies, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1808. As a prominent member of both the Royal and London Institutions, he held honorary office as Manager and Vice-President, contributing materially to the direction of the affairs of these bodies. Pepys was a friend of Humphry Davy and was acquainted with nearly all the leading scientists and medical men of the day. At the same time, he superintended a notable manufacture of surgical instruments in the City, and promoted by his active directorship the affairs of two public companies, both pioneers in their technological fields, namely the Imperial Continental Gas Association, which was active in introducing the new gas illumination to cities and towns across Europe, and the General Steam Navigation Company, which first maintained a regular passenger and cargo service to Continental ports by the exclusive use of steam-propelled vessels. Pepys' advice in scientific and technical matters was widely sought and freely given; he retained his mental powers to the end of his long life, fulfilling his professional commitments until a few days before his death.  相似文献   

The logical links between the Judaeo-Christian doctrine of creation and the practice of natural philosophy on the one hand, and the rejection of belief in demonic agency on the other, were made explicit in the seventeenth century by, among others, Balthasar Bekker (1634–98), whose ideas I argue to have been not without influence. In section 1, I present the accounts of three historians of the opposition to belief in witchcraft and of the decline of the witch-persecution, Hugh Trevor-Roper, Keith Thomas, and Brian Easlea. In section 2, I maintain that Bekker has been underestimated both by Trevor-Roper and by Easlea. In section 3, I investigate more generally some of the connections between the new natural philosophy and belief in supernatural interventions, cast doubt on the view that rejection of belief in witchcraft and the devil requires rejection of belief in creation, and thus supplement or qualify the accounts of Trevor-Roper, Thomas, and Easlea of why belief in witchcraft faded away.  相似文献   

Summary Trehalase from the salivary glands and the midgut ofSesamia inferens showed optimum activity at pH 5.8, and at temperatures of 50 and 60°C respectively. The increase in the incubation period, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration respectively increased the end-product, the hydrolysis, and the rate of hydrolysis of the substrate. Dialysis did not affect, tryptophan accelerated, and other amino acids and end-product inhibited the enzyme activity.The author wishes to express his thanks to ProfessorR. Rakshpal for his constructive criticism, and to University Grants Commission, India, for awarding a Junior Research Fellowship.  相似文献   

The present review provides a critical appraisal of the most important areas in cancer drug research and, ultimately, in clinical oncology and therapy, with emphasis on the elucidation of possible predictive designs for the development of new anticancer drugs. These assessments encompass the well-established anticancer drugs and congeners which have been employed over the years in clinical therapy, and the more recent exploratory agents still requiring further rigorous scrutiny in the clinical environment. These areas mainly include the bioreversible redox carriers, the boron neutron capture compounds, some new mitosis-interactive agents, cell cycle modifiers, biological-response mpdifiers, oncogene inhibitors, drug-antibody conjugates, cancer cell suppression and destruction agents, antiangiogenesis and antimetastasis agents, apoptosis-promoting agents, and gene therapy and vaccines.  相似文献   

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