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Mutants are essential genetic muterials to elucidation of biological functions of genes involved.Characterization and isolation of genes in mutants is one of the research tasks in functional genomic era.T-DNA insertional mutagenesis has provided an efficient way to identify genes in plant species.in which the mutated genes could be rapidly isolated once the mutant was confirmed by T-DNA inscrtion.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a lax mutant that exhibits altered panicle architecture in rice.The primary and secondary rachis-branches are normally initiated and each branch ends in a terminal spikelet,but all the lateral spikelets are absent and the terminal spikelet displays variegated structures in the mutant.An F2 population from the cross between the lax mutant and a japonica variety,W11,was constructed and analyzed.Using microsatellite and CAPS markers,the lax locus was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1,co-segregated with a CAPS marker,LZ1,within an interval of 0.28 cM between a CAPS marker,HB2,and a microsatellite marker,MRG4389.RT-PCR analysis revealed that the expressions of the rice B-function MADS-box genes OsMADS2,OsMADS4,OsMADS16 and OsMADS3 were significantly reduced,whereas the expression of the rice A-function gene RAPIA was not altered.  相似文献   

A rice male-sterile mutant OsMS-L of japonica cultivar 9522 background, was obtained in M4 population treated with ^60Co γ-Ray. Genetic analysis indicated that the male.sterile phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene. Results of tissue section showed that at microspore stage, OsMS-L tapetum was retarded. Then tapetal calls expanded and microspores degenerated. No matured pollens were observed in OsMS-L anther locus. To map OsMS-L locus, an F2 population was constructed from the cross between the OsMS-L (japonica) and LongTeFu B(indica). Firstly, the OsMS-L locus was roughly mapped between two SSR markers, RM109 and RM7562 on chromosome 2. And then eleven polymorphic markers were developed for further fine fine-mapping. At last the OsMS-L locus was mapped between the two lnDel markers, Lhsl0 and Lhs6 with genetic distance of 0.4 cM, respectively. The region was delimited to 133 kb. All these results were useful for further cloning and functional analysis of OsMS-L.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen fixation is one of the most im-portant biochemical reactions in nature. It is catalyzed by an anaerobic metalloenzyme complex-nitrogenase. Three genetically distinct nitrogenase systems exist in Azotobacter vinelandii (A. vinelandii): Mo-containing nitrogenase, V-containing one and “Fe only” nitro-genase[1―4]. They are composed of two separable com-ponent proteins. For example, conventional Mo-con- taining nitrogenase is composed of component I (MoFe protein) and com…  相似文献   

水稻沼肥栽培试验初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贵州省贵阳市息烽县西山乡柏香山村进行了以沼渣作底肥、沼液浸种、沼液叶面喷施3种因素,8个处理的试验。试验结果表明:1)沼液浸种具有明显的催芽、壮苗和增产作用。出苗率、平均绿叶片数、平均枯死叶片、秧苗平均白根数、苗高分别比常规浸种高7.3个百分点、多0.33片、少0.13片、多0.59条、高0.31 cm。2)沼液的叶面喷施对稻瘟病、纹枯病、稻曲病、二化螟等病虫害的防止有一定的效果。3)大区设置的沼液浸种种植比常规浸种略有增产,但增产效果不明显;沼液叶面喷施两次比不喷施沼液新增产量24.7kg/666.7m2,增产6.33%。  相似文献   

Green revolution: a mutant gibberellin-synthesis gene in rice   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The chronic food shortage that was feared after the rapid expansion of the world population in the 1960s was averted largely by the development of a high-yielding semi-dwarf variety of rice known as IR8, the so-called rice 'green revolution'. The short stature of IR8 is due to a mutation in the plant's sd1 gene, and here we identify this gene as encoding an oxidase enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of gibberellin, a plant growth hormone. Gibberellin is also implicated in green-revolution varieties of wheat, but the reduced height of those crops is conferred by defects in the hormone's signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Characterization and mapping of a white panicle mutant gene in rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A spontaneous white panicle mutant was found from the F6 progenies of an indicajaponica cross.The mutant exhibits white stripes on its basal leaves while the panicles,rachis and pedicel are milky white colored at flowering stage.Genetic analysis in an F2 population from the cross of Zhi7/white panicle mutant indicates that the white panicle phenotype is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene,tentatively termed as wp(t).Using microsatellite markers,the wp(t) gene was anchored between the markers of SSR101 and SSR63.9 with a map distance of 2.3 and 0.8cM,respectively,and co-segregated with the marker of SSR17 on rice chromosome 1.  相似文献   

水稻钵苗行栽机试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍了研制成功的水稻钵苗行栽机的构造和工作原理,以及样机的性能指标检测和生产试验.试验结果表明:该机的检测项目均达到或超过设计指标,满足水稻生产要求;采用水稻钵苗行栽机作业与人工抛秧相比具有生产效率高、秧苗分布均匀、直立度好等特点;与插秧相比具有栽植深度适宜、植伤轻、缓苗快的优点,作业质量显著提高;每公顷可增产558kg,增产幅度达到10.0%,具有明显的增产效果.水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想的一种水稻移栽机械.  相似文献   

安全发展是人类可持续发展的重要保证。开展安全审计工作,有助于企业特别是矿山企业切实落实安全生产主体责任,建立矿山安全生产长效机制。在探讨建立安全审计理论框架基础上,论述了安全审计实务工作的开展。  相似文献   

A rice initiation-type lesion mimic mutant (lmi) was identified, which was isolated from an indica rice Zhongxian 3037 through γ radiation mutagenesis. Trypan blue staining and sterile culture revealed that the mutant spontaneously developed lesions on the leaves in a developmentally regulated and light-dependent manner. Genetic analysis indicated that the lesion mimic trait was controlled by a single resessive locus. Using public molecular markers and an F2 population derived from lmi and 93-11, we mapped the lmi locus to the short arm of chromosome 8, nearby the centromere, between two SSR markers RM547 and RM331. The genetic distance was 1.2 and 3.2 cM, respectively. Then according to the public rice genomic sequence between the two SSR markers, lmi was further finely tagged by three CAPS markers: C4135-8, C4135-9 and C4135-10. And lmi locus was a co-segregated with marker C4135-10, providing a starting point for lmi gene cloning.  相似文献   

在60Coγ射线辐照的水稻突变体库中,发现了一个以粳稻品种日本晴为遗传背景的幼苗叶色黄化突变体syl11(seedling yellow leaf 11).与野生型相比,突变体幼苗第二和第三叶表现黄色,在其完全展开之前叶片自其顶端开始转绿,长到四叶期其叶色恢复正常;并且该突变体syl11幼苗黄色叶片光合色素含量明显下降.遗传分析表明,该突变体的遗传性状由1对隐性核基因控制.本研究以培矮64S/syl11的F2代突变型植株作为定位群体,应用微卫星(SSR)分子标记以及新发展的InDel分子标记,将基因syl11定位在水稻第11号染色体长臂上的RM26652和处于着丝粒附近的ID11974分子标记之间,其遗传距离分别为0.5 cM和0.7 cM.  相似文献   

水稻白化突变体alb21生理特性和基因定位   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
高等植物叶绿体的正常发育需要叶绿体基因和核基因相互协调,这些基因的突变将导致叶绿体发育的缺陷.通过同位素诱变,获得了1例水稻的白化突变体alb21,其在幼苗时期就表现出白化性状,生长1个月左右逐渐死亡.遗传学分析表明,该突变属于单基因隐性突变;电镜观察表明,突变体细胞内完全丧失了叶绿体结构,只有一些空泡状的结构.突变体中既没有检测出叶绿素a或b,也没有检测出叶绿素合成的前体——原脱植基叶绿素a,说明此突变体的叶绿素合成途径受阻.因此,推测Alb21基因的突变,导致叶绿体发育受阻,叶绿素a或b以及叶绿素合成的前体——原脱植基叶绿素a不能合成.利用本实验室开发的水稻InDel分子标记,将该突变基因定位在第3条染色体上分子标记R3M51—2与R3M52—5之间约1520kb范围内.这些结果为该基因的克隆及叶绿体发育过程中的功能研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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